Wildcards in "Tagged with" search field?

shawny says:
I haven't been able to find any previous discussion on this, so hopefully it's not redundant.
My question is this: is there any way to use wildcards in the "Tagged with" field such that I could find all tasks tagged with a tag beginning with, say, "-"? It doesn't seem to work, so I'm guessing that it's simply not supported.
In my case, I precede a tag with a hyphen to indicate that it's a project. I'd like to be able to create a smart list that looks for all tasks having such a tag.
My question is this: is there any way to use wildcards in the "Tagged with" field such that I could find all tasks tagged with a tag beginning with, say, "-"? It doesn't seem to work, so I'm guessing that it's simply not supported.
In my case, I precede a tag with a hyphen to indicate that it's a project. I'd like to be able to create a smart list that looks for all tasks having such a tag.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Sorry, wildcard searching isn't currently possible with the search feature.

matthewartz14 says:
Bummer. I was hoping for the same thing.
Would love to have a wildcard, Emily. :)
Would love to have a wildcard, Emily. :)

matthewartz14 says:
Another though if wildcard is difficult. You have noteContains as a search operator. Possibly create a tagContains search operator?

(closed account) says:
put me down this feature, possibly for making a list with all tasks that don't have a @* tag assigned to them, for contexts

janis.janums says:
tagContains would be great. Or simple wildcat could do the same.

brettlytle says:
Me too. I'd love that feature...

whibs says:
Gets my vote!

curoi says:
Another vote!

nazley says:
and another vote here

sejjiin says:
tagContains or wildcard would make RTM much more flexible by specifiying your own tag-types e.g. everything with a @ is a context, etc. Strangely, notes do have this feature; I'm tempted to move tags over to notes.

kempcb says:
another vote!

mgrassotti says:
Agree with sejjiin's post - tagContains would make it a lot easier to implement GTD using RTM. Without this feature it's a bit of a challenge.

ithacanz says:
Another vote for tagContains, but I think the more general solution would be (basic) regex for any search operator - then you can also force it to look at the start of the tag rather than the @ symbol appearing anywhere in the tag (unlikely in this case, but maybe not in other uses). This is the one feature that's getting in my way for easily using RTM for GTD.

(closed account) says:
Another vote for wildcard or tagContains! Any news on if this is planned to be implemented?

johnfoland says:
I would like to cast my vote for this feature, too! Thanks RTM!

douglas.silvio says:
I want this feature too!

ngeballe says:
I'd love to have that feature too, thanks

johnfoland says:
Could be a sweet Pro feature! :-D

(closed account) says:
Another vote for "tagContains" or regular expressions
very usefull for my contact tag (every task which requires interaction with another persons is tagged with a c_name tag).
But I don't think that this should be pro only.
very usefull for my contact tag (every task which requires interaction with another persons is tagged with a c_name tag).
But I don't think that this should be pro only.

richie_p says:
Another vote for the wildcard/regular expression version of this suggestion! Seems very strange in this day and age to encounter a search that doesn't allow for a good ol' asterisk.

tsolignani says:
My vote for it. Thank you.

warwick.symes says:
yes vote please much ta

(closed account) says:
Hey all! I'd like to suggest a workaround.
I suggest downloading Greasemonkey for Firefox and installing this
The discussion is here:
the first part contains a possible solution, but after you've gone over a third of the page the discussion turns to the script.
I did it about a week ago with no previous coding knowledge, and well... its really good! It classifies your projects, you still cant search for them, but you can click them on the tag cloud. Also suggested, enable your tag cloud to be seen on the tasks tab (checkbox in settings-general!).
good luck!
I suggest downloading Greasemonkey for Firefox and installing this
The discussion is here:
the first part contains a possible solution, but after you've gone over a third of the page the discussion turns to the script.
I did it about a week ago with no previous coding knowledge, and well... its really good! It classifies your projects, you still cant search for them, but you can click them on the tag cloud. Also suggested, enable your tag cloud to be seen on the tasks tab (checkbox in settings-general!).
good luck!

dcgm says:
My vote for it. Thank you.

markrichards says:
tagContains vote.

