Are 2 way iCal feeds ever going to work

Hi there,
I've been a rtm user for a while, but never actually "used it" because I could never work out how to get it working offline. After recently swapping from Outlook to Thunderbird and Lightning I was excited to see I could easily add an iCal feed from rtm into my Lightning calendar.
Unfortunately it seems like its a 1-way feed only. From previous forum items here its been on the rtm todo list for a couple of years to change that. Is that ever going to happen??
I've been a rtm user for a while, but never actually "used it" because I could never work out how to get it working offline. After recently swapping from Outlook to Thunderbird and Lightning I was excited to see I could easily add an iCal feed from rtm into my Lightning calendar.
Unfortunately it seems like its a 1-way feed only. From previous forum items here its been on the rtm todo list for a couple of years to change that. Is that ever going to happen??

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We may look at providing synchronization solutions for software like this as part of MilkSync in the future. It really depends on the demand for synchronization with various software, so I can't say if Lightning will be supported in the near future.

I've often thought it would be handy if each task had a "click here if this is complete" link, so that I could subscribe to a feed in my reader (using a non-authenticated, private-through-obscurity URL) and then just click on the link in the reader to have the task marked done in one click. You could do the same with postpone, too, I suppose.

(closed account) says:
I also vote for an ability to mark tasks complete using iCal or Apple Mail. Full task management would even be cooler in those two would even be better...

I would definitely buy pro if I could fully manage my tasks from iCal or Apple Mail. Also if there were a way to make my completed tasks stop showing up in Mail! Having all 500 completed tasks in there cluttering up my To Do list is driving me nuts and I can't figure out how to get the completed ones to not show.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hmm, doesn't look like Mail lets you hide the completed tasks, but you could always create a Smart Mailbox that searches for your To Dos that are incomplete. Hope this helps!

chriswhite says:
One more vote for Lighting, or better yet, two way iCal sync! I'd love to see this, I just went pro for the Win Mobile sync so I'm half way to the perfect solution, now I'm just waiting on Lighting support in one way or another.
I noticed you said back in 2005 that two way iCal support was planned, has that changed or is it just a low priority?
I noticed you said back in 2005 that two way iCal support was planned, has that changed or is it just a low priority?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Any future synchronization that we're doing will be as part of MilkSync (and will depend on the demand for syncing with particular software/devices).
(If a feature was mentioned in 2005, and we haven't done it yet, most likely our priorities did change -- the priority for this feature now will depend on demand, as mentioned above :)
Hope this helps!
(If a feature was mentioned in 2005, and we haven't done it yet, most likely our priorities did change -- the priority for this feature now will depend on demand, as mentioned above :)
Hope this helps!

I mentioned my interest in MilkSync and Macs on another MilkSync thread (, but I wanted to mention again that I think getting tasks on and off of a mac via iCal would be very powerful. Beyond iCal, you'd reach iPhones and iPod touches for offline access, you'd reach Palm PDAs, and you'd get into Entourage, iGTD, and various other programs that tap into the iCal store.
I think if you could handle 2-way syncing via MilkSync/iCal on to and off of a Mac, you'd really be on to something big.
I think if you could handle 2-way syncing via MilkSync/iCal on to and off of a Mac, you'd really be on to something big.

llongley says:
I am new to the Forum and the product. I am experimenting with the site because it has more features etc than the others out there. However, I have to agree with the previous posts that the ability to do a 2 way sync with iCal would be the best thing that could happen with this software. This is missing for the iphone and would allow me to once and for all forget my old Treo.

llongley says:
I am new to the Forum and the product. I am experimenting with the site because it has more features etc than the others out there. However, I have to agree with the previous posts that the ability to do a 2 way sync with iCal would be the best thing that could happen with this software. This is missing for the iphone and would allow me to once and for all forget my old Treo.

paolog says:
Metoo :)
I would pay for more syncing options (Palm iCal rank first). I think that's your market you clever RTM people!
I would pay for more syncing options (Palm iCal rank first). I think that's your market you clever RTM people!

