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webOS app

i_dave says:
The phone is a home run. Stock up 75% in two days and 300% in one month.

Please, pleeeeeeease make an app for the new Palm webOS.

Thanks in advance!!!!

Posted at 5:57pm on January 9, 2009
adrianz says:

This phone deserves RTM app :-)
I'm considering switching from iPhone (I think about myself as an Apple-fanboy) and I hope that RTM can help me make my decision ;-)
Posted 16 years ago
folkmew says:
Yes pleeeeease! I am probably going to make the Palm Pre be my first smart phone and I'd love to be able to use RTM on it. (and meanwhile, while I'm waiting, be able to use RTM on my Palm TX)
Posted 16 years ago
joel.fuchs says:
After 5 months with the iPhone (and 3 years prior with Windows Mobile), I am looking forward to the Palm Pre/WebOS and its information-centric design, multitasking, and notification system. The Pre is practically screaming for a tailor-made RTM app. Web 2.0-type development tools, unobtrusive system-wide notifications (the iPhone RTM app and others like it can't even create notifications!), and integration with other cloud-based data through Synergy means that RTM could become an early showcase app for this new platform. Tasks reminders (including GPS location-based), contact and calendar integration will all be possible on the Pre (and not on the iPhone... at least nothing Apple is willing/ready to announce).
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
This should not be a priority, I think.

I'd much rather see RTM put resources into coding sub-tasks and the drag-and-drop re-ordering of the tasks than into creating an app. for new phone that very few people will have (compared to number of people who ask for the features I listed).

Posted 16 years ago
joel.fuchs says:
No resources can be put into it... yet! (the SDK is not available). I agree that the web app needs features and interface refinement, but I (and many others) primarily "live" on our smartphones, not in front of desktop web browsers. The web app primarily serves as an easier method of entering task details (or large numbers of tasks), organizing tasks, and as cloud-based sync point for our mobile devices.

While it certainly will take time for Palm to build (rebuild?) its user base with new devices, the demonstrated features in WebOS and its associated SDK appear more conducive to delivering the RTM web app experience on a mobile device than the iPhone is, with capabilities that the iPhone (and Windows Mobile) currently can't touch. This is also true (to a lesser extent) with Android. I have been using RTM's iPhone app since its release (and other iPhone task managers as well) and none are truly useful without notifications (no, SMS doesn't quite cut it). RTM's location feature is relatively useless as well (IMHO) until it can deliver task reminders to me based on my current location, without my having to stop what I am doing, launch an app, and navigate through menus to determine which tasks are near my position.

While development priorities certainly need to be prioritized, my hope is that WebOS' web developer-friendly SDK will entice folks like RTM to develop for it.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Joel --

I totally agree with you on principle -- and I'd add that mobile users would most likely want sub-tasks too.

I just wish the RTM team would communicate more (esp. to paying customers) on which features are in the works.

We all understand they have to prioritize between developing for the web app vs. for the mobile platforms, and we can respect their decisions -- but it would be nice to know if we will ever have the sub-tasks and the drag-and-drop re-ordering.

Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Another iPhone user here. First of all, I love the new RTM app for the iPhone. Much more usable than the web app was. Thanks for getting that done.

My problem is that AT&T signal coverage is so crappy in my area that my iPhone falls woefully short in the one area where every cell phone should function well -- it's a bad PHONE! Too many dropped calls, too many times when people try to reach me and can't get through, yada yada yada.

I came from Sprint so I know it is the most reliable phone signal for me, so I will be looking hard at the Palm Pre.

Since I'm hooked on RTM, now, please add my plea to those above who are begging for a dedicated RTM app for the Palm Pre.

I don't care about sub tasks--I can handle most of that with smart lists. Just give me the Palm app, please.
Posted 16 years ago
cspaeh says:

The Pre has finally convinced me that a smartphone makes sense for me ... especially on the Sprint network!

According to the Palm presentation the development for the WebOS should be rather straight forward, and would - due to the Pre's capabilities (mentioned above) give RTM an big boost as well.
Posted 16 years ago
stephan.schnor says:
The only argument for the iphone is the RTM-App. Please, write it for the Pré and i will become a Pro ;-)
Posted 15 years ago
c0debabe says:

I am very, very excited about the Pre. I actually just stopped by the forums to check if this came up and I'm glad to see some many other are hoping for an RTM application for the Pre.

There are also a bunch of people hoping for a good to-da application over at the preDevCamp forums as well:
Posted 15 years ago
kerryrosenhagen says:
+1 but I'm conflicted on this one. I'm currently a BlackBerry Curve user and have been actively lobbying RTM to develop an app for BlackBerry similar to the iPhone one. It seems that RTM would be interested in doing so given the large BB user base, but so far no such luck. Developing apps for the BB is just not a sexy as iPhone app development I guess.

