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Themes for Android App

tomavatars says:
As the title tells it, themes for the Android app would be great.
Posted at 10:37pm on January 24, 2018
dave.liao says:

Recommendation would be to independently be able to set the theme for the mobile app versus the web app, as some themes may not scale well depending on the device.
Posted 6 years ago
andrew.moylan says:
But matching themes for both would also be useful. For me it's jarring to have the web app be a different colour to the Android app, so I'm effectively unable to enjoy the non-default themes.
Posted 6 years ago
dak4 says:
Yes, please. The default doesn't fit with my phone as well as Todoist which will allow me to choose a theme... Especially a dark theme with some transparency...
Posted 5 years ago
(closed account) says:
Please offer at least a few themes for the Android appl!
Posted 3 years ago
derekge says:
Just mobile themes in general please (iPhone, Android). Having them sync/match with your chosen desktop theme is worth the price of admission.
Posted 13 weeks ago
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