Support for case sensitive searches

bzpilman says:
For whenever we embed 'codes' into our tasks' name, it would be nice to search with case sensitive enabled, to avoid ambiguation.
I start all my actions with a caps ACTION VERB, and if I want to set up a smartlist to search for MAIL, or CALL, for example (much more convenient way to use some contexts, instead of adding tag), my search gets caught up with all kinds of entries wich have gmail, hotmail, email, or even mail in their body, but not as the action.
Of course wildcards would also solve that, where I would then search for something like name:"mail *"
Though I think having a modified 'name' function to search case sensitively is definitely a good start.
I start all my actions with a caps ACTION VERB, and if I want to set up a smartlist to search for MAIL, or CALL, for example (much more convenient way to use some contexts, instead of adding tag), my search gets caught up with all kinds of entries wich have gmail, hotmail, email, or even mail in their body, but not as the action.
Of course wildcards would also solve that, where I would then search for something like name:"mail *"
Though I think having a modified 'name' function to search case sensitively is definitely a good start.

johnfoland says:
Right on. I think wildcards are ultimately the best solution, but case sensitive search could also be useful.
I love your ACTION VERB practice, by the way!
I love your ACTION VERB practice, by the way!
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