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Location-based notifications

nick.henry says:
Having push notifications arrive based on location would, to me, be life-changing. I don't have the presence of mind to check the RTM app every time I suspect there might be a task I can accomplish nearby, so a reminder would be nice.

(Allowing multiple locations for an item would also be helpful in this.) Thanks you guys rock!
Posted at 9:14pm on January 4, 2011
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi nick.henry,
Thanks for your feedback!
Posted 14 years ago
martinpacker says:
Right, getting in the car to go into town is a once-a-fortnight or so thing for me. Something like this would be very handy. Unfortunately once I've gotten in to town would be late. So some sense of where I'm GOING to be would be useful: I could check "things to do when in Wallingford" as opposed to "things to do where I AM".
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
For your uses, you may wish to use the Locations view to look at a map overview of where your tasks are.

Hope that helps!
Posted 14 years ago
kason says:
I completely agree with the op.

When I stop by the grocery store, I want to feel a buzz in my pocket that says "Get razors."

If locations could be grouped, it would be even more super awesome.

Also if the location of a particular task was near other tasks, it would be cool to get a notification that says, you're doing X task, there are Y tasks near X task.
Posted 13 years ago
spacebear says:
Those suggestions sound AWESOME.
Posted 13 years ago
jacobkball says:
Yes, this feature would be fantastic :-) +1 vote from me!
Posted 13 years ago
romanma says:
Absolutely important feature. I would love it. What would help in addition to that is a function activate this feature on a per-task basis.
Posted 13 years ago says:
Posted 13 years ago
mrathee says:
Just as a side note - there is an app called "Task Aware" that does just that.

I got it and tried it and removed it in 2 days.

Why? It needs to have location services permanently in the background.

What this means for most people: I work and go to school, so I am out all day. I depend on having my phone functional and I usually have to charge it each night (though sometimes I can get away with two days)

With taskaware, at 7am my phone was t 100% and at 230pm it was under 10% and alerting me. This was with little usage - maybe 10-15 text messages and checking emails once after hour or two. Very very light usage.

So - while i would LOVE the feature, it has to be done right (and not sure what "right" would be here) or it will make the entire app useless for most people.
Posted 13 years ago
edjoon says:
I think having location aware task notifications would make RTM into a super killer app for mobile phones. You could even have it for Groceries, for example...if there's an item in your grocery list and you go by a grocery store you could get notified.

As for the battery life: I've had Google Latitude running on my iphone with background updating and the battery on my iphone4 was able to make it through the day (although I don't make calls very often). Plus I think this would be some thing that I would turn on before I go out to do errands and then turn off after I got home again (and maybe the app could do that too! -- turn off background updating when you arrive home).

Can we get a confirmation from someone at RTM if this is in the pipeline?
Posted 13 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
One thing worth mentioning is that such alerts would need to be implemented with some smarts. If I have a grocery list with forty items on it, and I arrive at the grocery, one buzz to nudge me to look at my list may not be necessary, but it would be helpful. Forty separate buzzes would be overwhelming.
Posted 13 years ago
yonah says:
Uh... the Android app has had this for months - it works great. I tag my grocery list with the grocery location and when I park my car - voila it's there!
Posted 13 years ago
mrathee says:
could not emphasize this more - SO useful - had a dedicated app to do this for a while and it was great. too bad the app didnt use RTMs list lol

This would be huge for me to remember my tasks. there have been countless times that I have driven by a post office or specific store when i needed to mail or return something, only to remember when i get home and take a look at my @home tasks.

Posted 13 years ago
andyjpowell_work says:
Does the iPhone even allow apps to monitor your location at that level, without having the app actively running / checking location all the time? I think this is more likely an Apple issue than an RTM issue. :(
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'm waiting. Anytime but somewhere I have to do it at, it's so useful.
Posted 13 years ago
emil.jonsson says:
This is a pretty important feature since it is quite unpresidented and is clearly something that will become quite useful and probably attract immense popularity. Considering what any said, surely it is nice to have it remid you but maybe there should simply be a view that would be similar to "Tasks near me".
Posted 13 years ago
spacebear says:
Looking at the newest announcements from Apple, it looks like they also took notice of this thread... ;)
Posted 13 years ago
rovingdan says:
I agree this for me would be my number one request. Especially since it's coming in iOS 5 as native functionality.
Posted 13 years ago
ben_b says:
I think this should be possible and is a good idea. It is one of the features that the new iOS 5 task app will have.
Posted 13 years ago
matthauger says:
does iOS 5 have an API for third-party developers to take advantage of location-based notifications?
Posted 13 years ago
jameshsi says:
location-based notifications is good, but I am afraid it will consume more power to do that.
Posted 13 years ago
narkeeso says:
I've been using the iOS Reminders app that is built into the new iOS 5 and it's no replacement for RTM, the only redeeming feature is it's location based reminders.

