Creating tasks via Twitter isn't happening today
(closed account) says:
I've sent a few direct messages to 'rtm' on Twitter this morning to create tasks, but none of them are showing up in my RTM inbox. They do appear on Twitter as "sent" direct messages.
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
David, thanks for letting us know -- it looks like Twitter's messages aren't making it through to our side for some reason. We'll get in touch with the Twitter folks and see what's up.
(closed account) says:
I see that it's working again -- and all of the messages I'd sent earlier are here, too. Thanks!
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Looks like the messages got stuck on Twitter's side, but they eventually made their way over to RTM. Please let me know if you experience any problems in the future. Thanks!
hugh says:
yep, looks like the problem is back again.
my tasks are not getting through today 12th October 0800 (UK)
my tasks are not getting through today 12th October 0800 (UK)
hugh says:
not sure if its relevant, but i usually get a confirmational text/SMS message back after sending a task to Twitter - these have also stopped
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
This should now be fixed -- please let me know of any further problems. Thanks!
hugh says:
they've all come through now - thank you for your time