However I think within a few months I will be ditching the BB for a Pre, so while I think RTM should focus on BB based on user base, I now selfishly hope that they work on the Pre instead. Maybe app development for the Pre will be sexy enough for the RTM team.
Posted 15 years ago
linh.n says:
Another vote for the Pre.

Though, to be honest, a better web interface might work out too. I have not used the iPhone app, but I would love to have a tweaked version of the gmail script available on ANY phone.
Posted 15 years ago
bentulloch says:
+1 for the Pre
Posted 15 years ago
pooldr says:
Why can't we sync RTM with google and have google show it on the calender. Will the Palm Pre synce those tasks to the Palm Pre calender? Also is there anyway to sync Outlook Taskd/To Dos with RTM?
Posted 15 years ago
chashmish says:
+1 for the pre. usability of RTM on the pre is definitely going to factor into whether i need to find a new productivity tool... i love the RTM app for the iPhone, something like that would be perfect.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
An RTM for the Pre would be much appreciated!
At the very least some kind of interface like us Windows Mobile users have? BTW, this link has some shots of the Pre's Task screen:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Another request for a RTM app for the Palm Pre. Please.
Posted 15 years ago
spencerharris says:
Another vote for a Palm Pre app. Please (and thank you).
Posted 15 years ago
arunram says:
Another request for a Palm pre app.
Posted 15 years ago
stephanhoekstra says:
RTM Pre app = do want. I would pay for it.
Posted 15 years ago
chiefplt says:
One more request.
Posted 15 years ago
mario.jarrin says:
One more vote for Pre support. I'll move to Pro for it.
Posted 15 years ago
briggsb says:
I'll add my name to that list of requesting an RTM Pre app. I too would go pro for that. Thanks!
Posted 15 years ago
michael.godzwa says:
I'll be in line tomorrow morning for the Palm Pre and I'd love to be able to sync my tasks with RTM. I'll add my vote here too!
Posted 15 years ago
aprilreg says:
Just got the pre this morning and LOVE it. I beg you for a Pre RTM app. I had an iphone and switched over to the pre today. Couldnt get much done with RTM on iphone because of the hassle with typing on a virtual keyboard. With the keyboard on the Pre, I think I will be able to use the app to its fullest.
Posted 15 years ago
linh.n says:
yes, a pre app would be awesome. here's to hoping the SDK comes out soon.

i would settle for a better web interface like the google gadget so you have an alternative web interface for any phone in the future too. I honestly don't know how RTM can't sustain iphone, pre, android, bb, and windows mobile in the long run.
Posted 15 years ago
i_dave says:
has anybody tried to access their Google docs on the Pre? doe sit work?
Posted 15 years ago
clsb06 says:
Add yet another vote for a webos / palm pre application. I'll upgrade to pro.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I got the Palm Pre, love the device, It will truly be my office on the road, but it really needs a RTM app. Cowboy up guys
Posted 15 years ago
barkerja says:
I too am looking to switch iPhone -> Palm Pre. This would be a top app for me on it. :)
Posted 15 years ago
adamgw says:
2 more votes for a Palm Pre app (my wife included)!
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Add another vote for a WebOS/Palm Pre application.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:

I am carrying and extra phone so I can do RTM.

Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
A Palm Pre app would be great!!!
Posted 15 years ago
djiddy says:
A Palm Pre app would be great!
Posted 15 years ago
wally.munoz says:
1 more vote for palm pre app soon
Posted 15 years ago
scotlac says:
I've got to agree. The native task app on the Pre is absolutely terrible. I know the SDK is not out yet but I'd really love a RTM app ASAP.

Thanks!!! :)
Posted 15 years ago
dgcombs says:
I'll likely get a Pre soon. One of the things I use (and use and use) is tasks. I would love to have a "native" (whatever that means) task manager that talks to RTM and syncs to Exchange!
Posted 15 years ago
jimmmarks says:
I hereby commit the DAY you release RTM for the Pre, I become a PRO....
Posted 15 years ago
archon810 says:
Getting a Pre tomorrow - would love an RTM on it as well. +1
Posted 15 years ago
squeff says:
The good news is that the iPhone web apps works with the Pre. You need to be Pro to use it (although there is a 15 day trial).

The better news is that, at least as rumor goes, an existing web app should be relatively easy to migrate to WebOS for the Pre.

I'd settle for a quicky version that's a replica of the web-based iPhone app. And then, an updated version a bit later that fits within the Pre's specifics (e.g., mail, "throw to the side to delete" gesture, etc.).
Posted 15 years ago
baryn says:
Has RTM been allowed into the early webOS developer circle?

I need RTM on my Pre, and I will go pro for it.

If&When it does release, please give us the option to post tasks to the calendar app.

Thanks for the RTM team for everything.
Posted 15 years ago
baryn says:
The iPhone-based webapp is nice, but I can't access it offline. What we really need is an app that we can interact with offline, then will sync when connection is resumed.
Posted 15 years ago
carrel says:
Count me in as wanting (and willing to go Pro for) a Pre RTM client.
Posted 15 years ago
scott3r says:
Would totally pay for the WebOS version. works OK on the Pre, but something that would work with a local copy would be awesome.
Posted 15 years ago
jkarun says:
Posted 15 years ago
cspaeh says:

can anyone tell me why the RTM iphone app doeswn't install on my Pre?

