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OpenID support says:
Just to third the use of OpenId.

I almost didn't sign up because this site didn't use OpenID, which would have been a shame because I'm really loving this site so far.

I'm starting to become very reluctant to use new sites where I need to think of a new password and username and not forget them. I've lost track of all the services I've signed up for.

Anyway, great service. I'm very hopeful that it might help me sort my life out.
Posted at 10:48pm on July 31, 2007
consta says:
I'm also voting for openID support. I wasn't a fan of openID at first, but started using it to manage my 37 signals accounts and its awesome.

And honestly, I've forgotten my password for RTM at least 4 times now. I had to reset it just a few seconds ago.

Hopefully this is high on your to-do list.
Posted 17 years ago
fajro says:
Support OpenID please!!!!
Posted 17 years ago
justyn says:
A great idea.
Posted 17 years ago
blowfish says:
same here !!!!
Posted 17 years ago
vzanc says:
I am using openid for 37 signals stuff and it seems useful.
Posted 17 years ago
fallenpegasus says:
Yes please to OpenID
Posted 16 years ago
vladimir.cezar says:
One more for OpenID
Posted 16 years ago
johnfoland says:
I don't know of many sites that use OpenID, so I use a password manager. I use a commercial one (because that's what I started using), but there is an awesome, free, and open source release called KeePass, too. It works on many platforms and even fits on a USB key.
Posted 16 years ago
angela.randall says:
Open ID will be very useful for app integration in the future..
Posted 16 years ago
magbeat says:
I'm voting on that too. OpenID is great!
Posted 16 years ago
didaio says:
Posted 16 years ago
quepol says:
+11 (or however many replies there have been so far... :)
Posted 16 years ago
rsmith7209 says:
+1... I've started using OpenID and would like to get rid of as many passwords as possible.
Posted 16 years ago
gmonty says:
Yep. Would be nice, but can live without.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'd love to see OpenID authentication for Remeber The Milk.
Posted 16 years ago
axyjo says:
+1 yet again
Posted 16 years ago
dsellers says:
+1 for OpenId and oAuth
Posted 16 years ago
alejandrops says:
+ 1!
Posted 16 years ago
cainmark says:
Posted 16 years ago
kris.northfield says:
and me.
Posted 16 years ago
lwallach says:
I like the idea of openid, although I've heard some criticism about it. It also seems like they have kind of stagnated. I got my openid a few months ago and since then they've added no new supporting sites. Doesn't seem very promising...
Posted 16 years ago
thesnabber says:
+1 OpenID is a very useful service. It takes some setup, but it greatly reduces headaches all around.
Posted 16 years ago
deterb says:
Yet another vote!
Posted 16 years ago
jemerick says:
Posted 16 years ago
davec says:
Another vote for OpenID please!
Posted 16 years ago
anu.gupta says:
+1: I'm increasingly seeing OpenID as a necessity to any web service.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 16 years ago
richwoods says:
+1 - would help a TON.
Posted 16 years ago
wade.fitzpatrick says:

With drupal 6 now supporting OpenID in core, I expect we'll see it hit critical mass shortly. Also with the OpenID Seatbelt firefox plugin, it should mean I never have to see that yellow box in RTM for gmail again.
Posted 16 years ago
mattbowen says:
+1 - it's a nice feature to show your users you care
Posted 16 years ago
vivid says:
Posted 16 years ago
fororino says:
Please add it like mindmeister or fastladder
Posted 16 years ago
tommorris says:
I use OpenID on a ridiculous number of websites, and it makes my life so much easier. Adding it to Remember The Milk would be fantastic.
Posted 16 years ago
dekov says:
+1 OpenID, yes please!
Posted 16 years ago
kseistrup says:
Cast your vote here:


Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 for Open ID too.

I've just raised another topic in the ideas as I only found this one after I started the other one (typical!)
Posted 16 years ago
montag451 says:
Always a big supporter of OpenID anywhere. Implementing this would be awesome.
Posted 16 years ago
mrxinu says:
Voted here and on
Posted 16 years ago
thesnabber says:
Posted 16 years ago
fuzzy76 says:
+1 :)
Posted 16 years ago
altmann.mark says:
like to have this support too.
Posted 16 years ago
alex.vasenin says:
Posted 15 years ago
tomas.kubic says:
+ 1
Posted 15 years ago
andy.stevens says:
Another +1, though given the original post was over a year ago I don't suppose it'll happen any time soon...
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
unpeuplus says:
Posted 15 years ago
michael.helm says:
Posted 15 years ago
fdepierre says:
I would really enjoy openID or one another SSO systeme like:
Google SAML

Posted 15 years ago
arwild01 says:
I would actually prefer Google SAML to OpenID because I'm such a heavy google user, but OpenID is better than having to log into RTM directly.

