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Allow multiple locations for one task

mahinirb says:
I'm loving this locations feature. Before I go to a far away location, I like being able to look at the map to see if I have another task I can knock out while I'm there.

One idea: we should be able to assign multiple alternate locations to one task. For example, I need to donate some stuff to Goodwill, and I can go to three different locations near me -- would be nice to assign all three possible locations to that task so that if I have a different errand nearby one of those, the map will show that I have a possible Goodwill locations near there as well.

Another idea would be to use the "Business search" option already in Google maps somehow -- so I can assign all Targets or Costcos or Goodwills to a task. Or even all "Hardware Stores" if the Google search works for that.
Posted at 6:51pm on December 27, 2007
chriswhite says:
Just jumped on here to see if anyone had posted about this because I'd love to see this feature as well. For instance, I have work that requires a computer to work on and I will probably do it either at home or at work. Having to pick one context or another is great, but it doesn't really work in this situation and I end up not bothering about it or assigning it to a meaningless "Computer" location in the middle of the north pole.
Posted 17 years ago
chriswhite says:
Oh, one last thing, I love to idea of a business search location as well!
Posted 17 years ago
rmm5t says:
+1 for this feature. I understand it's probably not as simple as it sounds to implement, especially from a UI perspective, but the end result would really make running errands in one part of town much nicer.
Posted 17 years ago
mahinirb says:
Thanks all -- the location feature is what drew me to RTM. Would love to see that feature developed. Would be great for the environment if we could avoid making multiple trips to the same location to run errands!
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes, yes, please multiple locations per task!
Posted 16 years ago
dustinaskins says:
Same here, I use locations frequently via the iPhone Web App. Whenever Im somewhere I tap the location Im at to figure out what I should be doing there. For example, if I need a broomstick from Home Depot Ill set the location as Home Depot. But I can also get a broomstick at Target, so I wish I could set a second location.

I did this with Todoist via tags, but I dont want to set locations and tags in RTM.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Hi there,

I don't know if it's the same thing I requesting, but it would something in the lines of grouping locations.

For example, it would be grouping some of the theaters I usually go to in a location @movies that would map tasks to all the locations on the group.

Another good example is gas stations and groceries...

Just the thought.

Keep up the great work,

Posted 16 years ago
moominman says:
Gets my vote. I'd love to be able to add multiple locations to a task. For example, some of the jobs I locate as "@home" I can also do "@office" when I have a spare 5 mins.
Posted 16 years ago
pentop says:
+1 on this!!

Does anyone have any workarounds to share??
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:

maybe you should reevaluate your task's location, if it's something you just need a computer or online connection you should try using a tag like, @pc or @web.
Posted 16 years ago
derek.gurney says:
+1 on multiple locations
Posted 16 years ago
psquire says:
+1 on multiple locations as well. But as work around you could have a smart list that allows you to view the different locations of interest.
Posted 16 years ago
mystwillow says:
I'd like to resurrect this topic in light of the new iPhone that we have Nearby, locations have become even more important and the ability to assign more than one location to a task would be incredibly useful in a lot of situations. Any chance of this feature being added in the near future?
Posted 16 years ago
roozbehghaffari says:

It would even better if you could assign locations to tags. That automatically allows you to assign multiple location to tasks.

Even better if tags could have multiple locations.

For example @safeway could point to all the safeways in my area and @walmart to all the walmarts. Now in my shopping list I can tag an item with @shopping, @safeway and @walmart.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 Having some way to group locations together and assign the group of locations to a task would enable me to 'go grocery shopping' but not to a specific store. This would be a beneficial feature for me.
Posted 16 years ago
caalvarez says:
I would like to create an "online" location for the tasks that simply require a computer and internet connection (which is basically anywhere since I have a laptop and cell card). However I can't see how to create a "location" which doesn't have a specific coordinate/address. Is this impossible or am I just missing it?
Posted 16 years ago
karsten.seiferlin says:
I was even "surprised" to see that multiple locations is something that is not implemented and needs dicussion. For example I use to shop in several different supermarkets and want to be reminded of thing to buy in either supermarket - I think this doesn't sound to exotic.
Posted 16 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
When I chime in on these boards, I am usually suggesting workarounds. I do this not to suggest the requested feature is not desirable, but simply to suggest ways to accomplish something in the meantime, while we wait for the RTM team to enable the 43,000 features suggested here over the last few years.