I'm following the RTM instructions from their website:

I have downloaded the app into iTunes, I see it under applications in iTunes and sync the Pre with iTunes - and nothing happens. What am I missing??
Posted 15 years ago
gottesma says:
I'll add one more vote for a Pre app. I'd buy it for sure.

Posted 15 years ago
talikan says:

As an avid RTM and Pre love, I would love this!
Posted 15 years ago
kerryrosenhagen says:
Posted 15 years ago
antipode says:

I've had the Pre since day one, but the lack of applications due to the SDK not being out... well, RTM can apply for the SDK currently and get it early. The earlier the better, before apps start piling in.
Posted 15 years ago
jerhar says:
The SDK is now out! Here's another Palm Pre owner and longtime RTM user... please create an app!! Thanks.
Posted 15 years ago
jhedlund says:
Posted 15 years ago
mojo2cool says:
Please make an application for the palm pre. Thanks
Posted 15 years ago
ericmines says:
I'll throw +2 votes in for this (myself and my wife)
Posted 15 years ago
mgorla says:

I don't have the phone yet but this is the kind of application I REALLY would like to use

And it shouldn't be that hard no?
Posted 15 years ago
mslioness says:
+1 for an app for the Pre...and willing to go Pro once it is available!
Posted 15 years ago
xacto01 says:
+1 for an app on Pre .... research the number of users within the first couple of weeks, limited applications will give extreme exposure to RTM.
Posted 15 years ago
adstads says:
PLEASE! Will gladly go pro for a Pre app.
Posted 15 years ago
baryn says:
+1 For Pre before Android or Blackberry (RTM is already a webOS app! Take a week and port it!)
Posted 15 years ago
barkerja says:
+1 pretty pretty please.
Posted 15 years ago
handtek2k says:
I'm a new Pre owner (upgrading from Treo). The WebOS is tremendous and has incredible potential. An RTM app on this platform is something I would encourage, especially since the native task app is very minimal.
Posted 15 years ago
jorgem817 says:
RTM is one of the most useful web services I've ever used and it would be awesome to have an app for the Pre. I'm proud to be a Pro RTM user for a couple of years, and have converted many of my friends. Thanks a lot and keep up the great work. :)
Posted 15 years ago
x1011 says:
++. the Pre's tasks app is not only unusable, but it doesn't even sync with anything!
Posted 15 years ago
eddiedfw says:
Yup, another vote for the Palm Pre here...hurry, please!!!
Posted 15 years ago
mvelard says:
I have a Pre and there is a RTM selection in my calendars - when I tap on it, nothing shows up - I'm a bit challenged (60 yrs old and proud of it) in computerland, but I think there must be something that can be done - am I just not seeing the forest for the trees? thanks for any help on this - I also agree that the Pre's tasks app is unusable -
Posted 15 years ago
barkerja says:
I have blissful dreams about RTM on the WebOS and making wonderful use of it's beautiful notification system. Ahhh, dreams do come true, right?
Posted 15 years ago
deanchile says:
Put 2 votes for me on getting RTM on the Pre (myself and my brother). I NEED it!!!
Posted 15 years ago
a.groh says:
I'd love to have RTM on my Palm Pre!
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Add another vote to the list. I love my Pre (using my Pre to type this!) but I also need my RTM. The web interface is awful.

Posted 15 years ago
mojo2cool says:
I love RTM, however I love my Palm Pre more. I find that I am using RTM less and less. If only there was an application to bring the two together. That would be something!
Posted 15 years ago
zan.sterling says:
+1 for a Pre App please. I too will go pro!
Posted 15 years ago
barkerja says:
The only reason I haven't renewed my pro account is because I am now a Pre user.
Posted 15 years ago
tom.birkland says:
I won't fully migrate to RTM until there's a pre app. I can't imagine it's that difficult to develop. Anything would be better than the pre's awful OEM task list!
Posted 15 years ago
bruce_cameron says:
RTM for Palm Pre would be awesome. Would definitely buy.
Posted 15 years ago
mikemcguire says:
Posted 15 years ago
kircle says:
my vote too
Posted 15 years ago
cavtoy says:
Yes please add RTM for Palm Pre. Loving the phone and loving RTM.
Posted 15 years ago
haeffb says:
Another vote for RTM for Pre
Posted 15 years ago
schmickers says:

Would go pro.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I will cancel my pro account unless they support the pre...great phone just needs more apps.
Posted 15 years ago
lenwood says:
I'm about to move from a Blackberry to a Palm Pre. RTM is part of my daily life, love the service. I'll keep my pro account if there's an app for the Pre.
Posted 15 years ago
chris.mccormick says:

