Support for tasks created by flagging emails for follow up

spamboy says:
In Outlook, you can flag messages for followup, and these show up in your Tasks list as Tasks of type Message.
Will MilkSync for Outlook be updated to support syncing these type tasks?
Will MilkSync for Outlook be updated to support syncing these type tasks?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks for everyone's feedback! :) We're going to look into this -- there's a bit of an issue because when messages are flagged, Outlook doesn't actually create tasks for them (they're still just emails with a special task flag). As there's no tasks for us to sync with, we'll have to investigate whether it's possible to sync with the flagged emails and create tasks in Remember The Milk from those.

pakudinov says:
Yes, I'm very interested in this feature too!

jason3fc says:
I am also interested in this. I use Quick Steps in Outlook 2010 to turn my incoming emails into tasks. This doesnt really make them tasks, it just makes the messages show up in the task list. Since this is my primary way of using tasks in Outlook, I'd love to see support for this as well!
Right now my only way around this is to tell the quick step to create a task as well, this nets me two items and and a task I have to fill out, so it defeats the purpose of my quick step.
Please add support for this, I'd love to see it!!
Right now my only way around this is to tell the quick step to create a task as well, this nets me two items and and a task I have to fill out, so it defeats the purpose of my quick step.
Please add support for this, I'd love to see it!!

tobbesjufem says:
I would like this too! I have a GTD-like setup in outlook and flagging email as tasks is probably 70-80% of all my tasks.

jimgale says:
I just found out about RTM this morning - got excited about following my Outlook 2010 flagged tasks in my Windows Mobile 7 - signed up/paid for pro in order to enable all. Found out that this feature is missing. [This is 100% how I track my tasks - starting as an email - flagged].
RTM: PLEASE enable this feature. Thanks.
RTM: PLEASE enable this feature. Thanks.

jaap.kramer says:
Adding my vote to this.

jaap.kramer says:
Good to hear the team is looking into this. In my opinion this feature would greatly improve the MilkSync utility! Looking forward to see this working if possible.

chadjheath says:
Thank you for looking into this option. I just signed up today and would love to have this functionality as many of my to-do's start as emails as well.
Please add this if it is possible. Other than that I love the app!!
Please add this if it is possible. Other than that I love the app!!

spamboy says:
@Emily Thanks for the reply -- let us know how it goes!

(closed account) says:
I actually installed MilkSync just to see if it supported this, as I almost exclusively use flags.
I really hope you manage to support it.
I really hope you manage to support it.

jkubecki says:
"Me too!"

geeker87 says:
Would love to see this feature, I'm on the topping edge of buying pro and this would seal the deal for me.

matt.crossley says:
I've had this issue with almost any attempt to sync outlook flagged emails. I finally purchased Clear Context which turns e-mails into tasks with one click - this provides the kind of syncing capability. So far the sync with milk sync has been great - the only issue I have is when changing priorities (i.e. @calls to @waiting) it will sometimes duplicate the task in Outlook because it is syncing back the older version from RTM and the updated version.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
We'd be interested to know about any problems you're having, especially with Clear Context.
Would it be possible to submit a MilkSync for Microsoft Outlook issue report via our support system, if you haven't done so already?
Just select your issue from the list on the left, and follow the steps shown. If your issue isn't listed, click on "I'd like to report a new issue".
Your report should provide all the info that we need to investigate further, but we'll be in touch via email if we require any more details.
We'd be interested to know about any problems you're having, especially with Clear Context.
Would it be possible to submit a MilkSync for Microsoft Outlook issue report via our support system, if you haven't done so already?
Just select your issue from the list on the left, and follow the steps shown. If your issue isn't listed, click on "I'd like to report a new issue".
Your report should provide all the info that we need to investigate further, but we'll be in touch via email if we require any more details.

metalhero says:
As a counterpoint I would not like to see this feature, alternatively if this feature was introduced it should be optional

(closed account) says:
Before milksync I would fwd emails to rtm vs flagging and a task is created that way. It works for me.

