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dalton says:
Has anyone asked for this yet? It would be incredibly helpful if I could check off the items in a single task one by one as subtasks, rather than creating separate tasks for each. I know this is approaching a "project management" status, but would be helpful in the context of "remembering the milk", too.
Posted at 1:53pm on October 19, 2005
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Subtasks became available when we launched the new Remember The Milk. Thanks for everyone's feedback on this, and we hope you've been enjoying this new feature!
Posted 8 years ago
pmorelli says:
Posted 19 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
Without wishing to complicate RTM, this would be great.
Posted 19 years ago
chrisjlee says:
I want this too.
Posted 19 years ago
elbaso says:
This is a good idea that I would want also, but it's important to me that the simplicity of the interface be maintained.
Posted 19 years ago
codeoptimist says:

This would be great for me. I have many projects that can be broken down into tasks, subtasks, etc. Currently I can work with this by creating extra lists for subtasks, but it's a clunky work-around.
Posted 19 years ago
actingtrue says:
Subtasks that can be collapsed.
Posted 19 years ago
phugel says:
I have been listing sub-tasks as notes attached to the main task. Works for me. You could also create a separate tab for large multi-step projects and list sub-tasks as individual task on that tab.

Collapsable sub-tasks sounds nice in theory, but I love the simplicity of this interface and I'd hate to see it become cluttered and cumbersome.
Posted 19 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
The reason that we haven't done subtasks is that it would be extremely difficult to do without complicating the interface (and we've already packed a fair few features into this interface :)

Not to say that we would never do it in the future -- but it would require some serious thought to ensure the simplicity of Remember The Milk was maintained.
Posted 19 years ago
jmc says:
Well, indeed that's the dilemna. Everyone around here seems to think you've made pretty good decisions about the interface, and certainly there are some pretty poor interfaces on 'competing' tools. (Though to be fair, people who don't like it might not stick around long enough to post in the forums!)

So might it be possible to hide away something in the settings to "turn on" a more advanced interface for those that decide they want it? Maybe once this and some other wishlist items have appeared it might be easier to see how to add some more advanced things in this way.
Posted 19 years ago
indigoviolet says:
One simple way to implement this could be just indented lists in the current interface.

* TasK (V) <-- this will fold or unfold the subtask list
o Subtask1
o Subtask 2

You'll need to have a little more info in the right pane when a subtask is showing and some keyboard shortcuts. Some constraints/more options on when a task can be marked as completed (depending on subtasks).

I'd like this too, obviously.
Posted 19 years ago
jed.hresko says:
I vote for subtasks too... this is the first limitation I came up against.
Posted 19 years ago
edith.kerr says:
Yep need nested tasks
Posted 19 years ago
stuart.taylor says:
I would really like this feature as well. I have 4 lines worth of tabs of lists which means that I have less and less space to list the actual tasks. Some level of heirarchy would make all the difference to me.
Posted 19 years ago
cfreedom says:
Please....subtasks. That would make RTM works with my life. Please.
Posted 19 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
UPDATE (READ ME!): The following was posted loooong ago when we'd just launched tagging and Smart Lists. We had no plans to introduce subtasks at that time, but a lot has happened since then! It's best to ignore things I said in 2006. :) We've been listening very closely to the feedback everyone has been providing, so watch this space (or um, follow our blog for the latest announcements).

Thanks! :)


As we've now provided several ways to organize tasks (tags, lists, and Smart Lists), we have no plans to introduce subtasks.

A workaround for subtasks might be to use lists and tags -- for example, I have a list named 'Shopping', and within that list I've tagged tasks with 'supermarket', 'mall', etc. I can then view tasks tagged with 'supermarket' in my 'Shopping' list, which helps to break down the list.

Hope this helps!
Posted 19 years ago
e03179 says:
I've been using RTM for a few weeks. I was about to suggest the "subtask" feature before I did a search to find this thread.

I support nested tasks or subtasks.

I'm wanting something like:

# buy concert tickets
# website redesign
# covert database to xml
# update css
# find new hosting provider
# install wordpress
# mail photos to Erin

I feel that listing the "subtasks" as individual tasks would clutter up my RTM main tasks page, so I don't want to add them.

It appears that RTM isn't really suited for project management. However, I must say, that in my search for decent project management software, I haven't found any that I want to use. I got excited when I first found RTM. I think it's a great tool for personal use. However, I'm hoping it will expand its features to better support project management.


Posted 18 years ago
chris.fink says:
Sorry, I had started a new subtask thread before finding this one.

I've just started using RTM and will check out the lists and tags features.

Posted 18 years ago
huachentw says:
It will be greate to have the subtasks feature.
Posted 18 years ago
clandestine says:
I think RTM works great for what it is -- personal task management. I don't think adding subtasks is a good idea for that very same reason. If you want to manage a work-related project, I would suggest using an actual project management application. Basecamp is what I use, and it works very well in that respect.
Posted 18 years ago
nomad says:
I can understand why the developers don't wish to implement subtasks.
The 'solution' of using lists/tags is a good one in general, though there is a possible problem of having too many lists/tags?
Has anyone tried this as a simple project management online tool?
Hope it's ok to post the link

It is fairly basic, but has a neat way of adding/moving task. Certainly not a replacement for RTM, but maybe something also to use

But I'm going to pursue using lists/tags for now and see how it goes
Posted 18 years ago
aloys says:
I initially wanted subtasks as well and suggested this Emily. I got the reply as above from her and I have to say now, that I totally agree with her.

Adding subtasks would complicate the view of the site - which is the strong point of RtM and it would trigger a whole lot of other requirements such as interdependencies between subtasks and before you know it, this is a project management tool and not an action list tool.

I suggest reading the "Getting Things Done" book by David Allen and understand why simple lists (Actions, Projects, WaitingFor, Someday/Maybe) sorted by e.g. @Office, @ Home, @Car, @Online etc. rules. Being able to add multiple tags even improves upon the GTD approach! You will not be able to do this by using a hierarchy of tasks.
Posted 18 years ago
bpatters7 says:

Subtasks will be a challenge to implement, but would be great. To anyone who said it will be seems that way till you think about the details.

Nonetheless it would be a huge feature for a lot of people.

Also agree with the above comment about turning it on/off to keep the interface simple.

Reading the above -> I wonder if a label could be a task which can't be "completed" till all tasks with that label are. You could sort of nest these, but that might be too wierd.
Posted 18 years ago
mbw234 says:
I wouldn't want this because of the aforementioned cluttering of the interface.

Perhaps you could just create a list to represent your main task, and then the subtasks go in that list. Then once you are done with the subtasks and the main task, just archive the list.

Or you could organize a pseudo hierarcy with tags and smart lists.

RTM is functional just enough to allow for these things to be artificially implemented by each user than to force every user to deal with it.
Posted 18 years ago
geoffm33 says:
If it were possible to turn this feature on/off then I think it would be incredibly helpful for those that would use it. And not affect the others.

I for one, would like to see subtasks and a way of ordering them. But recognize that it is no easy feat to implement and causes future enhancement delays as the level of complexity increases.

Posted 18 years ago
adriankb says:
+1 indented subtasks, simply set from the right hand toolbox via a "parent task" dropdown of tasks in the same list. or perhaps linked tasks? Realise the other ways of tagging tasks, I will try that and for now I will keep notes against each task. Is there a feature request to show the notes under each task (the first 15-20 words or so) with a [+] expand button to show the full notes. This would allow ppl to quickly browse their notes for a task and for me would negate the need for sub-tasks. Cheers, love the simple-ness of the app interface.
Posted 17 years ago
epicserve says:
I would really like sub tasks as well. I found RTM after looking at Things ( Things is the perfect solution for what I want except it's not online.
Posted 17 years ago
d3a1i0 says:
I would REALLY love to see this implemented!
Posted 17 years ago
nathanpeterson says:
+1 - this would be huge.
Posted 16 years ago
furet says:
Ohhhh yes ! I vote for this. It would be easier to manage tasks by the GTD principles.

Posted 16 years ago
eduardofernandes says:
I use Remember the milk to help me to control my projects. I know I need a tool for project management, but, if RTM could implement subtasks it wolud be very helpful for me.
Posted 16 years ago
jane.dallaway says:
another "me too"
Posted 16 years ago
casden says:
I have to agree that this is by far the #1 issue that I would love.
Posted 16 years ago
polycarpo says:
I also think that subtasks feature would make an extra positive difference pro RTM. And there is no conflict between GTD system and subtasks! Could subtasks feature could maybe be included as a pro user option. I think it would be a very useful implementation for RTM, specially if not the only possibility regarding the interface, but as an extra and valuable feature.
Posted 16 years ago
ziger says:
Yes, it is what I mainly miss. It would be even nicer if they are automatically dependent tasks - In other words, they show on my list of things to do next only after the prior item in the list is completed - and all default to the do date of the "master" item.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:

I just got 'April Fooled' by the subtasks thing - you almost had my $25. Not cool. Or particularly funny.

Anyway +1 fwiw
Posted 16 years ago
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
Well, I think that was rather funny.

Please observe that the poster was Emely, not Emily.
Posted 16 years ago
mikejoseph says:
As a web app programmer, I understand the complication that sub-tasks could add to the UI... but... perhaps there could be categorized lists or 'sub-lists' instead. That way, all that needs to be accounted for is a hierarchical relationship between the lists and not really the tasks.

For example: Most of my tasks are broken down by "Work" and "Personal"... but under work I might have a few lists... such as "Admin Tasks", "Project 1", "Project 2" ... or for "Personal" I might have "Outdoor work" to remind me of yearly maintenance around the house or "Cleaning" or "Workout" ...

I realize that there is tagging, and being new to RTM I have to play with this to see if it can help me w/ organization, but categorization of my lists so that my "Tasks" view doesn't have a million lists in it seems like it would be helpful.
Posted 16 years ago
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
One way to get some subtask functionality could be tweaking the excellent Grease Monkey script (Firefox/Opera only) by masnare. See more in

One way to implement subtasks:
Posted 16 years ago
dominijk says:
mash it up! if rtm doesnt use sub tasks then make use of the url link you can add onto a task to link through to sproutliner or ioutliner, this is my approach i like the siplicity of rtm and it works for me 99% of the time for bigger projects i link across. it would be great to see this embedded into rtm as standard but can understand why they dont
Posted 16 years ago
dan.schick says:

Sub-tasks are the one feature I miss in all the GTD tools i've tried. I don't want the bloat of MS Project, but my goals do require more than a single action to complete.

I'll use the list/tag/label workaround suggested above until then.
Posted 16 years ago
hutchinsfairy says:
I've just signed up for RTM and within 5 minutes I was looking for a sub-task option. All I need is to be able to add a few check boxes to a task, each with my own label. All of the 'clutter' (tags, location, reminders etc.) could remain at the task level. Using notes or tags is messy and fiddly and actually detracts from the simplicity of the tool.
Posted 16 years ago
soulless says:
I like how these guys do subtasks...

Very easy to use and very flexible and able to do as many subtasks as required (ie. sub sub sub sub task).

I don't understand why rtm doesn't have subtasks. It was also the first thing I looked for when I signed up. Its also the only reason why I don't use rtm much, because theres no subtasks.
Posted 16 years ago
hutchinsfairy says:
I've moved to, they actually seem to rate functionality.
Posted 16 years ago
mauriceka says:
Perhaps the word of a PRO user is listened to more carefully:

I also would love to have collapsible, recursive sub-tasks. Should not be complicated to implement (parent references in the data structure) nor to present to the user (tree widgets are used all over and are familiar to most users).

It should be implemented in a way that if a user does not create any sub-tasks, the UI will not change.

Please do not make me regret paying the subscription fee.
Posted 16 years ago
tutunkommon says:
This is fairly simple to do with the existing structure. I do it for work:

Create a task for your first sub-task. For example:

Rewrite interface logic to robot

Tag this with your main project name. I use a predecessor character for organization.

+Packaging_Rewrite, @work, na

This indicates that it is part of the packaging system rewrite project, it is performed at work, and it is a next action.

Add the rest of your subtasks in the same way.

Finally, do a search for +Packaging_Rewrite. Save this as a smart list called Packaging Rewrite. The tab is your project, inside of that are your subtasks.

You can go a step further. Create a task called Packaging_Rewrite. Tag it as:

*Projects, +Packaging_Rewrite

Again, search for tag:*Projects. Smart list it. Now you have a list of your projects, and each project has a list of sub tasks.

Is the interface layout exactly what you want? Probably not. Does it accomplish the same thing that you are looking for? YMMV, but it works quite effectively for me!

Much of this concept was inspired / directly stolen from this thread:

Posted 16 years ago
metallator says:
Quite nice workaround... but it still remains a workaround.

I work for a software developing company and it never seize to amaze me the sometimes unexpected strong and sudden explicit conviction of the developers about to specifically do or specifically don't do things (change requests) in a certain way, in spite that there are dozens (in RTM-case probably: thousands) users and even co-workers and bosses literary screaming for certain changes in the software.

Mostly after months of hours and hours of endless debates and mind wrestling, begging, teasing, bargaining and threatening they suddenly 'flip a switch' and built it in a few hours and present it as if it was self-evident.

(And, my dear RTM-developers, of course: receive the world fame and glory during the standing ovation of masses of happily surprised customers who are all eagerly empty their wallets for you, and you will all get promoted to your dream job you have worked your whole life for!)

Posted 16 years ago
thibaultm says:
This discussion shows that there is a real need (should I friendly say a lack ? ) for a "project" notion (or level) in RTM.

of course lists can be used for that (as suggested by Doug in RTM blog) but then lists can not at the same time gather tasks of the same field (because we would like thos lists to list projects too among tasks).

some kind of hierarchy is needed : a project level

At the same time I understand the motivation behing RTM people (Emily) that one of the magic of RTM is making a boring subject (to do lists) an enjoyable application we go to with pleasure.

For that simplicity, in the line of the original concept has to be maintained.

I think this is possible, the two requirement (project and simplicity) are conciiable, RTM people should think on how to do it simple and well.

but I think neglecting any of the two requirement would be an error

1) neglecting simplicity and attractivity of RTM would end in RTM not staying RTM anymore and people could walk awy from it

2) neglecting the need for a project notion, would be neglecting a real and durable need in to do list and GTD and sooner or later people needing it would leave, reluctantly but still leave for applications dealing with the project level. That would be too a bad news for RTM people.

so it is up to RTM people to find the appropriate means to deal with a project level (or hierarchy) in RTM, but in everybody's interest we'd like them to find one.

I'm not sure the best way is by adding sub-tasks, it would indeed transform RTM in something more complicated.

why not use projects that could includes tasks and could be listed in lists (?).

Any way I think the idea for subtask, like the idea of gathering lists in tabs or any other way of list gathering stem from the same reason : "finding an appropriate way to deal with projects".

so RTM people we are with you, find the solution, we can help you choosing or selecting among alternatives

and may the milk be with you
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
- 1

The existing smart lists are much more elegant solution.
Posted 16 years ago
thibaultm says:
this is a way of doing it but here are my arguments to explain why it does not meet the objective :

- you do not have project attributes (next action, etc.)
- you rely only on tags that you manually enter :
let us say a tag for the project name, a tag for next action etc.

the thing is that it is far too manual, the risk is that you omit one of your tags or your make a typo error and the system is not consistent.

and if it sufficed then why would RTM have lists at all ?, it could also be done with tags and smart list

and going further on that logic why not do everything with text files etc.

like Emily said one key advantage of RTM is that simplicity,
you have tasks and lists as elements on which you can develop smart lists.

I think there is a need for a (simple) project element, with some relevant attributes that could then take advantage too of smart lists for further people personnal elaboration.

but to me smart list are not appropriate to substitute for a project level, that in my view :

- has to be able to gather tasks
- has to be able to be listed in lists
(and has to have some relevant project attributes)
Posted 16 years ago
bruno.lucas says:
I would really like real sub-tasks :)
Posted 16 years ago
mk_safi says:
i want subtasks
Posted 16 years ago
thibaultm says:
sub tasks do not really make sense because what is a task with sub tasks ?

- a project

a project is any task that require more than 1 task to be completed

it perfectly makes sense that a project contains tasks and project

example :

I have the project "sell my house"

it could be in the list : "housing" in which you would find the other project : "find my next house"

back to project "sell my house", it could contains projects such as :
"assess worth of my house", "refresh my house for better looking and selling","find the best and least commissioned way to sell it"

in the project "assess worth of my house" you find the following tasks :
-"identify 3 housing assessing expert"
-"contact housing assessing expert 1 for an appointment"
-"contact housing assessing expert 2 for an appointment"
-"contact housing assessing expert 3 for an appointment"
-"determine the price of the house synthesizing the 3 experts results"

Now remarks :

1) imagine the mess if each project is a list mixed with original lists like "housing"

=> projects should not be implemented by lists if lists keep their current signification

=> you have to have an "atomic" level of to-do action, ie an elementary action that need not be further subdivided

in my opinion this is RTM tasks so subtasks are not necessary if
project level exist.

Many GTD people consider that any to-do action that require more than 1 elementary actions is a project.
Posted 16 years ago
trblmkr says:
I agree that sub tasks would be nice. I am using lists now to contain big projects but sometimes I have a simple thing (a little project) that has some components (sub tasks).
Posted 16 years ago
warren5236 says:
I would also like to have subtasks.
Posted 16 years ago
gluek says:
+1 for collapsing subtasks
Posted 16 years ago
rolandvt says:
and another +1 for collapsing subtasks
Posted 16 years ago
teresa.amar says:
Posted 16 years ago says:
+1 for sub-tasks/dependent tasks...
RTM is very flexible and some people have found some ingenious ways of using its current interface in many ways BUT all of the ingenious implementations I've seen on these forums for managing nested tasks/ sub-tasks/dependent tasks are NOT simple or elegant, but turn using RTM into something arcane, complicated and non-intuative which is not what it should be.

Anyone who is trying to make a list of tasks will find that some depend on others or one task is better written as sub-tasks (and I dont want to have 15 projects!) This is the one thing that makes rtm frustrating.

Sometimes adding functionality complicates things, sometimes it can simplify things...
Maybe there is a way and preserve rtm's simplicity, elegance, and flexibility?
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I don't like hearing that adding features has to complicate things.

Good award winning developers (hint...hint...) find ingenious ways of implementing obviously high demand features without complicating things at the same time. Sub tasks does NOT have to complicate things if implemented correctly. Folks that don't want to use them don't have to but folks who do, can. toodledo (horrible interface btw...) has done this by turning off subtasks by default but letting the user who wants that functionality to turn it on in their individual preferences. Ingenious... no?

Implement sub tasks yesteday please.
Posted 16 years ago
haylo75 says:
Whew, I just read this entire thread and have to agree that subtasks are a must. I considered upgrading to pro, but as I was digging through the FAQ and such I found that subtasks are not implemented and, at least as of January 2006, is not on RTM's development radar.

This is lamentable as I love the mobile and sync integration, but I'm going to continue shopping other solutions as the lack of subtasks is a deal breaker for me.

I perfectly understand the nested / multi tagging solutions, but they are a band aid and end up making it a lot more work than it should be. I'd be willing to bet that if subtasks were implemented, most if not all of these nested tag hacks would vanish into the ether... for South Park fans, picture Cartman's hand waving around after J-Lo jumps off the bridge in "Fat Butt and Pancake Head".

I like tacos y burritos
Posted 16 years ago
eddie.argall says:
I just signed up for RTM. I am looking for something to manage personal tasks such as finance, kids, household, etc. Sub tasks are so logical. For example I need to get the kids registered for school but need to get a sports physical for one and eye tests for all of them before that. I also am planning on staining the deck but I need to pressure wash it, pick up the stain and supplies. These type of lists really lend themselves to sub tasks.
Posted 16 years ago
justace says:
This seems ridiculous.... For as many users that have requested this and it not be implemented. It is an embarrassment....
Posted 16 years ago
silvermilk says:
Please count me in on the list for the FEATURE REQUEST of SUBTASKS.

I like everything that RTM is offering, but the lack of SUBTASKS is pushing me towards other options.

SUBTASKS are much easier to link to the original task/project then creating a TAG. When you create the TAG you are doubling the effort and often times if you don't remember what TAG you assigned to the initial project you end up creating a new one.

It is much easier to scan your todo lists, locate the TOP level task/project and add a SUBTASK to this initial entry.

Please ADD this feature ASAP as it is something I would most definitely pay for!
Posted 16 years ago
apgordon says:

I really don't want subtasks. I think it's easy to do this by defining a project with a certain tag (.project or whatever) and then making a smart list with the "subtasks" required. I think this will really take away from the lightweight, clean look of this application.

Yes, same here. When I create a task, it's the ultimate goal. Then I keep track of progress and what else needs to be done in the notes section. It's great to have all information regarding a task in one place -- especially if I need to reference back after the task is completed. I have a running log of everything that took place to get that task finished.

Posted 16 years ago
ianm17 says:
The other way to do it would be to add a note. When all things in the note are done, the task is completed. Use of tags gets me most places. I'd prefer not to overcomplcate the interface and would like an even simpler one.
Posted 16 years ago
apgordon says:
Right on.
Posted 16 years ago
primortal says:
put me on the list for subtasks and ill upgrade to pro in a heartbeat....

sad that this has been requested almost 3 years ago and still has not been implemented. I don't know what the big deal is about implementing this feature. If your subscriber base wants it and there is a potential to bring in revenue for the feature I don't see a reason not to implement it.
Posted 16 years ago
apgordon says:
The issue: "The reason that we haven't done subtasks is that it would be extremely difficult to do without complicating the interface (and we've already packed a fair few features into this interface :) Not to say that we would never do it in the future -- but it would require some serious thought to ensure the simplicity of Remember The Milk was maintained."

I don't know what's going on in the RTM staff meetings, but I'm sure they are aware there are many who want subtasks. Isn't it ultimately their prerogative what they do with that information?