I would happily pay for a Pre sync, and Palm users traditionally have been happy to pay for productivity apps.
Posted 15 years ago
phegaro says:
I am working on a RTM app for WebOS and was wondering if any others want to help contribute and do some co-development
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 on a pre app
Posted 15 years ago
dbulante says:
Add my vote for a Palm Pre app. This will make my Pre more usable with a dynamic task app. Hopefully a homebrew app can be developed soon.
Posted 15 years ago
marcotuts says:
Another vote +1
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
i would upgrade to "Pro" when a Palm Pre app will be available
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I am really looking forward to a RTM app for the Pre. Until then the iphone web page works pretty good on the Pre at
Posted 15 years ago
eiseldora says:
+1 Please PLEASE Please give me RTM on my pre!

I almost stopped using RTM because the mobile version is so crappy. ( I have to zoom in on every page, which sucks.

I need an app! Are you working on one?
Posted 15 years ago
barkerja says:
My pro account has expired since switching from the iPhone to the Pre. I will not renew it until I get a native app, otherwise the Pro account is pointless to me. :(
Posted 15 years ago
scott.hornyak says:
I native Palm Pre App would be great!
Posted 15 years ago
mojo2cool says:
OK, where is the app for the pre? We've waited long enough.
Posted 15 years ago
mehardin says:
l'm so glad they provide a place for us to tell what we want, but I feel very uneasy making demands of a service I pay nothing for.
Posted 15 years ago
eric.bernstein says:
One more vote in the mix. A decent WebOS app and I'm going pro too
Posted 15 years ago
lenwood says:
Have they ever announced whether or not they'll release an app for the Pre?
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Will go pro for Pre!
Posted 15 years ago
thomas.lopez says:
Need Palm Pre native app to go Pro.
Posted 15 years ago
jjshore says:
I would love a Palm Pre app for rtm. It would really help keep me organized during school.
Posted 15 years ago
nsdodgers says:
I will go pro for the palm pre as well
Posted 15 years ago
vkhubani says:
palm pre app!! NOW!!!!
Posted 15 years ago
sunspotwendy says:
Agreed, an app for the Pre would be FANTASTIC! Right now the web and mobile versions are too clunky on this smartphone.
Posted 15 years ago
darrell.blenniss.jr says:
I agree with most of these posts. I an for the pre would be great or retool the web version to work better. Thanks.
Posted 15 years ago
iamnafets says:
More support for the Pre. Make it open source even, using the API, so we can all add and change stuff.
Posted 15 years ago
stuarta85 says:
+1 vote for Pre app

Pre app = pro account
Posted 15 years ago
brandyixie says:
I would pay for it. Or make it part of a pro account
Posted 15 years ago
fsu120 says:
I'll upgrade to Pro if you come out with an app for the Pre.
Posted 15 years ago
gottesma says:
+1 for a Palm Pre app.

And yes, I would pay for it.
Posted 15 years ago
eiseldora says:
Ok so we got Android.

Is Palm up next?
Posted 15 years ago
peterll says:
I just started RTM, and really like it. Would LOVE it with a Palm Pre app. I'd go Pro for this app in a heartbeat!
Posted 15 years ago
scottc439 says:
Me too - for the app and Pro.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I really hope we get RTM app for the Palm Pre.

Heck most of of the codiing is already done. Just take and package it up in a .ipk file and your there. A good web developer could do this in a day easily.
Posted 15 years ago
barkerja says:
Stopping by again to post my desire for a Palm Pre app! When I had an iPhone I was a pro member, now that I've dropped the iPhone I have also dropped the Pro membership because RTM is useless while I am away from the computer.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Adding another request for this. I need a GTD app for the Pre!
Posted 15 years ago
iwaswondering says:
Add me in as another request for a Pre app.
Posted 15 years ago
courtneyr says:
I'm a Palm Pre user. I'd rather see attention put into making the mobile site more usable for Pre (and all mobile users).
Posted 15 years ago
kerryrosenhagen says:
chipr - use Its for the iPod but works great on the Pre. I think you have to be Pro to use it tho...
Posted 15 years ago
barkerja says:
Not having a native app takes so much away and really limits your usage.
Posted 15 years ago
rob.snow says:
+1, please make a Pre app.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Another request for a Pre app!
Posted 15 years ago
zyxwv88 says:
I agree. Lets add the Pre. :)
(yes, bad rhyming intentional)
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease add Palm Pre app. The website doesn't work too well anymore ever since the Palm Pre 1.2 update!
Posted 15 years ago
brianhui says:
An RTM on the Pre would absolutely ROCK.
Posted 15 years ago
msheahan says:
Please add a Palm Pre app!
Posted 15 years ago
zan.sterling says:
Please make RTM work on the Pre
Posted 15 years ago
chanwiley says:
The 1 app I really need is RTM on the Pre (WebOS)!!!!!!!!!
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Now that Palm has implemented pay-versions of apps it would be great to see RTM come out with something for the Pre. There's currently no alternative to the standard Tasks App and one is greatly needed.
Posted 15 years ago
knoo says:
Just got a Pre and would love some RTM on that!
Posted 15 years ago
geowerkis says:
since October 13th, 2009 the Pre is also available in Europe. I have replaced an iPhone since then and the only thing I miss is the local client for RTM.