(closed account) says:
another vote

steve.whitney says:
I'd sure appreciate a way to user regular expressions.
I'm implementing GTD (and GTD has got to be a great source of pro members) and I need a way to create smart lists whose names start with @. I'd love to be able to search on "^@home" without having tasks with email addresses like "@homebase" show up in my list.
Also, my "system errors" list that helps me make sure my GTD tasks are on the right lists won't work right because it's looking for tasks whose names begin with "@" but I have to say that they _contain_ @, which makes email addresses pop up.
You must have some flavor of Unix under this thing, right? It'd be easy to create a set of search ops that allow regular expressions. listRE or nameRE? You don't have to worry about backward compatibility if you create new operators.
If I can make my system work well, I'll "go pro" and use it mobile - ideally on a new Android RTM app. :-) But that's another thread.
I'm implementing GTD (and GTD has got to be a great source of pro members) and I need a way to create smart lists whose names start with @. I'd love to be able to search on "^@home" without having tasks with email addresses like "@homebase" show up in my list.
Also, my "system errors" list that helps me make sure my GTD tasks are on the right lists won't work right because it's looking for tasks whose names begin with "@" but I have to say that they _contain_ @, which makes email addresses pop up.
You must have some flavor of Unix under this thing, right? It'd be easy to create a set of search ops that allow regular expressions. listRE or nameRE? You don't have to worry about backward compatibility if you create new operators.
If I can make my system work well, I'll "go pro" and use it mobile - ideally on a new Android RTM app. :-) But that's another thread.

sakal77 says:
I would like use wildcards on locations. I have many locations like DTTown1, DTTown2, SKTown1, SKTown2, etc.
Wildcards will be great to use with grouping these locations.
Wildcards will be great to use with grouping these locations.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Wildcards aren't currently possible, but you can still group them together in searches, e.g. location:DTTown1 OR location:DTTown2, etc. Not sure how many locations you manage, but it shouldn't be too difficult to set that up for a smart list.
Wildcards aren't currently possible, but you can still group them together in searches, e.g. location:DTTown1 OR location:DTTown2, etc. Not sure how many locations you manage, but it shouldn't be too difficult to set that up for a smart list.

roebot says:
I'd like wildcard search too.
I want a saved search I call "WaitingFor" that shows all the people tagged with a task. I've been tagging people with a "_" and had hoped I could query all of them.
I want a saved search I call "WaitingFor" that shows all the people tagged with a task. I've been tagging people with a "_" and had hoped I could query all of them.

rich.jackman says:
another vote for wildcards

erik.moore says:
Another vote for wildcard searching, and short of that, at the very least could we have right-hand truncation? I.e., if I have Lists called "wk-Project1," "wk-Project2," "wk-Project3," etc., then right-hand truncation would allow me to search:
...and get all of the tasks from those lists.
...and get all of the tasks from those lists.

(closed account) says:
erik, you can already search for tagContains:wk-

bryan.osborn says:
I'm very surprised to discover I can't use wildcards, even in pro! I need the equivalent of a "listContains" search.

wrayre says:
Sort of silly to have that nice post of GTD with RTM and then not have a listContains to enable grouping of tasks by "wk" or "ps".

mvonrose says:
+1 Can we get this feature soon? listContains would be so very very helpful

growdigital says:
+1 listContains, as I'm using GTD w. RTM!

steve.borrer says:
+1 for listContains for GTD

sig_ma says:
I have lots of personal and work lists (prefixed ps_ and wk_, respectively). I want to say (priority:1 and listContains:wk_) to get my high priority work items. Instead I have to name all my work lists individually, which is impractical as I add more of them, and they change over time. Is this in the works, or what?

sarahch says:
+1 for listContains!

(closed account) says:
+1 for listContains!

nzadri says:
+ 1 for listContains !

akrde says:
I would like to have a listContains too, nice idea!

vaclav.dobsicek says:
+1 for listContains

tanguyg says:
+1 listContains

(closed account) says:
ListContains is much needed! I'm doing a time consuming work around.
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