Lastly, I'm really confused as to why so many people push so hard for this subtasks feature. Maybe I can't picture what's being requested, but I've always thought the best thing about RTM is how flexible it is; because of this you can create subtasks so many different ways. Maybe the tag system is a little different from other task management tools (I'm not sure), but there are lots of websites and people who've posted in these forums with great ideas on how to keep tasks (including sub tasks) organized.
Posted 16 years ago
nausikaa314 says:

I would love collapsible, dependent sub-tasks (and sub-projects).

I am currently using the free RTM, but would pay to upgrade to PRO if this were a feature.

I would also feel that I had found nirvana, organization-wise.

As it is, I already feel I'm close to Shangri-La...

Thanks for the work you're doing!
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I would still love to see Subtasks

Here's a greasemonkey script that impliments them (but you have to be mindful of your tags).

As you can see from the screenshot at the bottom, it doesn't seem complicate the UI.
Posted 16 years ago
mahinirb says:
I'll throw in a +1, though the notes interface allows users to list their subtasks there as well (not as ideal because you can't click "complete" but still a place to group subtasks under a main task). So, if notes usability was improved as noted in the other thread, the need for subtasks might dissipate.
Posted 16 years ago
lunafreak says:
I really want subtasks too - I would probably even be willing to pay for pro if it had subtasks.
I don't see why this would make anything more complicated - just have some indented subtasks that could collapse under a main task. They don't even have to have tags if that makes it more complicated. I don't think subtasks would go against the basic philosophy of RTM or turn it into some kind of complicated "project management" tool.
It's much messier and more complicated to make a new tab for each task that has subtasks, or use tags to identify some tasks as subtasks of another task, or even to list subtasks in the notes.
I think that categories (i.e. tabs/lists), main tasks, and subtasks is the way most people organize - obviously by the comments lots of people want them. So why is RTM so opposed to subtasks?
Posted 16 years ago
katowulf says:
I'd pay for pro if it had subtasks. Perhaps you can offer them as a setting on each list, so that they don't have to be turned on and complicate the interface for users who won't enjoy them.

But for my schedule, anything that would manage my todos must have hierarchy options.
Posted 16 years ago
giorgio.chiodi says:
Posted 16 years ago
hutchinsfairy says:
The Greasemonkey Script "RTM Projects" is the only reason I am still using RTM without Subtask support and shows just how clean and simple it could look.

Does anyone else feel like they're not trusted to know what they want?
Posted 16 years ago
teashaman says:

I too definitely would appreciate having collapsible subtasks to organize which tasks need to be performed in order to complete other tasks. Sure, there are "manual" ways to emulate subtasks, but surely that just demonstrates the demand for the real thing?
Posted 16 years ago
lefnire says:
this has to be #1 most requested.

Developers, I know it's your product... but #users vs #devs on this issue surely has to make you wonder if this feature will increase your user-base if not enhance the product?

If every single RoR user requested one feature that went against MVC, surely the higher-ups wouldn't say "No, use tags"?

I stopped using RTM because of this issue, and am only back to see if it's been implemented yet...
Posted 16 years ago
dregourd says:
Hi everybody,

I agree with RTM designers. Subtasks are a mess to develop. As the number of RTM users is growing (800.000), a subtask feature would complicate the application and turn the interface sluggish.
Look at the BIG actors, like Microsoft Live Calendar new tasks. They don't even have contexts!
There are many ways to implement "subtasks" in your RTM:
If your task contains a lot of subtasks (more then three), don't hesitate to create a list, even with a prefix to link it to its main list (kids, tax, etc.).
If your task does not deserve such a treatment, use the notes, one per subtask. Select your main task, then press Y to create a note, one per subtask. When your subtask is done, you can insert an "ok" or "done" in it.
The Y shortcut is very powerfull: it displays notes and opens a blank field to enter your next subtask.
Use also the "hasNotes:true" smart list to display your "big" tasks and decide if they have to become lists.
Cheers from Paris,
Posted 16 years ago
ryanfhowell says:
I need subtasks!!! The workarounds described above are clumsy at best.
Posted 16 years ago
emsedmak says:
i agree - for a service that has put so much into development, and has API's, we've still only seen workarounds.

i don't think it would complicate the interface at all! in fact, it would simplify it for me. this might just be my issue (since no one else seems to have mentioned it), but subtasks are the way i work.

basically, i'll put a task like "plan romantic dinner for friday" on my list of things to do. then, since i have ADD and sometimes have trouble getting started, it really helps me to break the task down into smaller pieces at the time i start working on it. for example, sub-tasks would be:
--look at zagats for restaurant reviews (due: 2 weeks before)
--check ____'s calendar re: availability (due: 2 weeks before)
--make reservation on (due: 10 days before)
--check what credit card has enough room on it for the meal (due: day before)
--what to wear? (due: day of)
>>>bring something to work to change into (due: day of)
>>>buy new dress? (start: 2 weeks before; due: day of)

well, you see where i'm going. basically i've got to outline everything in very small steps to keep my head on straight. i don't want to rely on making lists for those things that need to be outlined, since, when i create the task, i usually don't know if i'm going to need to outline it or not. plus, who wants to end up with a separate "list" for every single one of their to-do items? makes the site useless pretty quickly.

and it doesn't really help me to have subtasks in a note, because then each of the subtasks is just a snippet of text - they can't have separate due dates, or separate time estimates, or locations, etc.

what i'd really like to see is the left-hand side (the task-list area) of RTM look something like the task list on, which is not a complex interface at all. it's simply an "outline" or "indent" concept, simply a way of displaying the tasks. plus, it's not like RTM doesn't already have numerous fields that other task managers don't have, like duration,

so, long story short: c'mon, RTM. you've got so many people clamoring for this. what the hell, make it an optional feature, make it a "pro" feature, whatever you need to do. just get it implemented!
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
"So might it be possible to hide away something in the settings to "turn on" a more advanced interface for those that decide they want it? Maybe once this and some other wishlist items have appeared it might be easier to see how to add some more advanced things in this way."

I fully second. Subtasks or collapsible task will make rtm a much better tool for me.
Posted 16 years ago
jbalcomb says:
Subtasks would the only sustainable reason for staying with RTM.
+/- expand/collapse
[ ] task [x] subtask of
expand all/collapse all
Profile -> Features -> [x] Enable Subtasks

Not that I want to pay really but having subtasks would pretty much gaurantee my enrollment in pro.

There are those of us who are bent on organization but need to be able to break tasks down to more managable action items and help encourage clear progress markers. This does not constitue Project Management by the way, have a look at the difference between 'tasks' and MS Project. maybe bicycle vs. nuclear submarine?
Posted 16 years ago
kelmit says:
Somewhat like sequential or conditional tasks.

For example, if my main task is: "Clean the sink", I can't do that until I've also completed "Buy rubber gloves" and "Wash the dishes".
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Please, give us subtasks! I don't understand why this is complicated and it would not complicate the interface. I have seen some of the competing task managers out there and they are terrible compared to RTM, especially the subtasks function. Not one has a clean, easy interface (one that also works in Gmail) like RTM. All I want is the ability to create a heading and individual tasks underneath.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Here's another vote for subtasks and a description of how the feature could be combined with other features:
1. As others pointed out, it allows you to better manage projects
2. Combined with a manual (drag and drop) sorting option, would be quite powerful
3. Combined with an "auto next to do" feature would be even more powerful:
For a given project (list), have the first item (that the user sorted manually), get highest priority or get tagged with "next". When that item is checked as "completed", the next item in sort order for the given project automatically becomes "next". No need to keep updating individual projects manually that way!
Posted 16 years ago
alexgieg says:
Subtasks are a must have. Please implement them. +1
Posted 16 years ago
steve.riddett says:
+1 I can't use RTM until subtasks are implemented. At the moment I use a tabbed text file. Some work arounds have been suggested using tags and lists but that seems clunky in the extreme.

I'm sure you can do it without messing up the interface. In the mean time, I'll look for another solution.

Thanks for listening.
Posted 16 years ago
dblwide says:
it's been a while since we heard from RTM on subtasks, can someone from the team give us an update as to if we can expect this feature in the near or distant future??
Posted 16 years ago
gyarra says:
+1 for subtasks.

I think RMilk is great, so this isn't a slam. But I've notice a significant weakness when it comes to tracking projects as a whole, even in a basic way.

Subtasks are really the group of tasks required to complete a project. The RMilk way to group those tasks is through tagging. Tagging is helpful, but it's not enough to effectively organize and track higher level projects. For instance, there's no way to do something as simple as add a note or project plan to a project, or to mark a project as complete.

I'd recommend that more effort be put into a few simple ways to organize and track projects in addition to tagging.
Posted 16 years ago
daecabhir says:
+1 for subtasks.

A number of people have made suggestions to make this less "obtrusive":

- Disabling the feature by default, allowing the user to enable it if they want.
- Provide the ability to collapse / expand a specific task or all tasks in the current view to show the subtasks.
- Indent the display of subtasks.

I'd like to see this happen, since the "Lists" to me are categories of tasks, with tags providing further subcategorization. With tabs as an interface to switch between tasks, I'm somewhat reluctant to use longer names, such as I would for projects.

So, I shall put my money where my mouth is, and upgrade to Pro, to show my support for this and other ongoing development.
Posted 16 years ago
alex.keybl says:
+1 for subtasks. I've been considering switching to a desktop application like Things or Omnifocus because of the lack of this feature.
Posted 16 years ago
jquark says:
+1 for me too.... Could someone from RTM, maybe Emily, please comment on this feature? Is it on the horizon and if so, when is it expected? As you can see there is overwhelming support for at least partial implementation of subtasks. Thanks!
Posted 16 years ago
ekonesni says:
Please give us sublists and subtasks! Begging!
Posted 16 years ago
davidasbury says:

I need this to integrate RTM into my life. Until then I'm still using a hacked together system. This is a must for me!
Posted 16 years ago
vendolis says:

Well Subtasks are the feature that hold me back from useing this more. I need to buy My Life Organized to get this feature.. and that is not online...
Posted 16 years ago
thegoodlife says:
Could use subtasks too. Throw in another vote. Would love to upgrade if that was avail.
Posted 16 years ago
erho says:
Okay, i finally signed up for RTM due to the excellent iphone app and upgraded to pro and i can't believe that this thread was started back in late 2005, almost 3 years ago and the RTM devs STILL haven't implemented subtasks. All i've read were a bunch of excuses from them on this subject about "complicating" the UI and blah blah blah. They had 3 years to figure out a graceful way to implement subtasks, and yet chose not to. Seriously, RTM devs, if you plan on NEVER implementing subtasks, please just come clean and say so. To drag out what seems to be a highly requested feature for 3 years is quite frankly shameful. I for one would also like subtasks functionality as well. And to those who don't want such functionality, then you simply don't have to use it if it's ever implemented. it shouldn't affect UI and workflows in the slightest for non users if implemented correctly.

Also, it seems like some mentioned that subtasks is contrary to GTD methodology and i have to admit i have never read the chief book on GTD by what ever that guy's name is but how come Omnifocus (which is consider a much more "stricter" implementation of GTD workflows) has subtasks and even subprojects? Toodledo has subtasks as well. Most if not all of RTM's chief competitors have found a way to implement subtasks functionality within their apps. For the RTM to lob one excuse after another for over 3 years as to why they haven't is not acceptable. I love the RTM site and iphone app, but this thread and RTM's lack of action on this issue has really really annoyed me.

I look forward to hearing what the RTM people REALLY plan on doing or NOT doing in regards to this issue. The bottom line is they need to address this in a more serious manner for all of us paying customers.

Posted 16 years ago
thegoodlife says:
Apigo, the creators of ToDo for ipod Touch/iphone are supposedly working on subtasks -- they say on their website. ToDo syncs with both Toodledo and RTM. So if they do it, I suppose we could at least have subtasks on iphone/ipod touch.

Toodledo has subtasks but it's only one level (a subtask cannot have another subtask.) So it's really not that useful to me. I prefer the web-interface of RTM, as well as the time-stamped notes, and like the ical integration as well - even if I can't use subtasks right now, I may bite the bullet and pay for the upgrade so I can use it with ToDo and / or the RTM iphone/ipod touch app.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
yes, sub tasks would be great

how bout the ability to attach a routine to a specific task...especially a reoccuring one. for example: laundry - i need to seperate the coulors, make sure i have chance, fill up the downy balls i use with fabric softner, wash the white and bleach them..etc i would like to be able to have little subtask lists, as well as the ability to save routine sub task lists for reoccuring items.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
hey, everyone
This would be a great feature, but until then, I would like to suggest a great workaround, using Firefox and Greasemonkey.
1-Get Firefox and Greasemonkey
2-Get the scripts mentioned here and learn to use them (at the discussions there are great ideas) (the Tag Cloud Colorizer) (Keep Cloud visible, needed for the next one) (RTM enhanced) Cloud Colorizer discussion) (RTM Enhanced, the discussion)

Using the improved tag cloud you can access your projects easily, as was already suggested. And, if you tag every action within a subproject with a special tag you can use one of RTM enhanced's better options: clicking on a tag button (under the normal task info) filters your search through it!
I want to buy a new house (project)
I need to find housing agency (subproject)
I should look in internet and ask my friends about agencies (actions, both tagged with @buyhouse and @findagency).
If you click on @buyhouse you see everything that has to do with it. Then you can click on the @findagency tag button to see actions that have both tags! In this way you can organize your actions.
Hope it was clear for everyone!
Posted 16 years ago
nvir says:
yep, I'd totaly dig subtasks
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 This is the ONLY reason I will not be renewing my pro account Other than this everything was great
Posted 16 years ago
hermitscott says:
+1 I spent days implementing the workarounds others have tried, as well as some of my own. All solutions felt like a square peg in a round hole.

With that feature I'd be converting everything over to RTM and becoming an evangelist. Without it, it's unusable for me.
Posted 16 years ago
thegoodlife says:
hey guys, anyone notice that Google just released Tasks for gmail? It has an awesome Outliner built in! Works great. This is what I always wanted RTM to be able to do. It would be nice if they could work together.
Posted 16 years ago
thegoodlife says:
By the way it's a "labs" feature. Here is a link to their blog post:
Posted 16 years ago
58ayuh says:
Having read all the very thoughtful posts in this thread and thought about the pros and cons, I think nested sub-tasks would make an already wonderful tool indispensable.

Emily, has the development team had a change of heart on this one?
Posted 16 years ago
anantg says:

Loving RTM so far! Subtasks would help - for example I need to remember what date I have committed to someone for the parent task, but then I also need to delegate parts of that task to someone else. Having sub tasks would def make life easier!

Great job guys!
Posted 16 years ago
hesadanza says:
Even the new barebones Gmail Tasks tool includes a way to "indent" tasks to make subtasks by pressing TAB. You can't get more minimal or simplistic than that. Not only that, you can create subsubsubsubsubsubsubsubtasks if you so choose. Why can't RTM figure it out?
Posted 16 years ago
x0man0war says:
i love the app, so much so that i decided pretty much straight away went pro. it's exactly what i need. apart from sub tasks! . It's definitely time to revisit having this option here. it's been a couple of years since this thread was started and the consensus here is that it would be extremely useful, and for those who feel it may "clutter" the interface a simple opt in or out button needs to be made to give those folks the option.
so..... where are we? is this actually on the development roadmap?
Posted 16 years ago
cdrynan says:
I like where this thread is going. Can the anyone from the RTM team confirm what features are on the horizon? Why all the secrecy? It's not like this is the Manhattan Project or something. I get frustrated when the blog talks about what "Bob the Monkey" is up to (ugh), but can't address really fundamental open issues like this one. Can we get an official response on this? If RTM has no plans on supporting this, please let us know so we can switch products to something that meets our needs.
Posted 16 years ago
francesco.canovi says:
I totally Agree
Posted 16 years ago
vinthomas says:
I would love this feature as well. That is basically the only benefit todoist has over RRM. They manage to keep the subtask feature pretty simple and slick. I am sure you could pull it off even better.

Even if this was a feature for pro only, I would upgrade in a heart beat!
Posted 16 years ago
jon.nermut says:
Posted 16 years ago
gsharp1963 says:
I want this too and would even be willing to switch to another paid solution if I could find a good Thunderbird-Lightning/google tasks/iPhone application. Anybody know of one? I'm a pro user but would abandon rtm for this feature so whoever comes up with it first gets my money.
Posted 16 years ago
duneplanet says:
Posted 16 years ago
cbrannon says:
subtasks would be very appreciated
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I would also like to have sub tasks supported, though it's really important that the simplicity of RTM is kept. Perhaps it could be activated as a choice in the settings menu?
Posted 16 years ago
mfellows says:
I'm in the process of switching to Toodledo solely because it allows subtasks. I'd rather stay with RTM -- among other things, it's much more pleasant to look at, I prefer RTM's search functionality, and RTM is much less mouse-intensive -- alas, the lack of subtasks is a deal-breaker.

Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 16 years ago
mauriceka says:
It is sad to see that RTM is absolutely ignoring this feature request that persistently pops up, over and over again. Shouldn't you listen to your customers? Isn't that what makes an agile start-up like yours what makes it different from anonymous companies that "communicate" with their customers "professionally"?

It seems that you start to "communicating professionally", too. How disappointing!

Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:

Simplicity is the main feature of RTM! Do not change this!

Posted 16 years ago
justace says:
You know it could be implemented without changing the current interface. So those of you who do not want it do not have to know it is there.

You could even make the task assignments hotkeyed so there are no buttons (just very cool useful hidden functions)
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I really like RTM, but lists and tags are no substitute for subtasks. Todoist implements subtasks and does so quite nicely. I happen to prefer RTM, because it looks prettier and has better integration points.

I hope that the RTM team re-considers this. I would gladly pay for pro if it were included. Even if it was a feature that had to be enabled so that most users don't have the "clutter" of subtasks.
Posted 16 years ago
gmonty says:
+1 for collapsing subtasks

Posted 16 years ago
justace says:
I am not sure what to do now. I mean I have never been so aggravated with a dev team before. It just seems that they on purpose ignore these threads. In addition I have asked about the possibility of users contributing to the code base and have received not a single post in that thread after 4 days. I dunno. I really like the way that RTM looks and works with this and the task dependency issue. If not to just shut us all up I think they should add the feature.
Posted 15 years ago
justace says:
That should have been with the exception of this and the task dependency issue....
Posted 15 years ago
quantumswordsman says:
I also would really like to see this feature. In fact, I looked for how to do this for quite a while initially thinking I just must be missing how to do it. BIggest complaint about RTM I have, which I like very much otherwise. Please add this feature, even if you can turn it on/off in the settings for those who don't want to 'complicate' RTM with it.
Posted 15 years ago
justace says:
I think that it is silly to even post here. I mean the devs obviously are not going to respond and are prob not even reading this. Somebody with more time than me should create BRTM on a different site and basically mimic what has been done here but allow all different features. At least have a page talking about what is being developed, or something.... I would not be as fired up as I am if the devs would come on this thread and at least comment on whether their current stance has changed and why and why not.
Posted 15 years ago
lanatee says:
i am pro-subtask feature.
please add.
Posted 15 years ago
uojfe says:
+1 Subtasks please
Posted 15 years ago
jladomato says:
excellent idea!
Posted 15 years ago
mfarango says:
Emily, subtask it is necessary... sometimes RTM it seems difficult to get Items done because you have a lot of lists, a lot of tags...and no order. It is necessary that you consider to make it easy to use it. There is a tool to be considered Sub tagging!! could be a sustitute of subtasks. Consider it.
Also, I would like notification by lists or Smart lists. I don't want messages all the time from all my lists.
Posted 15 years ago
antti.makkonen says:
I could live without sub-tasks if there would be possible to link task to another task.

Having said that subtasks would simplify keeping track of project level of stuff.
Posted 15 years ago
rhartma4 says:
I just signed up and started dumping in tasks from all my paper to do lists. S-weet. Then, tried to figure out how to enter subtasks. Surely an interface this popular must offer such a feature?? Google'd it. Which lead me to here. Really, no "visual" subtasks? Well, I'll try the tagged approach, but just seems tedious just for the sake of a left-justified interface. An indented outline is one of the most elementary organizational tools in existance. How can this be considerd too complex-looking?

Doesn't seem our comments will make the developer's budge, but my $0.02 is that subtasks are a needed feature.
Posted 15 years ago
almeidabatista says:
I agree with most people around... subtasking would be but a GREAT addition to RTM!

"GTDers" (like - almost - me) will find this particularly attractive, since Allen's concept on 'projects' is very very broad (any outcome that requires more than one action is considered a project) and sure RTM could profit well from it - since a lot of GTDers are usually people who see the value of investing a little money in something that could potentially improve their lifes. (ha! who wants a better argument?)

Also, since people keep requesting it all the time, maybe they're taking this long because they're trying to come up with some ultra clever way to implement it whitch will amaze us all lol
Posted 15 years ago
krissy says:
Hey everyone,

Just a quick note to let you know that subtasks are definitely on the list of suggestions. If I get any information of possible implementation you'll be the first to know :)
Posted 15 years ago
marlowe says:
Thank you Krissy. Subtasks would make RTM practically perfect in every way!
Posted 15 years ago
thebamoor says:
I was ready to say "bleep you, RTM" for not implementing subtasks, if not for Krissy's comment.

However, Krissy, it shouldn't be on the list of "suggestions". It's a MUST, period. Without subtasks, RTM's a little use to me. I wistfully say this after coughing up $25 for the pro account.

Subtasks AND "next action" feature.
Posted 15 years ago
justace says:
Yes! I will run now run around my room screaming in unexplainable joy! The people around me will look at me funny and think that I am insane. Thank you for this.

Is there a page that lists the other items on the list. To see what you guys are working on. The "next action" feature is almost automatic if you implement the subtasks.... There are so many possibility there.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:

Thanks for letting us know that implementing sub-tasks is now officially considered a "suggestion," after the subject has been debated for 3+ years on this thread.

What are the next steps / next actions?