So one additional vote for RTM on the Pre.
Posted 15 years ago
amandamiller9 says:
I'd pay for pro if RTM has a palm pre app
Posted 15 years ago
trevor.stuber says:
please make an RTM app for the Pre
Posted 15 years ago
paulnumberpee says:
Make Palm Pre app please!
Posted 15 years ago
imageneer says:
I'm another iPhone user that starts to think on switching to the Pre.

+1 for RTM Pre Application (notifications system in the Pre is awesome and lightyears away from the iPhone one).

Posted 15 years ago
austin.tung says:
RTM for webOS to run on the Palm Pre & Pixi please! Thanks.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I've just bought a Palm Pre, they were released in the UK on Friday. I'd love an RTM app so +1 from me.
Posted 15 years ago
zockbert says:
I love RTM and I got a Pre last week.

Posted 15 years ago
krippahl says:
Would love a RTM App for the Pre!
Posted 15 years ago
liv2surf says:
I agree - I want a Pre app.

While site (requires Pro*) works much better than fantastic on the Palm Pre but I guess the native apps would extend the functionality beyond browser-based app ?
Posted 15 years ago
mariho says:
Please make a Pre app. Pay the $25.

Posted 15 years ago
njrichardi says:
Pre App Please!
Posted 15 years ago
mikemcguire says:
What do we have to do to get a Pre app?
Posted 15 years ago
sscottcool says:
I would also like to request that the palm pre app be placed on the fast track. I would definitely be willing to pay for this app. Thanks!!!
Posted 15 years ago
chakley says:
I use on my Palm Pre, but I travel many places where I don't have internet connectivity. A Pre app would really help. So in those cases I use the built in tasks program. I also find myself using the built-in tasks program sometimes just because I love how the notifications work on the Pre for something due that is coming up.
Posted 15 years ago
talikan says:

I love my Pre, and while I can use the regular and iPhone sites on it, neither is optimal. A dedicated Pre app or at least Pre optimized site would be fantastic!
Posted 15 years ago
cspaeh says:

I pledge to go PRO for a good, fast and offline capable Palm Pre RTM app!!

Posted 15 years ago
carrel says:
One more vote I'd pay for Pro for a Palm Pre program.
Posted 15 years ago
binaryape says:
I've got a Pre and I'd love to have a RTM app for it. I've just paid my $25 in advance optimistically :-)
Posted 15 years ago
ckahn says:
I have the pre and really would love the Webos version of the program
Posted 15 years ago
bcorbett8769 says:
Ok, I just applied for a license and I am going to start working on a Web OS version. Since I am only a single person, I can't give a release date, yet. I will give an update once I find out more information from RTM.
Posted 15 years ago
shmoo27 says:
Me to to all of the above.

Would definitely pay to upgrade to get this app.

Wish list:

- Offline support (as previously mentioned)
- Built-in notification support (in addition to email/twitter/IM notifications). That would be really nice...
Posted 15 years ago
deanchile says:
That is great news! I can't wait to have this on the Pre...I am desperate! There is nothing good out there task-wise for the pre.
Posted 15 years ago
baryn says:

You are my hero. HERO, I SAY!
Posted 15 years ago
serantes says:
@bcorbett8769. Go for it! We´ll support you!
Posted 15 years ago
commonplace says:
Another vote for a webOS version of an RTM client!

Posted 15 years ago
liv2surf says:
I've got a Pre and I'd love to have a RTM app for it. I've just paid my $25 in advance optimistically :-) This looks like such a mature and full featured Task/To DO program. I am investing all my effort with RTM and am done with Google Tasks which is and has been such a disappointment. (In the mean time) I am using and Someone please build a Pre app.
Posted 15 years ago
palmdoc says:
I'd definitely extend my Pro account if you guys can come up with a WebOS RTM app!
+1 for the idea
Posted 15 years ago
patrickbowen says:
@bcorbett8769 Go Go Go! I am a web designer/UI designer. If there is anything I can do to help let me know.

I just got my Pre over the weekend and desperately want a RTM app. Oh the joy of having one.
Posted 15 years ago
partikel.payne says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
jeffballard says:
+1 :)
Posted 15 years ago
jawsthemeswimming428 says:
+1 I don't even have a Pre but I want one bad! I am waiting for it to come to AT&T (hopefully soon).
Posted 15 years ago
leftclick says:
+2 for palm web os. I have the pre and my girlfriend has the pixi
Posted 15 years ago
rubyji says:
I just wrote the comment below, and then I discovered Prayers answered! Still a WebOS app would be nice, too.

