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Google calendar events to RTM

picapau says:

I know it is possible to export RTM todos to gcalendar but I would like to do the other way round. I would love to see my gcalendar appointments in my RTM todo list. Is it possible?

Thanks in advance,

Posted at 11:22am on April 13, 2009
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi Alvaro,

Sorry this isn't possible with RTM. :(
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'd like this too, and I'll try to explain why this would be great.

I organize using google calendar, while I use RTM for the actual work.
I love being able to see what I have to do (RTM) in my calendar so I can plan how "booked" I am.

However, I organize in short bursts of intense planning, which need a calendar. I could write stuff in RTM, but I woudnt see it instantly in Gcal. Therefore I have to do it in my Google Calendar, but I'd like it to appear in RTM afterwards, so I dont have to manually copy everything to my RTM account.

Besides, as things are now, you can back up a copy of your RTM tasks, but you can't upload it right back if it fails! Yo could fix both of this problems just by implementing Ical import in RTM.

So, have I convinced you to implement it, emily?
(then again, you could have a calendar inside RTM, which would be even better)
Posted 15 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
As an aside to the above conversation, I would just mention that one thing I adore about subscribing to my RTM tasks in gCal is the ability to then generate an agenda in gCal that has my tasks in it, by day and time (if applicable). This is what I print out and carry with me and scratch out and annotate through the day, and it's a great synopsis of what needs doing.

I usually also include a print out of my overdue stuff too, sad to say.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
no love for this?
Posted 15 years ago
foyleman says:
I actually thought this might be possible and therefore signed up.
I am looking for a single interface to view all my "todo" for the day. I don't want to rely on having to connect to the internet since I also want to utilize this on my ipod touch. Then, I can sync up at home and carry it with me thoughout the day. Otherwise, I might as well just use the google provided service with an internet connection.
Posted 14 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
@foyleman - If you subscribe to your RTM tasks in Gcal, then you can use MobileMe, or BusySync, or Google's own sync tools to get your various calendars and view them all on your touch. I use a touch and do just that - works great.
Posted 14 years ago
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