Posted 15 years ago
krissy says:
Hi everyone,

I would love to give you more information on possible implementation - but at this point I can't. The team is aware of how strong the support is for this feature (and many, many others). As soon as I have info - I will make sure you all hear about it.

@justace Unfortunately we don't have a publicly available list of things the developers are working on. I will pass the suggestion on though.
Posted 15 years ago
mikeasick says:
Posted 15 years ago
jay.herman says:
Add my vote for subtasks. I love RTM, but I find the lack of subtasks to be quite a thorn in the side. I started looking at Todoist because of this. However, it lacks the search sophistication of RTM.

For a GTDer like me, subtasks are really needed.
Posted 15 years ago
okametaro says:

I love UI of RTM. When I consdered Toodledo instead, I found how the UI is great. I eager to have subtask function on RTM.
Posted 15 years ago
jon.rollins says:
I agree that a list to contain all of the associated tasks for a "project" (any outcome that requires more than one action to complete) would get the job done. I think what I would like is a very simple way to reorder the tasks, like drag and drop. I think I saw that requested somewhere, and it would give me what I'm looking for with just a little extra work on my part.
Posted 15 years ago
donnarms says:
I just signed on to Pro, began using, and was dumbfounded that I could not subtask. I simply assumed that a quality program would have this feature. Shame on me for not looking more closely before buying.

After skimming this forum it is obvious the developers are unresponsive to their users.
Posted 15 years ago
jakecrosby says:
(me and a friend)
Posted 15 years ago
bgmontel says:
Posted 15 years ago
patrek says:

Like many others here, would make RTM very usefull.

Signup last week. Logged in this morning to enter my firsts task, and already needed subtasks.

Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:

I could be very wrong and I'm not going to take the time to look it up, but doesn't Allen's GTD system talk against subtasks and instead of creating projects? That's what I do. Unless RTM were to come up with some incredibly elegant and simple solution, I say "no" to subtasks.
Posted 15 years ago
virat.kadaru says:
I use RTM daily and the only thing I find missing right now is sub tasks. I really need this feature.
Posted 15 years ago
virat.kadaru says:
@we.kanes: True, he does say that and doing it is easy, but every time you want to revise the list of task (add or remove something related to a project) its more helpful to see all task related to a particular project together, instead of searching your entire list for them everytime
Posted 15 years ago
grogol says:
I'm a happy GTD'r and will say that the connection between projects and tasks is a bit of a "hole" in the system, that's why so many GTD'r's struggle with this issue. From what I've heard on GTD Connect and other places the two solutions are: 1) double entry (next steps are listed both on the project and task list); or 2) regular review of both the task AND project list.

The first option lessens the effectiveness of the task manager IMO because it simply becomes a place to check off items that are loosely connected versions of items on your project list. The second option is of course something you should do anyway, but it doesn't help you keep focus when you've completed one step in a multiple step project.

If, like me, you have many complex projects it would be helpful to have the task manager "lead" to the next step in one particular project without having to go back to my project list and then take the time to input another single task back into the task manager.

There's got to be some way to do this in the task manager without creating so many lists. Ideally, the top level task (or project) is listed by priority or alphabetically by default, and each sub task is listed chronologically (not in terms of the date) in the order they must be completed to finish the project. So sub tasks could simply be numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc, with "1" being the next item that needs to be completed.

I would double my pro account fee if this "project load" feature was added!
Posted 15 years ago
atranquilino says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'm sorry, but I cannot believe that this post, asking for subtasks, originated in 2005 and that RTM has yet to address it. It is 3 1/2 years since this request was made, and the subtask feature continues to be requested by users. Sigh.
Posted 15 years ago
justace says:
@amswitzer: Well it seems that they have decided to actually implement this idea as per the message from krissy on March 1st.
Posted 15 years ago
mlasevich says:
Ok, as much as I feel a clean implementation of projects (or sub-tasks) s a must (if you want an easy to use interface, just erase the difference between lists and tasks.) I think there is an easy way to give us some powerful tools fast.

In this thread there are suggestions of workarounds to subtasks by using tags. Unfortunately these workarounds require a lot of extra work to maintain as you need to tag every task. A simple feature that will make this much more tolerable is to add tags to LISTS. I.e. if a task "Task A" is in a List "List B" and "List B" is tagged as "Tag C" - then "Task A" automatically inherits "Tag C". This simple feature would add ability to change using RTM from "Lists" as categories and "Tasks" as tasks and projects, to "Lists" as projects, "Tags" as categories (and tags), and Tasks as simple tasks. You can then create "Smart Lists" around category tags to re-create original Category as List view.

The best thing about this is it should be simple to implement. Add tag field to List and a simple SQL (assiming its a relational DB in the backend of RTM) to join Task and List tags when viewing.

So, how about that?
Posted 15 years ago
wernight says:
+1 and also linked tasks.

So you know the next task and once done the next one in line appears.
Posted 15 years ago
dennisis says:
It's simple - I need subtasks to make this a viable system, as do many others. I'm comparing RTM to Toodledo and this is a glaring omission. Can we expect this soon or should I move on?
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:

Bahahahahahahahahaha. Now that's a good one. "Expect this soon". Stop it. You're killing me.

Oh year, it's April 1. Me bad.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Come on... We're actually paying customers of this service, and as much as I love RTM, you're telling me that all you can say is that it's now a "suggestion" after having been hammered on for over 3 years? That seems, at best, a little disingenuous. Are you guys actually working on this feature or not?
Posted 15 years ago
wangdong says:
Give me this feather please!
Posted 15 years ago
dan.julian says:
Are there any greasmonkey scripts or similar that could make this a possibility?
Posted 15 years ago
dan.julian says:
@dan.julian - READ MUCH?!

And now I've read the comments...sorry.
Posted 15 years ago
cazevedo says:
You can add me to the "sub-task" to-do list :-)

I've been on RTM for a day and it's one of the first things I found I needed. Some tasks require a bunch of steps which need to be tracked.

No GANTT charts - just sub-tasks ;-)
Posted 15 years ago
mihaibirsan says:
Posted 15 years ago
marlowe says:
Went to Toodledo. Subtasks work like a charm. Virtually all the RTM competitors offer subtasks, too.
Posted 15 years ago
olepetter says:
Yes, I want it too....please.
Posted 15 years ago
eurokeith says:
I really like RTM but have been enviously looking at the subtask feature in other products... would definitely go pro for subtasks!
Posted 15 years ago
thom.owen says:
gotta say as much as I love RTM this is starting to be a deal breaker for me. You folks have a product that is 10 % functionally away from being a complete knock out, but it just really seems stalled out.
Posted 15 years ago
nathanpeterson says:
Agreed. I hate to, but I'm currently looking at other options. I just can't take the stress of seeing SO many individual tasks and I don't have the time to do a bunch of weird tagging to make it work.

Also wish I could change the order to whatever I want - the priority thing is way to cumbersome and limited.
Posted 15 years ago
jamezzz says:
Posted 15 years ago
mvwesten says:
Although having an account for some time now. I'm just beginning to fill my To-Do list and was wondering why it was so hard to create a subtask. Googling around trying to find how to create a subtask i do now find that this is not possible. This a real showstopper for me. I consider levelling task in tree-form really a primary fucntionality for a To-Do system.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Pweeeeese RTM we needs the subtasks feature to be awesomes in our jobs/ life and impress our managers/ friends for wage increase/ awesomeness :)
Posted 15 years ago
patch says:
Posted 15 years ago
chouti says:
I'd love to have this feature too.

It would make RTM my primary TODO software.
Posted 15 years ago
vishrtm says:
I'd love to have this feature. I reviewed a lot of other list management software like Things, The Hit List etc., but decided to pay up (pro) for RTM 'cause of it's cool and easy interface and the ability to use it anywhere i.e. web, phone, desktop, gadgets etc.

The sub-task feature will definitely push RTM to the top of my list of task management tools.
Posted 15 years ago
conner.marshall says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
How about an update please RTM. Is it possible we may get this feature within 6 months or not?
Posted 15 years ago
pbowyer says:
I've used RTM on and off for a year now and wondered why I didn't gel with it... until I used Todoist today. It's the nested subtasks that makes all the difference!

Apart from this RTM is superior, but without this feature... it doesn't work the way I think, make lists on paper or generally work in life. And that's why I can't be comfortable using it.

Come on RTM, give us subtasks!
Posted 15 years ago
samycchn says:
yes, please add subtask. I really need it to help me.
you can even add this to PRO and I will be happy to pay for it.
Posted 15 years ago
hiroom22 says:

I really need it
Posted 15 years ago
kyleglasgow says:

I would pay for it.
Posted 15 years ago
nickoneill says:
Adding my +1 here
Posted 15 years ago
krksched says:
Please add subtasks or at least an update - thx!
Posted 15 years ago
samycchn says:
is there any update? Please add subtasks
Posted 15 years ago
maximilian.scheffler says:
Posted 15 years ago
chris.mendoza says:
I agree - subtasks please...indented tasks is a good option to not complicate the interface, perhaps with a + / - to show/hide subtasks, with the most recent and last due date rolling up to the parent task
Posted 15 years ago
mawore says:
please give us subtasks!

it´s the only thing missing apart from OutlookSync!
Posted 15 years ago
mbaechtold says:
Posted 15 years ago
davidhop says:
please give us subtasks...begging
Posted 15 years ago
carrel says:
I really want sub tasks for doing GTD. I like to create a project and then all the tasks needed to complete that project are subtasks. I create projects for everything so lists are too much.

Then let sub-tasks be "next actions" so that a smart list only shows the next action, not the entire list of sub-tasks.
Posted 15 years ago
ctl271 says:
Posted 15 years ago
alessandro.descovi says:
Posted 15 years ago
km19144 says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:

Also it would be great to have
1) completion progress status (%%);
2) parent task should calculate its progress status depending on sub-tasks progress
Posted 15 years ago
torfason says:
It's not the same thing as having it built in, but you may want to check out "RTM Projects", as well as an (fully backwards compatible) extension called "RTM Projects v3" *.

RTM Projects:

RTM Projects v3:

* Full disclosure: The "v3" extension was done by myself.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Some say created the possibility to make subtasks will complicate RTM. But I think this isn't true. If you create a function in Settings where people can enable or disable the ability to create subtasks, everyone can choose what he/she wants!
If you don't need it, simply disable.
For those who need it, including me, it would be a hell of an advantage!

As many said before: it's the only missing part (besides OutlookSync perhaps, but I don't need that one :P )


P.S. I'm Dutch, so my English might contain some errors.
Posted 15 years ago
peterfpeterson says:
RTM is my favorite task manager available today. I say that without reservation. I tried several others (toodledo, todoist, etc) and always came back. What makes me come back is the powerful searching and keyboard shortcuts. What makes me seek out other solutions is the lack of subtasks. The best system I found for denoting subtasks is HNB, an old curses program that ceased development in 2003. The reason I enjoyed it so much was subtasks and watching the percentage done fill up for master tasks.

I would really like either having direct subtasks, in a tree as people mention, or blocking tasks. An example of the latter is that I can't order a shirt for my son until my wife tells me his size (I'm not that informed). The blocked task could disable (or leave enabled with a different color) the checkbox until the blocking task is completed. This could appear in the UI as an extra field in the details as a search so people could do more interesting things with it. In the overview list you could just add an arrow pointing to the right if there is a blocking task. Clicking on it would take you to it. The only thing left is a search keyword "blocks" which will recursively find all tasks that block the task searched for.

The "hacks" that people have given, even in the blog, are a tremendous amount of work that require me to think too hard to keep track of things. Frequently I'll put a task in my inbox like "buy shirt for the boy" and with the hacks I have to start creating lists/tags/etc and delete the original task.....rather than just move it to the correct list "Active" and start adding things that need to be done first.

The nice thing about implementing with blocking is that it is just one more field in the backend db and suddenly you can play with a new feature. See where it goes. I'm among the ton of people that would pay to be in the pool of beta testers.
Posted 15 years ago
ziger says:
Subtasks are something that have been asked for from the beginning (I've been on for two years already).

To be honest, the only thing that stops me from coming up with a good way to do this is the lack of dependent items. Being able to tag something as contingent on another item would be helpful. Right now if I miss a step in a series of to dos, I wind up spending too much time playing with dates, and I wind up not keeping it up.
Posted 15 years ago
smms says:
Posted 15 years ago
shane.conway says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
suscribe. +1
Posted 15 years ago
simspace says:
I come back every now and then hoping they implemented subtasks. Guess I'll check again next year!
Posted 15 years ago
hollywebster says:
I too am dying for "projects." I was using Things for a while -- it's very nice, but it doesn't play well with Blackberry. That's one thing I really like about RTM.... But as a student who uses Things/RTM/etc for both life management and school management, I can't have a list for every paper and every project. It would drive me nuts. And I love tags for certain purposes, but tagging/smart lists are really no better a substitute for projects than making endless lists, if you have a lot of projects.

Check out Things and The Hit List to see how projects can be implemented in a very simple and elegant way, and then check out Omnifocus to see how they can be implemented in a complicated and infuriating way.

So yes, please, this is a make or break feature.
Posted 15 years ago
leooon says:
but a "Labs Features" would be nice for this.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 for indented subtasks.
Posted 15 years ago
jdmerth says:
+1 need a simple way to track projects
Posted 15 years ago
shaun.smiley says:
just got the Pro. I hope this will be implemented as RTM is the best in every other category, imho.
Posted 15 years ago
metallator says:
Teadious creating tasks and numbering etc sucks
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
ken.weirman says:
Posted 15 years ago
metallator says:
All right.... since "kindly asking" for it doesn't help: How much money do you want for this feature to be implemented?

I'm sure if you name your price, we'll figure a way out on how to get there!

Posted 15 years ago says:
Subtasks are needed. Put the brain power in folks - projects are composed of lots of tasks. It's a natural way of looking at the world and RTM need to reflect that.
Posted 15 years ago
ejbman says:
Posted 15 years ago
felixc says:

With 200+ responses this is a passionate issue.
Posted 15 years ago
jockmurray says:
Even if this feature was only available by upgrading to PRO, you would definitely have me sold.
Fantastic application and worth every cent.
Posted 15 years ago
hhollick says:
Count me in on this request! Subtasks are not just for project management. There are a number of things on my list that would be enhanced by subtasks.
Posted 15 years ago
dk_in_c says:
Posted 15 years ago
sqrl0 says:
+1 please
Posted 15 years ago
apgordon says:
So... I think this could definitely be advantageous.

Another way I've envisioned this could be done (though I think it'd be way more complicated) is being able to "link" a task to another task. That sounds confusing, but here's where I'm coming from.

If I've got a task that's tagged '-waiting,' I'd love to be able to click something and see the task that it's linked to, or, essentially, dependent on. So, theoretically, when I click on this '-waiting' task, on the right hand side would be a link to the '-na' (next action) task that has to happen before this one becomes do-able.

Or, you could just do subtasks. :)
Posted 15 years ago
todd.binder says:
Posted 15 years ago
lilxhk says:
This would help me a lot.
Posted 15 years ago
almurray says:

Big tasks are made up of small tasks
Posted 15 years ago
stiffler3000 says:

Very important for me! I'm really searching for an applikation which handles subtasks. This will make my decision for renewing the pro account.
Posted 15 years ago
things_and_stuff says:
I'm hoping to implement sub tasks in my rtm desktop app Rtm Notifier within the next couple of weeks

The current version

- has a notification for each due task

- enables you to postpone for 15 mins, postpone for 1 day, complete or delete a task from the tasks notification

- enables you to decide which due tasks you are notified about by switching on / off lists or by tagging a task

- enables you to add tasks

It does have a few more functions but I wont go into every feature here, for more details see
Posted 15 years ago
eivos says:

Pocos intervienen en Español, pero creo que es el momento de tener esa función.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 for subtasks!
Posted 15 years ago
mmmore says:

Sub tasks would definitely help organize my tasks. I happens regularly that I have one activity (task) which actually consist of smaller activities. I could create labels to group the activities together, but that is just not convenient, because then it is not clear what the 'main' task is.

Many thanks in advance.
Posted 15 years ago
alfborge says:

Tasks should be able to have a parent and children. I often create a general task and would then like to break it down into subtasks. Some subtasks might be broken into yet smaller tasks, etc. When a parent task is complete, children should also be completed. When a parent has a due date, children should have that or an earlier due date.

This would increase the value of RTM immensely.
Posted 15 years ago
attig says:
+1 for me too, although what I really want is "dependent tasks" rather than sub-tasks. If something is made of many tasks, it's not a parent task, but a project. What I would like to see is a way to make some tasks dependent on the completion of others.
Posted 15 years ago
koehn says:

I am constantly needing this feature
Posted 15 years ago
vityazev says:
Posted 15 years ago
ben.wainwright says:

RTM would be the PERFECT task management app with this feature...
Posted 15 years ago
shai.inbal says:

Subtasks please!
Posted 15 years ago
eryk says:
Yep, subtasks would be useful.
Posted 15 years ago
espressodoppio says:
Posted 15 years ago
noosphereious says:
Both subtasks and dependencies are *way too complex* for a personal GTD system.

If you want subtasks, dependencies, gantt charts etc. you need some actual PM software ... however, don't try to make RTM messy with all this nonsense - go use something else!
Posted 15 years ago
dylan.eiler says:

But I agree. It would have to be implemented just right so as to avoid RTM becoming messy.

Thanks for the active development!
Posted 15 years ago
purpleadam says:
I vote a big, big yes on subtasks (this might be begging, actually) and it might be a deal breaker for me to make RTM a usable app. With much thanks for the app as it's been developed so far, here are some thoughts:

Separate lists and tags (the workaround kindly suggested by RTM staff) mean I'll either
a) have a bunch of extra lists that I have to think to look at (rather than one true list) or
b) a ton of tagged subtasks that I'd consider clutter when I'm looking for what needs doing and don't want to work on that main task.

The goal here is to streamline the interface, which is admirable, but it also means our view of tasks is anything but streamlined. I'm guessing many users like me spend a lot more time viewing their list to select what needs doing than adding to it or editing it, so for me the importance of keeping things streamlined and clean applies as much to the view and usability of existing tasks than just adding things to the list.

One of the biggest impediments to getting things done, as noted in Barbara Sher's book Wishcraft, is hitting a vague, "Do this" task that has no tangible step to be done today. For example, "Start a new business" isn't something tangible to be done, while "Brainstorm businesses needed in my area" is something that could be done right now. Without subtasks, RTM seems to facilitate the big, vague, "Do this" kind of task and any of the more relevant sub-steps, assuming there are more than two or so, would clutter the view. This leaves it great for small errands (and there are so many apps out there that do this) but not as useful for organizing one's life. I agree this doesn't need to creep up in scope to be a project management app, but I have a hunch other people's daily lives also have a few more complexities.

With subtasks RTM would also seem to be so much more useful for people at work who aren't project managers but are just keeping tabs on things they have been asked to do. Sometimes these group up and a project gets put on hold, etc. This might be a large part of the user base and I'd much rather have one app like this than two.

I realize subtasks would involve a bit of thinking and coding, and it probably *should* be an optional feature. I'm okay if it's not enabled with SmartAdd for a while, etc. It doesn't necessarily have to approach a PM app. You could skip dependencies, skip any complicated view of task completion status for the parent (other than not started, partial, and done), and skip resources for tasks, etc.

RTM seems to be a great application and the work your team has done on it is so appreciated. If you've written off subtasks, here's another voice asking you to please reconsider.

Thank you!
Posted 15 years ago
emilla19 says:
+1 for collapsible subtasks
Posted 15 years ago
jawnlam says:
PLEASE add collapsible sub-tasks and sub-projects in a way that will "wow" all of us who have been patiently waiting for it and not interfere with those who would never use it.

Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes please add subtasks - a drop down menu might be possible to allow a drop down menu from a task that shows sub tasks - it would be amazing
Posted 15 years ago
kaushiknfs says:
Posted 15 years ago
discoveringself says:

Collapsing or not, sub tasks please!
Or, at least allow to group tasks together under a name.

Posted 15 years ago
silverzero says:
Yeah, that would be awesome
Posted 15 years ago
oxman says:

Its a very important things.
And about complexity, you could make its simple and add an option to use or not use the subtask system.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I often find myself looking at my list of tasks and being overwhelmed by the number of tasks rather than the volume of work those tasks represent. Having a single expandable task with a simple "+" just to the inside of the check box ([ ] + Reading for Classes) with tasks nested rather than the extra tasks (Philosophy Reading, Math Reading, English Reading, Jazz PDF in email) in the same list under the rest of what I have to do today wouldn't complicate, but in fact, simplify my UI view of today's tasks.

Subtasks simply make multi-part tasks more manageable and doesn't necessarily constitute project management per se.

Even if subtasks were something supported only in pro, I would easily upgrade.
Posted 15 years ago
flyingsaucrdude says:
+1 -- I would go pro for subtasks.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
painbearer says:
Posted 15 years ago
nwsedlak says:
Please, subtasks. I can sort of do this with new lists, etc, but the interface to create a list is cumbersome, especially trying to do one for every little multistep process.
Posted 15 years ago
2thehowards says:
Posted 15 years ago
justace says:
I think that it is funny that people are still asking for this feature.... you know they are not going to do it!
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
ravulur says:
fwiw, +1. Like the idea of making a tag have a completion date.
Posted 15 years ago
zan.sterling says:
Posted 15 years ago
suejin says:
I'd love sub-tasks as well. Collapsable, nested, but keep it simple--only one sub-level. Would be very helpful, even for everyday errands!
Posted 15 years ago
johnnieboy says:
Posted 15 years ago
matthias.cole says:

Would definitely use this feature.
Posted 15 years ago
efrenefren says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:

Please, subtasks. I need them for keeping my job applications straight - before I apply for job X I need to customize the resume, make sure all my recommenders have written their letters, send in the application, etc.