sdm.miller says:
Absolutely, I cannot believe that RTM (which seems to be big on integration - witness GCal, Gmail, etc.) does not allow for two-way syncing through iCal. I use Thunderbird/Lightning for email (Gmail) and calendar (GCal) and would love to add RTM to the mix. Alas, I have to live with a simple display of an iCal feed. Get with it!! (Otherwise, it's a great product, keep up the awesome work!)

hopwoods says:
Oh yes iCal two way would be the perfect solution for me.

atomicpirate says:
I'll add my vote for 2-way iCal sync. That would be enough to get me seriously thinking about going Pro...

zarmkr says:
yes please.. I look forward to seeing this feature!

senda says:
sure i'd love to see two ways sync with iCal. I would go pro the very day you release a tool like that.

joshmchugh says:
Another vote here for 2-way iCal sync. That would pretty much make this thing perfect. And I, too, pledge to go pro for that funcionality.

ichor says:
And here is yet another user who would go pro, if 2-way sync will be implemented for Apple iCal. Please just do it!

giac says:
another vote for 2 way syncing

mgrassotti says:
one more vote. 2-way ical sync would be great.

(closed account) says:
Add my vote to RTM iCal sync. I definitively move to pro (money!) if I have this.

(closed account) says:
OMG pleease 2 way ical sync. please, please (whine).

davidrperkins says:
Add me to the 2 way ical sync party. I would definitely go pro for that. I've been a RTM user almost since you went live. milksync + ical. Yum.

luken says:
vote here for 2 way apple mail/ical sync

tony.fines says:
Another vote for 2 way apple mail/ical sync

dlinsin says:
voting for this too

danyul says:
add my vote to the mix, please. I would definitely go pro for this feature...

chad.kirby says:
2 way ical sync == another new pro user

davewellbeloved says:
another vote for ical and apple mail sync here!!

jeremydouglass says:
I would also go pro for 2 way ical sync.
Another suggestion - if you milksync only had a push-pull API for the iCalendar format that resembled the Google Calendar API, then I could use a product like BusySync to manage all my RTM / iCal syncing. This means you only have to write part of the functionality in order to get it good enough that I can start using it. Of course, right now BusySync only targets google calendar - but it would be a trivial change for them to change that tab to specifying an arbitrary server. Worth thinking about - I'd still go pro for it, if it actually worked.
Another suggestion - if you milksync only had a push-pull API for the iCalendar format that resembled the Google Calendar API, then I could use a product like BusySync to manage all my RTM / iCal syncing. This means you only have to write part of the functionality in order to get it good enough that I can start using it. Of course, right now BusySync only targets google calendar - but it would be a trivial change for them to change that tab to specifying an arbitrary server. Worth thinking about - I'd still go pro for it, if it actually worked.

nicolas2b says:
Me too, It can be wonderful if we can sync iCal an RTM in 2 ways

yehudit says:
my vote for 2-way sync.
Also I can't delete RTM todos from iCal - I can't find the tasks in RTM so I can delete them from there. I only started using this last week so not many tasks, I can account for all of them and these 2 aren't there. Meanwhile they are cluttering up iCal.
If this can't be fixed I will seriously look for a different app, I can't have superceded tasks cluttering up my iCal for months, esp since I sync with iPhone.
Also I can't delete RTM todos from iCal - I can't find the tasks in RTM so I can delete them from there. I only started using this last week so not many tasks, I can account for all of them and these 2 aren't there. Meanwhile they are cluttering up iCal.
If this can't be fixed I will seriously look for a different app, I can't have superceded tasks cluttering up my iCal for months, esp since I sync with iPhone.

