Dark theme widget

wceveret says:
Even better - allow the user to pick the colors! Current whiteness is not very eyeball friendly.
Even better - allow the user to pick the colors! Current whiteness is not very eyeball friendly.

tclutterbuck says:

geekess says:
+1 I would second the ability to choose your colors (or even transparency). The white is just too stark and bright.

Bumping this thread because I wanted to add that, currently, no CM7 themes support RTM, so we cannot make it darker, not even this way.
Theming would be very cool so I thought I could add support for RTM on some existing themes.
I had a look at the layout and resource files but they look obfuscated or something.
This might explain why there is no theming for RTM.
Developers, any advice?
Theming would be very cool so I thought I could add support for RTM on some existing themes.
I had a look at the layout and resource files but they look obfuscated or something.
This might explain why there is no theming for RTM.
Developers, any advice?

xd4d3v says:
+2 ;)
Please do this. About everything on my phone is dark, except this...
Please do this. About everything on my phone is dark, except this...

mikecspence says:
+1 love the app but the white widget doesn't sit well with my HTC

(closed account) says:
Excellent idea!
If we are changing colours etc. please can we make the colours of the task-types user customisable as well ? {Those of us who have a touch of colour-blindness in blue part of the spectrum find it almost impossible to distinguish between normal priority and low priority tasks on colour alone}
If we are changing colours etc. please can we make the colours of the task-types user customisable as well ? {Those of us who have a touch of colour-blindness in blue part of the spectrum find it almost impossible to distinguish between normal priority and low priority tasks on colour alone}

trdf53 says:

ritchie.zyt says:
Dark color is more consistent with most Android theme.

jedfonner says:
+1 New widget is better than the old one, but only having blue and white is still too limiting.

joenmal says:
I'm not sure if me adding to this thread will help, but I too would love to see a dark theme of some sort. Like many others, my phone uses an OLED screen, so I tend to keep just about everything dark. This makes the very bright white RTM widget on my home screen quite an eye-sore. (Literally!) If custom themes are too much trouble to code into the app, then perhaps just make "light" and "dark" themes we can choose from.

joenmal says:
Just an additional comment in response to all those who are down-voting this idea. I don't think anyone is suggesting that the current light theme get removed and replaced with a dark theme. We would just like the ability to *choose* between different themes. Some folks like light themes, some like dark. Give us the option between the two in the app/widget.

hornedowl says:

cartral says:

geoffreycate says:

voidcase says:

This would be a huge deal - I understand the importance of maintaining brand recognition, but if doing so makes the widget clash with everything else on the screen, it's not creating the kind of recognition you want. The best widgets at least have a dark theme option, if not a customizable palate.

voidcase says:
I think the kind of people who use an app like this overlap a lot with people who like to customize everything. Right now RTM sits like a big blue sore thumb in the middle of my otherwise dark, sleak, minimal homescreen.

rlebrette says:
+1 see: https://www.rememberthemilk.com/forums/help/22140/

tracymckibben says:
Rather than a "dark" or "light" theme, make the widget colors selectable. Most importantly, allow for transparency!

(closed account) says:
+1, please do this. I love RTM, but I hate that it is the only bright, non-transparent widget on my phone. :(

bronlund says:
When is this going to be done? I love RTM, but I am testing alternatives and it is because of this issue alone!
Things 3 look promising though.
Things 3 look promising though.

stefank60 says:
I agree with bronlund above. I am currently trialling todoist and really liking it and it has a dark theme. Looking at my screen now as I type this the white is LITERALLY hurting my eyes.
Guys you have to do this and soon. Thus far I'm liking todoist lots and the dark theme could see me leave RTM and go premium with todoist instead
Guys you have to do this and soon. Thus far I'm liking todoist lots and the dark theme could see me leave RTM and go premium with todoist instead

(closed account) says:
I would really like that myself too. How can I contribute?

(closed account) says:

peacelizard says:
Not just dark but the true black amoled that other apps offer

(closed account) says:
+1 definitely. My eyes hurt!!

ghopt says:
+1 current themes don't allow for white text on a black background, which would be ideal.

cdyches says:
Dark themes are way overdue. Particularly with iOS 13. The white really is blinding, particularly when all other apps are dark.

alexspitzer says:
Black theme please! The jarring white is not cool.

mmclain2 says:
I would also very much like a dark theme. The white is obnoxious and hurts to look at in low lighting areas

hornedowl says:

(closed account) says:

fblupi says:
+1 Nowadays every app should have a dark theme

(closed account) says:
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