I would definitely pay for a Pro account if it included a WebOS app, *BUT* I think a better approach for RTM would be to improve the mobile web app. Right now it seems designed for primitive browsers, and show very little content on each screen.

For some good examples of current web-based mobile sites, check out and Basically we need big buttons for our fat fingers instead of numeric-keybad-based navigation, and lots of functions 'cause we're on wifi now.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 for palm web os. I've just paid my $25 in advance optimistically, too :-)
Posted 15 years ago
bcorbett8769 says:
Well, I lost my drive a few weeks back, I am back on development again.

I still can't give a concrete date of release at this time. I hope sometime in the first quarter of 2010.

Posted 15 years ago
jens876 says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
At RTM app for WebOS would be great. It seems like it would be such an easy thing to covert a web app to a webOS app?
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I hope this app is coming soon!
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
A native app would be of great help and could make RTM my favourite and only task manager. I promise to pay for your service as soon as the missing peace becomes available!
Posted 15 years ago
etirado says:
I purchased the Palm Pre the day it came out, regretfully payed for the RTM Pro in July assuming that it would be out within a couple of month (reasonable I thought). It's going to have to be a really good native app to keep me when my Anniversary day comes around. Have already moved most of my stuff off of RTM and moved them to my Palm. That's the problem with "The Cloud" always thinking that you will have accesses to it. We do travel and get into areas or building with poor or no signal, doesn't do any good to have your stuff in the cloud if your stuck in the fog below:-)
Posted 15 years ago
awh5017 says:
I'm an iPhone user where my RTM app is one of my most commonly used apps. I loved the Pre during my 1 month trial, but Sprint coverage is extremely poor in my area). The day the Pre comes to AT&T, I'm switching to the Pre, only thing is I need RTM to come with me.

Please, RTM, come to webOS
Posted 15 years ago
vkhubani says:
Posted 15 years ago
rsperko says:

I would really like a native, offline supporting palm pre app. webOS is fun to develop on.

A third party app has been started (CowTask) but doesn't appear to be too active and is not even beta level quality.
Posted 15 years ago
hokey says:

I will go Pro the RTM for webOS comes out.
Posted 15 years ago
apotheke says:
+1 would be great
Posted 15 years ago
rabkin says:
+! Now that Pre and Pixi are coming out on Verizon at the end of January, I'm thinking of switching from my Android phone. i love the Android RTM app. Is anything in development for Palm?
Posted 15 years ago
oxman says:
+1 for Palm Pre.
Palm Pre come in France in few months.
Posted 15 years ago
chashmish says:
+1 for Palm Pre

Would love a way to sync my tasks with my Pre's calendar (instead of having to rely on gCal)
Posted 15 years ago
ericmines says:
Has anyone from RTM ever indicated that a webOS app is/will be in the works?
Posted 15 years ago
krwren says:
I vote for an app. I will then go pro.
Posted 15 years ago
mlauricella says:
I go PRO soon as this is GA.
Posted 15 years ago
tcngraham says:
I am not currently using RTM, but would switch (as pro) if there were a Pre native application.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Can you please advise when RTM becomes available as native app for the Palm Pre?

Posted 15 years ago
imageneer says:
Hi, a couple of months ago already raised my hand for a Palm Pre Native application that would take advantage of the far superior notification system of the Pre.

Just to let you know that yesterday I took the plunge and exchanged my iPhone for a new Palm Pre. So far, so good... waiting desperately now for the nice guys at RTM to provide us with the app (and please, for all the world, some of us live in Europe :-)).

(I work as a developer and as far as I see it should be quite more easy to write the Pre application (as RTM is heavily based on "web" technologies) than the iPhone OS development environment based on Objective C as the Mojo Framework for Pre is purely based on HTML, CSS and JavaScript)

Posted 15 years ago
laura.rabb says:
I'd go pro to get this on my Pre.
Posted 15 years ago
joseph.simpson says:
+1 for me. I would go pro to have this app on my pre too.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I would definitely go pro if there was an application for webOS!
Posted 15 years ago
cmgomes says:
I'm getting a Palm Pre Plus this week. I would go Pro in RTM if it had a native app or even excellent web support.

Count me in
Posted 15 years ago
heylee says:
Me too. +1
Posted 15 years ago
briggsb says:
Wow this thread is over a year old, with tons of requests for a Pree app, and not one word if one is even in the works. Strange. I already have gone Pro and have been hoping for a Pre app since I got mine on opening day. Frustrating for sure.
Posted 15 years ago
bbuncky2 says:
There was an app in the works at called "Cowtasks". However, this has recently slowed down significantly, and the app we're left with is barely functional.

