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What are the keyboard shortcuts?

Keyboard shortcuts save you time by letting you explore Remember The Milk quickly.


Shortcut Key Definition Action
g then i Go to Inbox Go to the Inbox
g then a Go to All Tasks Go to the All Tasks view
g then t Go to Today Go to the Today view
g then o Go to Tomorrow Go to the Tomorrow view
g then w Go to This Week Go to the This Week view
g then v Go to Given to others Go to the Given to others view
g then d Go to Trash Go to the Trash
g then m Go to list Go to a specific list
g then c Go to contact Go to a specific contact
g then s Go to tag Go to a specific tag
g then l Go to location Go to a specific location


Shortcut Key Definition Action
t Add Add a new item to the current list
/ Search tasks Focus the search box
; Show/hide navigation Show/hide the navigation sidebar
. Open More menu Open the More menu
? Open shortcuts help Show the keyboard shortcuts


Shortcut Key Definition Action
* then a Select All Select all tasks in the current list
* then n Select None Select none of the tasks in the current list
* then t Select Today Select all tasks due today in the current list
* then o Select Tomorrow Select all tasks due tomorrow in the current list
* then v Select Overdue Select all overdue tasks in the current list


Shortcut Key Definition Action
k Move Up When on a list, move the cursor up
j Move Down When on a list, move the cursor down
h Switch between Incomplete/Completed When on a list, switch between Incomplete and Completed tabs


Shortcut Key Definition Action
c Complete Complete the selected task/s
p Postpone Postpone the selected task/s if they have a due date
Shift + p Postpone Postpone the selected task/s by one day if they have a due date
w Start Date Change the start date of the selected task
d Due Date Change the due date of the selected task
f Repeat Change the repeat of the selected task
e Time Estimate Change the time estimate of the selected task
! Change priority Change the priority of the selected task/s
1 Priority 1 Set the priority of the selected task/s to 1
2 Priority 2 Set the priority of the selected task/s to 2
3 Priority 3 Set the priority of the selected task/s to 3
4 No Priority Set the selected task/s to have no priority
m Change list Change the list for the selected task/s
s Tags Change the tags for the selected task/s
l Location Change the location for the selected task
u URL Change the URL for the selected task
Shift + u Open URL Open the URL for the selected task in your browser
v Give to Give the selected task/s to a contact
b Set reminder Set a reminder for the selected task
r Rename Rename the selected task
y Add Note Add a note to the selected task
Ctrl or Command + Enter Save note Save a task's note when editing it
i Select Task When on a list, select an task
o Open Task When in single-pane view, open a task's details
<Del> Delete Delete the currently selected task(s)
z Undo Undo the last action
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