CalDAV support (iCalendar sync)

gferreroferri says:
It would be great to have caldav support for RTM, so I could use iCal on my Mac to create tasks :-)

aronmc94 says:
Second this. :)

(closed account) says:
Yeah, caldav support would be awesome!

ajdele says:
umm, third this

yozz says:
Would be great!

eturino says:
oh yes, please. :)

derekjbernard says:
Yes CalDav would be great! The ability to manage tasks from one calendar would be awesome.

(closed account) says:
I so agree! Two-way sync would be great!

karlfreeman says:
This would be fantastic!

michael.vogel says:
This would make this product perfect.

(closed account) says:
Yep. Me too. I don't have an iPhone or blackberry so I don't need the pro account for syncing.
However, I do have a Nokia that talks well with my iCal (inc Google Calendar syncing).
By adding CalDAV support, I believe you would blow the pro market wide open! Not sure why this hasn't been done yet, as it would be a great business decision. Looking forward to it!
However, I do have a Nokia that talks well with my iCal (inc Google Calendar syncing).
By adding CalDAV support, I believe you would blow the pro market wide open! Not sure why this hasn't been done yet, as it would be a great business decision. Looking forward to it!

nfitzhugh says:
I agree. Being able to add tasks in iCal that would sync through RTM and vice versa via CalDAV would be great.

craig.reston says:
me too

aflorence says:
I concur

ericbodden says:
me too!

cydvd says:
I agree :)

(closed account) says:
i agree, too!

tony.bradley says:
CalDAV Please

shenandoah.sanchez says:
CalDAV would propel you ahead of the pack by a long shot! Please Add!

roberto.mauro says:
caldav is a must-have feature!

(closed account) says:
The new 3.0 iPhone software has CalDAV support as well. Would be an easy way to get RTM to do calendars into the calendar app.

(closed account) says:
do it, do it!!!!

jason.mayhew says:
I agree!

b3uk says:
Yes please, CalDAV please!

bluehorns says:
'm so looking forward to this.

treddi says:
me too! :)

bunchbob says:
i'm on this band wagon

bsparks says:

solobippy says:
me 50...

(closed account) says:
Me too, anybody hears us?

gferreroferri says:

emetcalfe says:

crodrigocs says:
Yes, please CalDAV

xilix says:
I would need it, too!

facconi says:
Plus 1 :-)

chris.myles says:

shoan says:

(closed account) says:
+1 a must have to improve sunbird support

rw34oc says:
Yes, to make live links between messages, events, appointments, & tasks.

lostboysph says:
yes please!

monkiki says:

moritzg says:

mgru says:
i'm in!

limitedmage says:
Yes please!

(closed account) says:
I would be start using RTM if it supports CalDAV.

matthew.bassett says:
This would bring me back as a pro user again :)

mgjacqz says:
yes please please this would encourage me to become a pro

toby.cole says:
It would be awesome to be able to 'tick' my tasks off from within iCal, Thunderbird or from the Calendar on my iPhone.

(closed account) says:
+1 I would pay the pro fee if able to integrate the task-list into Linux->Evolution

dpan says:

tsbarnes says:
Just another +1, this would make RtM my favorite web service ever :)

xilwer says:
I would be start using RTM pro if it supports CalDAV.

ross.lindsayiv says:
Yep. +1

aswitzer says:
Looks like CalDav support is needed to get a true sync working with Google Calendar?
If that's the case, than +1 from me.
If that's the case, than +1 from me.

hkaya says:
why still no caldav? We need it!

protagonist22 says:
RTM common!

xxdesmus says:
2 way CalDAV sync would be great.
2 way CalDAV sync would be great.

(closed account) says:

jerome.legrouyer says:
Good idea !

(closed account) says:

anaderi says:
willing to pay for it... or is there opportunity for another company to take over?

(closed account) says:

dana.quantz says:

tang.heng says:

shawn.marsh says:
Me too

velrok says:
Yes CalDAV is THE killer feature I'm missing! Please do it!

gollog says:

orgogliobauscia says:

mattze says:

sampling says:

(closed account) says:
This looks like it should mean CalDav is supported in iCal now. I can't get it working yet though.
This looks like it should mean CalDav is supported in iCal now. I can't get it working yet though.

