Add tasks to top of list

(closed account) says:
When I add a task it goes to the bottom of the list. I would like to have the option of adding it to the top of the list. This applies to all platforms.

(closed account) says:
Please vote for this feature and save time dragging your task all the way to the top of a long list each time you add a task that you want to appear at/near the top.

(closed account) says:
Thanks. How do you add custom sorting and do you need to turn off drag and drop to do that?
Come on people, vote for the this feature!
Come on people, vote for the this feature!

(closed account) says:
Please vote for this feature and save time dragging your task all the way to the top of a long list each time you add a task that you want to appear at/near the top.

mikedoeslife says:
Argh, I badly want this. Please RTM, please!

dirknl says:
I cannot believe that the default is to move a task to bottom! There shouldn't even need to be an option for this, default should be for task to go to top! In any case, we absolutely need an option to add new task to top yes. This is a critical option for my workflow.

(closed account) says:
I totally agree! Please RTM. Listen to your users of over 10 years! At least make this an option. Please people, place your vote.

gsclark says:
The lack of this feature is driving me mad! Why on earth is the default to add at the bottom?!

floodmeadows says:

(closed account) says:
Please RTM. Many responses so far.

wkoszek says:

sharrell32 says:

svorge says:

chimerico says:
I use Drag & Drop sorting, and I constantly have to add a new task to the current list, scroll to the bottom, drag it up to the top, then I can move it to a different day so it doesn't end up being on the bottom when the day the task is scheduled for comes.

mjmaguire says:
Would love this - thanks!

mark.white says:
The one drawback to an otherwise beautiful product.

(closed account) says:
Any update on this?

hightime says:
Me too. I'm coming from Wunderlist, where this is a standard option. I work in drag and drop mode and it's important to my workflow to have new tasks at the top, so I'm having to drag every single new task to the top. Will seriously consider other alternatives to Wunderlist if this isn't fixed soon.

bunbear says:
Would really like this feature as well. I keep coming back to this post hoping that it got fixed.

(closed account) says:
Me too

cameron.stanford says:
Yes please

carlospaulojr says:

fijistudios says:
switched from Wunderlist to RTM and now because of this ... switching back :(

jellero says:
+1 because this annoys me

pxk161 says:
I echo everyone else's comments. Please fix this.

(closed account) says:
Can someone from RTM let us know if there are plans to work on this?

gavpreece says:
I agree completely with this! So frustrating having to drag tasks all the way to the top everytime!

(closed account) says:
Can we have an update on this, RTM?

santisg says:
I'd love to having this feature.

szkorbut says:

bdge says:
This is driving me insane also. Given it's not even a difficult thing to implement, I'm surprised and disappointed that it's still not even being considered. It may become a showstopper for me before long.

worldcupdanb says:
Such a basic thing and such a pain. Get it sorted

gavpreece says:
Can't believe this still isn't added.
Switching away from RTM now before auto-renewal
Switching away from RTM now before auto-renewal

(closed account) says:
Come on, RTM. You can do it!

cippoboy says:
I bet moving the last item to the first place is the single most common user action request of all, by a long way.
It's incredible that they didn't notice it, even if they don't want to read their own "ideas" section.
It's incredible that they didn't notice it, even if they don't want to read their own "ideas" section.

(closed account) says:
Any comment from RTM?

frank.beaney says:
+1 please

mikelinen2 says:

travispz says:
Sigh, oh no! I'm coming from Wunderlist. Almost stopped at Todoist, but it had no add-to-top feature. RTM seems great in all respects except this. Yeah, I've got a lot of items in my Inbox. And I want to sort by drag-and-drop. And... I want new items to start at the top. Dragging items from the bottom is probably going to be a no-go and force me away from RTM. I guess they don't care to offer this as a feature since it has been requested for years.

catq says:
Same as above ^ New items to bottom instead of top is not logical. Came from wunderlist and am baffled by this obvious flaw. Why no remedy after all these comments??

aaron.boydston says:
Yes, this very necessary for drag and drop lists!

(closed account) says:
Add my voice to the din. I’m coming from Things 3 on Mac and the friction this is causing me is extreme. Just give us the option!

aaron.boydston says:
I hope a lot of people from wunderlist come over cause that will help blow this request up. The problem is it's such a basic--almost 'mundane'--feature that it does not get a lot of attention.

I wish I had this feature as well. Quite often when I am adding tasks, initially, I would want them to go to the bottom since I have a vague idea of what I need to do. After an initial list, however, I am often adding tasks which need to be done sooner than later, meaning I wish they could go at the top. Also, quite frankly, when you have many items in a list you can't see/review the items you add if they go to the bottom leaving uncertainty regarding the tasks entered

fischerlees says:
RTM, why can't you just have 'position' as a field that can be keyed in on task entry through keyboard shortcuts? Clearly you have some concept of position with drag and drop lists. Let's assume % was the position shortcut key. If I could just type "lorem ipsum %1" and the task ended up in position 1, problem solved

maharg101 says:
Dear RTM,
Please add this issue to your TODO list.
Ideally at the _top_.
Many thanks for an otherwise great product.
Please add this issue to your TODO list.
Ideally at the _top_.
Many thanks for an otherwise great product.

milking100 says:

I hate to admit that lists get away from me and get long - and I will admit I love drag and drop - but I agree - and it's disappointing to see a feature request approaching 4 years without even a response - i would like the "option" or even the default to be new tasks (even while I am using drag and drop) to PLEASE go to the top of the list!!

(closed account) says:
Agree! Add new tasks to the top!

bfutterk says:
There's now a feature to sort tasks by last date added on the computer, but not on the mobile app. Please add that feature to put new tasks on top in the mobile app as well!

bfutterk says:
Actually that feature is only for paid accounts... would be great if you could make it available to the free account as well..

bfutterk says:
Nevermind that’s not true. It only allows you to put the list in order from latest date added, but you can’t drag and drop any of the tasks. We just want a way to keep the drag and drop format, but allow for new tasks to be added to the top so we don’t have to scroll to the bottom of the list every time. Please!!

braindon says:
Yeah, this was the first thing that bothered me. I think they're sending it to the development team for review, which would be awesome! I'm surprised this issue has been around this long. I could even fix it for them for free.

(closed account) says:
2 years ago I left RTM because of this. Users are asking for this for 7 years. Would like to move back but I think this is impossible to implement, otherwise it would have been done.

katewaits says:
Yet another STRONG vote for this. It just doesn't seem that hard to implement as either the default or an option.

vento says:
I keep coming back to RTM and then leaving it because of this single issue - that new items go to the bottom of the lists. I have long lists, and it's a total PITA. Please add this feature! :)
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