Why not simply tag all of your groceries with the same tag (e.g., groc) and then have a smartlist that finds all tasks tagged groc? Then when you walk into a Safeway, a Stop'n'Shop, a Super G, or what have you, you summon up the groc list and your good to go? Right? Am I missing something here while we wait for multi-location location nirvana?
Posted 16 years ago
stefeq says:
Posted 16 years ago
chester.katz says:
ranbarton: That workaround is fine in a general sense, but it doesn't help when using location awareness on the RTM iPhone app. It also doesn't help for locations that don't overlap neatly, such as dustinaskins Home Depot/Target example.
Posted 16 years ago
xeophin says:
I was just about to post exactly the same ideas – either having the possibility to assign several locations to one task and/or grouping several locations into groups – when I stumbled over this thread.

So, yes, I would love to have that function as well.
Posted 15 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
Good point about location awareness. I use an iPod touch, and do not use this feature as a result.
Posted 15 years ago
karlfreeman says:
Posted 15 years ago
wokoloko says:
multiple locations is a must for me.
Without it it is IMHO not possible to use RTM for GTD.
Posted 15 years ago
leo.nordwall says:
Posted 15 years ago
psychopot says:
Posted 15 years ago
jds80 says:
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks for all the feedback here; some interesting ideas and workarounds.

Not sure if everyone has seen it yet, but Doug Ireton's post on using GTD in RTM is pretty amazing. (I actually have a recurring task to remind me to go back and reread it to make sure I am doing everything he mentions. :)

Specifically, he mentions using a combination of Locations and Tags to create contexts. Tags are to be used for logical (non-physical) contexts, e.g. @phone, @errand, @internet. This, with Smart Lists, allows you to create the contexts you need. So instead of using the Location as the primary means of your contexts, you can use Smart Lists. Certainly a good way to work within the current system.

Also, with regards to grocery lists, there have been a few discussions recently that have been helpful to me; hopefully you'll find them helpful to you too! Here are two:

Hope this helps!
Posted 15 years ago
anton_nix says:
There are activities, that i can do in several locations. For example, reading a book - I can do it at home, at work, or even in transport. So, it could be very useful to have multiple locations for the task.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
The workaround is another way to look at the issue, instead of using the map to see what's next you would use a list to see everything.

But multiple locations wouldn't be just useful for crating context but to assign many locations that a task can be done.

For example: Buying a lottery ticket.
Posted 15 years ago
alihus86 says:
i agree this would be a great feature to have. i use the nearby tool all the time
Posted 15 years ago
chrisperfer says:
As I recall, Life Balance (at least the old palm version, not sure about the iPhone version) addressed this by having this idea of location hierarchies.

You would need

- locations that are abstract (not tied to longitude/lattitude)
- and a way to say that this location is a child of another location.

Then, you could create a location Bank, and say that Bank is a child of Home and Work (if there is a bank by your house and by your work). That way, you don't have to go and assign multiple locations to a task, you just assign Bank to the task "Deposit check" but then this task shows up under both the Home and Work locations.

This would be fantastic.

For now I am using some sort of bastardized GTD adaptation of RTM, where i have context tags like @internet and @bank, but it doesn't really work that well and I have made everything way too complicated.
Posted 15 years ago
steve.king says:
I would also like to be able to set multiple locations. There are loads of tasks that could equally well be done in the out of town shops or in the town centre, or at home as well as at work, and the garden is part of my home.

Posted 15 years ago
krysta says:
+1 for multiple locations and business search (I can get my prescription at any CVS, for example--I'd LOVE it if the location alert would go off if I was near any CVS)
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I agree that multiple locations would be a perfect addition.

For instance, with pun intended, milk can be bought at several places. In my Locations I have added several supermarkets that I frequent and all of them offer milk.
Posted 15 years ago
katehedgpeth says:
Posted 15 years ago
jean.jordaan says:
I want to buy a mobile phone accessory, and for that I can go to one of three places (one is near where I work, the other is on the way, etc). I want to be reminded of this task if I am at any of the three. What's wrong with "task @place1 @place2 @place3"?
Posted 15 years ago
jean.jordaan says:
I honestly don't see the point of disabling old posts. Doing so just necessitates reposting the bit you want to quote in another context. In this case, a smart list was proposed:

I answered my own question about multiple locations to a location, at least, it is a work around...

I made a Smart List for the "location" instead, for that Smart List, I had location:"Here, USA" OR location:"There, USA" OR.... etc etc however many locations you have made, and want to include.

So for a Smart List named "On the Go" I might include all the relevant locations that I usually go through while I'm on the road.