yehudit says:
I looked through some other threads, and people have been complaining about lingering tasks for over a YEAR ! This isn't new functionality, this is fixing a problem. Hello? Anyone home on the development team?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
yehudit , there are no current known issues with iCalendar subscriptions on our end.
The issues that were reported previously were caused by bugs in new versions of iCal (that have subsequently been fixed by Apple).
If you haven't already, I would recommend making sure that your version of iCal is up-to-date. It sounds as though the iCalendar subscription isn't being refreshed correctly by iCal -- it may be worth unsubscribing then re-subscribing to the iCalendar feed, and seeing if this helps.
If it's still not refreshing correctly, I'd recommend contacting Apple (we're providing a standard iCalendar feed, so unfortunately if iCal isn't refreshing correctly, this isn't something that we can fix on our end).
Sorry I can't be of more help!
The issues that were reported previously were caused by bugs in new versions of iCal (that have subsequently been fixed by Apple).
If you haven't already, I would recommend making sure that your version of iCal is up-to-date. It sounds as though the iCalendar subscription isn't being refreshed correctly by iCal -- it may be worth unsubscribing then re-subscribing to the iCalendar feed, and seeing if this helps.
If it's still not refreshing correctly, I'd recommend contacting Apple (we're providing a standard iCalendar feed, so unfortunately if iCal isn't refreshing correctly, this isn't something that we can fix on our end).
Sorry I can't be of more help!

(closed account) says:
2 way sync please! Especially to iCal. Then I can have iCal on my Mac and used RTM on my iPhone!

eweeee says:
2 way sync is the reason i'll probably pay for a service like spanning sync. if you provide it as part of your tool, i'd be more likely to stay with rtm (i'm a new user, just trying it out, but happy so far--but i'm definitely shopping around...)

sbroback says:
2 way sync with ical is critical for me. Still shopping I guess.

samanathon says:
I would love to 2-way sync for Lightning!
That's the one feature from making RTM perfect.
That's the one feature from making RTM perfect.

asslev says:
I'll buy the pro if I could synch it with my ical, definitely!

jstaffin says:
Vote for iCal Syncing

dervis.erel says:
ical sync NOW pls

cbolstad says:
For two way RTM sync using Thunderbird w/ Lightning or Sunbird, you can use the Remember the Milk Provider add on from here

naor says:
I couldn't resist joining the crowd here :) Just migrated to Mac, and currently work with gmail in browser JUST BECAUSE :) i have the RTM side bar there... would love ... (++++) to see 2way sync between iCal and RTM

naor says:
after little thought - 2cents of an idea, since Plaxo is already doing sync with iCal (although not tasks as far as I can see) why don't you guys team with them, providing them the RTM layer, while they'll do the iCal sync stuff ????
Should be much easier for you to develop and maintain only that part while they can provide better service (they need that) and it can also be a quick path for outlook tasks sync as well.
They'll be happy, you can restrict this feature only to Pro accounts (promise to pay for pro) so you'll be happy too.. and we all be happy as well :)
Should be much easier for you to develop and maintain only that part while they can provide better service (they need that) and it can also be a quick path for outlook tasks sync as well.
They'll be happy, you can restrict this feature only to Pro accounts (promise to pay for pro) so you'll be happy too.. and we all be happy as well :)

milklovesu says:
Consider me in for demand for ical integration!

joshkerr says:
i vote for ical integration.

amoreno says:
iCal integration please!

danieljjimenez says:
tack on another one!

rajr19 says:
one vote from me! ical would be amazing

alexrperry says:
we just got addressbook sync for apple and google. Now we just need RTM and apple mail tasking sync.
I'd pay $25 per year for that.
Didn't use tasking before 10.5 because it kind of sucked. works better now that it's in apple mail.
I'd pay $25 per year for that.
Didn't use tasking before 10.5 because it kind of sucked. works better now that it's in apple mail.

sabbatical says:
this is very needed! there's NO way to sync tasks over the air from mac to blackberry, and remember the milk could be that solution!
do it! do it now!
do it! do it now!

