I need to take a medicine for five days at 8:00 AM in the morning, which is repeated every fifteen days. How do I set this? Started by mmasroorali Reminders | 6 | 6 years ago |
add a field in bulk Started by missymssy Reminders | 1 | 6 years ago |
today reminders didn't work properly Started by cacelotto Reminders | 1 | 6 years ago |
Location alerts Started by mjrudolphi Reminders | 5 | 6 years ago |
Google Hangouts - reminders not working Started by skrobul Reminders | 31 | 7 years ago |
Reminders via Mac OS Notifications system? Started by richtack Reminders | 6 | 7 years ago |
"remind me today" not working on apple watch siri Started by dancheng Reminders | 3 | 7 years ago |
RTM Reminders getting spammed Started by (closed account) Reminders | 1 | 7 years ago |
Always receive reminders on due tasks even when the option is not selected Started by wilsontang Reminders | 2 | 8 years ago |
Daily Digest stops coming Started by bkruse59 Reminders | 1 | 8 years ago |
Desktop Notifications not working Started by richtack Reminders | 6 | 8 years ago |
Not receiving reminders Started by (closed account) Reminders | 8 | 8 years ago |
do you have to mark repeating tasks as complete? Started by flint61 Reminders | 2 | 8 years ago |
Google Project Fi Started by gdoten Reminders | 3 | 8 years ago |
Siri Reminders Started by jstaso Reminders | 5 | 8 years ago |
Gtalk & ICQ BOTs offline Started by gerryino Reminders | 1 | 9 years ago |
Gtalk & ICQ BOTs offline Started by gerryino Reminders | 0 | 9 years ago |
How do I undo / stop Evernote Reminders syncing? Started by (closed account) Reminders | 2 | 10 years ago |
Is there a way to view the creation time for a reminder? Started by greg2500 Reminders | 1 | 10 years ago |
Different reminder times for different tasks Started by honey6buns Reminders | 3 | 10 years ago |