The problem with this is that any given task still only gets one location, while it's perfectly natural that a task may be completed in different locations. So my GPS-enabled device will only remind me of each task in one of its locations.
Posted 15 years ago
game_ender says:
I am not sure I need this, but it would be nice to have. Either in its raw form, or by allowing us to group places.
Posted 14 years ago
laitiere says:
Multiple locations would be very useful. I have a task, "buying supplies," that involves several stores in the same general area.
Posted 14 years ago
esellars says:
+1 For multiple locations. I like the idea of location hierarchies of some sort, so that I could for example make a "Grocery store" location that included several grocery stores in the area. That way, when I hit the Nearby feature on my iPhone, if I was near any grocery store it would remind me of any tasks I have there.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
um, excuse me,

but i did come up with this idea heaps ages ago and i got 2 replies...

Posted 14 years ago
adam.tollinger says:
I am in favor of multiple locations as well and the grouping idea. You got my vote. Love that the Android app is able to remind me to pick something up when I am near the store, but in the case of groceries there are four possible locations and as of right now the location feature will only recognize one.
Posted 14 years ago
newmilkentry says:
+1 for multiple location support.
Tasks can have multiple tags: why are locations any different?
Posted 14 years ago
nohant says:
+1 for multiple location support


+1 for a way to group multiple location as chrisperfer says
Posted 14 years ago
totman says:
Maybe I'm just not familiar with exactly how to use the locations feature properly, but...

It would be 10 times more useful if the locations I've set automatically sent me a reminder based on my gps location.

I already group tasks by location via contexts (@home, @work etc.) and tags (target, home depot etc) and that's nice, but...

The problem comes when you don't check your RTM while at that location!

I need something that actively reminds me automatically. I know there's a sweet android app that does this called Locale, but now that iOS4 supports multi-tasking shouldn't this type of a feature be a possibility?

Any iphone users had the same frustrations? Any workarounds for now?

Posted 14 years ago
goclmbmnt says:
Posted 14 years ago
tomylee says:
Posted 14 years ago
mflack says:

I installed RTM Android today and this was one of my first thoughts.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Another vote for multiple locations per task.
Posted 14 years ago
ckrahe says:
+1 on multiple locations per task
Posted 14 years ago
gregburke says:
The main reason I went Pro was for RTM Android and it's location-awareness in particular. I get by alright with Locations as they are now, but would LOVE to be able to assign multiples.
Posted 14 years ago
stephthegeek says:
Yes, this would be great!
Posted 14 years ago
ally_r says:
I too would like this functionality added to locations
Posted 14 years ago
cphelan says:
Any further word on this feature? I too went pro because of the 'nearby' feature and it would be so useful if you coulod madd locations based on the current google maps fesature that shows nearby supermarkets etc.
Posted 14 years ago
audun.hvenekilde says:
Posted 14 years ago
nick.henry says:
I second the vote for multiple locations. And I also second the vote for creating "groups" of multiple locations, that way you can just type "@grocery" instead of having to tag each grocery item with every grocery location you've added.

Alternatively, you could allow us to give multiple locations on the map the same name...

This along with location-based alerts would help me to never forget anything!
Posted 14 years ago
heikki.ritola says:

I often buy milk (or other things I want to remember) from both little shop near to my home, and from larger market when driving to home.
Posted 14 years ago
stevehanlon says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:

this feature is particularly useful when using the mobile app. location aware notifications are incredibly helpful.

Posted 14 years ago
stimulus2da says:
I agree, this would be a very useful feature!
Posted 13 years ago
kmninbox says:
+1 yes please multiple locations for a task
Posted 13 years ago
emjaydee says:
+1 multiple locations for a task would be real helpful
Posted 13 years ago
michaelrfloyd says:
+1 on multiple locations
Posted 13 years ago
pra says:
Would love this feature very much. It's been 3 years, is there any chance of this ever happening?
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I also would like this feature very much. I'm always very happy with the quick response to issues. So I'm very surprised to see this issue being posted for 3 years without even a response.

