Maemo app

shahin.sahraei says:
You might already be aware of the Nokia N900, if not, perhaps its MID predecessors. It's an open linux phone with very good internet capabilities and is ARM based just like the iphone.
Luckly the RTM website works perfectly on the N900 and other maemo devices but due to screen size it's a little hard to navigate.
It would be perfect if we could have a maemo widget on the desktop which shows tasks or somehow integrate it into the calendar.
Just an idea, love RTM in any case.
Luckly the RTM website works perfectly on the N900 and other maemo devices but due to screen size it's a little hard to navigate.
It would be perfect if we could have a maemo widget on the desktop which shows tasks or somehow integrate it into the calendar.
Just an idea, love RTM in any case.

raczynski says:
one more vote from me

fred.huang says:
Agree with this as well!

pavelcz says:
I'm agree. I want Maemo App, too:-)

kimvais says:
upvote from yours truly

ffejery says:
Just as a note, there were several attempts at an RTM app for Maemo 4, but to my knowledge, none were ever finished. If anyone intends to make a Maemo 5 app, you might want to look at/lift code from one of the earlier efforts. Examples are DoneIt (stalled), Canola RTM plugin (GSoC, no commits since August), and something else beginning with Z (I think) that implemented task creation only. Of these, DoneIt would probably be the most suitable. I had thought about taking it up, but I have no desire or time to learn GTK.

treitter says:
I'm working on an RTM app for Maemo 5 and making slow-but-steady progress. It's nearly ready for an early release.
Here's the project page: -- the name will likely change, but I'll point to it in that case. If you've very adventurous, you can clone the git repository and try it out. The latest in the repo doesn't include a cache, though I've finished that locally (still needs a little clean-up).
And at any rate, I'm planning to get it included in Maemo Extras or Extras-Devel when it's generally-usable.
Here's the project page: -- the name will likely change, but I'll point to it in that case. If you've very adventurous, you can clone the git repository and try it out. The latest in the repo doesn't include a cache, though I've finished that locally (still needs a little clean-up).
And at any rate, I'm planning to get it included in Maemo Extras or Extras-Devel when it's generally-usable.

shahin.sahraei says:
Thanks for the tip ffejery, and treitter for taking this up.
I'll be happy to test it, hopefully from the Maemo Extras-testing repository soon.
Meanwhile I'll try and wrap my head around the source and see if I can contribute in some way.
For anybody else interested in this project you can browse here:;a=tree
I'll be happy to test it, hopefully from the Maemo Extras-testing repository soon.
Meanwhile I'll try and wrap my head around the source and see if I can contribute in some way.
For anybody else interested in this project you can browse here:;a=tree

shaun.smiley says:
+1 a maemo app would be amazing.

(closed account) says:
rtm support would really lift the N900, so a big plus 1 from here

corwin78 says:
I voting for Maemo app too.

kikeenrique says:
I voting for Maemo/Meego app too.

barlem says:
+1 vote for RTM on Maemo5. N900 rocks!

mrmoosehead says:
Aye. Yesh pleeez.
WOuld be lovely. ta.
WOuld be lovely. ta.

markus.blaschke says:
+1 vote

spemberton says:
Another vote for a RTM app/widget on the N900.

thamayor says:
Hi guys!
'cause I don't know much about maemo 5 developement
I'm trying to develop a simple web app (with few functionality) for the n900 like is for tweeter
More info soon (if you're interested) :)
'cause I don't know much about maemo 5 developement
I'm trying to develop a simple web app (with few functionality) for the n900 like is for tweeter
More info soon (if you're interested) :)

thamayor says:
by the way I think that should be enough :P

thamayor says:
ok. now I'll stop spamming :P
but.. do you know that
nolazy app for maemo 5 is available in extras-devel repos?
it's a working remember the milk client! :)
but.. do you know that
nolazy app for maemo 5 is available in extras-devel repos?
it's a working remember the milk client! :)

bobromeo says:
+1 vote

tubelius85 says:
The widget would be great. One that would auto-update and display tasks due today and overdue on desktop...

crazybanana says:

guysoft says:
+1 , would appreciate it if it could also be compiled on maemo 4 . I can help with that.

hidzuan says:
I would like to know how to use syntax when add new task using NoLazy via N900...

agart says:
count me in

yifanke says:
+1, N900 is really a great phone.

treitter says:
Sorry, I should have said this quite some time ago, but I've given up on development for an RTM client on the N900. It's a dead platform, so it doesn't give me a lot of incentive to work on it.
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