Please add this feature!
Posted 13 years ago
jared.cherup says:
After watching the keynote for iOS 5, I was astounded. It's one of those "Hey, we're living in the future" things. Then I found out the Android version already has this. Please implement this for iPhone, before this Fall. I promise to give everyone high fives.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I definitely would LOVE such a feature. To be honest most of my todos are bound to some location. But please: Remind me every time I arrive at a certain location and some todos are due. Like in Minesweeper: One step forward > Ah! Three mines > One step left > Uh, 2 mines > and so on ...
Posted 13 years ago
hawaii350 says:
I'd also love to see this. My problem with making lists is I always forget to look at them. Its fine for lists with definite due dates but a lot of my to do lists are location based.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Please add it. :D

Georeme is a good solution.
Posted 13 years ago
dantrain says:
I would also like to see this feature implemented in future!
Posted 13 years ago
kozziou says:

This would be so helpful for me!
Posted 13 years ago
moneysh15 says:
Please work on this for next release,
Posted 13 years ago
deanchile says:
This would be HUGE. The only thing that the iPhone Reminders app that is coming out will have that RTM doesn't have is location reminders. This would set RTM above the rest by leaps and bounds.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
thechilibuddy says:
What is the point of locations if it doesn't alert me when i'm there? Please make location awareness notification available!
Posted 13 years ago
nick.henry says:
So word is Apple is planning on implementing this very feature, which RTM already supports on android, into their next iOS update. Supposedly in the next week or so. That's all fine and dandy, but I would much prefer to stick with RTM, which I know and love (and pay for). Seriously guys, what is the hold up?!?
Posted 13 years ago
dburdi says:
I guess the next question is whether or not Siri with location awareness is something that is going to be considered in the next (hopefully soon) update to RTM for iPhone?

Siri looks appealing and I'd hate to nit see it compatible with RTM. Is the API from Apple even open to that?
Posted 13 years ago
kevin.fagan says:
It looks like omnifocus for the iPhone has introduced this feature so there must be support for it in the iOS 5 SDK. Would be an awesome feature for RTM to have too.
Posted 13 years ago
papzadsl says:
I assume you know well API on iOS 5. Among them, there is this geo-fencing one, which allows to use GPS/cellular data to pinpoint your location and trigger an event (i.e., an alarm).
It is something used by built in ToDo new app and the soon-to-be-released "Find my friends" app.
My question: do you plan to implement this one with local notifications on iOS 5?
Posted 13 years ago
alecbrown says:
People keep speculating whether this is possible with iOS5, it has been available since iOS4. The 'significant change location API' is available, what you have to do it provide a delegate to the CLLocationManager class and calling the startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges() method.

Documentation is here:
Posted 13 years ago
almondwine says:
+1. Also, a good way to, you know, not lose all your customer base to Apple's new hotness!
Posted 13 years ago
almondwine says:
Another comment - locations view is, obviously, useless once you're already on the road. That's what an iPhone app is for. When you're not on the road.
Posted 13 years ago
damonkirkpatrick says:
Please don't make me switch to the new tasks feature on the iPhone. I LOVE RTM but really, really, REALLY need location awareness! Please.. I'm not going to beg. Ok, yes I am. PLEASE!
Posted 13 years ago
psychopot says:
Posted 13 years ago
steven.beth says:
This is a must now IOS 5 is available. Is it possible to do on IOS 5?
Posted 13 years ago
pakosj says:
With Apple's Reminders App now offering Location reminders, and RTM having Locations, I hope it's only a matter of time before the RTM iPhone App gets this feature!!! Please.
Posted 13 years ago
richtack says:
me as well. it's the one thing about RTM that could really add functionality. till then, i will be forced to use Apple's new reminders for location based tasks. it's so Fischer Price, but location based alerts are unbelievably helpful!
Posted 13 years ago
pgrammatas says:
Posted 13 years ago
psumeet says:
I agree...this is a must have feature now that Apple's own Reminders App does this quite well
Posted 13 years ago
jfried01 says:
Add me to the list (no pun intended!) A definite requirement ! I don't like the Apple Reminders but the location feature is a deal breaker.
Posted 13 years ago
furet says:
Posted 13 years ago
phaedo says:
absolute must have. Reminders is not an RTM replacement to be sure, but location-awareness is a game changer in the space. RTM, please continue to lead here and do not let this pass without entering the space.
Posted 13 years ago
anders.bengtsson says:
Posted 13 years ago
bcaoyonan says:
I agree. I consider myself a power RTM user; I use the RTM app on my iPhone 4, use the gmail plugin and use RTM with Dial2Do. I now also use location based reminders on my iOS5 device. To have location based tasks within RTM on iOS would propel this application to powerful new heights.

