subtask missed >:-/

if a parent is due in the future, but a child is due a day or some days ahead/before the subtask is not shown in a list/smartlist which range includes the parents due date.
So, parents always needs to be opened to see if there are childs which are due before the parent - thats annoying IMHO.
Example: Parent is due on friday and child is due today. If you have a list "next 7 days" you will not see the child...
If not I would highly request an improvement on this.
So, parents always needs to be opened to see if there are childs which are due before the parent - thats annoying IMHO.
Example: Parent is due on friday and child is due today. If you have a list "next 7 days" you will not see the child...
If not I would highly request an improvement on this.

In response to "small annoying things survey" I was just asked to complete, I was reviewing previous suggestions I had commented on and support requests from the past and realize I sent a support message related to this in Nov 2017 ( (#126053- show subtask in same Smart List as main task)). No workaround is available per support. fant's suggestion above would help address that. Here's what I asked support:
I have a smart list that shows me tasks from ALL lists (work and home) due today, shows me a list of all tasks from my work to do list and excludes tasks due after 1 week from today. It is sorted by due date so the top of the list shows me work tasks with hard deadlines coming up. Then I can scroll down the rest of the list to review everything on my todo list to make sure they are all moving forward or can wait. I tend to follow the GTD philosophy of task management and have somewhat recently started putting projects (with multiple next actions) in RTM with subtasks as the next actions.
However, if I have a subtask with a due date, it does not show up on the smartlist I describe above because the main task containing the subtask shows up. That means my Smart List is missing those tasks with a hard deadline so I won't even know it's due tomorrow if I don't also look at a different list.
Is there some way I can resolve this?
Here's is the query for my smart list:(list:"..Work-NextActions" AND NOT dueAfter:"1 week of today") OR dueBefore:today OR list:"Inbox"
If you don't have an answer, please add a feature request to give the option of showing sub tasks and main tasks on the same Smart List as that would solve my problem.
I have a smart list that shows me tasks from ALL lists (work and home) due today, shows me a list of all tasks from my work to do list and excludes tasks due after 1 week from today. It is sorted by due date so the top of the list shows me work tasks with hard deadlines coming up. Then I can scroll down the rest of the list to review everything on my todo list to make sure they are all moving forward or can wait. I tend to follow the GTD philosophy of task management and have somewhat recently started putting projects (with multiple next actions) in RTM with subtasks as the next actions.
However, if I have a subtask with a due date, it does not show up on the smartlist I describe above because the main task containing the subtask shows up. That means my Smart List is missing those tasks with a hard deadline so I won't even know it's due tomorrow if I don't also look at a different list.
Is there some way I can resolve this?
Here's is the query for my smart list:(list:"..Work-NextActions" AND NOT dueAfter:"1 week of today") OR dueBefore:today OR list:"Inbox"
If you don't have an answer, please add a feature request to give the option of showing sub tasks and main tasks on the same Smart List as that would solve my problem.

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