Barcode scanning to add tasks

kh says:
One of the features that's common among the grocery apps on Android and other mobile devices is the ability to scan a bar code and have the item added to the grocery list.
It would be very helpful to have this feature in RTM.
(Yes, some of us use RTM to, um, remember the milk.)
It would be very helpful to have this feature in RTM.
(Yes, some of us use RTM to, um, remember the milk.)

tabar says:
Definitely a great add. I have been looking for a feature like this that would make it easy as you use up items, to add them to the list to be repurchased. Would be a great productivity improvement.

sn3akyp3t3 says:
I agree. As diverse as RTM is for features this is one that probably should be available for those that desire to use their mobile devices as shopping list utilities. I wouldn't expect RTM to go as far as mapping out which isle the item is in, but for now scanning with the barcode scanner doesn't seem like a bad idea. I know with android it is possible using the open source barcode scanner "ZXing". The Google Authenticator uses this as their barcode scanner. I don't have any suggestion for a similar barcode scanner featured app for the Apple mobile devices. This has my vote.

marcwklass says:
Bar code scanning would be great. Also, being able to add from the food data base in My Fitness Pal.
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