If you were one of our 100 iPad app testers...

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
First up, a massive thank you for helping us to test the app! :)
Now that the app is available on the App Store, we'd recommend uninstalling the test version of the app, and downloading the released one from the App Store instead.
If you have any problems, please let us know!
Now that the app is available on the App Store, we'd recommend uninstalling the test version of the app, and downloading the released one from the App Store instead.
If you have any problems, please let us know!

(closed account) says:
I don't see any bug yet, but I do have one suggestion already: the date chooser could include a mini calendar with clickable days, that would make choosing a date easier, particular when you want to choose something like "Wednesday of next week" or so.

stephen.nevison says:
Thanks Emily, enjoyed the experience and congratulations on a great release.

shai.inbal says:
+1 to Vasella's suggestion.