(closed account) says:

(closed account) says:
There is a way to turn emails into real tasks in outlook that will then sync with RTM. Read here: says:
I would also like to see flagged emails mapped into RTM Milksync. The link in the previous post shows how to copy the email into a separate task, but the point is NOT to create a separate item (task) to have to manage in Outlook if the email itself is what requires the action. I was excited about using this service to integrate my work to-dos into RTM, but unfortunately this missing feature kills the value since I mostly use flagged emails on the Outlook ToDo list.

adski says:

hkarekar says:
Yes. This feature is really really needed. Very useful because when you send out an email to someone and want to just flag it for followup. Task creation is unnecessary in this context.

rooslih says:
Yes. it is a very important function. I also use the business contact manager BCM together with outlook. There I work also with flags. Please verify this function also together with the BCM.

shawnmix7 says:
+1 - I think it should be able to be viewed as a type of item outside just a message, as Outlook displays it under tasks as a To-Do item. Perhaps this could help in identifying the piece that MilkSync needs to look for.

magnus.vaughan says:
Any news on this. This feature is absolutely necessary in my opinion. Its absence renders RTM pretty much useless for those of us who use flags with Outlook.

(closed account) says:
Please update us on this issue. I am sure this is extremely important to anyone who gets 200 emails daily like me. I have at least 30 flagged emails daily.

rldovejr says:
+1 - any update?

tom.vanbaarle says:

pminkler says:
Would love this feature
Would love this feature

yusen says:
please please please

venura says:
Hope this feature is on the roadmap, as i need this feature before thinking on going pro

venura says:
this is a feature which should have been there by default

olgagrad says:
I don't want to upgrade to pro until this feature is enabled ... Without this feature my task management steps are doubled!

mauro.crovato says:
i would like it too!!!! please please hear us asap!!!

wtmaslyn says:
This would be great. If you had this feature, I'd upgrade today!

preswest says:
I use flagged emails at work every day, so this feature would revolutionize how i can keep on top of tasks at work. Now a days, nearly all my tasks are assaigned to me in the form of an email.

Adding my vote to this. I investigated MilkSync specifically for this purpose but it looks like it doesn't support it yet. With Siri connected to RTM, it is such a powerful tool I would love to have ALL my tasks/reminders consolidated in RTM rather than fragmented between Outlook, RTM, and the Reminders app.

peter.rhodes says:
Not to pile on, but this is an essential tool for Outlook users who are used to flagging emails. I synced my tasks for the first time and only one of 12 sync'd and I finally found that the others were flagged emails. Hope its on RTM's To-Do list.

aarondick says:
+1! ALL of my tasks are driven off of email flags.

neil.padgen says:
This would be a killer feature. I've just moved to Outlook 2010 from 2003, and this feature of Outlook has already revolutionised my way of working - but I do prefer the extra flexibility RTM gives me. I don't really want to do an ugly Quick Task hack to create a new task from the email when it's the email itself that needs following up.
I understand the issue but would like to know what progress has been made in the year since Emily posted her answer.
I've just (today) upgraded to Pro in the hope that this feature gets implemented with the help of my $25!
I understand the issue but would like to know what progress has been made in the year since Emily posted her answer.
I've just (today) upgraded to Pro in the hope that this feature gets implemented with the help of my $25!

tenaku says:
Syncing flagged emails is the one thing i feel RTM is missing. I was suprised to find that milksync doesn't support this.

luke.guerrero says:
This is needed...

hannalotte says:
If I really want to use RTM as my only todo list than this is really essential for me. It is not working if I have 2 lists to look at. I hoped as a pro user I would be able to do that but not so far. Urgently waiting.

mikeytt says:
Using the reminder function on emails is key to the way I've been working and managing my time for years now. If RTM can support this and I can sync with my Android Tablet it would be scheduling "Nirvana". Please look into supporting this...