RTM team: thanks for all the support and work thus far R. You guys are awesome :)
Posted 13 years ago
arminta7 says:
This is a must! +1 from me.
Posted 13 years ago
ariadne_cycles says:
Me too, please! The iPhone's Reminders is pretty basic, so I won't be switching, but location-based reminders would be very useful
Posted 13 years ago
martin.rumo says:
LBR: Just do it! ... please!
Posted 13 years ago
ppatel says:
+1 This is a must.
Posted 13 years ago
jalm1 says:
Should be added to iPhone like omnifocus
Posted 13 years ago
markus.tauchnitz says:
+1 Please add support for this!
Posted 13 years ago
ken.katen says:
+1. Game changing possibilities here - don't let 'em pass you by.
Posted 13 years ago
phillipgreene says:
+1. This has to be a matter of when, not if, location-ware reminders are enabled. If you have the ability to do this now, it would create a lot of buzz among new iphone users, and probably generate a small rush of new customers. What ken.katen said: don't let it pass you by.
Posted 13 years ago
chriso.mcdonald says:
+1. First post suggesting this was 10 months ago. Is there any information of when/If this is going to be available.
Posted 13 years ago
rapamatic says:
+1. Really need this to stay competitive. Location based reminders are a key advertising point for the iPhone 4s/Siri.
Posted 13 years ago
dmaneyapanda says:
Absolute requirement for next versions of your iOS app to integrate with LBR seamlessly.
Posted 13 years ago
marco.delgado says:
I came to the forums to suggest exactly this feature, hopefully someone already anticipated me!! I've been looking for something like this for years, so like the original poster said, this is life catching. YOU HAVE TO DO IT!
Posted 13 years ago
michael.cohen says:
This is the single feature that will make me switch to native IOS reminders...Please give an update on plans to include and timeline
Posted 13 years ago
dburdi says:
+1. I love remember the milk but you guys really need to stay ahead of the curve on stuff like this. You ARE a REMINDERS app and business and things like this should be a primary focus. Apple barely cares about their "Reminders" app and they have this feature.
Posted 13 years ago
stocad says:
Totally just realized my life needs this! Glad to hear you guys are already talking about it :-)
Posted 13 years ago
mww315 says:
Posted 13 years ago
losaro says:
+1 Save us !
Posted 13 years ago
ppickett says:
Would love to see the live location alerts in iOS!
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
gstiebler says:
Posted 13 years ago
acherry says:
Come on...
Posted 12 years ago
bidropcom says:
I would totally go pro with that addition... I still use iOS5 reminder for that reason...
Posted 12 years ago
bobmalecki says:
I want this function too
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
I don't understand why this thread is here. Like Yonah commented on this thread several months ago, RTM does have location-based notifications. I've been using it on my Android phones for quite a long time (way more than a year, I believe).
Posted 12 years ago
sisugirl says:
I would like a multi-location option for tasks that could be performed in any of several places -- like my local grocery stores. It seems now that I need to choose only one store for notification.
Posted 12 years ago
beaubranson says:
Posted 12 years ago
asienchris says:
Posted 12 years ago
romedian says:
Posted 12 years ago
romedian says:
Just paid $25 for a year, only to find out that the iOS app doesn't have this basic feature. Very, very disappointed.
Posted 12 years ago
jgbaum says:
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
YES Would be nice to have...
Posted 12 years ago
matthew.boatman says:
After an exchange with an Customer Support Rep he redirected me to this feature to vote for it but I had already voted for it. Please Please Please do this. I wish I got more than two votes to put behind this. Thanks guys. Oh yeah, +1000
Posted 12 years ago
jasonfist says:
+1 from me too. Would be extremely useful.
Posted 12 years ago
bforsdick says:
I just want to chime in, saying how great this would be. I use Apple's Reminder app for this purpose, and having to switch back and forth between that for location-based todos, and everything else on RTM isn't ideal.
Posted 12 years ago
brian.steggeman says:
This is badly needed in any modern to-do app.
Posted 12 years ago
samiles says:
Lots of to do apps have this now. I was so disappointed that the new iOS app didn't have this feature, when I understand that the Android app has had it for ages!
Posted 12 years ago
the.casey says:
Posted 12 years ago
ssmi153 says:
Posted 12 years ago
isenguard says:
Could the Siri integration be extended, so that the Reminders app has access to a particular saved search within RTM?

