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Export Data to total Task Labor Hours

directorofit says:
Is there anyway to export the data, e.g., to a CSV, so that I can analyze where all of my team member's time is going by Tag, etc.?
Posted at 5:13pm on March 1, 2016
robert.ward says:
Not CSV, but if you sign up for an API you can export to JSON or XML. I've loaded the XML to Excel without any trouble to see how much time I'm spending on certain tasks or lists.

See more details here:

I've personally used the "Pyrtm" Python API kit with great success but your mileage may vary.

Let me know if you have more specifici questions as I might be able to help.
Posted 8 years ago
carloscadu says:
Hi robert.ward,

I obtained the API key and also downloaded "pyrtm-0.4.2.tar" from, as mentioned by you.

I am quite interested in exporting RTM data to JSON or XML, but I am crude in both RTM and Python API. Actually, I tried to run and from Pyrtm, but just a command line is appearing. No idea what I should do now...

Could you please just give a further clue about what to do in order to export RTM?


Posted 8 years ago
robert.ward says:
Hey Carlos,

Are you on Twitter? If so follow me and I'll follow you back then we can exchange info and go from there. That will be easier than replying back and forth on here.

Posted 8 years ago
robert.ward says:
Helps if I give you my handle! @JBalloonist
Posted 8 years ago
carloscadu says:
Hi robert.ward,

Thanks for availability on helping!

I could access pyrtm. I also have api_key, shared secret and token.

Could you please inform how I can get a task and its attributes through pyrtm? The attributes I need are:
- Task name
- List
- Sub-tasks related with
- Due date
- Start date
- Priority
- Tags
- Estimate
- Reminder
- Location
- Give to
- Notes
- Last-modified

Posted 8 years ago
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