Hide tag when it's the only tag being searched for Started by erichdongubler General | |
bigger field for editing task name Started by ph_arnaud General | |
Make postponing a repeating task work finally.. Started by azaz44 General | |
Daily digest 'send on the following days' toggle Started by stevenff General | |
Delegate task with notifications on accepted/completed/postponed/rescheduled Started by emielvdr General | |
visual cue if a delegated task has been updated Started by andreaszock General | |
Contacts without email-address Started by (closed account) General | |
Take breaks from repeating tasks Started by melissavdb General | |
Smartlist containing fixed number of tasks Started by solarlynx General | |
Limit total time estimate in smart lists Started by (closed account) General | |
Option to add custom CSS to desktop applications Started by ryan88 General | |
Edit fields by clicking on it Started by dg_going_uphill General | |
Search for Started by mcgaritydotme General | |
Fix the timezone syncing problems between browser and desktop and mobile apps Started by (closed account) General | |
Hide unused categories on the left side for a cleaner look Started by eeelya General | |
Lower-than-normal priority (-1?) Started by gioele General | |
Setting to auto-delete empty tags Started by thejaswi General | |
Add tasks as completed with Smart Add (for history) Started by mschuette General | |
Add tasks to "Given to Others" manually Started by andsterling General | |
Vote on Ideas for Tester Program Started by wildlarva General | |