My Wife and I share a laptop and we always remember to log into and out of google, but having to log into RTM separately is a pain. While I endure it, I'm not willing to introduce RTM to my wife because I don't want to have to explain to her that she'll have to log in a second time after logging into gmail to see her tasks
Posted 15 years ago
jbensley says:
Especially since the introduction of the gadget for GMail, it would be extremely helpful if I could be logged into RTM simply by logging into GMail
Posted 15 years ago
calendarw says:
+1 :)
Posted 15 years ago
fororino says:
Will it come ?
Posted 15 years ago
mccu7pj2 says:
+1 from me please.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Why can't I log into my account using my google openID?
Please add this feature ASAP.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Do the " sign in with your goof acct". RTM already used goof services so much it just makes sense
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) Service for Google Apps at


OpenID at

Is there anything keeping *both* from being implemented?

Posted 15 years ago
tsasaki says:
I also expect OpenID support to be implemented.
Posted 15 years ago
jeremy.cabral says:
would love openid support!
Posted 15 years ago
areels says:
Posted 15 years ago
alan.lamielle says:
Posted 15 years ago
paolo.capriotti says:
Posted 15 years ago
istoriae says:
Posted 15 years ago
enrico.sirola says:
Posted 15 years ago
manuel.garrido says:
Posted 14 years ago
peter.loh says:

c'mon rtm, we need openid & sso saml please!
Posted 14 years ago
kimptoc says:
+1 from me too, I would like to use a secure password, but its bad enough updating 10 passwords every 6 weeks, so my password is not what it could be :(
Posted 14 years ago
ramon.smits says:

RTM needs OpenID and OAuth for its API!!
Posted 14 years ago
anu.gupta says:
I'm really surprised that RTM doesn't have OpenID/Google Account support as yet.

I personally don't really care which you implement (if you don't have resource to do both), but support for one or the other is becoming increasingly important.

Also surprised at how little feedback there's been on this from the RTM team - seems like there's quite a demand for it.
Posted 14 years ago
bmh says:
Concur. +1
Posted 14 years ago
pbeens says:
I had accidentally started another thread about this, not knowing that this thread already existed.

My comments from there:

I'd love to see OpenID added to your website for logging in, preferably using Google credentials:
This would make things one step easier for many (most?) of us, as we wouldn't have to enter two sets of login credentials for accessing our Gmail/Google accounts and RTM, particularly when we're using any of the RTM gadgets or extensions in Gmail, iGoogle, Google Calendar, etc.
Anyone else see the value in this?

I'm surprised that there has been response from RTM!
Posted 14 years ago
frank.vanhoof says:
Posted 14 years ago
jwhite.rtm says:
Posted 14 years ago
fredcool says:
Posted 14 years ago
ineitzke says:
@pbeens Pro , have we a chance?
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
johnson.tom says:
Posted 14 years ago
antoine.detante says:
Posted 14 years ago
mfpost says:
Yes please add openID
Posted 14 years ago
xfourniermorel says:
+1 for OpenId and compatibility with Google credentials
Posted 14 years ago
loogaroo says:
today I was remembered again, that I would love/need OpenID or "Sign in with Google" support (see:, because Google Chrome has no master password for its password manager. So I can't use it.

And RTM is one of my last services which don't uses something like OpenID.


Posted 14 years ago
laszlo.beres says:
I'd love to use OpenID integrated RTM, so here comes my +1
Posted 14 years ago
alexandre.provencio says:
Posted 14 years ago
pbabinsk says:
Posted 14 years ago
j.daniel.cook says:
Posted 14 years ago
palswim says:
Just to remind any developers: yes please!
Posted 14 years ago
saulom says:
Posted 13 years ago
loogaroo says:
Yeahhh, login with a Google account is now supported.
Thank You!
Posted 13 years ago
danep says:
+1 to OpenID support
Posted 13 years ago
mbunkus says:
I still would like to have OpenID support for non-Google providers. I am a user of Google's services myself, but I just don't want to run everything by Google. They already know more than enough about me and my personal live.
Posted 12 years ago
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