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Smaller iPhone Text Size

brianmitchell says:
I love the iPhone version of RTM and probably use it more than the normal version.

Any chance the text size in the list view on the iPhone could be made smaller so one could see more of the text of longer tasks?

Posted at 1:42pm on April 16, 2008
victor.kryukov says:
Or even better - move the date information on the second line below the task so as to have more space to task name.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I strongly support the smaller text size idea! Most of my todos are too long to fit one line. Of course you can go to landscape view by simply turning the iphone, but then you loose some lines.
Posted 15 years ago
brian.brunelle says:
I really would prefer the smaller text size and moving the date below the task. Otherwise the iPhone app is really nice.
Posted 15 years ago
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