Auto-complete task name when adding a new task, e.g. if I type 'p', show previous task names 'Plan Trip' and 'Pay Utilities'

conorporter says:
I'd like to have past tasks appear as I begin entering a task. The more characters I type the more the list would narrow.
E.g. When prompted to enter task I type 'p' and immediately available is:
-'Purchase Supplies'
-'Plan Trip'
-'Pay Utilities'
Then, having typed 'pa' the only option left would be 'Pay Utilities.'
Looking forward to this option. The Apps 'Checkbook' and 'Grocery IQ' utilize this.
E.g. When prompted to enter task I type 'p' and immediately available is:
-'Purchase Supplies'
-'Plan Trip'
-'Pay Utilities'
Then, having typed 'pa' the only option left would be 'Pay Utilities.'
Looking forward to this option. The Apps 'Checkbook' and 'Grocery IQ' utilize this.
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