That being said, I'd love to just once and and for all see an OFFICIAL app for WebOS. Come ON, guys! Now is the perfect time to create this application! There's a contest going on through March that awards application developers for having at least the 250 (or around that number) most downloaded apps. If you're within the 250, you get $1000 from Palm. If you're within the top 10 (around there) you get I think $10000!
Posted 14 years ago
bbuncky2 says:
Oh, and by the way, I would go pro if I had a reason to (a la WebOS RTM app!)
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Palm web os app please
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Use the Iphone formatted version for now...
Posted 14 years ago
ewozniak says:
Another vote and would definitely consider going pro.

If you need webOS developers (even volunteer ones), I'm interested in that, too, as I've got a good amount of experience.
Posted 14 years ago
johnjlewis says:
I'm using the iPhone version with good success. A native app for the Palm Pre would, of course, be ideal. As the number of Pre users increase, so will the outcry.

But, as others have suggested, if you haven't already, try the $25 (15-day free trial) iPhone version. It works quite well on the Pre, though not ideal as many have suggested due to the non-native notifications.
Posted 14 years ago
jalil.arfaoui says:
Palm web os app please
Posted 14 years ago
trakslacker says:
As many others have said here - if you can put out a native app for WebOS (that includes ability to issue location-based alerts using GPS), you most certainly have $25 from me. I have a BB for work, and having MilkSync on BB for work and a native WebOS app for my Pre would have me sold on Pro service every year for as long as you guys want to take my money. :)
Posted 14 years ago
partikel.payne says:
There is an app called RTFM in the beta feed (get app scoop from the app store to read the beta feed) that is picking up where cowtasks left off. It is developing very quickly, and is already usable. The main hurdle is offline tasks which I have been told is underway. It is looking pretty good.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Plese give us a webOS app. I use RTM on a daily basis as I use my Palm Pre. Hence a native application would be highly appreciated!
Posted 14 years ago
dishbreak says:
Agreed, with everyone else. I'd be willing to go pro to have the WebOS app.
Posted 14 years ago
roger.yang says:
Yes, I want a webOS app too. Also willing to pay to upgrade for it.
Posted 14 years ago
chrstn says:
c'mon give us an official rtm app for the webOS.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Another vote for an RTM app for Pre! Would pay for Pro if it was available.
Posted 14 years ago
linh.n says:
I'm going to go pro soon in hopes a Pre app will make it. I left for a while, but google tasks just isn't cutting it anymore
Posted 14 years ago
rubyji says: is way better then m.rtm... but it lacks the usability of the RTM web interface. For example, it takes a zillion clicks to complete a task, and there is no way to delete one! Tags are only sorted alphabetically, not by popularity. And it doesn't support Smart Add (on my phone - the place I need it most).

I just want to add my voice to the chorus of paying RTM users who would really like to see a WebOS app.
Posted 14 years ago
rpingert says:
I too would like to see RTM webos app for palm pre!
Posted 14 years ago
richardpperez says:
I agree I am a pro User and would love a webOS version for sure
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
webOS App with pro account would rock the palm pre (plus) to heaven
Posted 14 years ago
stephen.mcvarnock says:
I concur - WebOS for me please
Posted 14 years ago
terence.leong says:
+1! this is one of the few things that's making me hold off of the pre!
Posted 14 years ago
commonplace says:
For now, it's RTFM for me.

Posted 14 years ago
papa.stites says:
I received my Verizon Palm Pre Plus 12 days ago. Late last night I finally created my "brandy new" RTM account here, followed the FAQ and got it going with both my GMail and Google Calendar, customized and fleshed out my lists - then installed the latest version of "RTFM beta for Remember the Milk" on my phone. *I* am one happy camper!

There is a bug involving "repeating events" - but I am simply avoiding using them until the App author gets that one squashed.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
I would love a cloud tags for the palm pre app. Even the palm app catalog works with cloud tag. It´s great. A palm app with cloud tags for us!
Posted 14 years ago
stephen.mcvarnock says:

Do you see your RTM tasks appearing on your Palm Pre Calendar app?
If so, how did you get it to work. Currently, I see an RTM task icon on my Palm Pre Calendar but it is always empty - no matter how many tasks are actually due that day!
Posted 14 years ago
dti says:
+1. I could really use a native client in my pre plus!!!!
Posted 14 years ago
ctm404 says:
+1 more. Palm Web OS Ap puhlease
Posted 14 years ago
cmercs says:
Now that HP is buying Palm, do we have a better chance of getting an RTM app for WebOs?
Posted 14 years ago
richardfrank says:
+1 !!!

RTFM is not bad, but slow and needs some work - a RTM-made version would have me moving to pro immediately!
Posted 14 years ago
mack.gaither says:
Yes. I've bought pro about a year ago, expecting to have a webOS app. Disappointed.
Posted 14 years ago
chefchuck says:
+2, I would go pro, as would several go workers... look at all the potential customers you're missing out on here!!!
Posted 14 years ago
mariho says:
Please, work on the application for the WebOS, many expect it.

