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Add to Google Apps Marketplace

aarontn says:
I would love to see Remember the Milk added to the Google Apps Marketplace. It would be nice to allow our users to be able to sign in using their Google Apps credentials. Our entire company would use RTM if that was the case because it would be so easy and such a great integration point since Gmail Tasks are so basic. Please tell me you are going to look into this soon.
Posted at 12:49am on March 24, 2010
kaladron says:
Please! I'm just signing up for RTM, and I looked there for it first.
Posted 13 years ago
nguyenlocduy says:
Yeah, I'd love to see this feature too. Since my company relies on Google Apps tightly. +2 vote
Posted 13 years ago
bob.nerland says:
Yes. I would like to see an integration with GA to. Then I can sell Google Apps with RT pro account to my customers.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Hey fellows, I use this app:
Use the "create shortcut" function (Windows only) and here you go with you RTM webapp in a single window :)
Posted 13 years ago
marketvouch says:
+3 on the addition of RTM to the google apps platform.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
AND add gmail contextual gadgets in gmail instead, enabling creation of tasks related to emails
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 for gmail contextual gadgets to create tasks based on e-mails
Posted 12 years ago
sandyallain says:
Posted 7 months ago
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