Show tasks and notes in a single pane

aaronrwilson says:
Not sure why task info and notes are currently hidden from each other on two different tabs. Would be great if the notes on a task simply appeared right below the task info (on the same pane). This would eliminate the need to toggle back and forth between two tabs to review or add notes and simplify things (saving keystrokes and/or clicks, plus reviewing would be faster and easier). Looks like there is plenty of screen space to do this.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Agreed. :)
We made this improvement with the launch of the new Remember The Milk.
Thanks for everyone's feedback on this! :)
We made this improvement with the launch of the new Remember The Milk.
Thanks for everyone's feedback on this! :)

totman says:
Amen brother! That's one thing that had me hesitant to transfer my GTD system over to RTM... but for more compelling reasons I've made the leap! (best GTD integration for GTD)
Does anyone know how/if it possible to add notes from w/in the iphone app?
(I can view notes, but can't seem to create them. but I do have other fields I don't seem to use available- such as location)
Does anyone know how/if it possible to add notes from w/in the iphone app?
(I can view notes, but can't seem to create them. but I do have other fields I don't seem to use available- such as location)

atul.awasthi says:
I guess this is because some people like me create a LOT of notes for one repetitive task.
I would rather prefer another tab, since a single tab would be extremely cluttered.
I would rather prefer another tab, since a single tab would be extremely cluttered.

amoslemi says:
+ Ten Thousand
Oh god please make this possible, it's always a problem to see a task and not have the notes all in the same view, you'll either never use notes or forget you have them, especially since they don't show up in the print view.
Oh god please make this possible, it's always a problem to see a task and not have the notes all in the same view, you'll either never use notes or forget you have them, especially since they don't show up in the print view.

marc.calamia says:
couldn't agree more-- let's keep this request alive. spent an hour already today just checking hack forums for a solution.
a task should display all relevant info in one simple interface -- not segmented and tabbed in different locations, even.
thanks RTM -- great product. adding notes field to task field in the web display would be tremendous improvement to user flow.
a task should display all relevant info in one simple interface -- not segmented and tabbed in different locations, even.
thanks RTM -- great product. adding notes field to task field in the web display would be tremendous improvement to user flow.

nohant says:
+10 wide screen

ezhan says:

minktoast says:
couldn't agree more - please make an option to either show notes below the task info or to the righ for wide screens.... it doesn't have to be default - just an option for those who want it.

dave_elfariz says:
Absolutely agree with minktoast. It does not need to be made a default, rather an option for those who prefer this. Since the online version automatically creates headers for notes, this could be included in the same plane as the task details, even if there are multiple notes (selectable bars or columns) in the same view.

trienism says:
The notes are absolutely useless if you type more than a sentence. We need some additional UI enhancements.

chisha says:
+100000 for a notes pane beneath the task details, agree that it doesn't have to be a default but would be massively useful

lubelski says:
Notes in the android app appear this way, and it is fantastic.
That is, it's fantastic until you come back to your computer and you're reminded of what the webapp looks like.
That is, it's fantastic until you come back to your computer and you're reminded of what the webapp looks like.

jamie.mccoy says:
This is a big need ... fine if it's an option but saving a few clicks to view and edit notes as the same time as the task details are shown is huge

(closed account) says:
+1 yes!

(closed account) says:
+1 yes please. I am not using notes functionality at all because I am afraid I will forget to check them. It would be great to have an option to show them automatically.

francola says:
Please! It would help the workflow considerably.

rmchale says:

(closed account) says:
Good idea - a logical rationalisation of the UI.
Can we have a utility which converts tasks into notes please, and one which reverses this - ie. converts notes into tasks ?
Can we have a utility which converts tasks into notes please, and one which reverses this - ie. converts notes into tasks ?

(closed account) says:

smulligan says:
This is an obvious no-brainer. You could even implement it as an option within "settings" to have either A) the current display or B) the new display with the note automatically open.

pfeerick says:
Or perhaps show at least the first line of an attached note in the main list view?

avv.fabio.palano says:
i think that is the best feature you can imagine on rtm.

richardholt2011 says:
I dont use the note feature because basically it's hidden - not only do you not see the contents of the note, you dont even get a hint that you have written any content. Happy to lose something else on the screen such as the panel expalining the 'key' in order to make space

(closed account) says:
This would be great! At the moment 4/5 of the screen is used for the task list. The notes could been shown under the due-date and priority tab. Also, we are free poeple, could perhaps change the width of the parts of the screen on our own.