(closed account) says:
Yes: two-way sync tasks with iCal would make me jump to the Pro version...
I'm using iCal and shouldn't need to launch another software to manage my tasks... And would be happy to use RTM when away from my Macs...
I'm using iCal and shouldn't need to launch another software to manage my tasks... And would be happy to use RTM when away from my Macs...

deister says:
I would buy pro if there was a way to sync with ical - both ways. Until then, this product offers nothing for me.

canelson says:
Instead of buying a RTM PRO account (U$S 25 per year) you could try using BusySync (U$S 25 on time only) [].
It does two way calendar syncing with GCal and iCal, I think you can tweak it with ease to work with RTM calendars, too. Check it out!
It does two way calendar syncing with GCal and iCal, I think you can tweak it with ease to work with RTM calendars, too. Check it out!

donadio says:
Absolutely!!! To think there wouldn't be demand for this is absurd. Without synchronization, this product does jack

canelson says:
Count me in!

(closed account) says:
ical 2 way iCal sync please.

(closed account) says:
Agreed -- would LOVE to see this!

julian.standen says:
Yes I just hit the wall with the one way sync.
I had been enjoying the new funtionality of Mac OS Leopard to highlight email text in Mac Mail and to make a to-do of it by simply hitting the the to-do button.
But this DOESNT cause it to be added to the RTM to-do list as that is only a one way deal.
As workaround I have made an email address called "RTM" (my RTM email address to sent tasks with) so I can forward the to-do emails to my RTM account.
But then I have to screw around and transfer it fom the inbox to a tasks list
Also the Leopard Mac Mail ability of just highlighting the text you want as your to-do text - doesnt fly with this method.
OH and I have a blackberry too (mac / to-do's & Blackberry is a world of pain) so this is very true..
""sabbatical says: this is very needed! there's NO way to sync tasks over the air from mac to blackberry, and remember the milk could be that solution! ""
PLEASE figure something out!
You have my $25 already..
I had been enjoying the new funtionality of Mac OS Leopard to highlight email text in Mac Mail and to make a to-do of it by simply hitting the the to-do button.
But this DOESNT cause it to be added to the RTM to-do list as that is only a one way deal.
As workaround I have made an email address called "RTM" (my RTM email address to sent tasks with) so I can forward the to-do emails to my RTM account.
But then I have to screw around and transfer it fom the inbox to a tasks list
Also the Leopard Mac Mail ability of just highlighting the text you want as your to-do text - doesnt fly with this method.
OH and I have a blackberry too (mac / to-do's & Blackberry is a world of pain) so this is very true..
""sabbatical says: this is very needed! there's NO way to sync tasks over the air from mac to blackberry, and remember the milk could be that solution! ""
PLEASE figure something out!
You have my $25 already..

proggie says:
I've wanted this forever

(closed account) says:
Okay, fine - I'll join the chorus: 2-way syncing RTM/iCal!

raddc says:
please make it two-way, and one which you can share in between two users. I'm trying to find an easy way to share a confidential to-do list with 2 friends and it is a pain in the neck. I need the three of us to be able to check the list and edit it when checking their iCal/Evolution

(closed account) says:
Ditto for the iCal two-way. I use Lightning, if that matters. :)

drumdog00 says:
i'm with julian.standen. I am also a blackberry user that would like to sync ical with rtm. Or just give me the rights to manage my rtm google calendar. I use spanning sync and love it! which ever but you would make a lot of mac/blackberry users happy. And I would sing your praises all over

(closed account) says:
2-way sync, please.

(closed account) says:
I would go pro if a 2-way sync feature come to life!!

jpcody says:
Just adding a vote for 2-way sync. Thanks for all you do!

cblecker says:
I'll add a vote in here for 2 way sync with a CalDAV iCal feed. I also have a Blackberry, and have Over-The-Air calendar sync, but would really like OTA Task syncing too, that can link back to my Mac.

benjaminsullivan says:
My Pro subscription is ready and waiting!

erika.reyes says:
Hi, i need a little HELP please, i just bought the pro version to sync with iCal, and i do all the steps you said in you web site, about "Showing tasks in the 'To Do' section in iCal".. but they do not appear!! Ir appears the name of the list "Rememer the milk" on the left side of the iCal, but there ir nothing in the ToDo list... can you help me please... Thanks.

