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Share tags between Evernote Reminders and Remember The Milk

jumpnett says:
I'd like it if tags persisted between Evernote and Remember the milk, for the EN Reminders managed by RTM. In other words, if I set a tag in Evernote, it shows up in RTM and vice-versa.
Posted at 4:02pm on May 30, 2013
jeremyjoslin says:
Posted 11 years ago
bret.bowser says:
Posted 11 years ago
oddhnp says:
Posted 11 years ago
volkergrimm says:
Posted 11 years ago
listudying says:
goos idea!
Posted 11 years ago
sandermaarleveld says:
Most welcome since I use tags to give context to my notes in Evernote. I really could use that same context in RTM.
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
yes +1 for me too
Posted 11 years ago
mdliss says:
this feature would make the integration nearly perfect.
Posted 11 years ago
awientjes says:
please do
Posted 11 years ago
npatrick says:
I would <3 this as well.
Posted 11 years ago
bluesgeek says:
My tagging and notebook structure in Evernote is an exact mirror of my tagging and list structure in RTM.
Posted 11 years ago
rmcmullan says:
I, too, manually mirror my tagging structure between RTM and Evernote. Synced tags would be a huge boon.
Posted 11 years ago
andrewleonard says:
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes, please
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 11 years ago
sits says:
+1 This would be simply awesome if you can pull it off.
Posted 11 years ago
nuclearscan says:
EN integration brought me back to RTM. Glad to be back, but I'm REALLY looking forward to the next level.... share the tags !!!
Posted 10 years ago
brett_mumaw says:
+1 PLEASE!!!
Posted 10 years ago
ben.niderberg says:
Agreed, this would be huge; eliminate a big piece of remaining organizational clunkiness.
Posted 10 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 10 years ago
srinke says:
Please, pretty please can we have this?
Posted 10 years ago
libdancer99 says:
Please! It would be another great RTM timesaver.
Posted 10 years ago
david.hanley says:
I very, very much want this.
Posted 10 years ago
harryldanieliii says:
Share the tags for sure
Posted 10 years ago
smokorosi says:
Me too :)
Posted 10 years ago
daleoffret says:
Having tags in both sides creates even better smart lists. Otherwise people have to put "keywords" in the subject of their task to "track" them by in RTM.

Please add.
Posted 10 years ago
torchtarget says:
Yes I want this
Posted 10 years ago
draden.jones says:
Posted 9 years ago
joe83 says:
would be perfect
Posted 9 years ago
smokorosi says:
Can I double like this one? ;)
Posted 9 years ago
brett_mumaw says:
I still want/need this! This would complete the Evernote - Remember the Milk integration and make it the ultimate organizational system.
Posted 9 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 8 years ago
srinke says:
Please pretty please do something about this.
Have just renewed my pro account after a longer break which had a lot to do with the lacking Evernote tag sync.
If you add this feature, you'll have me as a pro user for life...
Stephan Rinke
Posted 8 years ago
jonsatriani says:
Posted 8 years ago
kevinchin5 says:
I would love to be able to see at a glance (in RTM) which of my to-do’s came from Evernote. I believe tags and associating an easy to see color is an excellent way to do this. For my purposes, it would also be great to have a simple icon show up that indicates this item came from Evernote. But syncing tags would be super excellent and really take this to the next level!
Posted 6 years ago
azclaire says:

A smartList search:


will get you a list of synced tasks. (It does nothing for tag syncing.)
Posted 6 years ago
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