Google Contacts integration

justin.constant says:
It would be nice for Google Contacts integration so that we can more easily use the location feature

mahinirb says:
Also, you could add a contact to a task, which would automatically give you their phone number, email address -- which you should be able to touch and dial/text/email via an app.

debuck3 says:
When I have a task to "Call", I'd love to see a pop-up list upon typing (like when you type ^) to select from my contact list. Then, it would put the name into the task name and the phone # as a task note. Boom boom. Done. That'd be great!!

pakosj says:
This is a great idea!!!!

jstefani says:
I agree, even if you use the RTM Chrome Extension it only completes the name it does not add contact info

josuegb25 says:
Someone its working on this?
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