So please; add the feature, give us a timeline or tell us if you just can't do it!
Posted 13 years ago
johenkel says:
+1 for multiple locations !!!
Posted 13 years ago
mfandrade says:
I think it should have an option in the Settings for the user to configure if he want to use multiple locations in tasks.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I would have a group called 'supermarkets' - with all my local supermarkets listed. Near any one of those, and shopping items come up (the shopping list is ideal for subtasks)
Posted 13 years ago
jumpnett says:
Yeah, multiple locations would help me. I assign tasks to a library locations, only problem is I visit several of the library branches in my city. I would like to see my "library" task regardless of the library I'm at.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 I'd love this. Currently using a kludgy combination of tags and location to handle this requirement.
Posted 13 years ago
jmfaucette says:
Posted 13 years ago
fyasuhide says:
Posted 13 years ago
awolski says:
Posted 13 years ago says:
Posted 13 years ago
olofsmalme says:
has anyone seen this feature implemented anywhere? I use android, may be in siri. I had to use very unfriendly combination of apps for that and not particularely good for the battery. I recall I decided not to upgrade to pro a year ago as it was an essential feature for me. A year has passed and this self-evident idea still not a implemented. Me Sad ))
Posted 13 years ago
karenuttecht says:
This was the first feature I noticed was lacking when I signed up for pro.
Posted 12 years ago
darthus says:
Wow 4 years and no response for this issue? On a work day I go between up to three different locations. I would like tasks I have to follow me and pop up for each location. Tags and smart lists won't give that GPS aware functionality as others have mentioned.
Posted 12 years ago
cesugden says:
Posted 12 years ago
jpfieber says:
+1 on multiple locations
+1 on grouping

LOVE the idea of listing all nearby supermarkets, and then assigning 'supermarket' as a location, and being notified if I'm at any one of them.
Posted 12 years ago
jordanis says:
I really want this one too. If I need to get milk, it doesn't matter if I get it from the store on the way to work or the store on the way to class, I'd just like to be reminded to get it when I'm near a store I've tagged.

You could also use this to add all the local branches of your bank to a banking task, or all the home depots in town to your reminder to get a box of screws. It doesn't have to be complicated, just let us add a comma after the first location and keep on adding more.
Posted 11 years ago
occisor says:
+1 really useful
Posted 11 years ago
ljohnston says:
+1 killer feature
Posted 11 years ago
karl.wrigley says:
Oh and I been using RTM for 2 days and noticed this missing
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 from me as well. I'm with jordanis, I need something from Home Depot, it doesn't matter which one, just the closest....or it could be from Home Depot or Canadian Tire, Rona, Lowes... whatever is closest.
Posted 11 years ago
nicholasemay says:
+1 Sometimes I need batteries or toilet paper or something -- if I'm near Target, I'll buy it there, but if I'm already at Wal-Mart I'll get it there. Or sometimes I buy at Aldi -- point is, I don't care where I get it, I just want to be reminded it's on my shopping list if I find myself at any of those locations.
Posted 10 years ago
ladyjenks says:
Definitely would love to see multiple locations! Maps is also what drew me to Remember the Milk over other providers.
Posted 10 years ago
s.m.plis says:
I need that feature as well
Posted 9 years ago
drgetafix says:
What's the latest on this? I've only just started using RTM, and multiple locations for a task would be great. Some of these posts are old so i wasn't sure if it had been implemented and i couldn't find it, or if it is still being considered by the RTM team?
Posted 8 years ago
carloscadu says:
Posted 8 years ago
dfleetwood says:
+1 - This would be great!
Posted 8 years ago says:
This is an old feature request. It looks like it has stood the test of time, too. (+1) I wonder where it fits in the queue.
Posted 8 years ago
bryansells says:
Posted 8 years ago
kriskhaira says:
I'd love this feature too. I never use the location feature because of the lack of multiple location support. I just use tags instead.

To differentiate the tags that represent locations from the tags that represent context, I just give them a different colour.
Posted 7 years ago
docsmooth says: - If you consider the two ideas, I prefer "grouping" much more than the simple "multiple"
Posted 7 years ago
sherry_zhou_98 says:
This would make location alerts so much more useful!
Posted 7 years ago
jferman says:
Ten years and still no multiple locations. Certainly the RTM team is busy, but has this suggestion simply been rejected? If so, I wonder why-- it's such an obviously useful feature that isn't entirely resolved by any of the workarounds mentioned here. RTM team, please reconsider adding this probably-basic feature.
Posted 6 years ago
madguy000 says:
Bump. This feature, plus a smart list that shows me a widget of things to do at the place I am at, will be magic.
Posted 4 years ago
tenaran says:
I just realised that I've been a pro member since 2015, and this is one of those things I've been wanting that whole time.

Bob & team - any reason this hasn't come to pass? Surely a one-to-many relationship between location and postcode/co-ordinates isn't too much to ask is it...? Am I missing something obvious? :D
Posted 4 years ago
wohler says:
There is only one Remember the Milk, so there can only be one location where you can buy milk.

Yes, this is sarcastic, but the first phrase is true, only the second is not.

The location field should be a list, like tags, and have the same UI as the tags field.
Posted 3 years ago
socunanena says:
I'd appreciate having this feature as well! Looking forward to it.
Posted 9 months ago
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