(closed account) says:
If we can get the missing details for this dialog it's probably possible to get this working:

oleg.skipa says:
On iPhone it uses SSL and port 443. I was able to add a reminder to the RTM's Inbox, but it did not appear in the Iphone reminder list. Seems like the feature is not complete yet. This is true: "now you can add a reminder to RTM with Siri". The rest does not seem to work.

jason.lemieux says:
Oh so close. RTM Team... can you tweak it?

stormpoorun says:
The team possibly think it would lose customers - I'd suggest quite the opposite.
I'd use it so I could sync with my work server (Zimbra) and get a pro account for it. Others would use it to sync to various accounts, who wouldn't otherwise use RTM. I can't use it yet without this.
I'd use it so I could sync with my work server (Zimbra) and get a pro account for it. Others would use it to sync to various accounts, who wouldn't otherwise use RTM. I can't use it yet without this.

mrpoetry says:
Alas, no 2-way iCal sync, no RTM for me. Deal breaker.

beaugiles says:
It looks like they've artificially limited this to iOS. When trying to setup the CalDAV account on Mac OS X Lion, looking through the traffic you can see that it's getting a '412 Precondition Failed' error
Swap out the user agent from 'CoreDAV/115.19 (11C73)' to 'iOS/5.0.1 (9A405) Preferences/1.0' and we're in luck.
Please RTM team, why have you limited this? I'd definitely use RTM more if I had a native client that stored data offline... and is baked into the OS like iCal is.
Please reconsider?
Swap out the user agent from 'CoreDAV/115.19 (11C73)' to 'iOS/5.0.1 (9A405) Preferences/1.0' and we're in luck.
Please RTM team, why have you limited this? I'd definitely use RTM more if I had a native client that stored data offline... and is baked into the OS like iCal is.
Please reconsider?

afox82 says:
ugh... years i've been waiting for this. really feeling neglected.

ltgreenb says:
Please add this feature!!!!

mr_tornado says:

(closed account) says:

freerobby says:

joskarp says:

julianz says:

lgozlan says:
RTM is great, but very difficult to organise tasks in the calendar, so I tend to put all tasks at 10:00 or 14:00
I'd love CalDAV to be able to change due dates of my tasks ! It would be so great to manage my agenda.
RTM is great, but very difficult to organise tasks in the calendar, so I tend to put all tasks at 10:00 or 14:00
I'd love CalDAV to be able to change due dates of my tasks ! It would be so great to manage my agenda.

seanmcint says:

garyhcollier says:

patrick.enlow says:

patrick.enlow says:
A meeting is a task as a task can be a meeting. RTM does such an excellent job one field with an end time and sync to Cal's would complete this. Not sure why the hold back? Please sync with Cal with start and end times.

skaczor says:
RTM is a no go without 2-way sync with Thunderbird/Lightning. +1 for sync

monsterbier says:
Please Thunderbird sync in both ways

(closed account) says:

chase.nordengren says:
Now that Reminders has been integrated into OS X, this would be especially helpful.

v.golodnyak says:
2-way sync with Thunderbird would be great.

pip_pill says:
+1M 2-way sync with Thunderbird for tasks is essential

vscherbo says:

potrick says:

(closed account) says:

whltd says:
Yes please. I've had to stop using RTM because I use Fruux to sync my calendars, address books and tasks, so I'm now using acal (yuk!) because it's the only way I can get my tasks onto my android mobile. Please consider providing support for Fruux.

benjaminrohe says:

gabri.racah says:
Any way to integrate RTM with Mountain Lion's Reminders app would be great!

llrod says:

(closed account) says:
Big +1

michael.milverton says:
Big +1

kenichiro.hagihara says:

daniel.chace says:
This would help me create items using Fantastical

mernen says:
One more for a way to integrate with Fantastical!

labyrinth9 says:
Please! This would be great! I can integrate it on my BB z10!

jesus.alberto.solis.espinosa says:
I would like to create task in any of my devices and see it in all of them, please it would be a great feature

(closed account) says:
Another vote for CalDAV support

listudying says:
Great for Pro users.

fergycool says:
I would love to be able to add reminders using Fantastical (or ical). CalDAV would rock big time!

procapture says:
Another vote here.

fspanedda says:
Another vote, add it please

kazarnowicz says:
I don't really understand why there's no support for RTM on a Macbook when there is in iOS? Please add this.

zamomin says:
+1 for 2-way sync with Thunderbird

(closed account) says:
Ditto. Would love it.

dotz says:
Either this, or other Fantastical 2 integration tools PLZ
Either this, or other Fantastical 2 integration tools PLZ

mike.gunville says:
With ~125 votes and over seven years of requests, where does this sit on the backlog?

logicelf says:
Come on guys - some sort of answer, please?

reubs says:
with Siri moving onto MacOS desktop as well as Fantastical etc, this increases the desire to allow CalDav to push tasks/reminders to RTM from Siri etc
Any chance of a reply folks, just to set expectations - if its never going to happen thats cool, I'll go look for another approach!
Any chance of a reply folks, just to set expectations - if its never going to happen thats cool, I'll go look for another approach!

b.harrisroxas says:
Any updates on this? There's Siri on MacOS now and Fantastical and RTM would integrate beautifully - any chance of this happening and timeframe?

(closed account) says:
Is there any update on this suggestion? It would be an awesome feature...

(closed account) says:
I would also love CalDav support
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