mikeytt says:
I've just read the link that "watsonsale" posted a while back. Now this appears messy so I've have a quick look to see if Outlook 2010 has a better way of performing this. And it does. If you create a "Quick Step" with an action of "Create a task with text of message" then you'll get a window where you can put due dates, etc. But more importantly Reminders. With that complete you can either right click on an email and select Quick Steps and then your newly created step, or select it from the ribbon, if you have that visible. When it syncs with RTM you get the text of the email as a not to the task. The additional power is that you can perform other actions with the quick step too, like move to folder, change flags, etc.
I don't know if this is available in other versions of Outlook, but certainly in 2010 it seems to work really well.
I don't know if this is available in other versions of Outlook, but certainly in 2010 it seems to work really well.

zakikrayem says:
This is very much needed. Maybe not for flagging emails, but for flagging contacts. it's the easiest way to remember to call someone. you just flag the contact in outlook. calling the contact mostly will happen from mobile device, so RTM reminding about contacts to call is very important.

aristianwikarsa says:
Vote for this feature

pascaltillaart says:
Can anyone from the RTM team update us on the follow up of this topic. Seems to me enough users seriously prefer this functionality in RTM.

joanrafel says:
This would be a killer feature! Please!

(closed account) says:
Me too. Where do I vote for this? I did click on the up-thumb at the top of this post

nathandw says:
I would also love this feature. I have not found any other apps that support it and I joined "Remember The Milk" for the Outlook Sync hoping it would have this feature.

ryan.clements says:
Is there any update on this? The discussion started a while back (hard to say with the original postsaying October last year, while the comments say 1 year ago), it would be great to see where progress is, if any.

danny.newman says:
One more request for an update. I am currently using MilkSync on trial and this would be the deciding feature for me.

arjoh says:
This definitely would help met Get Things Done! +1

jens.reineking says:
Yes, please.

lushuliang says:

okawesome says:
I vote for this feature as well. I think that most people who regularly use Exchange for work flag emails as To-Do's, and that really becomes the main task list.

_raka says:
Oh I just sent a ticket about this, and NOW I found the appropriate topic, sorry :/
I also need A LOT this feature, could you work on it, pretty pretty please ? :3
I also need A LOT this feature, could you work on it, pretty pretty please ? :3

erica.nofi says:

adam_jacobs says:
I'm also interested, I hope this isn't ignored because of the release of Outlook 2010/2013. Many of us work in corporate jobs where IT updating is way behind, I just got outlook 2007 and god knows when I'll get 2010 that has that "quick steps" workaround.

brad.lewis says:
This is something I need also - primarily because I will flag a message that has an attachment which describes the task I must perform. By flagging the email I can keep tabs on the attachment since RTM can't hold attachments / graphical representations of tasks.

rldovejr says:
Yes, please!!

a.obhof says:
I need that too!

tyrsia says:
This is exactly what I want to use MilkSync that I don't have to copy/paste email names to put them into my action list. I think if RTM synced to that level with Outlook, more of my co-workers might be interested in the Pro product as well. PLEASE look into how to add this feature....thanks!

sunyibo says:
outlook todos from flagged mail is my main GTD system in office, really want it feature! But please check with M$ first to see if they already have some plan on this (I mean turn a soft task to a real one)

threefingerjoe says:
That would be a very nice feature.

cmduke says:
This is CRITICAL for me. I live and die by the task list (I don't have a memory, I have an inbox ;-). Flagged emails as tasks is probably 80-90% of all my tasks.
** I'd upgrade to RTM Pro in a heartbeat if MilkSync sync'ed flagged emails as well.**
I'll add that bidirectional sync'ing is important. Checking off a flagged email task in MilkSync needs to mark, on next sync, the flagged email as "complete" in Outlook.
** I'd upgrade to RTM Pro in a heartbeat if MilkSync sync'ed flagged emails as well.**
I'll add that bidirectional sync'ing is important. Checking off a flagged email task in MilkSync needs to mark, on next sync, the flagged email as "complete" in Outlook.

tdcrump says:
Since the iOS Tasks app is not helpful with Outlook sync, I turned to RTM. I've been creating tasks, but catching and syncing flagged email reminders would be great. I'd continue to be a pro user for that!

