Sunrise and sunset time of day Started by pac1250 General | |
Repeating Tasks to also update the Start Date Started by jamesr404 General | |
Group By List groups ordered same as Lists Started by rfrancis Web app | |
Allow adding tasks in the location list Started by tyisi Web app | |
Wear OS App Started by syk3 New apps | |
Assign a task's estimate based on the estimate of its subtasks Started by suburbanbuddha Web app | |
Include option to include tasks available to start in Today Started by mystwillow Web app | |
Enable URL Links to Obsidian Started by petejdc New integrations | |
More events in webhooks Started by sirlouen New apps | |
MilkScript - favorites Started by tvjames Web app | |
MilkScript - bind scripts to keyboard shortcuts Started by tvjames General | |
Evernote tasks sync with RTM Started by criminal109 New integrations | |
Show the number of days since the task was created, in the style of how labels are displayed. Started by chioxi New apps | |
move tasks as subtasks using keyboard shortcuts Started by chioxi General | |
Smart Lists: when adding a task, prompt asking which list to add to Started by mddperkins General | |
Have the RTM team respond to and update status on feature request Started by kenneho Web app | |
Extension Started by robgg Web app | |
Task timer? Started by floweringtree Web app | |
Custom names for custom (advanced) sorting/grouping of tasks? Started by floweringtree Web app | |
YouTube or other site previews when pasting a link Started by (closed account) Web app | |