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rtm 1.3.11 does not start in ubuntu 22.04

versus says:
A fresh install of rtm wont start:

[1120859:0720/] GPU process isn't usable. Goodbye.
Trace/Breakpoint ausgelöst (Speicherabzug geschrieben)


Ubuntu 22.04
gnome 42.2
windowmanager X11
NVIDIA GeForce GT710

What to do?!
Posted at 7:36am on July 20, 2022
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi versus,
Thanks for getting in touch and reporting this issue. This is on our list to investigate and I'm sorry you're affected!

We're looking into changes in Electron (the tool we use for the desktop app) that should fix this issue, and we'll have an update available as soon as we can that resolves this.

In the meantime, the web app should work fine in your browser, including reminders and offline support, so please let us know if you have any other questions for now! 💙
Posted 2 years ago
versus says:
Anything new here?
Posted 2 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi versus,
We don't have an update on this yet, but I will post back as soon as I do! Thanks for your patience. 💙
Posted 2 years ago
alexpghayes says:
I'd like to check in on this. I just upgraded to 20.04.1 and am now getting

[9962:0908/] GPU process isn't usable. Goodbye.
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)

when I try to start RTM
Posted 2 years ago
versus says:
After 6 weeks: Any news here?

I pay my account at rtm now for over 10 years already. Would not be bad if something happens here.
Posted 2 years ago
versus says:
exactly since 2008...
Posted 2 years ago
alexpghayes says:
Looks like it's a bug in Electron. Workaround is to launch rememberthemilk with --no-sandbox argument.

Whoever the devs are I recommend prioritizing this, you're going to lose users if your app silently fails to launch.
Posted 2 years ago
isarl says:
Can confirm alexpghayes' solution that invoking the rememberthemilk binary with the --no-sandbox (or the --no-gpu-sandbox) option will allow the app to start successfully. Until they implement a fix for the bug, affected users can modify their launch options for rememberthemilk to include --no-sandbox.
Posted 1 year ago
versus says:
Any changes here from side rtm?!
Posted 1 year ago
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