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Locale plugin (Android)

miamiray says:
Ive seen this in some old posts, but I really wanted to add my support for the idea of a locale plugin on android. Or else update the location feature to be more like locale. I just joined pro hoping to use locations on my EVO. But I cant get the thing to work. I guess the problem is that my locations (work, store, home) are within a couple miles of each other. I spent hours adding locations on the google map, and then trying to make adjustements, but they just dont work. RTM often thinks I am somewhere else. With locale I can add them when I am in the location itself, and they always a plugin would be great. Why try to reinvent the wheel? I love the authorized interface, and hate the idea of going back to Astrid, but location is important to me.
Posted at 2:58pm on July 2, 2010
miamiray says:
I have had a second thought. A great simple feature would be for there to be a status setting in RTM for "current location", which could be updated in all the ways you can update a task. Then there could be a million ways to set it, . Anyone could then create a locale plugin ( RTM would not have to do it). And we could do stuff like set our location by what Internet shortcut we use to view the website (different one on each computer)..etc. The entire location thing would be open to 1000 solutions.
Posted 14 years ago
miamiray says:
Battery life: I hate to keep going on about this issue, but Ive just been reading ways to conserve battery on my evo, and it comes back to this issue again. By having one ap (locale) use the GPS and not a bunch of separate aps repeating the same function, I can save a lot...or so some say.... is it true?. I dont really know. How much does each GPS poll use?
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
1. You can add a location for your current location: Menu | Views | Locations, Menu | Add Location, tap the crosshair button in the upper right.
2. You may find our FAQ, particularly the Locations section, to be helpful.
3. Regarding battery life, you may want to lower the interval in which RTM will check your location.
4. You can change the assigned location on a task, just as you would update it otherwise.

Hope this helps!
Posted 14 years ago
miamiray says:
Hmm. I did not realize there was a "nearby" button to add the current location! Thats great.... does it also use WiFi? I think there is a setting for having location also use WiFi in Android settings.
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Yes, depending on the setting in the RTM app ("Use GPS if available" under Locations), the app will use whichever method is available to determine your location as accurately as possible.

Hope this helps!
Posted 14 years ago
mlatter says:
A locale plugin would be neat
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
This thread is old, but I have to put in my +1 for using a locale plug-in instead of a native RTM location utility. Why should I need two apps monitoring my location, and why should I need to adjust RTM's interval (increasing the likelihood RTM will miss the chance to remind me) when Locale does a better job of monitoring my location and it's already running anyway? Can we at least have the option of either/or? Those who have Locale or Tasker can use the plug-in and disable RTM's built-in, but RTM's function is there for those who don't have Locale or Tasker.

Locale and Tasker provide more options than just location. For instance:

1. When my phone pairs with my car's bluetooth, sound a notification and launch my RTM smartlist "errands." (I have a workaround programmed for this now to remind me to check my errands list, but it would be neat if it would launch the particular list and even better if it would NOT notify me or launch if the errands list is empty).

2. Instead of location, WiFi connection states could be alternatively used: i.e.; when my phone connects to my home WiFi (or work WiFi) remind me to do tasks in "xx" list.

3. Certain RTM lists could be activated when Locale enters the "Bedtime" or "Morning" conditions, which (on my phone) are programmed according to more variables than RTM's native app will ever provide.

Just please seriously consider providing this capability. Thanks for listening.
Posted 12 years ago
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