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Gmail plugin not working at all with firefox 3

rowie78 says:
Hi There,

I downloaded the new Firefox 3 today...only to discover that my RTM gmail plugin will not work at all.

I anyone else having this problem???

Any suggestions???

Thanks :)
Posted at 3:34am on June 18, 2008
jeenuv says:
Yeah, I'm facing the same problem. Can we expect the plug-in to be upgraded for FF3 soon?
Posted 16 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
The extension supports and has been tested in Firefox 3, so we'd love to hear about any problems that people run into.

Troubleshooting steps

If you're experiencing problems with this feature, there are a few things you can try (I'm going to post a copy of this in a more permanent location, but I'll just put it here for now).

1) Check to ensure that you're using Gmail in US English (unfortunately we're not able to support the non-US English versions of Gmail at this time).

2) Check that you have third party cookies enabled for RTM (required to allow logins in this feature). To ensure this:

1. Go to the 'Tools' menu in Firefox
2. Click on 'Options...'
3. Click on 'Privacy'
4. Press the 'Exceptions' button
5. Enter ''
6. Press the 'Allow' button

3) Check that you have the new version of Gmail. You have the new version if you see an "Older version" link at the top right in Gmail. If you're using an international version of Gmail, or Gmail with Google Apps, you may not have the new version yet.

4) Check that the tasks pane is not collapsed. You can expand it by clicking on the small arrow on the right of the page in Gmail.

5) Make sure Remember The Milk for Gmail appears in your browser's list of add-ons. To see this list, click the "Tools" menu then "Add-ons". If Remember The Milk for Gmail appears, make sure it's enabled (i.e. not grayed out). If it's grayed out, you can enable it by selecting the extension, clicking the "Enable" button, and restarting your browser.

6) Clear your cache and cookies and restart the browser before trying again (just in case there's a cache issue).

7) Try to access Gmail via HTTPS (replace the 'http://' in the URL with 'https://') to force Gmail (and RTM) to load via a secure connection (this can help if something is blocking RTM from loading properly).

8) Lastly, there are a number of Firefox extensions and Greasemonkey scripts available that make modifications to Gmail. If you are experiencing a problem with this feature while using another extension that modifies Gmail, we would recommend disabling the other extension, restarting Firefox, and seeing if that resolves the issue. If you do encounter an extension conflict, please tell us so that we may investigate further (however, please note that we cannot guarantee compatibility with other extensions or scripts).

Still experiencing problems?

If you're able to provide the following information, this will help is in investigating the issue:

1) Firefox version you're using
2) Operating system you're using
3) A description of what happens (does the extension not display the feature at all, or is it partially working, etc)
4) A full list of other Firefox extensions that you have installed

Posted 16 years ago
rowie78 says:
I've worked it out!

RTM gmail add-on is not playing well with Better Gmail 2.

I disabled Better Gmail 2 and it is now working!

Thanks for the help.

Posted 16 years ago
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