Bada app

mufakir says:
Hope you are doing well.
Samsung recently released a new OS named bada. You may have heard of it. Along with the bada they released a phone with the specs that match the iphone 4; the samsung wave. The phone sold 1 million units last month. There's a huge demand for the phone and even a bigger badder demand for apps on it. There's a dearth of good apps especially task management applications so I implore you, beseech you, can you please please port RTM for Android/iOS to bada! I desperately need it.
I'd be forever grateful.
Samsung recently released a new OS named bada. You may have heard of it. Along with the bada they released a phone with the specs that match the iphone 4; the samsung wave. The phone sold 1 million units last month. There's a huge demand for the phone and even a bigger badder demand for apps on it. There's a dearth of good apps especially task management applications so I implore you, beseech you, can you please please port RTM for Android/iOS to bada! I desperately need it.
I'd be forever grateful.

hutauf says:
oh yes, please please please!

mufakir says:

pb21 says:
moo for bada too

saryonn says:
+1 says:
Pls develop for samsung bada

mufakir says:
We want RTM for bada!!!!

jakub_stepien says:
yes yes yes....

saryonn says:
Please RTM for BADA!

vheerde says:
Hello. Also upgrading to Bada in preference to iPhone4 and Android. I would really like an app. The pro option would then be very attactive

max25 says:
please I really need RTM for Bada !!

beerholder2k says:
Yes, i need it also. PLEASE DEVELOP!!

wolfie5302 says:
yes please too, it is difficult enough to find some decently working sync.

konetzke667 says:
yes please! would be nice, because the rtm mobile webpage is not really a good solution for me.

lapinferoce says:
pleeaaase do i can't live without

wolfie5302 says:
RTM app for samsung wave is a must
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