Multiple selection (checkbox) and "select all" in search results Started by maapinho Android app | |
Don't dismiss a notification when tapping on it Started by primarily338 Android app | |
Prevent notifications being dismissed accidentally Started by primarily338 Android app | |
More color options for "Priorities." Started by jcrisch Android app | |
Create new tags AFTER (not during!) editing the tags field, to be more robust to typos Started by tsuioku Android app | |
UX: I always mix up start and due date because of the icons Started by mesmes Android app | |
setting time after selecting a suggested date Started by olivier.jeannin Android app | |
Sort tasks by due date on widget Started by emma274az Android app | |
increase the font size of the application by means of a slider bar Started by chioxi Android app | |
postpone a task more than one day in the android app Started by panek.uwe Android app | |
Move checkmark away from Save Started by ulinlam19 Android app | |
Android 12 widget update? Started by dave.liao Android app | |
Support for Surface Duo hardware Started by dave.liao Android app | |
Android Widget Font Size Started by vince.montes Android app | |
Overflow-wrap on smart list. Started by chillimania Android app | |
Optimize the android app for e-ink devices Started by jeromesantini Android app | |
Different alphabetical order of Lists and Tags with special chars at different devices Started by romakhar Android app | |
Sort emoji lists first in lists (or ignore them in list names) Started by dave.liao Android app | |
Add 'search notes' toggle Started by rich_zigo Android app | |
Custom/alternative positions for Save and Edit buttons Started by rich_zigo Android app | |