Then the Reminders app can be responsible for alarms, notifications, and location-based stuff (which it's great at already).
Posted 12 years ago
caedium says:
Posted 12 years ago
eg0013 says:
+1 on this. I hate switching back and fourth between reminders and RTM.. it would be awesome to have this feature in RTM!
Posted 12 years ago
skisulli says:
basically just copy the location functionality that reminders has
Posted 12 years ago
thamlyn says:
+1 I'd love to see this feature. It's seems like such a natural addition. Let's see it soon RTM crew!
Posted 12 years ago
martin.strachota says:
+2 I'm a bit disappointed to find out that RTM iPhone App doesn't support this feature. I somehow automatically thought it does....
Posted 12 years ago
psumeet says:
Posted 12 years ago
mgamrot says:
Please incorporate this thing!
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
that would be awesom
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
I upgraded to Pro, mistakenly thinking that the Location field in my tasks meant RTM could provide location-based notifications. Please add this soon!
Posted 12 years ago
darcymac says:
+1, let's go fellas
Posted 12 years ago
doster says:
+2 I'd love the Geo-Fence-Notification: "Remind me when I'm leaving" / "Remind me, when I'm coming to work/home/...".

Thanks and keep on the great work!
Posted 12 years ago
elias.pipinakis says:
Posted 12 years ago
markhaller says:
+1 for this.

I've got a pro membership but now wondering if it's worth switching to another app that provides such functionality.

Could we get an update if this is going to be included, and if so when, so I can make a decision? Thank you :-)
Posted 12 years ago
watkinscj says:
Posted 12 years ago
jvv says:
+1 on location-based reminders. I think this is quite handy in some cases.

Posted 11 years ago
msurtees says:
+2 I guess I don't understand what the locations are for then. Would like to see location based alerts on iOS
Posted 11 years ago
anjana_w says:
really really need this feature
Posted 11 years ago
meghanclare says:
+1 Yes!
Posted 11 years ago
bluesgeek says:
Please do!
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
best idea ever, i always want this feature when i am around
Posted 11 years ago
jeff.bellune says:
I don't want this topic to get overlooked or ignored because location-based alerts already exist for Android. I'm voting for location-based alerts for iOS. Thanks!

Posted 11 years ago
craig.litherland says:
Yes, location based alerts for IOS would be huge. I need this to go to the next level of GTD organization.
Posted 11 years ago
fedepena says:
Agree, please add them.
Posted 11 years ago
jeffharing says:
iCal reminders has the location feature and it works really well - it's just that I'm moving over to RTM and as the name implies.... "Remember the Milk" would be a nice reminder when I walk into the grocery store! Hello!!
Posted 11 years ago
leewayne says:
this feature is not hard to add, since I can even write one.
Android version has this feature for long, why RTM keep ignore iphone user?
This is the only one that will make me to upgrade.
Posted 9 years ago
aleksi says:
Modern iOS supports region monitoring. Please implement this feature!
Posted 8 years ago
jfk says:
This feature is well overdue. RTM, can you make this happen please?
Posted 8 years ago
markd1310 says:
Posted 8 years ago
jeffsumm says:
Hi. How hard could this feature be? It is the one thing that is consistently missing that makes me ponder leaving RTM.
Posted 8 years ago
johnfoland says:
Other apps are doing this quite nicely. Would love to see this functionality married with RTM goodness.
Posted 8 years ago
jayray4519 says:
Missing this feature for years. Can't understand why it isnt implemented so fare, because I think it is a core-feature of the GTD-thinking. The other 7.000 ideas might be nice, but what sense does a voting make for 7.000 ideas? Where are the 10 most voted ones which make sense be RTM themselves and are realistic. Where can I vote for one of them? I love RTM but this feature is so necessary that I would change my tool when I would have enough time. The other GTD-Apps are having it.

