Calendar view for selecting due date

(closed account) says:
I would like to have a calendar view for selecting due date for a task, instead of - or as an alternative to the current year/month/day up/down button interface.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We've now improved this with the new Remember The Milk, with a new way to choose due dates and times in the app. We hope you like it! :)

rivkamord says:
I second that!

(closed account) says:
I agree.

planetlowe says:
Yes please.

dwntwnbboy0133 says:
Fully agree!!

carsten.thiele says:
Yes, that would be useful!

ccabe says:
Very useful.

varad says:
I Agree, that'd be great.

ryan.turner says:

jasonwhit says:

markevans36301 says:
yes, please +1

eric.gutt says:

nicolas.racine says:

radioact1ve says:
Agree, and I also suggest being able to add the task to the calendar itself.

ginigma says:

fullrg says:
Agreed too !

jeff.barker says:

sjp03uk says:
+1 this would be the most favoured option
Alternative would be something like the scrolling "fruit machine" date app in GCal, although the inclusion of the actual day (not just the date) would be better
Alternative would be something like the scrolling "fruit machine" date app in GCal, although the inclusion of the actual day (not just the date) would be better

sandidandi says:
+1 Can't believe this basic functionality doesn't already exist. Have never seen an tasks/action program without it!

janine_willis says:
I know...I'm not understanding how this works without a calendar to choose due date.

wernst says:
Dito. You know the main website could use a calendar date picker too. Doesn't jquery have one that's ready to go?

supersloth says:

jbrace says:
i'm surprised they don't already have this!!

(closed account) says:

(closed account) says:
How about the ability to view tasks on a calendar. Or sync tasks to the native Android calendar. When someone calls me and asks if I'm available at 10:00 am two weeks from Friday it's impossible to find out. This seems pretty basic to me.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
See our instructions for using iCalendar with Google Calendar. That should do what you want.
See our instructions for using iCalendar with Google Calendar. That should do what you want.

(closed account) says:
The date and time pickers can be hard to use if you need to change an hour or day by more than a couple numbers.
The date and time pickers can be hard to use if you need to change an hour or day by more than a couple numbers.

(closed account) says:
+1 Please add it soon. I hate 'guessing' a date just to see what day it lands on and then having to edit it. A simple calendar to choose from is really needed.

william.digiorgio says:
I was wondering how to get calendar view for entering due dates, too. I know I've had it pop-up sometime. Wondering what the secret is?

(closed account) says:
+1, calendar picker would be great

kaizentric says:
A small calendar view/jselection a la every travel search engine seems like a no-brainer here, what's the deal?
A small calendar view/jselection a la every travel search engine seems like a no-brainer here, what's the deal?

simonx182 says:
very important.

kdonofrio says:
I agree.

(closed account) says:
Yes. Please. The prior version had it and was easier.

massimo.mauri says:

faramant says:
See aCalendar app with its wheel-based selection.

marmot4 says:
I manage my todo list primarily by due date. Which means I frequently find myself postponing stuff if I don't get to it. But I don't usually postpone just by a day. For example, if it's a task like "do some work on the house", I'll postpone that to next week. The current Android app date interface is so cumbersome, slow, and doesn't provide relevant info (like the day of the week), that I honestly find it verging on unusable.
I've been using RTM for years, recently became a pro subscriber, but this part of the Android app especially is driving me to consider Any.Do. You guys seriously need to put some love into your UIs!
I've been using RTM for years, recently became a pro subscriber, but this part of the Android app especially is driving me to consider Any.Do. You guys seriously need to put some love into your UIs!

kenichiro.hagihara says:

akirashoji says:
Me tooo

swenheinrichs says:

wesfoster says:
Agreed. Evernote's app implements this nicely