Tags/lists is a lame workaround. I don't think it would be difficult to make the feature ignorable for those who don't want it.
Posted 15 years ago
whobot says:
Posted 15 years ago
hakchi897 says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
davidbwagner says:
If RTM simply added a "sort by list name" sorting option, then you could use lists for project names and achieve grouping by project. Even if it weren't collapsible, this would make a lot of people happy.
Posted 15 years ago
dheeren says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Just to let you know, I have come back to RTM Pro because it beats all the other Task Apps out there. My original decision to leave my Pro Account was based on the Subtask feature not being forthcoming and an inability to see the wood through the trees. Since then I have done a lot of research into Tagging & Flat Hierachies, a lot of thinking and although it pains me to make such a massive turn around.... I can live without Subtasks, I don't need them and I'm going full steam ahead with my GTD way of project management which I will describe in a Forum post shortly. So Emily you can count this as a "- (minus) 1" for each of my previous annoying posts.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
RTM has a lot of advantages over other task apps. Using main project-lists, tags and the smartlists, you can create your for next-actions list, who to call, view the delegated tasks etc (GTD).

Especially the tagging (tags and location) is a very powerful feature and that why i still use RTM.

But there are sub-projects within the main projects-lists and combining tasks/subtasks would be very useful. Google Tasks uses indents and that would be enough for me. I don't need the indentation in the smartlists, because it could be a task on my next-action list. The indentation is useful when revieuwing a project list.

It is possible to create a list for each subprojects and archive it, but the list would become enormous

And "strike-throught" to mark a task as done, but to keep it in sight with the other tasks/subtasks.
Posted 15 years ago
davidbwagner says:
sebastian, I am reminded of Fermat's conjecture in which he famously wrote:

"I have discovered a truly marvellous proof of this, which this margin is too narrow to contain."

Please, details! Before it's too late! :-)
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
aloshka says:
+1 sub tasks!!!
Posted 15 years ago
aloshka says:
I think even if subtasks showed up as notes as a start, I'd be happy.
Posted 15 years ago
hollywebster says:
still waiting for subtasks.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:

I'm doing subtasks manually right now. By writing the parent task before the subtask and then searching. However this is becoming a real chore.

Having a user-friendly way to do subtasks would be very nice.
Posted 15 years ago
barkwheats says:
I see that this thread was started in 2005 and this still isn't implemented, but I'll add my +1 here just in case it is still being considered.
Posted 15 years ago
marciowerner says:
Posted 15 years ago
gsrusso says:
Right now I just use a "/" followed by next action and then edit as that is completed to add next action but a set of subtasks (which you could ignore if you didn't want to use) would provide a simple way to organize work. Also like the strike through notion for a sense of accomplishment!
Posted 15 years ago
ebertini says:
Posted 15 years ago
nikonor says:


what about support of in notes?
Posted 15 years ago
dftranslink says:
Posted 15 years ago
gustave says:

Please do subtasks! This is one of two features that drives me to using multiple task tracking systems.
Posted 15 years ago
onlyangil says:
Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please,

This really is THE ONE THING I feel that could make RTM over the top.

I do hope you guys change your minds!

Posted 15 years ago
jean.jordaan says:
First thing I started searching for when starting to use RTM .. this thread is discouraging reading .. three responses from RTM in 4 years? At the very least I would expect a link to a howto or blog post demonstrating how to use tags, lists, and Smart Lists for subtasks for this purpose, as suggested by Emily back in 2006.
Posted 15 years ago
marc.garcia.marti says:
krissy and RTM crew, please do give us a Christmas present and let us know when this feature will be available. I dropped RTM a while ago due to this lack of subproject support and I've been using MyLifeOrganized over the last months. Now and then I keep comming back to the forum in order to check for this and other features... come on, allow me back!! :)
Posted 15 years ago
wouter.mooij says:
Posted 15 years ago
mupper says:
i would buy an pro account, but without subtask, no pro account!

Thats so important!
Posted 15 years ago
2tx.yeha says:
Sub-tasks, por favor.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I have to add that this feature would be insanely useful. In place of subtasks I am using lists. But adding a list is not even close to easy when categorizing things in your inbox.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
subtasks would be awesome!
Posted 15 years ago
brijen says:
As so many others, the lack of subtasks is the dealbreaker for me. I would use RTM 100% pro otherwise.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
eprats says:
It s obvious that many would love to have the possibility to make subtasks. I also would love to do that. So, why propose tricks ans workarounds instead of implementing this feature?

If you don't like subtasks you can avoid using them, but if you want subtasks, why do you have to create stupid tags or use an special notation?

There are some things that demand dome actions to be completed and event GTD proposes to treat them as projects....I don't want to have 20 projects (lists) in my rtm account!
Posted 15 years ago
luziferus says:
Also adding a voice to this because I would love to see it in RTM too.

Sometimes the task management would be quite easier having task A with subtasks A1, A2 and A3 because one could do the subtasks one by one at different times without every time remembering what already was done and what still is open... (ZenToDone)

Totally agree to eprats - I dislike having X lists (projects) and creating even a new one for an one-time-task which consists of some subtasks.

Please hear this (really many) votes and think about implementing it.
Posted 15 years ago
wpreed says:
Adding my voice to the list of supporters of sub-tasks, or linking tasks, as I prefer to call it.
Posted 15 years ago
swaroopch says:
Posted 15 years ago
ballard says:
+1 Subtasks
Posted 15 years ago
robertgtd says:
Here's my problem. Say I have a proposal due next Friday. I set it up on the system. I need to start working on it latest this Wednesday, I need to do a bit of research, get some emails out to people so I get the responses on time. I don't want to come in next Friday morning and find I have a proposal to write.

In practice, I set up the task for the proposal and give it the date I want to *start* and put in a note for the first thing I want to do. Then, when that date comes, I do what the note says and then set up another note then reschedule the task. It kind of works but the real due date for the task is in my head because I have had to use the due date for the sub tasks. It's not ideal for setting up parallel tasks and assigning tasks to others in the team.

The ideal solution for me would be to have sub tasks that have no more than date, note, completion_status and shared_with. They wouldn't be full blown tasks. Sub tasks could be on a separate tab on the task (i.e. Task, Notes, Sub-Tasks).

Then, when RTM is listing tasks for the Overview, it lists any sub tasks within the appropriate tab (i.e. Today, Tomorrow, Overdue). When I click on a sub-task, it would take me through to the List view with the the new Sub-Task tab selected and the selected sub task highlighted.

Within the List view, for me, there would be no need to list sub-tasks within the view, an icon against the task to show that sub-tasks are present would be sufficient.

Like a lot of people on this thread, I think this would make RTM pretty much perfect.
Posted 15 years ago
_fff says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 collapsible subtasks
Posted 15 years ago
seb.p.white says:
Lack of subtasks is the only thing holding me back from getting a pro account too...
Posted 15 years ago
obrienmb says:
Wow! After over 4 years, still no substantive response to this. That's amazing to me.

I'm a fairly long time pro user, and I've loved RTM, but I've had to recently start thinking about shifting for exactly this inability of RTM to group tasks more usefully in ways which would aid rudimentary project management. After all, yes, if we need to do heavy lifting, we can go to Omniplan or (God forbid) MS Project, but each week is filled with small projects which are just hard to handle with RTM.

Yes, you can use lists and tags, but it always feels like a hack rather than a properly considered approach to what cannot surely be that difficult to implement.

Anyways, I'm hoping the dev team comes up with something soon on this front, because I personally feel that I'm surfing the extremities of RTM's usefulness to me, and the overwhelming feedback above seems to speak for itself.
Posted 15 years ago
chzumbrunnen says:
Me too would really like to see such a feature!

I understand that it might be a challenge and RTM doesn't need to become a full-blown project management tool (but why not? If it's possible to "simply organize your project with RTM", why looking for something else....)

I suggest to have taks as now but have a possibility to add "steps" (which would be subtasks) to any task (or "split" a task into subtasks/steps) respectively just add a "dependent on"....

I have other ideas or wishes, but leave them to other threads :-)

great tool anyway! keep on the good work.

Any task/step (which are technically absolutely the same (don't complicate the design)!) can have a parent/dependency.

On the database level it would be implemented as a nested set hierarchical structure
Posted 15 years ago
omairabdullah says:
I have just started using RTM yesterday and this was the first hurdle I faced. I haven't used many such applications but subtasks seems a natural way of organizing stuff.
Posted 15 years ago
abuyaseen says:
I would love to see subtasks on rtm.

There have been many times when I just needed it, but had to use notes for subtasks. However, I would still prefer to see it under the main tasks.

If it was available on pro accounts, I would happily upgrade.
Posted 15 years ago
ianfong1000 says:
+1 to subtasks!

Currently trying to find a workaround, but still left with unweildly tags and smart lists:


Posted 15 years ago
pon1980 says:
+1 vote on subtask.

(Search) lists and tags as workaround is ok but a little bit clunky. Subtask is the only feature I find lacking in RTM.
Posted 15 years ago
smile.syban says:
I didn't have time to read the whole discussion above. Sorry if I missed some related post (and sorry for my english too).

In my opinion there is a way to use subtasks with RTM without adding complexity to the interface : one could use the API and add this feature to a third part client (web or not).
"Getting Things Gnome" (GTG : is doing something like this with a RTM plugin (
Personnaly, i don't expect RTM to add sub tasks, because it they do so, They'll put a toe in a very different kind of software : project managment.

I'd rather see some kind of convention on naming of tasks, tags or lists supported by RTM to ensure that every other clients implementing subtasks would have the same way to do it and could interact with each other.

RTM is really great the way it is. Thanks.
Posted 15 years ago
jeffrdrew says:
I would prefer to see categories added as a way to group lists. Bonsai by Natara has this feature and I loved it. Unfortunately, Bonsai doesn't run on Android.

Categories add another level of hierarchy which I suspect would fulfill the subtask requirement. You would have a Project 1 category which then has several lists. In Bonsai, I categorized my lists into 8 categories: House, Work, Music, etc.

RTM is not a simple interface with 25 lists - it's too busy.

Posted 15 years ago
myosse says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
please, i miss that feature
Posted 14 years ago
stevedaniels says:

I would go pro for this feature..
Posted 14 years ago
gerard.girling says:
+1 please...
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 that is the only thing that keeps me from finally switching to rtm.
Posted 14 years ago
nomorenight says:
Posted 14 years ago
algold says:
I'm in love with RTM,
but please , add subtasks, they're important for people running many projects in parallel.
Posted 14 years ago
awwshucks says:
Posted 14 years ago
erik.sluiters says:
+1, RTM is not very useful for me without this
Posted 14 years ago
mijoerg says:
+1, the only feature missing!
Posted 14 years ago
willdye says:
+1, but I agree that a big concern is to keep the interface simple for newcomers (such as myself) and those who don't need the advanced features. To address this problem, I think that RTM would benefit from different modes of operation, similar to the "basic search" and "advanced search" options in Google and other sites. In general it's better to have a single GUI mode which covers both basic and advanced features, so if someone has a unified design that can do it all, more power to you.

For what it's worth, subtasks are closely related in my mind to project templates. Perhaps there's a better term than "project template", but the idea is that when I start certain types of large tasks, there are several subtasks which should be filled in by default. For example, when I start a new "non-trivial programming assignment" major task, automatically create these subtasks: 1) create project tracking documents, 2) make a detailed time estimate, 3) get approval from the boss to continue, 4) do the project, 5) file a final report". I should be able to create project templates, import templates which were created by others, and allow the boss to edit my project templates.

This in turn ties into group project management. For example, once I have the project estimate done, my check-off action should automatically trigger a "read Will's project estimate" to-do item for my boss. By the way, if all this talk of project templates and such is of interest to the reader, there are plenty of informal (written on paper, not managed in a program) project management templates available from places like NASA, Steve McConnell/Construx, the Project Management Institute, and many others.

Anyway, my point is simply that nested to-do items will probably lead to requests for project templates, which will almost certainly lead to extensive requests for project management features. That's why I think RTM will eventually acquiesce to the pressure to have different modes for basic and advanced usage. It seems like the advanced mode will eventually become really, really advanced, so there will probably be a split sooner or later anyway.

William L. Dye
Software Enginerd
Posted 14 years ago
michael.severance says:
subtasks and start date are the features I would like the most. I do like tags and smart lists and all the other wonderful features of RTM, but these two things keep coming back as items I would really like. I have read (and re-read) the work around options. Just another opinion, Emily and friends.

Yesterday I was talking to someone frustrated with Lotus Notes task lists (that's our company PIM/email setup) and referred him to RTM. First question back: do they have start dates?

Thx all.
Posted 14 years ago
joaomelo says:
+1. would be great.
Posted 14 years ago
vglaser says:
subtasks is a must-have feature
Posted 14 years ago
chaos_ says:
Posted 14 years ago
durtreg says:
Posted 14 years ago
rlanger says:
Subtasks would be really useful for me. Since I first started using RTM, I've tried several different methods for tying projects to next actions using tags, lists, and notes; none of which has been very satisfactory. Subtasks would allow me to finally replace all those tedious workarounds with a single, simple, intuitive system that does exactly what I need it to do, with a minimum of fuss and clutter.

Even without subtasks, RTM is the best task management program I've ever used. However, regardless of how much I enjoy using RTM in its current form, I still find myself returning to this thread every few months, hoping against hope for confirmation that subtasks are coming to RTM after all.

(Alternatively, categories like the ones suggested by jeffrdrew earlier in this thread would probably solve my current problems about as well as subtasks. I only suggest subtasks because there seems to be more broad-based support for them and because they seem easier to integrate gracefully into the existing UI.)
Posted 14 years ago
cmelville says:
I agree with rlanger. I, too, check in every two or three months to see if you guys have finally cracked. No explanation of the inability to have subtasks makes sense. It's completely arbitrary.
Posted 14 years ago
philkarstaedt says:
subtasks, please, please.
Posted 14 years ago
nohant says:
Posted 14 years ago
mithun.nair says:
+1 This is the only thing missing, for RTM to go over and above the top!

Google Tasks has a simple interface, and it can represent subtasks. Functionality to fold is less important... tasks for a project just need to appear clubbed together.
Posted 14 years ago
ratik says:
Posted 14 years ago
brent.j says:
+1. Please.
Posted 14 years ago
duma says:
RTM still doesn't have this? Please add it.

Posted 14 years ago
sotidis says:
Please add it
Posted 14 years ago
maseratij says:
-1 subtasks are unnecessary
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Seems to me that this would complicate other simplicities, such as being able to email a task to a list by using the #[list name] feature. Probably there is a way around that, but I would rather be able to move tabs/lists into a priority manually so I can use the Tab as teh project and then prioritize with that tab.
Posted 14 years ago
daveclayton says:
Posted 14 years ago
laitiere says:
Good suggestion.
Posted 14 years ago
olivier.compagne says:
+1 for subtasks.

I'm NOT trying to manage big projects, just things like the writing of a paper for school, or shopping lists, and I could seriously use subtasks.

I vote for simplicity too, and to me subtasks are needed for simplicity. Without them, I have to create additional tags, lists, which are cumbersome because they don't allow a single display of all tasks and subtasks in the correct order. Having 20 different list tabs with no order other than alphabetical does not add to the simplicity of the interface.

That's the only thing I miss from Google Tasks. Just a simple indent, and that's enough.

Those who don't need subtasks, or would prefer not having them... well, they could just not use them. But why not provide the feature for those of us who want it? It's kind of the one big thing missing from RTM to be the perfect tool.
Posted 14 years ago
cvetan.stojkoski says:
Posted 14 years ago
rosowski says:
Posted 14 years ago
elfabio says:
would be awesome
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
I created an account specifically to see if you supported subtasks. Shame.
Posted 14 years ago
swanberg says:
The simplicity argument is easy to solve. Simply don't have subtasks turned on by default. Have it an independent setting.

Use subtasks? __
Posted 14 years ago
njrichardi says:
Much needed, i will not be renewing my pro status because of this.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Would love to see it. Great program either way!
Posted 14 years ago
birukov says:
Posted 14 years ago
snaggletooth says:
Please... this would be amazing... I love Mylyn for development, I would love to be able to take that save GTD style approach to my life with an infinite depth subtask system... thanks.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes Please.. if this is added, there is nothing in RTM that I would miss.. It would make my life simpler then ever..

Posted 14 years ago
mosius says:
I thought a nice way to do this might be with a GUI to make the setup easier. I mocked up a few graphics to give an idea of what it could look like.
Posted 14 years ago
audaciousgloop says:
This would be really helpful. Just adding my voice to the many.

Meantime, I will try to use lists. Wish me luck!
Posted 14 years ago
anuluj says:
i want subtasks
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 please but in as clear and user-friendly way as RTM users already expect and love you for :)
Posted 14 years ago
benvon says:
Posted 14 years ago
yuriy_zubarev says:
Posted 14 years ago
scharnout says:
Posted 14 years ago
thepauly says:
Posted 14 years ago
phosphoricx says:
Posted 14 years ago
rijckholt says:

Agree with most posters here: RTM would be perfect if it could handle sub tasks.

In GTD anything that requires more than one action must become a project. Sub tasks can handle that much more graceful and easy then tagging as RTM currently suggests you deal with projects.

Posted 14 years ago
rasmusscholer says:

I don't know why you are so afraid that this will make the UI too complicated.

I would suggest just to add a "parentTaskId" field or similar. If the parent task is visible in the current view (current list/smartlist/search), then the subtask is displayed indented below it's parent. As default, a subtask should inherit tags/location/etc from it's parent, but it should be possible to add more manually. If a subtask matches a smartlist search but it's parent does not, then the subtask is just displayed as a regular task. (It is possible to see it's parent task in the "task details " area.)

Adding subtasks could be done either when it is added to the current list. E.g next to the "Add new task" input field you could have a checkmark saying "subtask" which when checked would make any added task a subtask of the currently selected task. A shortcut to this could be e.g. "shift+enter" or similar...
Also, it should be possible to add a subtasks to a parent task by dragging a task onto another task thereby re-organizing the tasklist.

Is this really too complicated to implement? I'm sure you could get a lot of help from your users if you have any specific problems/concerns - all you need is ask.

Also, I would like to suggest that you make a "votebox" feature on your website similar to Dropbox' - it's kind of hard to keep track of all requested features and how many votes each request has. (You are actually getting a somewhat bad reputation with people saying that RTM devs never listens to their users - this subtask-issue being one of the more frequent used examples of that...)
Posted 14 years ago
alborex says:

There are tools out there that sync with RTM, like GTG, and use subtasks. I would like to see that as well in the web interface.
Posted 14 years ago
rlbarnett says:
I would love to see this
Posted 14 years ago
batoure says:
one more vote for this feature
Posted 14 years ago
vinodlive says:
Bring it on.. already. +1
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:

This would be very useful for me. I am using RTM to manage tasks with other people for a couple of different engineering projects, and some of the projects have so many tasks it is impractical to use with only one list. We make our own version of sublists just by making lists such as "Project A - Software" and "Project A - Electronics". This works okay, but makes the list of tasks look really cluttered; it would be much better to have built-in sublists to handle this.
Posted 14 years ago
hebbet says:
Posted 14 years ago
lflower says:
+ 1
Posted 14 years ago
trin.yuthasastrakosol says:
totally wanted. I would go pro if this feature were available. I love everything else about RTM.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
The sheer amount of lists and tags I generate really chokes the interface. I just need 1 level of subtasks, then I'd only have 6 lists and my tag cloud wouldn't look nearly as busy. Please! C'mon Bob - we love ya.
Posted 14 years ago
vitalyb says:

I REALLY need it
Posted 14 years ago
jeb54321 says:
I too *need* nested lists in a task/list manager. For me, that is the *only* thing RTM lacks.

Perhaps you could take a look at how Google has implemented tasks in their calendar. Very elegant, simple, easy to use. And of course, web/Ajax-based.

I had long dreamed of an app with flexible tagging. Then I found Gmail and Google bookmarks and realized how limiting tagging can be. There is always *something* I want to do that tag implementations or tabs (folders) ultimately won't do.

Tags are a paradigm. Some can make that shift, and some can't (or won't). I'm one of the latter.

Tagging is nice to have, but for me they are a lot of work. The ultimate simplicity for me is to have as few tabs and as few visible task items as possible. You have been very successful in keeping the *interface* clean. However, as my lists get longer, and as I add tabs to help shorten the lists, even the most elegant page design shows it's limitations (I even tried, unsuccessfully, to archive the "Sent" folder).

The paradigm of information hiding by collapsible lists is practically expected today in any application that stores lots of information.

This was the *single* most important feature I looked for in a PDA list manager, and I bought the first one I found, when I finally found one.

Perhaps your flagship product can't easily adapt to nesting. If so, at the very least I'd encourage a companion product that does support it, for all of us "other" folk.
Posted 14 years ago
joheine says:
This would bring RTM to the next level for me.
I was thinking a lot about it. Needed!!

Don't worry too much about the interface. All you add is a little plus that changes into a minus once the sub-tasks are visible.
Posted 14 years ago
briancam54 says:

This is a well needed feature and would take RTM to a new level of task management.
Posted 14 years ago
miamiray says:
Maybe they will kick me out of the group, but I would have no problem if you added this as a PRO feature. There isnt enough to distinguish pro yet, for someone to pay a yearly fee. Do this and I will buy pro.
Posted 14 years ago
h0tbird says:
Posted 14 years ago says:
Posted 14 years ago
formless says:
I can't believe I browsed this whole thread!

