Ability to show the due time when a task's due date is tomorrow or later

blt.phoneaccount says:
When the list shows your tasks that are due tomorrow, it shows them like this:
This is the task name that you see on your list
Name of LIST Tag1 Tag2 Tomorrow
###I think it would be nice to have it show up like so:
This is the task name that you see on your list
Name of LIST Tag1 Tag2 Tom : 8:30a
###If there is a task due later in the week, the "Tom" would be replaced with the date: IE: Nov 5 : 8:30a
This is the task name that you see on your list
Name of LIST Tag1 Tag2 Tomorrow
###I think it would be nice to have it show up like so:
This is the task name that you see on your list
Name of LIST Tag1 Tag2 Tom : 8:30a
###If there is a task due later in the week, the "Tom" would be replaced with the date: IE: Nov 5 : 8:30a

(closed account) says:
I like that this was implemented for the Tomorrow and This Week list, but it would be nice to be able to have the due time show up for all tasks no matter how far in the future.

jamezzz says:
Would love this across all platforms!
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