newmilkentry says:
I agree. Not only that, but when I add a new task on the web interface, I have to find the task again before I can add a note, especially if I made the task in a list different from the one currently displayed. That's just silly.
I agree. Not only that, but when I add a new task on the web interface, I have to find the task again before I can add a note, especially if I made the task in a list different from the one currently displayed. That's just silly.

collinsp says:
I agree, can't do much with notes unless you know there ARE notes attached. This defeats the purpose of using RTM so you don't have to remember every detail!

olivier.attree says:
yes indeed !!
I am a new to RTM, loving it much already but this feature is obviously lacking ...
I agree with several above that the best way might be to offer it as an option in the settings, that could be disabled in case too many notes are attached to a single task (or display only the first 2 or 3 notes ?)
I am a new to RTM, loving it much already but this feature is obviously lacking ...
I agree with several above that the best way might be to offer it as an option in the settings, that could be disabled in case too many notes are attached to a single task (or display only the first 2 or 3 notes ?)

levr says:
Can't agree more - please don't hide the notes few light-years away...

(closed account) says:
Yes, always felt Notes for the task is hidden...

siddharthnair says:

jmhoskins says:
Yes!! Would be great when you're a dozen notes deep and more.

tudor.balan says:
Absolutly agree, notes are vital to monitor status update of the task by my team members. The best solution i think would be to place a grey icon on the same row as the task. The icon should turn blue (or any other color) when a new note is added my somebody and then the user could just hoover the icon and see the new notes and then answer quickly with another note. This is the only feature that keeps me away of installing it for my entire organization. Could somebody from RTM reply to this requirement?
Thanks and looking forward
Thanks and looking forward

ondrej.marsalek says:
This seems rather straightforward to implement. It's not like there is not enough screen space, so it is hard to imagine an argument against this proposal. RTM, please fix this.

(closed account) says:
+1 Please make notes simpler. I would would keep task notes in RTM all the time if it was just a simple text area below the task details.

carla176 says:
I'd love this feature to be implemented! It's too easy to forget whether a particular task has notes (I've taken to including a reminder to see notes in the task description). I also like to use the notes as a workaround for not having sub-tasks, but putting the sub-tasks into that field. This would be much more workable if they displayed on the same pane!

(closed account) says:
This would be great. Is there any plans for this feature to be added to the web interface. Is there a greasmonkey script that can do this?

trodrigues says:
Would also be good if the space for writing notes was bigger. It's something where you'll probably write some text and right now it feels so small for such a task.

(closed account) says:
Yess, do this! :)

(closed account) says:

(closed account) says:
Not being able to see the notes in the same task pane makes me not even use notes. And for me notes are vital as I use them to update my task as I go.

moyn2000 says:
would love this, or at least a shortcut key to display the notes in a (wide) popup window. Toggling is nuts... thx

e_dawg8 says:

karlo.castillo says:
+10 please

(closed account) says:
I would also like to see this change - or have the option.

paulpaul101 says:
I agree.

douglas.silvio says:

aplex says:
+1, would love to see this. Would make RTM much more efficient!

blake.arensdorf says:
I would really benefit from this feature. I use a lot of notes and having to click twice to get to them is more work than necessary when there is a lot of white space on the screen to be used.

(closed account) says:

ernfors says:
I have also reported this over a year ago. This would be a huge improvement.

ernfors says:
If you like this idea you can like my earlier suggestion here as well. :)

moyn2000 says:
I'd be happy if there was a shortcut key to open notes in a pane at the bottom of the screen or, if necessary, in a different window. I use notes to save emails and the narrow tall window is not formatted for this very well... I'd like to have a wider window. To simulate this, I use the print note option ... but that's a lot of steps.
If I just had a shortcut key that popped the notes open in a pane/window, and toggled to hide them again, I'd be a happy camper.
If I just had a shortcut key that popped the notes open in a pane/window, and toggled to hide them again, I'd be a happy camper.

(closed account) says:

fieldfare says:
+1. My biggest gripe with RTM.

heijdenc says:

marekhappy says:
Would be nice to have a settings to see Notes as default. ;-)
Would be nice to have a settings to see Notes as default. ;-)

seih says:

davidonabus says:
Yes, please.

(closed account) says:
If one could view both panes (note and task detail) if would be easiest to implement a work around idea I posted on the thread for dependent tasks. Put a list of tasks in the Note. As each task is completed, make it "completed" and then duplicate the task and rename the task from the completed step to the next step. Not having to toggle between the two panes would make it easier to use this method.

(closed account) says:
Any chance this can be implemented? It's a very old and popular request.
Any chance this can be implemented? It's a very old and popular request.

jsejcksn says:
It would be nice to implement this like Gmail/Inbox does with the subject and body snippet all on one line, substituting task for subject and note for body.