+ 1 for at least some simple way to nest or link tasks
Posted 14 years ago
junaed says:
Posted 14 years ago
fboosman says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
how about just a duplicate task functionality with rename built in? I see the need for subtasks, but mostly just because I think of next actions for a given task, but have no convenient way to make a new task with the same settings to refer to it. This way you get the location, tag, and priority from the current task and rename it to show the next action.... Nevermind, I guess you can already duplicate tasks. Now I just need a way to do that from the keyboard...
Posted 14 years ago
bdmorin says:
Posted 14 years ago
laserbeam3 says:

Every task should have subtasks and may / man not have a parent taks.
It's not that much we're asking for... just the ability to add subtasks to any task.
Posted 14 years ago
mattheyan says:
+1 for subtasks, as long as the simplicity can be maintained. I think it could be relatively unobtrusive in the same way that notes are. They're not terribly convenient to use and don't get in the way in the interface, but for those tasks where you need them, its nice that the option is there.
Posted 14 years ago
tasmith says:
+1 for subtasks - I'd go pro in a minute if RTM offered them. Lack of subtasks forces users like me into counter-intuitive work-arounds. The elegance of the interface is lost. There are several ideas here that would let RTM keep the interface simple even as it added an optional subtask function.
Posted 14 years ago
brad.halcrow says:
This list is getting loooong now RTM.

+ 1 to indented Sub Tasks!
Posted 14 years ago
yakov.keranchuk says:
It can be not only "subtask", better is task-dependency as common thing
Posted 14 years ago
itenoeth says:
+ 1
Posted 14 years ago
ebyrne says:
Posted 14 years ago
mapi says:
Posted 14 years ago
bradl says:
Posted 14 years ago
drcjboduma says:
Posted 14 years ago
ronnell says:
Posted 14 years ago
roolo says:
+1 for subtasks. It's standard component of almost all GTD tools
Posted 14 years ago
gunnar.braaten says:
Posted 14 years ago
mangojerry says:

Imagine how much money you could make by adding subtasks
Posted 14 years ago
luciano.assis says:
Posted 14 years ago
jakub.langhammer says:
Posted 14 years ago
eudard says:
+1 subtask needed
Posted 14 years ago
guice says:
Posted 14 years ago
metallator says:

I agree with yakov.keranchuk: It should be called task-dependency, because that is what we are actually talking about.

I can't imagine that this would make the interface ugly or complex.

Posted 14 years ago
yakov.keranchuk says:
past 4 years, still no progress?
Posted 14 years ago
ricky.carter says:
Plus one.
Posted 14 years ago
dwtasks says:
Hi. I keep checking back to RTM every 3-6 months to see if it's changed its perspective on sub-tasks (nested, indented -- however implemented). Wish I could use it, but can't do so without this critical feature. (RTM's other workarounds -- tags, etc., aren't sufficient.) Hope it may someday be added.
Posted 14 years ago
lilaboc says:
Posted 14 years ago
vonbarky says:
Posted 14 years ago
stephane.depoillyvo says:
Posted 14 years ago
kaaeed says:
+1 This would be great
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
The problem with sub tasks is that it would likely need to introduce dependencies, of which there is no concept in RTM. I kept thinking through a good way to implement this, and I think it would complicate things. However, RTM has come up with great interface ideas to-date, so I have faith (well, hope) that this is something they'll eventually see as valuable on their roadmap.

Posted 14 years ago
dave_elfariz says:
I read 4 years worth of requests for subtasks and they just keep coming. I am a firm believer that the RTM people are a bunch of creative and talented programmers based on the idea and implementation that they have now in their webapp, therefore solving the problem of creating subtasks to work within this uncluttered interface is a proof of their talents.

Subtasks would be really great please. (You could make this a pro feature and get paid for the hardwork in implementing this - no offence to anyone including the good people at RTM)

Thanks again for the RTM experience.
Posted 14 years ago
anyabarski says:
Every voice counts, right? - so I'm adding mine to this long list. Subtasks / multi-level tasks functionality is a critically important feature for so many of us! The moment RTM adds it, I'm signing up for Pro even if it would be twice as expensive as it is now.
Posted 14 years ago
acrider says:
+1 I will sign up for Pro again if RTM adds subtasks!
Posted 14 years ago
phassin says:
Okay, just one more voice voting for sub-tasks/multi-level tasks. Just switched over from a competitor, but will be going back due to lack of subtask option. Agree re adding it to Pro and would happily pay for this feature. Otherwise really loved your product...
Posted 14 years ago
bloodworth.m says:
I really need subtasks too.
Posted 14 years ago
lighthouse084 says:
Please include some form of project / subtasks feature for everyone!
Posted 14 years ago
marco2152 says:
+1 for collapsing subtasks
Posted 14 years ago
jans.roeber says:
My understanding is, that mor than one task on a subject result in a project.
A Project can be defined by tags being assigned to a task.
My project tags all start with a .xxxxx and lall context tags with a @xxxxx

Then I've created a smartlist for all .* tags and here you go with your sub tasks, I presume.
Posted 14 years ago
dnamurphy says:
+1 - subtasks please!
Posted 14 years ago
lucianot says:
Posted 14 years ago
tamalet says:
Posted 14 years ago
leonid.bajora says:
I use notes as subtasks — маке 1,2.3 оr more notes in task, then delete note after proper subtask complete. I don`t understand why not make another tab like a "notes" with "check" instead of "delete" :)
Easiest way — add "check" feature to notes!
Posted 14 years ago
hispeedsurfer says:
Posted 14 years ago
rogerwilco says:
We need to have subtasks.
Posted 14 years ago
robertovg24 says:
Now I'm using Google Tasks, but I need more for my GTD. Again I'm trying to use RTM, and the only thing I'm sure RTM needs is to enable subtasks.
When you use and you have a lot off proyects, is the best way to manage it, breakdown tasks.

Posted 14 years ago
mjessup says:
+1 for a second level of Tasks. I also use notes to list my subtasks, but you can't print notes. Please give us the ability to list subtasks and be able to print them (and to print notes, btw!)
Posted 14 years ago
justice.pilgrim says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
You won't get me to purchase a Pro account until subtasks are implemented. I'm assuming that there are others in my boat as well. But the moment they are, I'll send you my $$! Even commenting on this very old thread seems ludicrous, since it's obviously being ignored. But I believe that RTM is great, and could be greatly enhanced by the subtask feature. The claims of a clunky interface just don't seem to pan out - we're talking 1 maybe 2 spaces of indentation here. I realize that the coding behind this feature may be the real culprit, but go ahead and fess up to that devs :-)
Posted 14 years ago
redders6600 says:

The RTM interface is great, the API means there are a huge number of brilliant apps + ways to access your tasks, but the lack of subtasks/task dependencies etc. is killing this for me.

Tags & smart lists can do the job, but they make the user experience tedious and slow. I'm now seriously considering switching to an UGLY competitor just because of its subtask/dependency feature.
Posted 14 years ago
darrenherbold says:
Posted 14 years ago
exter says:
Posted 14 years ago
csy1232008 says:
I need this too.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
robmugambi says:
+ 1 subtasks please!!
Posted 14 years ago
lorenzogiacomini says:
+1 I need it too...
Posted 14 years ago
rjbasmagi says:
This is definitely the first thing I noticed that I wish RTM had. An easy way to fix this would be having the option to create lists manually as an alternative to smart lists. That way, a list can be created as the main task and then all tasks inside that list would be the sub-tasks. I do enjoy the smart lists and find them very useful, however, they require me to type a common word in all the tasks that I want to make part of that particular list, making me do a bit of extra work that adds up when I'm planning an entire project. Please consider adding the option of creating lists manually as a solution to the sub-tasks, as you can see, there is a considerable number of people asking for it. Keep up the great work! I've only started using this software and it is amazing!

Posted 14 years ago
rjbasmagi says:
Another alternative would be to make it possible to have multi-word tags that would be separated by semi-colons, one-word tags are very limiting into what can be done with them.
Posted 14 years ago
jcrusselljr says:
i would pay for a version with subtasks. +1

i use a plain old Google doc (used to be word doc) for a GTD style list.

an example where i would use subtasks in RTM would be for things like keeping a xmas list.

Top folder would be "xmas". Tasks would be each person - "John", "Mary", "Nick". Subtasks would be items - John wants socks, and bike, Mary wants necklace, Nick wants pro version of RTM ;-)

- John
+RTM pro account
Posted 14 years ago
rmchale says:
Posted 14 years ago
davescafe says:
Subtasks in RTM would be very valuable to me.
I would love to see this feature implemented.
Posted 14 years ago
goraleksi says:
Posted 14 years ago
bruno.lucas says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
grizz_pl says:
Posted 14 years ago
steveshen says:
Posted 14 years ago
texafornia says:
+ A BILLION... Geez. Just do what Google tasks does already. If a task is selected, hitting "tab" bumps it over to the right. If you finish the task above it, it finishes all the subtasks. Come. ON!
Posted 14 years ago
hannah.stock says:

An alternative would be categories for the lists themselves. So one could group lists by "bigger picture" categories.

It is usually easy to know when a project is done (e.g. "plan family vacation") and you can make a list for this project. Also I don't mind reviewing a project's list and manually decide which action comes next.

However even with like 20 lists the interface is quite cluttered - especially when you use additional smart lists.

So +1 for a hierarchy of not tasks but lists!

(This should even be simpler for the interface and implementation)
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes! Subtasks, please!
Posted 14 years ago
dillo99 says:
Please - subtasks!!!!
Posted 14 years ago
docencik says:
This is a showstopper... would be highly appreciated.
Posted 14 years ago
benjamin.jung82 says:
Yes, please :-)
Posted 14 years ago
bluesgeek says:
Cloud Tag Restructurer (greasemonkey script)
(read the entire thread)

It supports hierarchical tasks.
Posted 14 years ago
gmansoor says:
+1, With that many requests, I can't imaging RTM is not adding this feature. Looking at the thread, it seems people are requesting for over 5 years now...
Posted 14 years ago
amanda.olafsson says:
I would love subtasks too. I skimmed some of this... I don't think it needs to complicate the interface, though for those who are concerned I think being able to turn it off/on would be great. I really need nested lists... it could just be a little "+" that would expand a list of tasks that are indented a little bit, with these tasks being subtasks of the a task.

I love the remember the milk interface, but I continually (over the course of years) find myself drifting away from rtm every time I try it, back to the usual Word Document where I use bullets for tasks, indented one level for subtasks, and just delete as I finish them.

For example, I have an Academic Tab in RTM where I put schoolwork. What I would love to have in there is have a task that says:
__ International Health Paper (with due date)
__ Outline (due date)
__ First Draft (due date)
__ Final Draft (due date)

I think that the main tasks within the list should be sorted by the due date of the main tasks, not the sub-tasks.

Sub-tasks would allow me to keep related tasks grouped together, whereas now I need to scroll through a mess of tasks from 4 classes, many involving little pieces.

I also run into this problem in other areas as well. I would love to have a task of 'Be Ready for Campus Career Fair (due Jan 25th) with sub-tasks containing the 5-6 things I need to do before the Career Fair...... One more: I'm applying for a UK Passport, however, I have 4-5 different things I need to do before I can mail it in (phone calls, signatures, passport photos). If I made a list for everyone of these of these main tasks, I would have about 10-20 lists at a time and THAT would get messy.

Right now a Word Document bulleted list is the best way for me to do my to-do list, however, I do love the the RTM interface and the ability to just check things off. I just need a 2nd tier of list so badly... and I agree, I would pay for Pro if I could have this feature.
Posted 14 years ago
amanda.olafsson says:
The spaces didn't post in my reply above. Can't edit. As you'll prob figure out...

__ Outline (due date)
__ First Draft (due date)
__ Final Draft (due date)

was supposed to be indented underneath the

__ International Health Paper (with due date).
Posted 14 years ago
algrinin says:
Subtasks, please!
Posted 14 years ago
mcash257 says:
PLEASE GIVE ME THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People clearly want it, and it would make RTM much more useful. If you're worried about simplicity, add a toggle that turns it on/off, or make it part of Pro. I, for one, would pay for sub-tasks. Don't allow just one level, either. Three would be good, for a total of four: List-> task -> sub-task -> sub-sub-task
Posted 14 years ago
j.cornish01 says:
Please can we have subtasks!
Posted 14 years ago
tobbesjufem says:
Please add support for subtasks now! Or even better custom task hierarchy. Any task can be related to any other task, in order to create hierarchys, orders and any other relations tasks can have between them.
Posted 14 years ago
tfreet says:
+1 for subtasks.

Dont worry about cluttering the interface. Make subtasks a pro feature and allow it to be enabled/disabled. (default disabled)
unrelated - I would also like to see 5 priorities instead of 3.
Posted 14 years ago
bartek.pawelczyk says:
Posted 14 years ago
signalmorning says:
Posted 14 years ago
mbustamanteruano says:
but I think I have just signed up and I think I am goint to leave RTM because of the lack of subtasks
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
This is such a wonderful app, by far the best on Market today and it is blowing all competitors right put of the water, the Milk Sync with Outlook is fantastic.
But, pleeeease add subtasks. as it is now I have to create a list for every project, instead of being able to create several smaller projects under one list. I have just started using RTM and already I am seeing my number of lists skyrocketing making it very cluttered and hard to work with. for example i want to put all relted tasks to one customer under one list, but then there could be several different tasks connected ot this customer which i have to do, and those tasks in turn requoires several this version of RTM I can't find a way of doing this except using tags or several lists. Please add subtasks.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Also, I don't see the problem with cluttering, Simply move the subtasks a few pixels to the right. Connect it to the overlying task. Done.
Posted 13 years ago
shawn.dossie says:
Sub Tasks!
Posted 13 years ago
sventzke says:
Posted 13 years ago
asmith3006 says:
I'd also like subtasks please. If you want to keep it tidy you could collapse them and clicking on the arrow shows the next level. You could display how many remaining tasks are left on the parent tasks.

Please please please do this!!!! Or at least comment.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Seriously, if there aren't subtasks by the time I need to renew my subscription, I don't know if I will. It's so clunky without them. RTM is so wonderful, why does it force me to make it less wonderful by doing strange work around to get subtasks?????
Posted 13 years ago
sleeeper says:
Posted 13 years ago
matthauger says:
I've been a Pro user for quite a while now. But I'm not sure I can re-up my membership next time without subtasks/project management.
Posted 13 years ago
cmdd says:
Sub Tasks are Vital.

I too am a paying customer.
Posted 13 years ago
adriennefritze says:
I too want subtasks. Being able to toggle them would be fab with levels indented. With this ability added, RTM would be a perfect, perfect tool.
Posted 13 years ago
thequicks says:
I've just given RTM a go as I'm looking for a todo list manager.. It looks good apart from one significant issue - sub tasks! Many tasks have multiple components, and RTM can't handle that. Which is a pity, as otherwise it looks pretty good!
I found that supports them, but otherwise it's not usable as the server it is on is too slow (and a few other issues..)
So I'll keep looking....
It's a strange feature for RTM to leave out for so long, this post is 5 years long!
Posted 13 years ago
leesto says:
I've got friends who use other applications for to-do lists and seeing them using subtasks is making me crave more for the feature!

When it comes to renewal, it will be how much I feel I need to use subtasks at that point which will probably make/break whether I'll renew pro or go elsewhere.

I realise there are work-arounds for implementing a sort of sub-task, but none of them are really that neat.
Posted 13 years ago
serolrom says:
Playing with this and with some other task manager. Without subtask I think my money for a pro account will go to some other option in the market.
I guess nothing is really perfect (though RTM *would* be for me with subtasks).
Posted 13 years ago
nlpeter says:
+1. Gmail subtasks are so simple. could we go that route?
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I think we need to have subtasks, or at the least, lists of lists
Posted 13 years ago
kandinsky says:
well, i was looking the help area to find where the subtasks were, I was sure they existed. there's no explanation for this. 5 years...
Posted 13 years ago
austinylin says:
Posted 13 years ago
joergwinkler says:
What a surprise! RTM is based on subtasks: berak down until you have aa "action".

What a pitty.
Posted 13 years ago
amirmasoudabdol says:
5 years ago, this topic started and todays we don't have subtask in RTM. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Posted 13 years ago
sjweyman says:
+1 - I would definitely use this software if there were subtasks!
Posted 13 years ago
jgilchri2003 says:
I guess you can't ask for subtasks from free software. That would make this much nicer, though. currently, I just list the subtasks under the notes section.
Posted 13 years ago
fclaros says:
You say you do not want to add subtasks because it would complicate the interface, which is good reasoning, but I think you might be accidentally causing exactly that problem now. Let me explain myself:

Since I don't have subtasks, I have to use tags and lists, as you say.

* Using lists: Since I have a lot of lists (as GTD recommends), my interface is cluttered with lists and is difficult for me to find the list I need when I need.

* Using tags: This way I get a huge single list in which I only need now 1 out of 4 tasks (my "next actions").

We need subtasks because we need a way to hide the information we do not need just now, so implementing subtasks would make the UI simpler than it is now for me, at least in the way I use RTM.

Thanks for reading it. I hope you find it useful! :)
Posted 13 years ago
andrejka.ziabin says:
This function not working.
Posted 13 years ago
rickdhuntet says:
yes, RTM take note, subtasks as an option will make your product SIMPLER and LESS cluttered. RTM needs to stay ahead of the competition and evolve!
Posted 13 years ago
robert.ward says:
Yes please!
Posted 13 years ago
alfredosos says:
Posted 13 years ago
meggerud says:
Posted 13 years ago
andy.javor says:

Pleeeease pleease! This is absurd.
Posted 13 years ago
shutez says:
Almost 500 people have requested this. Many I'm guessing are GTD users (who in many cases rely on nested tasks for project management).


- SETTINGS - "Enable Nested Tasks" -- disabled by default.
- Nested tasks sit directly under master tasks, with just a little white space to the left

It's great to keep laser product focus. But it's also great to listen to your users... almost 500 have requested this now, not counting duplicate threads (and there are plenty).
Posted 13 years ago
fmaida says:
Posted 13 years ago
barisacar says:
@shutez - buh? I don't see "Enable nested Tasks" in my RTM settings.
Posted 13 years ago
andrei.onel says:
Posted 13 years ago
mcash257 says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes I want subtasks too +1
Posted 13 years ago
gfemajor says:
Posted 13 years ago
sblackman says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:

I drift in and out of using RTM. Generally i drift out whenever I encounter a need for subtasks. I want all my todo's in one place, and sometimes a todo simply takes multiple steps.

When i get fustrated by RTM not having subtasks i switch to some other method/program for tracking Todos. Until eventually I come back to RTM because it's such a joy to use, compared to anything else i've tried.

It's frustrating. Sub-task is all I really miss in RTM.
Posted 13 years ago
wubben says:
+1 First thing that's really missing
Posted 13 years ago
annoerr says:
+1 I really would like subtasks! This would make it easier to plan big projects.
Posted 13 years ago
tksmaru says:
Posted 13 years ago
dave.sawdey says:
It would be awesome to have something like a "project" that I could group tasks under.
Posted 13 years ago
chrisbids says:
You've just got to do it!
Posted 13 years ago
skyc says:
Posted 13 years ago
mandrade says:
Essential improvement !!!
Posted 13 years ago
ssun82 says:
I would love subtasks! Perhaps they would clutter the interface a little, but jury-rigged subtasks via tags and extra lists clutters the interface too.

One of the people above suggested making this an subtasks hide-able for users who didn't want to see them; I think that is a great idea.
Posted 13 years ago
aranel616 says:
This seems a lot like the idea for dependent tasks, which I also voted for.
Posted 13 years ago
luzonma says:
Posted 13 years ago
kateoneill says:
-1. I can't imagine this feature without some sacrifice to the simplicity and ease of use of the interface. Perhaps if, as was suggested a few comments back, it was implemented strictly as an option, but then it seems like it would fragment the efforts of a relatively small development team.
Posted 13 years ago
tschmitz says:
5 years later I don;t have a lot of hope for this, but I'll vote anyways
Posted 13 years ago
sabaribala says:
Yes Please! This is one single reason I stopped using RTM (which I LOVED and was proposing to my friends and family) and went to google tasks. The same reason i never went pro also. Without sub tasks it simply is a no go.
Saying that it would complicate interface is not a good reason. That is just narrow thinking. With the bright minds that created the nice interface that RTM has, i am sure you could come up with a a good creative way to put it in.
Posted 13 years ago
aacv says:
This would make RTM really Pro!
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Do it already! Way late as it is.
Posted 13 years ago
tuanba says:

Doesn't matter what the status RMT will have "Project management" or not. This feature is some kind of "must have". I hope it won't make the product more complex. The point is finding the consensus between features and simplicity.

Thanks RMT for the great software!
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
The way I work I do not need sub tasks.
I like the existing simple interface with each task as a separate entity.
If something is a Project then I create a list for the project and all the tasks I add to the list are "sub-tasks" in the project.
For GTD users you can identify "next action(s)" within the project by making them Priority 1.
Then as each task is completed I complete them in the list and when they are all completed, ie there are no more active tasks visible in the list I archive the list.
This works for me but I understand it may not suite everyone.
Posted 13 years ago
sjorsb says:
+ 10
Posted 13 years ago
nicolaufg says:
+ 1
I've read here that it would require too much reprogramming, and pointed to use Lists and tags instead.

I think subtask can be implemented as another type of tags without much reprogramming. In the input box, after typing two dots ".." (for example) a list of all tasks would appear and one of them might be selected as the parent task of the new one.

To keep it simple, and provide only one level of subtasks, only those tasks without parent tasks would be listed.

Looks simple to me (but I don't really know the internals of the cow though :)
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes I agree completely. That way you can define the task or project and just add the subtasks o dependent tasks. This is really important to make to do lists more friendly and functional. This would be great!!!!
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
A very simple "expandable" arrow would show/hide subtasks brilliantly...I'm not sure that would complicate the UI. Still, 5 years of talking on this subject? Me thinks management is not fond of the concept.
Posted 13 years ago
orth says:
Completely NO!!!
It is a major point why I do use RTM.
To organize projects tags are fine!
Posted 13 years ago
virenanand says:
+2, sure this would be great
Posted 13 years ago
mike.bender says:
I would personally love to see sub or dependent tasks. Today I use a mix of smart lists and tags as a work around, but IMO this makes me dependent on A Bit Better RTM for better list management.