daisywreath says:
If you add support for two-way sync with either GCal or Mozilla Sunbird, I will love you forever and upgrade my account.

dmullin says:
I won't buy until I have two way sync with Mail/iCal - Dan

ran.michal says:
i second a two-way sync with ical's To do list.

avey says:
Another vote for two-way sync with ical

felimmcmahon says:
ical both ways pleeease!

rgejman says:
2-way sync with iCal for me too!!

danieljjimenez says:
I'm upset I even paid to go pro without this two way sync with ical. I expect this feature soon.

james.bowers says:
another vote for 2 way sync w/ iCal

dzg says:
another 3,141 votes for 2 way sync w/ iCAL

maostudio says:
vote for 2way sync for iCal

khlrqa says:

lparsons says:
I would pay for sure if I could have two-way sync to Blackberry and iCal. PLEASE!

gergro.asl says:
vote for 2way sync for iCal
fast, fast
fast, fast

dsprehe says:
i need 2 way sync. rtm is useless as a webapp. i want it in ical.

booglebox says:
one more vote for 2-way ical and RTM sync- $25 would certainly come your way.

(closed account) says:
absolutely agreed!

jnbptst says:
2 way sync please!

darthus says:
2 way sync, agreed.

(closed account) says:
Without two way sync I won´t upgrade to pro! :-(

bmcmurtry says:
I guess I'll add my name to the list for ical syncing ....

madhu.venu says:
(Votes + 1) for two way ical syncing

(closed account) says:
I would pay for a Pro account right away for this functionality.

(closed account) says:
It can be done, because Things can do it - Things can sync with the todo's created in .Mac Mail. I still use RTM, beacuse I like it better. But I wonder why Things can do it but Omni, RTM and others can not??

jorhett says:
Yet another vote for full CalDav/iCal. I can't take this seriously until I can work on Todos offline.

bruno.vaz says:
i want 2 way sync as well!

(closed account) says:
I would settle for a standalone desktop app that would allow me to add tasks and manage without a browser properly (because I know there are solutions that sort of work). Something like Twitterific, that can sit in the menu bar (the little cow head would be perfect!) and could be pulled down to manage, add, complete, etc.
That being said, 2-way iCal sync/management would be pretty sweet. I always felt like RTM should just have a calendar view in and of itself... any possibility of that happening? So I could see at a glance what falls on what day?
That being said, 2-way iCal sync/management would be pretty sweet. I always felt like RTM should just have a calendar view in and of itself... any possibility of that happening? So I could see at a glance what falls on what day?

(closed account) says:
jorhett, working offline is possible. Look for the google gears info here:
I agree fully with nf_seth. When Im organizing, I want to interact between a calendar and a task list. Both adding a calendar in RTM or two-way sync with google calendar/30 boxes/ whatever would accomplish this.
I agree fully with nf_seth. When Im organizing, I want to interact between a calendar and a task list. Both adding a calendar in RTM or two-way sync with google calendar/30 boxes/ whatever would accomplish this.

jeremyd says:
another vote for 2-way iCal sync. Would easily drop the $25 for this. says:
One more vote for 2-way ical sync. Together with the ipod touch / iphone app that would make the solution complete for me.

michael.vogel says:
And another vote for a two way sync with iCal! And surely I would pay for it.
It would help me in having everything in sync between my different machines, my mobile and online accounts.
It would help me in having everything in sync between my different machines, my mobile and online accounts.

brennanag says:
Another manly vote for two way iCal sync. In fact if it doesn't come around, I will move on from RTM to a system that doesn't hamstring me.

anis79 says:
Another vote. May be the only feature i would request and that could drive me away from having a Pro account next year...

