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Allow users to change their Remember The Milk username

alasnik says:
Had I known that it would be my publicly-displayed username, I'd have selected a different one. ;)
Posted at 6:24pm on November 6, 2011
carolyn.berridge says:
Had I known I would one day get married and change my surname, I'd have selected a different one too :-)
Posted 12 years ago
alasnik says:
Hmm... that is a pretty common use case! I hope the RTM folks find a way to support this, even if just for us Pro users ;-)
Posted 12 years ago
sn3akyp3t3 says:
Sounds very reasonable and doable. My vote is for approval.

I know this complicates things, but I suggest that developers consider allowing the existing username to temporarily exist for at least 30 days to allow the user to migrate to the new username to mitigate problems with the transition.
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 12 years ago
carolyn.berridge says:
hey guys, I found a solution: email the support team and ask. Worked for me.
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
I like Carolyn's solution.
Posted 3 years ago
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