More powerful list management within RTM in general would help a lot in lieu of (in conjunction with would be ideal though) sub tasks. The tab lists interface is by far the achilles heal of RTM's UX for me. Without a bit better rtm, I wouldn't be able to use RTM for work and it would essentially be relegated to grocery coordination between my wife and I (which is awesome by the way). I just have too many smart lists for projects and reporting for work in addition to personal lists to be managed nicely in horizontal tab format without some sort of group list collapsing or something.
Posted 13 years ago
phirefly says:
The only reason I'm looking at possibilities for another task management system right now is the lack of subtasks with RTM. Everyone else lacks the elegance and simplicity of the interface... as well as the ease of creating recurring tasks, which is why I'll surely stay with RTM. Still...

I'm working on a huge project which has 101 tasks, each of which has its own steps involved. I've got the list sorted nicely with tags and lists, but it would be ridiculously helpful to be able to easily associate subtasks with the specific tasks they relate to without having to create a list or tag for each individual task. My case is probably uncommon, but it's an example of why it'd be helpful.

I understand the argument against it, how it might interfere with the ease and elegance of RTM, but it's still worth reconsidering, IMO.
Posted 13 years ago
oddhnp says:
an idea for subtasks could perhaps be to include it as some sort of special notes? That way you dont clutter the original task interface...?
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I think it's ok only that a task can have links meaning "It's my sub-task." to some other tasks and sub-tasks can have link meaning "It's my parent.".
And when a task having sub-tasks is selected, list of sub-tasks of the task is shown in the right pane showing task detail and note.
Graphical hiearachic view is unneccesary.
It's a little simple.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Introducing sub tasks may increase the complexity of the interface but by not having the sub task feature it increases the complexity of using the app if you have to mimic this feature using smart lists. If this feature could be turned on & off then people who don't want it can still keep the simple user interface.
Posted 13 years ago
tkwadrat says:
Posted 13 years ago
henfri says:
Posted 13 years ago
iwege says:
if some body don't want to use the sub-task,he/she can use it without adding any sub-task. But many users need this, include me .
why do the people said adding sub-task must to increase the complexity of the interface ?Google Tasks has simple interface, and it has sub-task too .
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yep, I'll add my vote to this one. Notes can act as pseudo-subtasks, but can't be searched on easily.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
RTM should have developed this already. If you really want to 'get things done', you will need to split up one task into some subtasks. Projects are an essential part of task management. It's as simple as that.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Just keep it simple. No need for this.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I need sub-list more than subtasks
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
see the idea "Sublists"
Posted 13 years ago
kuelken says:
good idea
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
This is a good idea. Support the idea that this could be turned on or off. If you want it then it is on, if not off.
Posted 13 years ago
tlnguyen says:
Posted 13 years ago
ankgt says:

Please give us this functionality.

I agree that adding subtasks kind of goes into project management territory but thats what a lot of us need when dealing with many projects each having its own tasks. Addings tags and lists is too cumbersome unless the project is huge and has maybe 10+ tasks of its own. For multiple projects each having only 5 tasks or so it becomes very messy.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
great idea
Posted 13 years ago
danyx says:
Posted 13 years ago
jszmak says:
Posted 13 years ago
jsandb says:
This would make my buy pro instantly!
Posted 13 years ago
jsandb says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I NEED this for my company, hope it's in the works... would make RTM the all-inclusive perfect app...
Posted 13 years ago
applejosh says:
I would like to see sub-tasks as well. I agree that it should be an option for those who do not want it, and obviously preserving the interface as much as possible is a priority, but it would be extremely beneficial to those of us who are trying to adopt a GTD type workflow without loads of lists, etc.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
bill.sanford says:
+1 like shutez
Posted 13 years ago
nad1e says:
Posted 13 years ago
conrado.martinez.parra says:
I vote for providing subtasks functionality too. The interface needs not get much more complicated: a task with subtasks can be expanded or collapsed. Subtasks inherit all properties (e.g. priority, due time, location, ...)
of the main task unless the user overrides these properties.
A good compromise is to let
the user turn this feature on/off.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Absence of subtasks is the only reason I have, as of yet, never wanted to feel the "warm fuzzy feeling for supporting RTM".

Come on. The first entry in this post is 5 years old. Do something about it.
Posted 13 years ago
texafornia says:
+1. This is the most wanted feature. I keep using a different product and checking back here to see if it's ready. Yet again, it's not. 5 years....
Posted 13 years ago
cheogt says:
Posted 13 years ago
alexguirguis says:
Maybe a separate "Projects" folder, which would contain tasks that requrie subtasks?
Posted 13 years ago
abhmn says:
+1. YES!
Posted 13 years ago
martin.gamache says:
+1 Just What I was looking for!
Posted 13 years ago
b3nw says:
listen to your customers kthx
Posted 13 years ago
mark.dykeman says:
Please add this feature. You will have to do eventually or fold. Its just that essential. I stay with RTM because of the complexity of the list feature, but consider leaving it every day because of the lack of sub-tasks and dependent tasks. Add that, and allow me to drag and drop my tasks onto a calendar and I would pay triple. I also need Do date as well as a due date.
Posted 13 years ago
davyho says:
Subtask??? Definitely not!
Posted 13 years ago
ronnell says:
This feature would be heavenly.
Posted 13 years ago
ryptide says:
Subtasks would GREATLY improve RTM. I love your product, and that's why I support it by being a pro member. I know you are smart people and can implement this in a way that keeps the simplicity of the interface.
Posted 13 years ago
stahn says:
definitely YES. +1
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
For me the reason of lacking subtasks or either sublists (usable als sub-projects) turned me away from RTM. Unfortunately, since the rest of the software is incredibly awesome! It's just that I'd like more structure in my tasks.
Posted 13 years ago
wrkcrw00 says:
Still waiting for subtasks...this would be an incredibly helpful feature!
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:

I don't want subtasks. I'm considering RTM because it's simple and flexible.

Half the needs for subtasks revolve around project management. This is Remember The Milk, not Remember The Project Plan!

That having been said, I think some basic Project management style work could be achieved with subtasks and lists. Make adding a new list easier, and allow a task to be dependent on another one - so that it can't be completed until its dependent tasks are also completed.
There will be a little pain in ordering/nesting them correctly in the view, so that should be optional.

Subtasks, from a project management point of view (which seems to be how many people are coming at it) are a mess. But dependent tasks are clean, simple and yet retain the flexibility of RTM.

Go vote for dependent tasks!
Posted 13 years ago
jon.yeo says:
would be helpful to do this. +1 (If I click the "thumbs up") How do I know my vote has been counted?
Posted 13 years ago
jamal.motlagh says:
Def would love this added!
Posted 13 years ago
bochgoch says:
Certainly would work for me - my brain works in tasks and subtasks rather than everything in one long list..........
Posted 13 years ago
maxcantor says:
Suppose I am moving into a new apartment.

I have a list, "New Apartment", to represent this project.

As part of the process, the apartment I have chosen requires you to have renter's insurance in the terms of the lease.

So here's what I need to do to get renter's insurance:

- Call my auto insurance provider to see if they also provide renter's insurance
- Research other renter's insurance companies
- Call the company I choose and sign up for the insurance
- Call my landlord with my renter's insurance account number.

Those are 4 discrete tasks which are part of the "Get renter's insurance for my lease" task. They must be done in sequence, and the higher-level task will not be considered "Complete" until they are. I cannot create a separate list, because then I lose the context of having them in the "New Apartment" list. I cannot use tags, because this prevents me from viewing them as a single related unit on the screen.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
julio.mafra says:
I say YES for subtasks
Posted 13 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
I just wanted to say thanks for everybody's input, on this and other ideas!

As mentioned in our recent blog post, we introduced the ideas voting feature so that we could figure out which ideas are most important to Remember The Milk users (which will help us decide what Bob and the team should develop next).

We're definitely hearing what's important to you. :)
Posted 13 years ago
amirmasoudabdol says:
Yes. RTM will have sub-tasks :) Thanks in advance emily
Posted 13 years ago
relevart says:
Great! Just be sure to think through it very well. If the web app have subtasks, then, all the other apps will need them or, at first some alternative way to handle them.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 Critical and hacks just don't cut it.
Posted 13 years ago
craig.floyd says:
+1 for Subtasks, or I need to start looking for a new GTD application.

In a way, RTM is a victim of it's own success. It has made the ToDo list such an integral part of my life, that I need more power.

I need subtasks so I can have a series of tasks. I want to put up new track lighting, so I need to first
1) Examine my current lights to see what is involved in removing them
2)Take a ceiling sample to Home Depot to get some paint for the ceiling
2) Buy new track lights
3) Remove old lights
4) Paint
5) Install the track lights

I don't want to add 6 items to my list for one project, but I need to break the tasks down to managable pieces if I ever have a chance of getting them done.
Posted 13 years ago
craig.floyd says:
Ok, I've thought about how this could work ... although it would be more of the Dependent Task style, rather than the hierarchical sub-task style. The result will be the same.

First, implement the suggested Start Date feature, which would give you the ability to have tasks that aren't "active" yet. They don't show up until the Start Date.

When you write this feature, make sure to make it dynamic enough that you can bind the Start Date to the Complete Date of another task. So the Start Date will be null (because the Complete Date of the dependent task is null) until the other task has been completed. When it is completed, start date of the new task is set to today, because it is bound to the complete date of the task on which it is dependent.

Boom ... now you have dependent task/subtasks.

So, to explain
TaskA: DateTime getCompleteDate {return completeDate;}
TaskB: DateTime getStartDate {return TaskA.getCompleteDate;}

See how they're tied into each other now? If you implement Start Dates, then Dependencies/Subtasks is easy!

Also, I know you're concerned about keeping RTM simple and reducing overhead (btw, it would help if the site was a little streamlined. I prefer the gmail widget, because the sight is sloooow). But what you should do is take the Apple/Google approach. Keep it simple to start. New users would have to activate dependencies/start dates in the preferences. If they don't want them, they just don't activate the feature (kind of like Google Labs). This way, it's not overwhelming for new users. But as users become comfortable with RTM, they can start activating new features to make the service more comprehensive.
Posted 13 years ago
craig.floyd says:
Actually, it'd be more like:

DateTime getStartDate()
if(this.getParentTask == null)
return this.startDate;
return getParentTask.getCompletedDate;
Posted 13 years ago
bones10 says:
My problem is that I add a task only to later realize it has multiple steps. From this point, I've got to do a fair amount of work to either set up another list, or smart list.

Perhaps the following would fit in nicely with how RTM works and solve the problem too:
1) Provide a way to create a list or smart list from a task
2) Provide a visual cue for when a task has a list or smart list.
3) Provide an easy way to jump to the list from it's task.

Just a thought .
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I don't think you really would want to tie the start date feature to the dependence feature. If both are implemented, I might want to say, "Task B begin when Task A is completed, but not before date Y". I wouldn't want completing Task B's start date to change when I complete task A.

On the other hand, you could tie them together thus: When Task A is completed, set Task B's start date to Task A's complete date if Task B's start date is null.

This only ties the two features together, however. They are still separate features.

On a separate note: If sub-tasks are implemented as a multi-to-multi task dependency, you'd be able to not only make a task dependent on multiple sub-tasks, but make multiple tasks dependent on a single sub-task. (Tasks A, B, and C all cannot begin until Task M is completed)
Posted 13 years ago
larole says:
Give me subtasks! I just need GTD! :P
Posted 13 years ago
kevindclarke says:
+1 Subtasks would be good, saves me from having to make separate lists.
Posted 13 years ago
arronharrison says:
I used to have pro but no way am I going to go pro again without COLLAPSIBLE SUBTASKS. +1
Posted 13 years ago
holly.corbett says:
Ditto - I see it as a major obvious missing. I understand that not everyone works that way.. but I'm almost incapable of not working that way - bite-able sub-tasks... definite must... tempted to switch back to google but don't want to - would love to support milk!! :)
Posted 13 years ago
alistair.wilson says:
+1, even RTM's Guest post alludes to Subtasks :


"...create a “ps-BuyHouse” list, with a goal statement such as “.. Purchase 3 bedroom, 2 bath house in Greenwood Park neighborhood.” Pre-pending the goal statement with “.. ” ensures it will sort to the top of the “ps-BuyHouse” list. All project tasks should flow from your goal statement."

The important bit is the last line... all project tasks should flow from your...

Come on RTM, pull the udder one would you, your community needs this.
Posted 13 years ago
akovachev says:
That's Five years old post... do you think it's coming soon ?
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Ditto! This has been knocking around for too long. I understand the desire for simplicity, and some of the ways other members do this can work but are a bit ungainly. It seems that on the basis of this discussion thread users have voted.
I'm doing what you suggested: I'm using a new list for each project but the subtask sometimes comes up on the due date out of context because I forgot to tag or preface it correctly (usually when entering stuff from Android smartphone; we won't talk about the less than complete synching that sometimes happens). There are a lot of patches and self-fixes but I know you guys are brilliant.
I've looked at and played with several other task manager programs (names excluded to protect the guilty) but they all seem to have real problems with sub-tasks.
Looking at all the list titles is overwhelming to someone prone to ADD and senior moment zone-out periods.
Posted 13 years ago
bluesgeek says:
I think nested lists wouldn't clunk up the interface. At least one extra level of nesting would be nice.
Posted 13 years ago
andi.schenk says:
subtasks would be great!
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'd go for dependencies. An extra field on each task that says 'depends upon'

(There could be multiple dependencies).

depends: task829, task291, task918
(chosen by drop down from all not completed tasks)

Then in a smartlist, you could say
show tasks where depends upon:0
i.e. if a task doesn't depend on another incomplete task, show it
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I have just seen separate dependencies thread. Doh


* a set of tasks which share same tags/locations etc - though this could be overwritten
* if all subtasks are complete, the main unexpanded listing is not marked as complete, but is greyed out (other tasks may be added)
* if all subtasks are complete, the main unexpanded task may be marked as complete.
* if some subtasks are incomplete, then trying to mark the main task as complete would show the subtasks.
E.g. TASK NAME (mark all complete)
Subtask 1 (mark complete)
Subtask 2 (mark complete)

This could be combined with dependency.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I just sent a mail to support to ask about this, and then surfed into this thread... sorry.... I definitely think subtask is useful, making them with on/off option is better.

It is not necessarily a project management tool only a way to make a group of task without creating a new list. or a new tag or a new location. thanks!
Posted 13 years ago
almurray says:
So Emily, now that we have firmly established that dependent tasks and subtasks are the two most-requested, most-needed features (to manage the larger numbers of tasks that people realistically try to manage if they have already needed to abandon pencil and paper), are you going to do it for us?

Please don't make us beg....
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
arhoover says:
Posted 13 years ago
simphonic says:
Please, Please, Please - implement sub tasks. It is one of 2 things that keeps me looking out for other task management options. (the other is 'templates' :-))
Posted 13 years ago
raddo says:
Posted 13 years ago
lfortini says:
As of today I am switching away from RTM because of the lack of this feature. It is really a shame as RTM has everything else I need, but does not have the one thing that I really need to organize my tasks the way I naturally tackle challenges in life. That is: no task is big enough if you break it into small manageable steps. It is funny the RTM team is against te feature for it may detract from the clean simple look of the site. However, my RTM had become so cluttered that it was hindering its utility...

I hope you guys turn around and add the feature. I would be very tempted to return.
Posted 13 years ago
jeffthom says:
Posted 13 years ago
gillmania139 says:
Please !!!!!!!!! Subtasks - you only need 2 levels to be very effective. Most work items I have consist of several subtasks You do not need to get complicated with gnatt charts and dependencies, milestones, and such. So what is the big deal here? A drop down arrow from the main task reveals sub tasks. Much more organized than having all the subtasks of work just in one jumble of tasks.
Posted 13 years ago
bdilalla says:
+1 for subtasks
Love the iPad app interface, but subtasks are greatly missed for how I like to structure things.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'm not sure I understand, the RTM team adds the ability to thumb up or down ideas so that they can see what is really important to their users, and they got a resounding answer. subtasks/dependent tasks (the two most requested features in the forum, probably because of GTD) and then they make a decision to not implement it.

I also feel like this is the most difficult to implement a workaround that is not based on an extension/greasemonkey. If you were to create a "task" by making a smartlist with a tag, then you get a list that sticks around when you're done with it, which will require housekeeping later.

as a college student, splitting up my tasks into bite size chunks is essential, and when I can't cross the task off my list until the end, it becomes more difficult to keep track of.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
@petenelson +1 for ADD (and I wouldn't need RTM if I wasn't)

also you could make this a feature that could be enabled in settings. Then the interface could remain simple at first, but as users turn into power users, they can adopt subtasks
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
wow, it took me until today to realize that this thread is 5 years old WOW, thats almost as old as rtm

@almurray, I'll beg if it'll make em happy :P
Posted 13 years ago
yves.brunner says:
Its strange not to implement it at least optional.

I want to divide my work tasks. If i do this with single tasks my list gets so big it is no use anymore.
Posted 13 years ago
lb291 says:
+2 (I'm a pro user). Personally, I find subtasks less cluttering than tagging and much neater. Todoist has a simple solution to subtasks..the user can expand or collapse the main task to show/hide the subtasks. I LOVED it. The web interface was simple and clean but the iphone interface was/is a shocker. So, I converted to RTM but really miss the subtasks feature.
Posted 13 years ago
dwayne.macgowan says:
this would be better solved with dependency between tasks
Posted 13 years ago
colin.n.campbell says:
My two cents...

This is how I would like it implemented.

Create Task willy nilly on the go to make sure you get them down.
- Do Assignment
- Do Question 1
- Do Question 2

When I have time (or once a week on Monday Morning) organize sub tasks.
Click on "Do Assignment"
Click on "Select SubTask Button"
Click on "Do Question 1"
Click on "Do Question 2"
Click on "Done"

- Do Assignment
- Do Question 1
- Do Question 2

I believe this kind of functionality would be really beneficial with out complicating the interface.

1. Breaking down larger task into smaller task makes me feel like I'm making progress.

2. If I'm in a hurray I can just quickly add a bunch of tasks and worry about organizing it into subtasks later.

3. I can select different dead lines for subtasks to make sure I'm not leaving the whole thing to the end.

In terms of interface it would only add two buttons. In terms of the task list, you could just ensure that sub tasks are listed beneath the main task (maybe in another color). Additionally, I feel you would only need to go one or maybe two levels max.
Posted 13 years ago
niemansj says:
Collapsible subtasks would be amazing. Pleas, RTM. You'd be perfect. :(
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
For me; subtasks is a dealbreaker. I'll be trying out Toodledo, because they do have subtasks... I'm sorry to leave because RTM is wonderfully original. Maybe I'll be back when the subtasks we all have been asking for for more than five years are coming...
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
subfolders would be fine too
Posted 13 years ago
mdeliveli says:
I am leaving RTM, too. Most of my tasks have multiple items and using lists doesn't cut... I don't understand why this feature can not be offered as an option???
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Possible workaround until this is implemented:

1. For each "main task" create a task in the list you usually work with, i.e. the only task that will show up in your daily work.
2. Create a (non-smart) list for this task and put its subtasks in there. Prefix the name so that these kind of task groups can easily be found among the other lists.
3. Because this will lead to lots of lists and clutter up the tabbed interface, use the browser plugin "A Bit Better RTM" which turns the list tabs into a side bar on the left.

This way your "main task" still shows up in your list, but you don't have to look at its subtasks unless you want to. Not optimal but definitely an improvement imho.
Posted 13 years ago
bigphille says:
Thanks @danny.adair. That was very helpfull to me.
Posted 13 years ago
heppa says:
To be honest, I don't like the tag workaround for subtasks. The idea would be to know for a certain task, what is still to be done. I can't do that with tags in a simple view. I would still go for the subtasks...
Posted 13 years ago
mhayes1973 says:
Emily and the team.

I would love to see subtasks. As a Pro user, I'm aware that this is essentially quite a costly app/service to pay for, but would be willing to continue my subscription if sub-tasks are included. Happy for them to be in the Pro accounts only - I would happily continue to pay a subscription for its inclusion.

There are many great ideas in this list about how to implement this - and I realise that you have shot yourselves in the foot by being so good at what you do...! Implementing this update/feature across the incredibly wide range of applications will be difficult and time-consuming...!

Nevertheless, I really do hope that you guys are hearing what's being said.

It does need doing. So many people want it, that now we're paying customers, you really do need to figure out a way to make it work.

Please let us know how we can volunteer to test it out for you. Am happy to be a beta tester. I currently use the web app, Android and Google calendar integration - so if you need testing help please just let me know.

Looking forward to finally getting sub-tasks. Can't wait to see your blog post asking for volunteers. I guarantee that you will be inundated with responders volunteering to help you guys make this work.

How can we help you folks get this done? Just ask - you will be pleasantly surprised.

Posted 13 years ago
fturner says:
+2, I think I requested this years ago, but still an opportunity to pile in here.
Posted 13 years ago
relevart says:
I am sure they are working very hard on implementing subtasks. But, please realize that it takes a ton of time. They need to implement it on the web, on iPhone, on Android, and so on....
Posted 13 years ago
daipayan says:
+1 really really want this feature....but keep it simple... i am a UX designer myself and just love the User Interface Design.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Perhaps sub tasks could just go into the note area?
Posted 13 years ago
steve3005 says:
Sub tasks as an option for pro users would be a money spinner for RTM......

I vote yes.
Posted 13 years ago
gelokid says:
was searching for RTM sub tasks and found this.
Creating new lists and placing subtask under the list works for me.
Posted 13 years ago
andrii.pacific says:
+1 to subtasks
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
subtasks please
Posted 13 years ago
tariqbamadhaj says:
subtasks please
Posted 13 years ago
marksutcliffe says:
I use a note for subtasks, but would quite like to be able to strike through text to show a subtask has been completed.
Posted 13 years ago
kaopua says:
Just to clarify if I wasn't clear, I am definitely in support of subtasks. One of the key features I miss from other tools.

