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Google Home integration

mjung says:
I just got a Google Home device and I'd love to be able to use it add tasks to RTM as well as have it read my todo list for today. Integration via IFTTT would be fine as well!
Posted at 2:29am on November 27, 2016
agentbanks says:
I'm looking for this feature as well!!!! todoist has this functionality right now for google home. I like remember the milk better though. So I hope the devs can and will implement this feature!!
Posted 7 years ago
jmitch5436 says:
Agreed! Would make my (and my wife's mornings much easier for this functionality (add tasks and read todos).
Posted 7 years ago
bryansells says:
+1 on this. More integrations, please.
Posted 7 years ago
davehenning says:
I would love to see the ability to use RTM on Google Home. It would make those quick little reminders so easy
Posted 7 years ago
fritzmb says:
I will start with the caveat that I have not yet done this, but it seems like it should work if someone wants to try.

Set up a Google Assistant trigger to recognize a phrase like "Add a task to $". The have that trigger an action to send an email to your email address with the text of what you said ($) as the Title and maybe some default values for List, Due Date, etc. in the body, in the necessary format.
Posted 7 years ago
bruzzi says:
I did this and it works like a charm! For reference, here's my recipe:

If You say:

"add a task $"
"add a reminder $"
"add a to do $"


send an email
from: [my personal email]
to: [my RTM email address]
Subject: today {{TextField}}
Body: created via Google Home
Posted 7 years ago
jeremyholton says:
I have used RTM since it started but I am tempted to go over to todoist because of its integration with Google Home
Posted 7 years ago
totekuh says:
same for me, i love RTM but as im going to buy Google Home i'll have to switch to something else :(
Posted 7 years ago
robert.scholl says:
I just published a template on IFTTT for adding tasks to RTM using Gmail. You just need to get your inbox email for your RTM settings.
Posted 7 years ago
agentbanks says:
Please add support for google Home!!
Posted 7 years ago
swa says:
bump +1
Posted 6 years ago
(closed account) says:
bump +2
Posted 6 years ago
beckerc4 says:
This would be nice to have.
Posted 6 years ago
nlhoneycutt says:
Absolutely, please add this. +3, or whatever number we're in now.
Posted 6 years ago
jtretakoff says:
Robert.Scholl, can you please post a link to your IFTTT recipe? Thanks!
Posted 6 years ago
dave.liao says:
Native integration between RTM and Google Home would rock.
Posted 6 years ago
(closed account) says:
Google Home integration would be great! +4
Posted 5 years ago
jmarcop says:
I'd love it, too
Posted 5 years ago
davetcoleman says:
I've been a pro member for 10 years but this year I'm canceling because of the lack of Google Home integration. I tried the IFTTT approach but its clunky. Instead I'm using Google's feature-poor list keeping software as well as Google Keep. Sigh, its been good RTM!
Posted 5 years ago
(closed account) says:
Won’t be going pro until this is done... and will be looking elsewhere soon

Posted 5 years ago
tamra says:
Please add this. It would make a huge difference to my workflow.
Posted 5 years ago
grrrrinaldi says:
That's it, isn't it? (I was using ifttt, but this like what is being asked for)
Posted 5 years ago
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