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Due Date Problem

gutzanu says:
I have a problem only since a couple of days and i cannot imagine why or what I did (I suppose nothing...).
In the web interface I enter a task that is due tomorrow and on the iPhone it appears that it is due today. In the "tomorrow" screen on the iPhone I don't get to see any task, all that are planned for the next day appear on the current day... but nothing changes on the web interface.. there everything is fine.
Is there a bug? Or did I do something wrong?!
Posted at 1:24pm on May 10, 2012
gutzanu says:
...ok it appears to be a time zone problem (sorry that I have opened one more post for this thing). But my home time zone (the one in web-based RTM and the one that my laptop has) is only one hour ahead of the current time zone I am in.... not 1 day ahead...
Posted 12 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi gutzanu,
Remember The Milk does not currently support shifting timezones; sorry for the inconvenience. Internally, when a due date is set in one timezone, the task will be due at the start of that day (i.e. midnight) in that timezone. Thus, when viewing your tasks from a different timezone, even just an hour off, the incorrect date will be displayed.

If you'd like to, you should be able to correct this by resetting the due dates on your tasks, i.e. simply editing the due date and pressing Enter should suffice. Keep in mind that you may need to do that twice then, as you'd need to reverse any changes once you return to your home timezone.

Hope this helps!
Posted 12 years ago
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