The perfect case study example is shopping. Just create a single task for picking up groceries at the supermarket, but having the ability to list out what you need and checking them off as you shop.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Agree sub tasks, please.
Posted 13 years ago
ian.grant says:
Posted 13 years ago
mauro.crovato says:
please please please
Posted 13 years ago
addison.b.taylor says:
subtasks. please and thank you.
Posted 13 years ago
aogusidu99 says:
this is the only reason why I don't use RTM right now.
However, I am keeping eyes on the development of RTM.
I like the way how thinkingrock organize the (sub)project and task.

Vote for subtask, especially without limitation of layers.
Posted 13 years ago
jbigelow76 says:
Gonna have to pile on with a polite request to include sub tasks.
Posted 13 years ago
aogusidu99 says:
Only for reference:
I love the way how Gtask organize subtask--- (shift)+tab to up or down level.
however it will be peferct if it can collapse and expand the subtasks, especially with shortcut keys. or else, it will looks a mess, when I have complicate projects.

Posted 13 years ago
sbvican says:
This would be great feature to add.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
To keep this idea going, I'd like to add my request to the pile. Lack of subtasks is the main thing that is pulling me away form RTM. I bought the Pro account thinking that I could get around that flaw, but it's just not cutting it for me.
Posted 13 years ago
druso12 says:
Hello, maybe somebody already said this however:
togheter with subtask would be super to have "template".
I often have to repeat some task with several steps, would be great to be able to create "task template" with all the typical step of it.

Send report to partner
-ask data
-create report
-get approval
-send it
Posted 13 years ago
alexdrum111 says:
What the great ideas here ..everyone has a new take a lot of time to read.
Posted 13 years ago
formidablephotography says:
I've not renewed my Pro subscription and I'm not likely to until sub-tasks and dependent tasks are added - although I love the simplicity of RTM as it is, there's a fine line between easy to use elegance and lacking features - unfortunately at the moment, RTM is the latter, not the former. Whilst I appreciate that the RTM team are asking which ideas they should prioritise, this was first requested in 2005 and there are dozens of people asking for it - quite obvious I would have thought?
Posted 13 years ago
newmilkentry says:
Whatever else happens, I hope we don't get a system where completing "subtasks" causes the parent task to be marked completed automatically. That would more complex and troublesome.
Posted 13 years ago
jstrauss says:
I've tried the alternative (creating a bunch of lists and putting 'subtasks' into those) but it's still to cumbersome and I immediately run into a list management problem with too many lists.

How about making it much like tagging - but with a different tag character for sub-tasks (lets say & for example). Any item with &tag would be a sub-task of #tag that matches exactly. Or in other words, #tag is a parent of &tag. With that in mind, I can quickly create the following dependencies from the data entry line.

This is my Aardvark project #aardvark
find an aardvark &aardvark
train the aardvark to do tricks &aardvark #training
juggling &training
unicycle &training #uni
measure aardvark for unicycle size &uni
build custom unicycle &uni
show off my awesome aardvark to friends &aardvark

Then change search where "tag:aarvark sub:true" walks the tag structure and returns items with #aardvark, &aardvark, #training, &training, #uni or &uni ... etc.

Adding a couple of cumulative spaces before each &subtask level would serve to show 'nesting'.

Just my two cents.
Posted 13 years ago
alexdrum111 says:
This is a good idea that I would want also, but it's important to me that the simplicity of the interface be maintained.
Posted 13 years ago
hegartmj says:
6 years? Really?
Posted 13 years ago
noel.m says:
Assuming that these subtasks had custom ordering, I think that would solve the "dependent tasks" idea. If you had some dependent tasks, you would put them all as subtasks under one task. Then, order them accordingly and both "ideas" have been implemented.

Considering that these are the top two "ideas", some action should be taken. Also, it bothers me that this idea has been marked as "answered" when really the only thing the "answer" tells us is to vote on the topic. It did not notify us of a current or coming solution to the problem.

That being said, I love RTM and I've gone pro to show my support. I don't know the complications of implementing some of these features. I'm a software developer myself and while some things on the surface may seem simple, under the covers they may not be. Still though, there is a clear demand for these features RTM. It's been 6 years and people are still asking for this.
Posted 13 years ago
gerlos says:
Great idea! We all have big things that can be splitted in smaller tasks, and it would be great to be able to track our progress looking at the number of sub tasks still to do.
Posted 13 years ago
dacejames says:
Seriously, please. PLEASE. Make it optional if you must, but please give us subtasks. It would make lots of smiles pop up the world over. Bob loves that kind of stuff.
Posted 13 years ago
jeff.crews says:
for so many reasons above...please support subtasks

I just started using rtm again after 2 or 3 years ago walking away without sub tasks. I saw they support so many devices and so much great sync. The sub tasks / projects would be a marvelous addition

I am astounded there has been no official answer that I can find on this post in over 3 years. So...can RTM come out and say as of now no never,..or we are still considering this?

I do not want a zillion lists to look at...nested lists would allow he simplest to most complicated projects to be handled.

Very few tasks are single task items.
Many projects are 2 to 10 or more tasks
An outline or simple child parent relationship would suffice to build an outline of tasks, dependencies, priority and so on.

Pleas answer your customers and give them an update on this request.
Posted 13 years ago
ahaslach says:
Yes I agree, subtasks are a thing I already use in RTM through my own workarounds. It would be excellent if this feature was added in a more clean way. I agree with the poster above me who wrote that they could be displayed or hidden with a small triangle next to the task name, either on the priority indicator side or the other side of the text.

| | blah blah blah task | v |
indent| | Subtask blah blah
Posted 13 years ago
cobrastyle says:
I just hope that whatever the solution is, there is a way to maintain keyboard shortcuts for navigation. I love that about RTM.

Note: I'd take subtasks over keyboard navigation; I'm just hoping they can be a part of the solution. GQueues does this well.
Posted 13 years ago
marco.delgado says:
I also want subtasks, but I do understand the RTM decision of not complicating the UI.
My sugestion is "Linking Tasks".
Why not provide a way to link/relate tasks in a list.
This way you could from one task (lets say the Project - main task) see all related tasks (subtasks) and easily assess the subtasks of your projects.
I'm a developer also and I believe that this way the UI wouldn't have to be modified/complicated much, and we would get a simple (altough not complete) feature for supporting subtasks.

You could even go a little bit further and provide a way to order the relations/links among the tasks!!

Posted 13 years ago
pierre.caradec says:
Isn't it done yet? :/
Posted 13 years ago
dwayne.macgowan says:
why is this marked as "answered"?
that answer doesn't answer this topic at all.
Posted 13 years ago
carey.parker says:
Posted 13 years ago
stenkate says:
Implementation of subtasks rule!
Posted 13 years ago
daniel.crum says:
Great idea, and a "must" for me. I do not see how sub-tasks would clutter anything. The biggest issue for would be how much less convoluted the listings/home page would be. Also, I would not have to number my entries, or tag them as much.
Posted 13 years ago
goltz says:
Have been searching for ways of implementing sub tasks from the first week that I started using RTM. Currently am making all my tasks that have sub-tasks 'lists', but it is a clunky work-around.

Please have another look at implementing this feature.
Posted 13 years ago
cfreedom says:
Dear gods of RTM. Please introduce subtasks. Work arounds are a big pet peave.

Maybe you could allow people to opt in or out of subtasks so those who prefer the simpler interface could just keep it that way?

Thank you.
Posted 13 years ago
bojanmartin says:
+1 for subtasks. No need to complicate any interfaces. Just make tasks "collapsible" and collapsed by default if they have subtasks. End of story. I use RTM heavily and have enough lists. Using another list to create a "task with subtasks" is not at all an option. It's fine if subtasks are a pro feature, and it's fine if users have to "opt in" to use them.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
The lack of subtasks has kept me from using RTM for a long time now, but today I broke down and paid for a pro account because I have not found anything better. Please add at least one level of sub-tasks so that I do not have to create hundreds of lists.

When using RTM, is it really the developers intention that I create a list for each project I have and then include all of the individual tasks for that project in the list?

For example, "Organize and clean the garage" would be the list and it would contain tasks like "Buy 5 XL storage bins," "Buy 10 medium storage bins," "Buy hooks to hang tools from," "Buy overhead lights," "Buy carpet remnant for floor by workstation," etc...

But if I make a list like that for every project the interface will be so cluttered with tabs that the tool will become hard for me to use. I do not see how that is better than having subtasks.
Posted 13 years ago
relevart says:
Although I voted yes for this feature, I'm not sure if it's really needed.
As I see on myself, if I try to break down tasks to as many parts as possible, then i spend more time with organizing then doing them.

But anyway, I agree that it would be good to have optional subtasks.
Posted 13 years ago
arronharrison says:
There is certainly something missing which prevents RTM reaching its potential.

I believe the reason why we all long for subtasks so much is because of the poor handling of projects. Having to use so many unorganisable tabs as projects (GTD use) is not very user friendly. We therefore turn to a possible solution were tasks essentially become the projects and where the "subtasks" would become the actual tasks.

Sub tasks would be great but even better would be a much greater handling of projects with a better layout and drag drop functionality. If this happened then tasks could be used the way they RTM intended with no need for subtasks.

Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Subtasks is the wrong word for what we need - if its just organising tasks we can use tags and lists.

But we have no way to indicate "dependent tasks" : that a task can only be started after certain other tasks are complete.
Posted 13 years ago
griffinjay says:
It's discouraging to see that this thread on subtasks started 6 years ago.

Something similar to what people are asking for has been implemented in the to-do list feature of Basecamp for quite a while now.
Posted 13 years ago
matt_jay says:
I haven't gone through six years worth of posts just now, but it seems that the complexity issue is one of the major showstoppers for this feature.

Would it be too daring to assume that those people looking for this type of feature are willing and able to handle any resulting complexity in the interface and that maybe a basic and an advanced mode - the user choosing his preference - could solve the problem?
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I vote for sub tasks. I'll try the notes and see how that works.
Posted 13 years ago
pcypret says:
Posted 13 years ago
erin.denney says:
Notes to me are not very helpful because you can't 'check them off' as completed - you have to delete them.

If you could create sub-tasks, this program would undoubtedly be one I couldn't live without. Since it still lacks that feature, I am still having trouble feeling like I am optimally organizing my projects and my time...

Posted 13 years ago
fouadhk says:
+1 for subtasks. It would be very usefull !
Posted 13 years ago
chegs says:
+1 for subtasks.

Wait this idea is 6 years old!?
Posted 13 years ago
paul.j.liao says:
I'm beginning to love RTM that's why I used pro.

Hopefully the developers reconsider adding this Subtask feature since this feature request has been here for a long time.
Posted 13 years ago
hkas says:
Posted 13 years ago
marcelcook says:
Posted 13 years ago
arronharrison says:
Given that this request is 6 years old I'm starting to think that perhaps checking this forum every day for an update is perhaps not great for my productivity.
Posted 13 years ago
nyrk says:
+ 2

I'd use subtasks too! Given that this is one of the most wanted features (if not even THE most wanted!?), I'd like to know if it's been taken into consideration by the developers?
Posted 13 years ago
deondevilliers says:
I saw this feature request and thread and my initial reaction was a very strong "yes, I want this too!". Then I read Emily's post from way back re using tags and lists and then started thinking that it does actually work as I used it for getting ready for my recent holiday.

I simply tagged each item with "holiday" and when I wanted to see my holiday "subtasks", I simply select the holiday tab and it worked quite well.

I am not unsure of how much I would value subtasks.....
Posted 13 years ago
zamboni says:

Nesting tasks so i can visualize that a particular task leads to the completion of a larger, top-level task is important to me. It helps me decide, if i have time to do just one thing, which one to work on. It's also useful for seeing if there's something you're missing that is holding up the big picture...
Posted 13 years ago
waldir.leoncio says:
It is such a shame that they have no intention to implement this, I bet this feature is the biggest desire of nearly every RTM user. Maybe something as simple as a "break it down" option that would duplicate a selected task a number of times so the user could take each one of them and rename it to something more specific would be enough to do the trick.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
This feature is badly missing !!

I hope this will be implemented soon, even though the first post is 6 years old already ...
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
me too, wish for this important feature
Posted 13 years ago
mattia.molinario says:
+2, it would be perfect for projects
Posted 13 years ago
rishikeshkankal says:
+1, I would also like to have the subtask.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
If the sub task appear as an orphan in a search or filter: -1
If the sub task appear together with its parent task in a search or filter: +1
Posted 13 years ago
calvin.bradshaw says:
Please, please, please reconsider giving us subtasks. That is the ONLY limitation there is with RTM.
Posted 13 years ago
rickmps says:
+1, the subtasks are definitely the MOST IMPORTANT feature that is lacking in RTM and would greatly simplify the managing of complex projects.
In my opinion RTM is loosing many potential users due to this limitation.

Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 I would love sub tasks, and I don't think it would complicate RTM
Posted 13 years ago
relevart says:
Just be patient. I don't know if they're working on it already. But think about this:

Subtasks must be implemented in the WEB app, Android, Iphone, Ipad, BlackBerry Etc. apps so all devices handles the subtasks the same way. This is not a few days work.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I will upgrade to pro if this feature is added - promise.
Posted 13 years ago
vinod.ramanathan says:
Read the interesting tips on ways to manage tasks related to parent tasks. But instead of these workarounds, the subtask feature will go a long way to streamline burgeoning list interrelated tasks.
Bob needs to get ingenious to find out a way to achieve this through a breakthrough simple interface.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
RTM has to have this feature to compete in the market for the long run.
Posted 13 years ago
samson6969 says:
+ YES, Please add sub-tasks
Posted 13 years ago
bboth says:
Posted 13 years ago
jeffrdrew says:
I want sub-tasks. However, I think of them of groupings(lists) of lists. I would use:
work containing lists for each of my projects
personal containing lists for weekend, etc
music containing several lists

Natara's Bonsai application for the old Treo and Windows implemented this best.
Posted 13 years ago
rohit.kumbhar says:
Please add subtasks
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
ooh Jeffrdrew, that looks perfect.

I currently use extra lists for projects and multistep tasks, but if i didn't have "A bit better RTM" it wouldn't be feasible. the tab system looks messy if you have anymore than 10 lists.
Posted 12 years ago
paul.sharville says:
Like earlier suggestions, I use the notes section to list subtasks or next actions. Works for me. The important point of RTM is to remind you to work on a particular item, be it work, personal or whatever. Most items will have several tasks which, if RTM were to manage, would result in us spending most of our time populating and repopulating extensive lists. RTM works because it 'headlines' your workload in a quick and dirty way that allows you to actually get on with the work. The micro management of that workload is not what this application is about.
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
In some ways, I agree with paul.sharville. But in many others, I don't. Without subtasks, I found that I spent a heck load of time trying to figure out a workaround. And the worst part? I still haven't found a decent one yet...

What keeps me as an RTM supporter is the fact that they've got a wicked Android app and the UI is such a breeze to work with. In the words of Aza Raskin: "To the user, the interface is the product".

Posted 12 years ago
mellen says:
I would really like some way to order tasks and having subtasks would be one way to do it. I would like to carry my iphone with me and find everything that is tagged 'errand' and then put the items in the order that I'm going to do them. Recently I resorted to a paper list to accomplish this task.

Also, although tags exist, they do not display on the list format so I can't quickly pick out of all my tasks the ones that are errands.
Posted 12 years ago
dwayne.macgowan says:
google tasks managed to do this in a hyper-simple way. gtg too.
just indent tasks. please please, ¡we really want nested tasks!
may be link them in the side bar?
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
this with the amount of people wanting this its a no brainer.... Add it
Posted 12 years ago
rynooo says:
Posted 12 years ago
dromin says:
Maybe it is easier to do few levels of tasks..
For example I wonna make a party for my friend.
So I create the first-level task "Friend's Party"
Create the sencond-level task (subtask) "Buy an alcohol"
Create the sencond-level task (subtask) "Invite girls"
And that's done!

But there is one problem: I could ask someone else to "buy an alcohol". So we need to have a string "Responsible" to remember who should do it.
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
First post 6 YEARS ago, and over 700 posts!!! This must be the Numero Uno project in the RTM offices!!!?
Why is it taking so long?

Pretty please with sugar on top, please fix the Project list!!
Posted 12 years ago
xgdgsc says:
Posted 12 years ago
fclaros says:
What is the status of this issue? It seems we clearly want it. I understand your concerns towards cluttering the interface, but there are solutions for that.

For example, I could activate the subtasks feature on my configuration, so I only clutter my interface if I choose to (and I would).

I love RTM and you guys rock, but it's been a long time and I really need subtasks because of the way I use GTD. That's why I am currently trying to find another tool that allows me to do that.

I don't mean you should do it because I'm leaving, of course not, but I'd love to stay here and I thought that you ought to know.

In any case, thanks for the rest, because it's great :)
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
I just found RTM, got super excited, purchased pro, and then realized after the fact that this is not a supported feature yet. Subtasks are crucial to the way I organize my tasks. This feature needs to be implemented in an upcoming release! +1 +1 +1 +1
Posted 12 years ago
daniel.oberlin says:
Yes please, this would be very very useful.
Posted 12 years ago
aaronsmith6 says:
Is there a workaround for this, or can someone write an extra bit of code to make it happen? I am obviously not a programmer, but it appears that the folks at RTM are not going to make this happen, despite overwhelming support.
Posted 12 years ago
richhodgson says:
I think subtasks are an important next step for you guys. I keep a *projects list in Evernote and refer to that to add more actions to RMT. If this feature were developed I may move my projects to RMT and have all my actions as subtasks of larger project tasks. (Phew)

* Projects being anything with more than action

Yes keep them simple, hide them away if their not being used etc but getting them in there would certainly add a new dimention to RTM :)

here's my suggestions on the UI:

> Indent from normal list flow
> Assigning to a task by using the # tag (or similar)
> Slight colour difference to make them noticible
> Expand/collapse subtask list
> Sort subtasks using drag/drop
> Completing all subtasks completes the parent

I work on web applications and I always use the rule: If my customers are shouting loudly and long enough, make it happen or shout back :)

If I can help, let me know.

P.s. Alternatively, have you thought of making the list functionality a little more fluid? Like creating, editing, deleting... even completing lists, quickly and easily? Might be quicker to impliment..
Posted 12 years ago
todoubaba says:
me too.
Posted 12 years ago
kai.warszas says:
A simple intermediate step might be to make notes movable (up and down). So each note represents a subtask, you can change the order according to the sequence of steps to be taken, and delete each note as you have completed the "subtask".
:-) no clutter of the interface
:-) relatively simple to implement
:-) not for project management, but enough to break a task down into steps.
:-( only one level

Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
As many other, i write the subtasks in the notes. For me it would be perfect when
- the notes were on the same page as the task details (so no extra clicks)
- the notes can me re-arrangeble (preferably by drag & drop)
- the notes can contain checklists (like this idea:

Would make RTM even better then it already is!
Posted 12 years ago
matt.sturing says:
I like the subtask idea. I switched over from because of RtM's many superior features, but losing subtasks is hard. The workarounds listed (tags, lists, notes) are complex and don't fit my workflow system at all. I just want to put a task down when I think of it, and put a next action or two under it when I look at it again. Then, when I look at the list in the right context, the actual thing that I need to do next will be on the list, and I'll be able to do it and check it off!
Posted 12 years ago
dfwilkinson says:
Another vote for subtasks, please.
Posted 12 years ago
erasmosis says:
Subtasks please!
Posted 12 years ago
turkeyphant says:
Where is this then?
Posted 12 years ago
symowallo says:
6 years and no dev comments? Please give us subtasks!
Posted 12 years ago
mattrix007 says:
Subtasks NOW! There *has* to be a way to do it cleanly. I don't want to mess with tags and have 10,000 lists or smart lists.

I know there are ways to fudge it... using a common prefix so stuff sorts right or is searchable. And you can add a number to the prefix, like a work break down structure ... ...

If RTM is unwilling or unable to modify the core function to support it, is there at least some kind of competitive analysis document? Something where RTM lists itself against other tools and has links to instructions on how to fill in the gaps?

The first instruction you could write is techniques for emulating subtasks using tags or whatever!!!!

Posted 12 years ago
danromanchik says:
Reviewing the responses to this item has been really amazing. I'm truly amazed that RTM still does not have subtasks. I played around with RTM a couple of years ago, and the lack of subtasks was a deal breaker then. Some blog post somewhere touted RTM, so I thought I'd try it out again. The lack of subtasks is still a deal breaker.

As someone else said, I'd be happy to pay for a PRO package if I could do subtasks. Without it, I just won't be using RTM.
Posted 12 years ago
thietkelogo says:
I want this too
Posted 12 years ago
mdeliveli says:
My pro account expires in 10 days and I won't be renewing it :/
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Same her. Where are subtasks? Why no official answer?
Posted 12 years ago
kraftbj says:
Earlier (six years ago) they said no. I'd at least like lists be easier to create/manage then the settings page. I end up making a new list for each project and it's a pain to manage them how it is laid out now.
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 12 years ago
aredd says:
My suggestion for cleanly implementing sub tasks.
1. When given sub tasks the task is given an expand box.
2. The dropdown is expanded when the task is checked or when the expand box is clicked.
3. subtasks are indented below the parent task.
4. Checking the parent checks all sub tasks. same with postpone and delete.
a. when unchecking any subtask parent is unchecked as well.
5. Completing the parent completes all subtasks

Few more concepts to point out. This is essentially a special case of multiple selection in the web interface. This way the view would be minimally altered. Those who do not use child tasks see no difference.

Subtasks are just tasks, except they have a parent. Parent tasks are normal tasks that have at least one child (completed or not) there may be rules that apply specially to parents such as
parents cannot have a due date before any of the children. There may be others.

Child tasks could be created by either drag and drop, or when a task is selected add a quick add operator that designates as a child such as "$ Sub task ^today" would create a subtask of the currently selected task that is due today.

Mobile could be handled by a few ways. No collapse. No sub-tasks, ie. all sub-tasks are regular tasks. Or implement very similar behavior; sub-tasks indented, complete parent completes children, special operator denotes child task and can only be created through quick add.