ygbr says:
my vote to iCal sync too.
Actually it is quite easy to implement it using MacForge's CalDAV Server ( been there, done that... ) and some python,ruby,php,c++,objC, wherever you guys use... :)
I think that, as you have seen, this feature for RTM Pro will render a lot of bucks for ya!
Also stay tuned on WWDC this year as Apple will be releasing a new bleeding edge iCal Server ( version 2 ) with a new CalDAV specification ( more features, more accurate, faster, bla bla bla), and it shuld probably be open source ( as actual caldav server ) and also syncs to exchange ( blergh :p ), which should also be cool for sad ( windows, outlook, exchange ) users too...
CalDAV specs should be fine for both Linux and Mac users ( also for win people that uses sunbird or some app wich obviously support caldav, think there is a outlook plugin for that too) :)
Please give us your 2 cents here and we will give our dollars ;)
Thanks and congrats for the nice service and hard work of you guys! ;)
Actually it is quite easy to implement it using MacForge's CalDAV Server ( been there, done that... ) and some python,ruby,php,c++,objC, wherever you guys use... :)
I think that, as you have seen, this feature for RTM Pro will render a lot of bucks for ya!
Also stay tuned on WWDC this year as Apple will be releasing a new bleeding edge iCal Server ( version 2 ) with a new CalDAV specification ( more features, more accurate, faster, bla bla bla), and it shuld probably be open source ( as actual caldav server ) and also syncs to exchange ( blergh :p ), which should also be cool for sad ( windows, outlook, exchange ) users too...
CalDAV specs should be fine for both Linux and Mac users ( also for win people that uses sunbird or some app wich obviously support caldav, think there is a outlook plugin for that too) :)
Please give us your 2 cents here and we will give our dollars ;)
Thanks and congrats for the nice service and hard work of you guys! ;)

(closed account) says:
Another vote for 2 way iCal sync.

mockelvis says:
Just to echo the comments above. I've got a pro account until December but I'll let it lapse if there's no news of 2-way iCal sync by then.

jonathanbloom says:
I'd also like to see 2-way syncing.

stuwillis says:
Another vote for 2-way calendar sync.
I'd love to be able to look at my Google Calendar and SCHEDULE my tasks by dragging and dropping.
I'd love to be able to look at my Google Calendar and SCHEDULE my tasks by dragging and dropping.

(closed account) says:
Count me in as another vote for 2-way calendar sync. iCal and Google Calendar

alastair.salmon says:
would love to see this two way sync - or even just a realtime calendar view of my tasks

ziger says:
Yes, would definitely love to see a two way link with iCal and with Google Calendar...

ali.b says:
Count me in as another vote for 2-way calendar sync. iCal and Google Calendar

melissa.johnson2008 says:
Add another vote for 2-way iCal sync. Please!

zwise22 says:
I'd like to see this feature as well.

suelay says:
Desperately need iCal sync please!!!
Apple should include this in MobileMe. I guess they will one day. If RTM do it first, perhaps Apple will buy it?
Apple should include this in MobileMe. I guess they will one day. If RTM do it first, perhaps Apple will buy it?

xani666 says:
iCal sync pls ;)

triblondon says:
I vote for 2 way iCal sync too

sebrenner says:
Another vote for iCal management of rtm tasks.

bluehorns says:
I think there is more than enough demands now for this feature where dev should have start to implement it in their next update....

panda88888 says:
Another vote for 2 way sync for ical. This would complete the holy trinity (Google/RTM/Mac+iPhone) for me!

wewantsunshine says:
Another vote for the 2 ways iCal sync (as mentioned in the "Ideas" forum).
And a calendar view in RTM would be nice too.
And a calendar view in RTM would be nice too.

(closed account) says:
Please please please. There are other topics in in the KB as well requesting this as well. I imagine the problem is Apple and what they support. You can subscibe to a calendar/task list but they look like they only sync with Yahoo, Google, and Exchange.
Right now I use Mail with MailTags and it feeds to-do's directly into my iCal automatically. I'm already Pro so I can't promise that but it may keep me around for another year if you can do it......please.
Right now I use Mail with MailTags and it feeds to-do's directly into my iCal automatically. I'm already Pro so I can't promise that but it may keep me around for another year if you can do it......please.