Posted 14 years ago
p.lyman says:
WebOS pleeeeeeeeeease!! Pretty please??? :)
Posted 14 years ago
nulall says:
Posted 14 years ago
c0debabe says:
How about now? Now? How about now? We're backed by HP. We're not going anywhere. How about now?
Posted 14 years ago
jerry.joanis says:
Posted 14 years ago
jrssae says:
Yet another vote for this, especially since rumor claims HP will be putting webOS on several new devices.
Posted 14 years ago
eiseldora says:
Please make a RTM app for the Palm Pre!
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
There is a Cloud Tasks app for Pre, btw (I am a Pre user), though it's unofficial.
Posted 14 years ago
geoff2k says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Instead of just promising to go Pro, I just did! I am committed to you, RTM. Are you committed to me? Would love an official App for webOS. The iphone web interface works well and could be the framework for the webOS app...just need to integrate OS notifications.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Checkout Cowtippin' in the beta feed:
Posted 14 years ago says:
i would also love a RTM app for my palm pre
Posted 14 years ago
usabilitygene says:
I am a new Pro user and a new Palm user. An app would be great. What ideas you have for me to join them together today?
Posted 14 years ago
sturner2 says:
I am Palm Pre owner using RTFM Beta that uses the RTM API. I would an officially supported app and would pay for it and the service. The RTFM Beta works, just needs the "polishing" you could provide by integrating it into RTM apps list.

It would be nice to know what it will take for RTM to support WebOS?
Posted 14 years ago
robmcmahon says:
Another vote for WebOS platform to be supported. Looks like HP will release a whole bunch of new HW running on webOS. So would be a good investment for RTM.
Posted 14 years ago
ahitz says:
Posted 13 years ago
chrimueller says:
+1 still waiting for an native app
Posted 13 years ago
richardfrank says:
I'm a committed RTM user and happy to go Pro if there was a native app. Take a look at the touchpad - creating a multi-panel app for that would be genuinely superb... wish I was a programmer - it would be my first priority.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
sfabius says:
HP is really pushing their Touchpad. Perhaps it makes a webOS version look better? They might even help. And I think you might just get a whole bunch of new pro users too.
Posted 13 years ago
philipbowman says:

I've just got a Pre2 (as a work phone), and the mobile web interface isn't really up there when I'm used to the iPhone app. Trying out CowTippin', though..
Posted 13 years ago
dsmall24us says:
I am considering the pre 3 and the HP TP. Would love a native RTM app
Posted 13 years ago
philipbowman says:
Ow. I've just discovered that Palm's native Exchange synching and task app lose the Categories and Repetition details on your tasks when you update on the phone! I've lost all my GTD structure :( (I use RTM for home tasks, and Outlook for work).

So, I'm now using MilkSynch for Outlook on the PC and CowTippin' on the Pre2 as a workaround (as I was already a pro user, it's free :) ) A native WebOS RTM App would be great though, as none of the alternatives I've seen in the store are a patch on RTM as I use it on the iPhone.
Posted 13 years ago
philipbowman says:
Interesting - the iPhone Web interface seems to work OK on the Pre2 too (though not as well as the app...)
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
jeremy.akers says:
Posted 13 years ago
paul.siller says:
me too!
Posted 13 years ago
leonkehoe says:
HP Pre3 to be released soon, TouchPad just released. Would still like to see an RTM for webOS though I gather Android and Windows Phone 7 are probably higher on your list of priorities.
Posted 13 years ago
beuce says:
Yes please!
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes please
Posted 13 years ago
raghuveer.v says:
Now is the time! Please provide an app for the HP Touchpad!
Posted 13 years ago says:
Yes Please for an HP Touchpad app!
Posted 13 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
So wonderful little RTM, which clearly has a very, very limited amount of development capacity which they allocate very, very carefully should develop a native app for a platform with no corporate sponsorship and no apparent future?

I'd love a native app for my old Palm III, too, while they are at it.
Posted 13 years ago
seanius says:
I would love to see a HP Touchpad app
Posted 13 years ago
pinepara says:
Please do this.
My pro account is going to expire, and I won't extend until there is an app for webos, because Palm Pre Plus is my primary phone now...
Posted 13 years ago
hhhtj says:
Hi all,

I recently got a webos phone and I decide to do something about the webos RTM client. I picked up an open source RTM client(by Nik) and add functionalities that I personally needed. Now it's has the following features:

1. fast. with local database of tasks, it starts with all local tasks loaded and sync at background.
2. basic list support. You may switch the list by tapping the top bar.

and it's lack of: smart list support, location support and list edit functionalities.

You may find it here:

And you are welcome to submit issues(bugs/new feature requests) on that page.
Posted 13 years ago
harryldanieliii says:
touchpad please
Posted 13 years ago
brmartivilla says:
HP touchpad user here!
Posted 13 years ago
brmartivilla says:
HP touchpad user here!
Posted 13 years ago
lilyheart says:
another touchpad user :) +2!
Posted 13 years ago
darren.johnston says:
Another touchpad/webos user +2
Posted 12 years ago
v.golodnyak says:
Posted 12 years ago
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