I would be happy to consult and more fully express my ideas if this sort of format interests you.
Posted 12 years ago
winusstef says:
Posted 12 years ago
vextorter says:
Posted 12 years ago
rrr62 says:
I would also like to see subtasks introduced. WIthout them, lists of tasks -- even when subdivided -- are so long that it is difficult to see at a glance what the first-step priorities are.
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
I think it's fair to say that lists (used as GTD "projects") could very well serve as parent tasks - if their management was straightforward and didn't clutter the interface. So better management of many lists would be just as good as subtasks imho.

It just needs to take into account that there are different "kinds" of lists - not all are parent tasks / projects. Maybe introduce a special kind of list called "project" - that's what Zendone and Nirvana do.
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
@rrr62: Oh yes, "drag and drop ordering of tasks" (within their list/project) is of course also needed to work on project tasks in their logical order - that's top idea #3 (only four-and-a-half years old...)
Posted 12 years ago
cliff.huntington says:
This would be incredibly valuable. Also, why is this "answered?" Unless I've missed it, there has been no announcement of this functionality in RTM.
Posted 12 years ago
younesde says:
+ 1
Posted 12 years ago
reuben.binns says:
I've just joined and realised there are no subtasks. Considering leaving already. Would be awesome if you guys could implement this.
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
@cliff.huntington it is marked as answered because emily posted a reply 6 years ago. this topic has just been open that long...
Posted 12 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
I just wanted to provide a quick update (I'm writing this here as it's currently the feature request with the most votes, but it applies across the forums :).

Bob T. Monkey and the team are busy cooking up some big new things, based upon the feedback that everyone's been providing on this Ideas forum (yes, there is a reason for voting ;).

We're super excited to share as soon as we're ready; if you want to make sure you're the first to try out new stuff, make sure you're a member of the tester program. :)
Posted 12 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Just wanted to note that my most recent response is at the verrrrry top of this page (look for the green 'Answered' label).

And please ignore anything I may have said about subtasks way back in 2006... :)
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Hopefully something comes out in the tester-program soon.
Not that I could say anything if I WAS testing something :P haha
Posted 12 years ago
asmith3006 says:
That sounds promising!!

If we voted "Yes" for this idea are we more likely to be invited for testing?
Posted 12 years ago
owlsaver says:
I just signed up for RTM to see if it could help me. I agree that sub tasks are needed. I did not read through this six year thread, just scanned it. For me, it is always important to understand the context within which a feature will be used. So, I made up the following case:

I need to fix a door that has a broken hinge:
Fix Door
Take off old hinge
Purchase new matching hinge at hardware store
Purchase Paint at paint store
Install replacement hinge
Paint door

It seems clear that much of this has to do with keeping the tasks together and keeping them in sequence - I cannot paint the door until after I have bought the paint. It may be that sub tasks are actually a presentation mechanism. What really needs to be capture is dependency (i.e., what has to happen before I can begin this task) and ownership. In the case above, all the tasks are owned by the Fix the Door task. If RTM can easily capture ownership and dependency, may be it can present the tasks in parent/child layout if the user requests.

My two cents.

Posted 12 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
asmith3006, everyone in the tester program has equal chance of being invited to try new features. :)
Posted 12 years ago
kay.schellack says:
Posted 12 years ago
kb3lms says:
Really want the sub task feature.
Posted 12 years ago
ankue says:
Guys, somebody should suggest you for an entry in the Guiness Books of Records for "longest running feature request in wepp app history". :D
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
yep, ankue ^^
Posted 12 years ago
samiles says:
It's been six years. I hope we get this soon. Please.
Posted 12 years ago
skedzinger says:
was also just asking them by mail if there is a chance to see this one anytime soon. rtm is my favourite pick and i just renewed after checking the competition once again.

subtasks would be incredibly useful to me to keep track of larger tasks, for which i then could break down the overall thing into little tasks - and keep the single steps on a accomplishable level (true gtd sense...)
Posted 12 years ago
khurtsiya says:
Needed indeed,
Posted 12 years ago
khurtsiya says:
Make it an I'll buy pro!
Posted 12 years ago
zrosen88 says:
I sincerely hope that they get this going - I'm tired of listing tasks that would otherwise be subtasks with random prefixes (ie A Task1, A Task2, etc)
Posted 12 years ago
allthatcaz says:
Since there are over 750 comments, I didn't read them all first before writing. But I would ask that subtasks be just other RTM tasks that are nested/linked to a "parent", so that the full functionality of RTM tasking applies. Agree with a post that task lists ought to have the ability to optionally suppress showing subtasks (perhaps with a toggle) for easier listing (and when showing, they appear indented under the parent).
Posted 12 years ago
asmith3006 says:
My pro account has now lapsed as I just can't make my head work the way RTM does. As soon as these are implemented I'll renew my pro subscription.
Posted 12 years ago
popinjay says:
Please implement sub tasks as I'm not intelligent enough to use smart lists.

Posted 12 years ago
crystal.odenkirk says:
I'm sure this is upthread somewhere but this is so long now that I'm guessing most people don't see it. One workaround for the lack of subtasks is to number your list, and then sort alphabetically. So if I have a project, I create it in outline form like:

01. ___Main Task___
01.01 - subtask 1
01.02 - subtask 2
01.02.01 - sub-subtask

It's not ideal (esp. if you have to go back and refactor the project) but it works.

...that said, my vote is for subtasks! But you can get some of the functionality of subtasks this way in the meantime
Posted 12 years ago
mgercke says:
After nearly 4 months of cooking, is there some update about the ongoing work?
Something to keep us hoping that new things arrive already this year? :-)
Posted 12 years ago
whoyuppie says:
i need this feature too
Posted 12 years ago
novakov.alex says:
Hi guys,

Keep it simple!
No need to bring Jira, Redmine, Microsoft Project features and other tools for planning/issue tracking to RTM.

Try workaround Emily posted at the beginning of this thread using tags(Shopping) and so on.
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Hello...hello...helloooo......echo, echo, echo......6 years. Are you going to implement? If not, no worries, just let us know. I have to have subtask capability on some platform, and I prefer it to be RTM. You folks do great work!
Posted 12 years ago
momosaber says:
i need this feature too
Posted 12 years ago
bibbleq says:
Not sure why this topic is "answered" ... I signed up for pro to see if that meant I could play with a beta lists feature but I guess not!

Hopefully soon...
Posted 12 years ago
duncwork says:
I was a Pro user of RTM and sadly moved my daily stuff to google tasks because of two simple differences that are much faster to use : they are sub-tasks and manual ordering. I still use Gtasks as a main tool because of this. I have RTM for slow project-based lists and will only return to full use if these two things are brought in. As you are announcing a new wave of development, I hope you will look at gtasks and consider why something so simple, compared to RTM, is in fact easier to use. There is a free mobile app which helps, but I would go Pro again if the functionality was at least matched. good luck with the changes.
Posted 12 years ago
mgercke says:
come on guys ...
give us an update about what's the status on the work on the web app!
Is it going to take a couple of days, weeks or months before you integrate some of the new features?
Posted 12 years ago
alison.livingston says:
If subtasks were added I would def pay for that extra feature. I have lots of lists going. Might switch to something else to compensate
Posted 12 years ago
benjaminlarson says:
I would also like to see sub-tasks added in a future release.
Posted 12 years ago
mdeliveli says:
We should celebrate the 7th year of this request tomorrow. Mark your calendars everyone :D
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
I think we should all post to mark the anniversary, lets see if we can hit 800 replies!!!
Posted 12 years ago
mgercke says:
Happy birthday Subtasks-idea!
For your birthday I wish to you that Bob T. Monkey tells you when you will be integrated in the web app ...
Posted 12 years ago
debellator says:
7 years..
Posted 12 years ago
a.obhof says:
7 years... oh boy!
Posted 12 years ago
sananthv says:
well having been with RTM ... i think it is time you introduced nested tasks for some of us who have now evolved using the product :)
Posted 12 years ago
verymark says:
Posted 12 years ago
51r519m4 says:
I think subtasks would be brilliant. Especially for those who want to do multiple things to get one big thing done, but don't want to have entire separate tasks up lest they feel the interface is overcomplicated.
Posted 12 years ago
51r519m4 says:
*task is overcomplicated. That's what I meant.
Posted 12 years ago
jeanbenoit says:
7 years O_o !!!

Posted 12 years ago
rapiere says:
Any news about this feature, maybe it's on track for new year's eve so we could all start with the best task & subtask manager ?
Posted 12 years ago
adam.carbone says:
I agree the main thing that I can think about is a grocery list... The To Do is "Go Grocery Shopping" the sub tasks are the things on my list... Then I want to make
"Go Grocery Shopping" recurring... Just a quick example!
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 12 years ago
dwayne.macgowan says:
happy birthday. hope to see you personally on my RTM soon.
Posted 12 years ago
odenis says:
Posted 12 years ago
elias.pipinakis says:
Posted 12 years ago
sfrunning says:
Sub-task are fine, but I vote first for the drag and drop ordering of things--

Assign a priority 1,2,3, sort by priority
Then be able to sort within the priority by dragging and dropping

Hope you can do this, in the meantime, I will probably wander away and try something else. This can't be that complicated, and the list here is 7 years long...
Posted 12 years ago
sfrunning says:
That was a

+1 for subtasks
+5 for drag and drop
Posted 12 years ago
renefeijen says:
Subtasks would be great!!
Posted 12 years ago
georgedolbier says:
+1 for subtasks
+1 for Dependancies
+1 for Drag and Drop
Posted 12 years ago
mikejd30 says:
Sorry everyone......... but please please please no subtasks. This is the one way to ruin an effective todo list application.

Pen and paper worked fine, as does notes per task, if you really really want to break down a task. The whole point of task based approaches is that 1 task represents 1 thing to do.

Most of the posters here are describing project management. There are loads of tools out there for this.
Posted 12 years ago
mikejd30 says:
To clarify.........

A task with subtasks is not a task. It is a project.

The answer is not to add subtasks. There is no such thing. A task is a task. It is 1 thing to do. This would be a crazy thing for RTM to do as it would put them in the same place as all the others (so what is the point of that?).

The answer is to add projects. But there is no need to add anything. A list can be used as a project, or a tag can identify a project.
Posted 12 years ago
xlxr says:
Response to mikejd30:
A task with subtasks is still a task. Whether it is a project depends on how to define a project here.
If A task with subtasks is not a task and is a project as you said, RTM have been being a project because of list.
A subtask to a task is quite like a task to list.
I am hoping a subtask function, just because I don't want to have many lists.
Posted 12 years ago
porcoesphino says:
@mikejd30: A task is as big or small as you chose it to be. Sometimes, its useful to mark a future 'task' as a one liner and then split it into tasks of a more appropriate size at a more appropriate time. But, you're right. This can be implemented as a list.

Any sort of method to link tasks as dependent on one another does seem missing or too complicated at the moment. I'll be moving on if I can find something that syncs to android with a web interface and this feature.
Posted 12 years ago
ruspicas says:

Add subtasks! России нужны подзадачи!

Just try it. We will love. Much.More.rtm.
Posted 12 years ago
johnkduffy says:
add the feature that can be switched on or off
subtasks = on (pro option)
subtasks = off (default and free )

let the $ vote

+10,000 users for subtasks x 25$ = subtasks :-)
Posted 12 years ago
badbob says:
I want subtasks too.
Posted 12 years ago
oswandel says:
subtasks would be amazing!
Posted 12 years ago
cliff.huntington says:
Any update from RTM on Substasks!? I (and many other users) would pay extra for this feature.
Posted 12 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
I know we've been pretty quiet recently, but I just wanted to let everyone know that there's a whole bunch of development going on in the background (and we are most definitely using all the feedback from the ideas voting in what we're developing!).

Bob T. Monkey is getting crazy excited to share some big new things, just as soon as they're ready; if you want to make sure you're the first to try out new stuff, make sure you're a member of the tester program. :)
Posted 12 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Just posted a quick update (at the top of this page)... we'll let you guys know just as soon as our new things are ready. :)
Posted 12 years ago
mikejd30 says:
If this feature is implemented (and I appreciate there is a lot of support for it) then I recommend having it turned off by default (therefore a feature that can be turned off). Based on comments from other todo list systems and also original GTD info, subtasks can take away from a system of actionable tasks (because then effectively the main task is not really a task at all, because you can't do it, only the subtasks).

This also means new users to RTM will be introduced to it without subtasks, until a point when they need / want them.

Posted 11 years ago
morahm says:
subtasks would be GREAT!!!
Posted 11 years ago
qingfeng says:
Posted 11 years ago
john.reed85 says:
+1 more
Posted 11 years ago
guto.melo says:
My personal wish for the idea was that the parent task could keep a "% complete" based on the subtasks. Nothing terribly complicated. Just that, if I create a task with 5 subtasks, each subtask complete marks the parent task with 20% completion.
Posted 11 years ago
ruediger.berlich says:
New to RTM, thinking about an "upgrade" from another GTD tool.

Being able to have sub-tasks would be cool and would be close to the GTD way of doing things. You collect ideas in the inbox. These will then often be promoted to projects (i.e. Lists in RTM-speak).

Currently this means creating a new list in RTM and deleting the old item from the inbox. Not ideal.

Except for this detail, though and from having played with RTM for a number of days, I find it to be a very useful tool.
Posted 11 years ago
doles says:
i like rtm because it is so simple and easy to use for the purpose it is built. i would hate it if such complex features get in my way of using it the way i use it today. just sayin.
Posted 11 years ago
ebrahimi.yazdi says:
it would be heavenly! +1
Posted 11 years ago
muliady.hartono says:
+1 Also, please allow manual ordering in tasks and sub-tasks and have additional "Sort By" "Order".
Posted 11 years ago
breannadrew says:
Yes, would love to be able to set tasks to have a time/dependency relationship (much like the one I can set for repeats of a single task) but for otherwise unrelated tasks
Posted 11 years ago
naikian says:
too many replies that I wasn't able to read all. My understanding for subtasks is as following:

Main task with sub tasks. If i completed all sub tasks, the main one will be completed automatically and vise virsa.

Another scenario is: the main task is just a group head to have the subtasks inside. instead of having a lot of tasks and repeated tasks are showing in a single list, I have few groups each of which contains many sub tasks.

I hope we can have both of these scenarios in applying the new subtasks system.
Posted 11 years ago
dgmckenna says:
Posted 11 years ago
hdinfautre says:
Posted 11 years ago
nextaction says:
We need subtasks.
Posted 11 years ago
onlypandya says:
This would be a definite must.... also I would request sub-lists & sub-tags to complete the tree structure in the entire system.
Posted 11 years ago
louisyurman says:
If I may make a suggestion. How about being able to create a sub checklist similar to the way you add notes. I use notes to add "sub" items to a task. speaking for myself I don't need due dates and tags and such for my "sub" items
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
I support this idea
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
I want this too!
Posted 11 years ago
kinderkouture says:
Me too.
Posted 11 years ago
ashwin says:
This is the most important feature I need from RTM. Asking users to create a new list for every task (which has subtasks) is not a great solution. The friction to create a new list is too high, while *most* tasks will have one level of subtasks.
Posted 11 years ago
mrwuf says:
I want this if the tasks can be ordered (i.e. drag-and-drop or dependent tasks). But if not, it seems like it's the same as having multiple levels of tags, which you can already implement on your own.
Posted 11 years ago
tvchris says:
Love RTM but it really needs subtasks!! Pretty please??
Posted 11 years ago
milescui says:
We need subtasks.
Posted 11 years ago
markstansbury says:
Let's make this happen. It would be huge!

Most projects consists of many tasks, some of which are dependent on others. The only current way to reflect this is by numbering the individual tasks--but that gets to be a mess when looking at All Tasks or Smartlists.

If you could implement a subtask structure that made subtasks active only when the primary tasks was completed (or through an override / restructuring) that would be incredibly helpful.
Posted 11 years ago
popinjay says:
How about subtasks?
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
Would love subtasks
Posted 11 years ago
relevart says:
Be sure not to complicate the interface. Subtasks should be somewhere separate from the task. For example, somewhere around the notes section.
Posted 11 years ago
nevstop says:
Having this feature will be great!!
Posted 11 years ago
pip.dane says:
Yes please. I would find subtasks and sublists useful.
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
Currently I just use notes for action items. Would an extension of notes work as subtasks, such as a checklist feature? This is would be very powerful.
Posted 11 years ago
jacobw11 says:
Sub lists please.
Posted 11 years ago
rbreton74 says:
More needed every day
Posted 11 years ago
grunblit says:
Yes please!

Sub lists or sub tasks (that can be collapsed to make viewing easier) are pretty essential for me.
Posted 11 years ago
judykator says:
Posted 11 years ago
pvbandeira says:
Yes please! I need subtasks!
Posted 11 years ago
davyho says:
Yes, please!!!!
Posted 11 years ago
bguihal says:
Posted 11 years ago
dfelippa says:
Sub lists please!!!
Posted 11 years ago
ivanperino says:
Sure, It would be very useful and would help a lot in the organization. Grouping is the way we usually think and organize our ideas
Posted 11 years ago
rich.jackman says:
+1ing again. SOOOO NEED THIS
Posted 11 years ago
gdinnes says:
Sub-tasks please!
Posted 11 years ago
naruaki.azuma says:
Yes, please !!
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
Would really like this!
Posted 10 years ago
brad.edmondson says:
I still haz a sad. :-(
Posted 10 years ago
jbuxton says:
I have seen sub-tasks badly implemented elsewhere. One approach for RTM might be "adding an additional field "Project" (like a custom tag) and then having a "group by" option to gather tasks relating to the project. You can already do something similar with existing tags but you can only "group by" on a query by query basis.
Posted 10 years ago
(closed account) says:
Definitely one of the important things missing!!
Posted 10 years ago
rolf.felker says:
would be good! Can be integrated in the notes attached to a task.
Posted 10 years ago
ksiegujaca says:
+ 1
(also why the only avaliable option here is thumb down?)
Posted 10 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 Subtasks would be awesome!
Posted 10 years ago
dobicki says:
yeah please, i would like that, too.
Posted 10 years ago
(closed account) says:
I started a petition for this issue:

Please sign it! It seems that legislative action may be the only remaining way forward.
Posted 10 years ago
andrew.dicker says:
defiantly need subtasks!
Posted 10 years ago
akirashoji says:
More than 9 years have gone since this idea was posted. Won't you develop anything more? Shoul I migrate to another tool?
Posted 9 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi akirashoji,

We're very much still in development. You should have received an invite to test something new in the Tester Program -- if you haven't, please get in touch. Thanks! :)
Posted 9 years ago
rijuno says:
Thank you Emily for keeping in touch with the community.

"" has implemented an elegant and easy way to use subtasks. Maybe RTM could do something similar to help maintain the simplicity and ease-of-use that everyone loves.
Posted 9 years ago
naharet says:
Want this SOOOO bad!
Posted 9 years ago
mhayes1973 says:
Today, I've finally moved all my data to another provider to test their system. After almost 10 years of this thread, and with subtasks being one of the most requested features, RTM still isn't there yet. I'm disappointed that this has been on the cards for sooo long and yet it still seems so far away... As a longer-term user who was Pro for several years, I've stopped being Pro because subtasks wasn't coming, and now I've finally moved on to test others that do have subtasks. It's a shame that voting with my wallet didn't work when I stopped being Pro, and so I now have to vote with my feet too.

I really hope that you get subtasks sorted and out into your main product. I'll come back to check now and again to see if it's arrived. RTM is a great product and I'd happily pay for Pro again - but subtasks is a must in a busy life these days and I hope that I can come back sometime in the future when RTM finally has this long overdue request sorted out for its users.

Good luck.
Posted 9 years ago
bondar.as15 says:
Posted 9 years ago
robert.ward says:
@mhayes1973 go pro again and you'll get what you're looking for.
Posted 9 years ago
mitagaki says:
I am a pro member and I cannot find this functionality. @Robert.ward where can I find it?
Posted 9 years ago
fhettenbach says:
@mitagaki: It is available in the new test version available for pro users.

For me it is working absolutely fine. Still would recommend to push the test version to all users so everybody can see the big improvements RTM did.
No need to switch to another provider.
Posted 9 years ago
jrrt says:
Posted 9 years ago
agentcunningham says:
Really too bad to see how this whole issue is being handled. I was a Pro member, but moved over to Toodledo after this subtask issue took way too long. They have subtasks which can appear on all lists independently, as you would expect. They are finally updating their outdated UI as well. You should check it out.
Posted 9 years ago
axolx says:
Agreed w/ agentcunningham and many above. As a pro user for many years, I'm every close to losing patience w/ RTM and signing our company to one of the other task management services that have demonstrated better product management recently. It's a real shame how long it's taken RTM to address this massively popular request: 10 years since the first posts, and even today landscape is a mess - some of our employees have subtasks, others can't because they are not "testers", those on the web app get subtasks, those on android don't. I have a big spot in my heart for RTM, but it's been getting smaller every day for many years now. You guys shouldn't take your users for granted like this.
Posted 9 years ago
davetcoleman says:
I'm glad to finally have subtasks but I would really like to see them in the main list views, not only within the task details itself.
Posted 9 years ago
nthdegreeburns says:
You have about 10 days before I drop by PRO subscription. You're either running this product into the ground trying to make it perfect vs. iterating or you're stalling until you figure out what y'all are all gonna do next when people figure out things like sub-tasks and the "forever beta" aren't getting done.
Posted 9 years ago
tutunak says:
yes! subtask is done!!!
Posted 9 years ago
jonm3 says:
I need to be able to view subtasks in a hierarchical structure in the main view. If I can't do this then I will go back to using google tasks or find another program that suits my needs better.
Posted 8 years ago
wesfoster says:
Why is this still cluttering the ideas forum!? It's listed at the #1 Idea and the new RTM has addressed this months ago! Please remove the clutter, RTM staff!
Posted 8 years ago
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