olivaresfelipe says:
Here, here!! another vote for 2-way calendar sync with iCal

(closed account) says:
Another vote for 2 way sync for iCal! Can't wait!

hillshum says:
I would like to see this as well

gamajo says:
Just to add my support to the ever increasing 2 year old suggestion that 2-way support for iCal is introduced for something like Mozilla Lightning.

jedweintrob says:
please, 2 way ical sync or 2 way sync into google tasks!

grosswirth says:
Yes please! Two-way with iCal!

joricm says:
I hope we stop celebrating the "2 way iCal sync suggestion"-anniversary!
Been too long!
Been too long!

crafton.williams says:
2-way syncing

genevieve.margherio says:
It would be so much easier if iCal could sync with RTM. My main reason is that I like to drag and drop events from date to date on iCal - this is much more convenient than going into the event in RTM and changing the date every time something needs changing, which is every day for me. Thank you.

carabunga says:
Please, please, please add 2 way syncing from iCal to RTM... I would definitely use RTM pro in that case. It's really important to me to keep my virtual clutter to a minimum and right now, without the two way iCal feature, I stopped using it because it didn't benefit my productivity. I like the idea of having a browser based todo list but until I find one that can function co-dependently with my computer, then I can't find a use for it.

fspanedda says:
+1 for iCal sync... no need to say more...

(closed account) says:

egyptianlover says:

imlad says:
Since the iCal format is used by both Lightning and, I believe, Evolution, by creating the sync capability you will make a huge number of people (including myself) happy. I use RTM every day, but I wish I had FULL RTM capability from within my mail client (I use both Thunderbird and Evolution) would make things "just so" and would certainly be a good reason to go Pro. Just my two cents...

nick.gibbons says:

matth.nsi says:
2 way sync... Yet another vote!
I also vote you set up a voting system. That way you can plan your upgrades around what your users have voted for.
I also vote you set up a voting system. That way you can plan your upgrades around what your users have voted for.

robrecord says:
+1 Please!! :)

spemarx says:
+1 for me as well. Or if not milksync for / iCal integration, then an official OSX RTM app. Really, anything to give me less "Things" envy.
That might sound silly, but it's the subtle little details in the presentation of applications that make all the difference. Cosmetics can have a big impact on how often people use a service.
That might sound silly, but it's the subtle little details in the presentation of applications that make all the difference. Cosmetics can have a big impact on how often people use a service.

karl.klupar says:
Add me to the two- way iCal sync

mwj.pms says:
There are other services popping up here and there that do this with multi-user read/write capabilities. They often provide the online storage and but unfortunately, they demand a higher price and I think only a handful of power users would ever subscribe to them.
If RTM does this for $25 a year. I think you guys will hit jackpot because not only hyper professionals but anyone can and will be able to afford this wonderful tool.
And now with GoogleDocs allowing all file types. Yes, finally ALL file types, ,just develop an app that would allow you to upload from desktop and get URL right there. PERFECT
and to get back to point. Two-way iCal sync. ALL THE WAY!
another vote for that.
If RTM does this for $25 a year. I think you guys will hit jackpot because not only hyper professionals but anyone can and will be able to afford this wonderful tool.
And now with GoogleDocs allowing all file types. Yes, finally ALL file types, ,just develop an app that would allow you to upload from desktop and get URL right there. PERFECT
and to get back to point. Two-way iCal sync. ALL THE WAY!
another vote for that.

ran.michal says:
Ditto. +1

misj.malek says:
Why are we still debating about this?
Let's call for votes AGAINST 2-way sync
(and don't include me in this: I want 2-way-syncing!!)
Let's call for votes AGAINST 2-way sync
(and don't include me in this: I want 2-way-syncing!!)