P.S.: The just 3 sounds of reminder notification are really awesome, too!
Posted 8 years ago
p.d.budrewicz says:
Android location alerts are working, but it seems that alerts fire when there is any task existing for this location. Would it be possible to fire alert when the condition is like (There exists a task that (task has no starting date OR task is after starting date)) This way I can be alerted to do something once in a week even if I get to the location every day. Now I am alerted every time I am in the place even if the task is scheduled (and is starting) next week. This should be rather simple to implement. Anyway - great app, thank you.
Posted 8 years ago
msalam says:
I'm puzzled. So on iOS currently what does location do? And what is the purpose of the nearby radius setting?
Posted 8 years ago
xtoq says:
Location reminders are available with RTM 4.0. Please see this help topic for how to enable:

@msalam: the radius setting dictates how far from the "center" of location you want to be notified as having "entered" it. For example, if you set your local grocery store as a location, you probably don't want to get notifications as you're driving by the store (or maybe you do, I don't know!) but rather when you're in the parking lot. You can adjust the radius to achieve this. See here (Android):
Posted 7 years ago
mcfly9 says:
@xtoq: does this work on ios too?
Posted 7 years ago
danderer says:

I'm puzzled. So on iOS currently what does location do? And what is the purpose of the nearby radius setting
Posted 7 years ago
jeffsumm says:
When is this coming for iOS? Considering the iOS default reminders app has this, what is the delay for RTM to have it years later?
Posted 7 years ago
mjrudolphi says:
wait... RTM does not have location reminder on iOS even with a paid subscription??
I'm glad I didnt buy a sub then.
Posted 7 years ago
srigo says:
this feature came to my attention from my son. He uses the default iOS reminders app for when he walks into classrooms at school. told me he couldn't use the rtm app bc it doesn't have location notification. I see the iOS has it but its 1/4 mile. isn't that quite far away? does it work the same as the default iOS?
Posted 7 years ago
(closed account) says:
Location didn't work the same way in RTM. It isn't continually scanning to see if there are tasks close by. instead, you apply the location to a particular task - I have one for CVS. When I go there I open RTM and PROACTIVELY click my CVS location. It will then - and only then - look for a task with the CVS location.

In the app, you can click the 'Nearby' location - it'll call up any task that had a location labeled close by. If I went to CVS and clicked Nearby, it would show both the CVS and grocery store labeled tasks from across the street. That 1/2 mile relates to how far out should RTM look when you click Nearby.
Posted 7 years ago
tcsteenw says:
I can't believe that after so many years this feature is still missing from iOS. I won't be renewing my subscription unless it's fixed by then. Other apps implement it just fine
Posted 6 years ago
vfigueroa says:
I was just about to go pro when I remembered RTM doesn’t have location based alerts.

What’s the ETA on this feature? Why has it not been implemented in iOS?

It’s already implemented on Android.
Posted 6 years ago
(closed account) says:
Hi there,
like it’s been said many times before, it’s not a “nice to have” but a “must-have” feature to automatically be reminded to “remember the milk” when you are nearby your home-town supermarket eg....... so no Pro for me there....
Posted 6 years ago
ngraham101 says:
Is there any news on when this feature is coming to iOS?
Posted 6 years ago
(closed account) says:
Thinking of purchasing another year of RTM, but checking this feature first. I'm holding off for a while to check how other GTD applications handle location.
Posted 6 years ago
roody102 says:
+1 for this feature on iOS as soon as possible!
Posted 6 years ago
vfigueroa says:
Hey guys, I posted a comment on this thread a year ago (5th comment above this one). Any updates on the implementation of this feature?
Posted 5 years ago
aep412 says:
+1 this would be a major differentiator
Posted 5 years ago
sbeaudry says:
Any info on if this is being worked on in iOS? Location based reminders are really important to my workflow.
Posted 4 years ago
ortegapc says:
Are you planning on location reminders for IOS?
Posted 3 years ago
end255 says:
Any update on location-based reminders for iOS? It's now 2023 - if there's some reason it's not possible, can we get some feedback?
Posted 2 years ago
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