Windows 10 app

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We've just launched Remember The Milk for Windows! We hope you like the new app. :)

cmlesjak says:
Yes, it's time now for a universal app that works across Windows devices. (Windows 10 including Windows 10 Mobile so also my Windows phone has a decent client).

cjwbaw says:
A Windows 10 app would be great.

(closed account) says:
Yes please

wwoolrich says:

lars_m says:

marius.i.marin says:

seanutria says:
RTM has shown virtually zero interest in developing for Windows community, which i do not understand, given the outrageous proportion of productivity workers using Windows. (I do understand developers reluctance to try and hit the moving target of Windows Phone platforms over the past few years; but now w/ the inevitability of Windows 10 adoption, and the ability to leverage UWP across desktop and mobile should allow for Windows mobile support, finally.) I am delighted that they have put a windows desktop client on their roadmap, but where is the corresponding "coming soon" announcement for a Windows 10 Mobile app?! It's unforgivable to create a Windows 10 UWP desktop app and not deploy it to mobile too. Please!

finder999 says:
+1 !

robbert.langezaal says:

abbask says:
Need an official windows 10 app.

muaz.rahimi says:
Yes, it's surprising there is no Windows 10 client. Please fix this!