(closed account) says:
I unfortunately just discovered this wouldn't work after I got pro... trying to find a work around but it's extremely disappointing...
I unfortunately just discovered this wouldn't work after I got pro... trying to find a work around but it's extremely disappointing...

r0bdej0ng says:

airhead says:
Please figure this out.
Please figure this out.

joldfield101 says:
will someone PLEASE find a solution to this, it's been asked for years!
will someone PLEASE find a solution to this, it's been asked for years!

(closed account) says:
+1 - What cmduke said.

(closed account) says:
Although I'm already a pro user because I need app notifications ;)

(closed account) says:
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease add this!!!!!

greenelement says:
Yup so am I....

eric.cloninger says:
Just restarted using RTM after a 2 year absence. Trying out MilkSync before I upgrade to Pro. This tripped me up as I had about 30 emails flagged for followup and I couldn't figure out for the life of me how to sync them to RTM. I finally opened the ones I wanted to track in RTM, selected the "Move to Folder" button in the ribbon bar, and chose "Tasks". A bit of a kludge, but workable for now.
Need a more permanent solution though as "Mark for Followup" is an easy workflow in Outlook (2007 in my case. yes, I know it's 2013, but our IT staff aren't in a hurry ;-) ).
Need a more permanent solution though as "Mark for Followup" is an easy workflow in Outlook (2007 in my case. yes, I know it's 2013, but our IT staff aren't in a hurry ;-) ).

jorgelkuri says:
In outlook you can see the flagged mails in a to-do list maybe this is something milksync can use??
Hopping for this to be developed! :)
Hopping for this to be developed! :)

jorgelkuri says:
check this out it kinda works at least temporarily.

(closed account) says:
I really want this feature to work! I signed up for pro in order to sync these, and it doesn't work now.

tiebor says:

envancleve says:

bakerg3 says:
+1 feature request

jordy1971 says:
+1... until this gets settled, creating a Quick Step seems to be a good interim solution for me. Not as sleek and simple as clicking the little Flag, but not terrible either.

theao says:
Like others, outlook task sync (including flagged emails) is the reason I signed up for pro, but it doesn't work.
+1 for feature request.
+1 for feature request.

marisa.pharr says:
Agree....please add this feature as my "task" list has "to do's" in it that are flagged items.

jen.mistretta says:
Please! Please! Please! Please! Please!
Any update on this?
Any update on this?

lordthundering says:
Okay, that's kinda terrible - 4 years is a long long time. Please update us on this problem...

pjespinosa says:

soumyo.chatterjee says:
I have tried every other to-do list managers..nothing better than RTM in every ways, excecpt for milksync doesn't supports flagged email tasks to sync. if this feature is enabled, my life becomes so easy - i won't have to go through any tedious ways to manage such tasks....
please RTM - enable this feature, been more than 4 years users are requesting this....
+1 vote from me to enable this feature
please RTM - enable this feature, been more than 4 years users are requesting this....
+1 vote from me to enable this feature

a.hubbers says:
Well +1 for this, improving my mail handling is crucial. However looking at the history of this item (6 years!) I seems that this features is the lowest of the lowest on the development backlog...
Not moving to pro, not recommending colleges...
Not moving to pro, not recommending colleges...

jiteshshahin says:
The ask has been around for 6 years...and yet RTM guys wouldnt reply? Left to dogs?

spencelloyd says:
After reading this chain, I am going to cancel my Pro subscription. This feature is a "must have" for me.

mcmlxxiii says:
I find that feature really important too so please go ahead and make it possible

sbeaudry says:
+1 Would like to see this added.
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