galke says:
Add me to the list.
2 years ago now, Emily said, "It really depends on the demand for synchronization with various software".
I didn't count the number of entries in this thread, but it took me a half hour to scroll down the page, so that constitutes "demand" as I define it.
Very simply, while many call it "2-way syncing", it's a rudimentary concept to want "Single Entry", in ALL computer usage. To have to go 2 places to delete or edit Tasks, is absolutely key.
On the server-side, why can't RTM just utilize CalDAV as opposed to WebDAV?
2 years ago now, Emily said, "It really depends on the demand for synchronization with various software".
I didn't count the number of entries in this thread, but it took me a half hour to scroll down the page, so that constitutes "demand" as I define it.
Very simply, while many call it "2-way syncing", it's a rudimentary concept to want "Single Entry", in ALL computer usage. To have to go 2 places to delete or edit Tasks, is absolutely key.
On the server-side, why can't RTM just utilize CalDAV as opposed to WebDAV?

mpfiv says:
+1 to having it, sigh.. lol

mfidi says:
Would be fine to sync my RTM-pro not only via iPhone also via Thunderbird Lightning.
I tryed that, but didn't work, because no webDAV supported. As I see ;)
My environment ist like this:
Thunderbird Lightning (work) syncs also with my private Google Calendar
Google Calendar (private) is synced with my iPhone
Google Gmail (private) has the RTM PlugIn and shows the tasks on the left side
iPhone (private/work) uses RTM App to sync the tasks
I tryed that, but didn't work, because no webDAV supported. As I see ;)
My environment ist like this:
Thunderbird Lightning (work) syncs also with my private Google Calendar
Google Calendar (private) is synced with my iPhone
Google Gmail (private) has the RTM PlugIn and shows the tasks on the left side
iPhone (private/work) uses RTM App to sync the tasks

mfidi says:
and here the my actual Thunderbird/Lightning Version:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20100824 Lightning/1.0b1 Thunderbird/3.0.7
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20100824 Lightning/1.0b1 Thunderbird/3.0.7

prometheusunbound says:
I would also upgrade for two way syncing between iCal/CalDAV (Snow Leopard). I find it amazing that this thread is two years old
I would also upgrade for two way syncing between iCal/CalDAV (Snow Leopard). I find it amazing that this thread is two years old

alistairt says:
+1 vote for 2 way syncing on iCal. Or at least re-prioritising/completing tasks on ical

sylvain.bannier says:
sorry : I posted this message elsewhere but I think this thread is more related on my issue.
I'd like to use RTM to plan my workload. Therefore I need to import meetings with their durations as RTM tasks automatically.
Is there now a way to do so ?
sorry : I posted this message elsewhere but I think this thread is more related on my issue.
I'd like to use RTM to plan my workload. Therefore I need to import meetings with their durations as RTM tasks automatically.
Is there now a way to do so ?

swimswithsharks says:
+1 Another vote for 2 way syncing with iCal. Or at least some info on why this appears to be so difficult to set up.

jes.thesclawfirm says:
I am also for 2 way ical task sync. please!

mlreed328 says:
Been an RTM pro user going on year two. I love it. Having just moved into consulting full time I'm realizing that I need two-way syncing lest RTM just become yet another place to organize to-dos. Keeping things together and organized demands as few methods as possible. Ideally one central calendar... and that means iCal for me.
Without being able to use iCal to push events and changes back to RTM I'm going to have to find another solution. Makes me sad to move on. It has been a great tool.
Without being able to use iCal to push events and changes back to RTM I'm going to have to find another solution. Makes me sad to move on. It has been a great tool.

velrok says:
I would like to have iCal syncing for all my RTM tasks. At leased sync over the duration if assigned. Right now each and every task that has a time for a due date takes 1 houre, therefore ignoring the assigned duration completlly. This makes it hard to plan youre week based on the todos you have.
Please built this in. As fahr as I know CalDav is a standard. So by implementing this you should enable this Feature for a lot of programs.
I would like to have iCal syncing for all my RTM tasks. At leased sync over the duration if assigned. Right now each and every task that has a time for a due date takes 1 houre, therefore ignoring the assigned duration completlly. This makes it hard to plan youre week based on the todos you have.
Please built this in. As fahr as I know CalDav is a standard. So by implementing this you should enable this Feature for a lot of programs.