Ideas Forum

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Import/export list settings, including Smart Lists

Started by (closed account) Web app1 comment

Support for OpenStreetMap maps

Started by evgeniysmoley Web app5 comments

Support for searching in the radius of a location (e.g. tasks within 3 miles of Home Depot)

Started by davidscottweaver Web app0 comments

Show a URL icon when a task has a URL

Started by ndurant Web app15 comments

New due date format: ASAP

Started by davidmhunter Web app5 comments

New repeat option: after [number] days/weeks/months in [month names] (e.g. 'after 2 weeks in june, july, august')

Started by davidscottweaver Web app2 comments

Customize the number of hours in a work day, so the total time estimate can show number of working days

Started by Web app2 comments

Automatically bring up the browser's print command on the print view

Started by dlmead_ninacasey Web app0 comments

Show a random task

Started by pradery Web app7 comments

Always show the tag cloud (currently disappears when you mouseover a task in the list)

Started by matthew.mahoney Web app4 comments

Support for virtual locations (e.g. 'office', 'kitchen')

Started by tandoor Web app11 comments

Keyboard shortcut to invert your selection

Started by (closed account) Web app1 comment

Keyboard shortcut support for different languages and keyboards

Started by yurimalinov Web app4 comments

Ability to set a due date for a particular tag

Started by (closed account) Web app0 comments

Ability to add multiple tags when using auto-complete in the tags field (currently when you select one tag, it moves to the next field)

Started by shecasx Web app1 comment

Ability to add tags on the Settings screen

Started by jennifer.byrne Web app0 comments

Support entering time estimates as .25 for 15 minutes

Started by jennifer.byrne Web app0 comments

Popup that confirms you want to leave an unsaved note (ala Gmail)

Started by jef Web app0 comments

Option to automatically delete tasks after completion

Started by (closed account) Web app2 comments

Hierarchical tags

Started by luken Web app3 comments