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Outlook sync

chriswhite says:
Hey, I know it's been posted on the suggestions once before, and I'm sure you get a lot of emails about it but I've been searching the web looking for something other than Plaxo (or Exchange) that will sync with Outlook and thus MyLifeOrganized and my PDA. I love your Google calender integration and I noticed back in 2005 you said you were working on Outlook sync and I'm very excited that it might be coming but I wasn't sure if it's still something you're working on.
Posted at 3:50am on January 10, 2007
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks for everyone's feedback -- Outlook sync is now available. :)

Thank you very much to those of you who've been helping us to test this feature!

Please see our blog post for the announcement.

We've created a new MilkSync forum -- I'm closing this topic, but we'd love to hear from you over there. :)
Posted 14 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
chriswhite, thanks for your feedback on this. It's still something that we're looking at, but it turned out that there wasn't as much demand for this feature as we thought there might be, so it hasn't been a high priority.
Posted 18 years ago
(closed account) says:
Eh! Not much demand???

Have you seen the Google groups threads on hordes of people waiting for a decent solution to sync with Google calendar?

I realize you ruby web 2.0 folks don't care much for anything microsoft. But there are really hordes of us out there waiting to move from what is a fairly high productivity desktop environment to the web.

I think that initially you will have tons of people who could care less, because they are already very happy using web only solutions. But soon after this first wave you will get the interest of the desktop apps / office people, those with sync to their phones, using gmail now and maybe diddling with gcal, etc. and ready to move the whole thing over.

Web mail, calendar, tasks, notes, it's all gotta come together on the web and sync with our phones and desktops again like the desktop once did.

Ok that's a bit broad for RTM, but I hope you get the idea. I think you will see others interested in sync with outlook or at least basic import/export.
Posted 18 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
emagin, thanks for your feedback. We're always happy to look at developing features based on user requests (we love it when RTM users tell us which features they'd like to see :)

Unfortunately this hasn't been a highly requested feature for RTM -- there have only been a handful of requests for Outlook sync over the past year. We're a very small team, so unfortunately we don't have the resources to develop features when we're unsure of the demand for them, but we do continue to look at this feature.

I know that a few companies are working on sync products for Google Calendar -- if you're using any of those, it might be worth suggesting to them that they could look at supporting RTM too. Also, Outlook 2007 will actually have support for the iCalendar standard, so you'll be able to subscribe to your tasks via our iCalendar service.

Hope this helps!
Posted 18 years ago
chriswhite says:
Good to hear you're still thinking about it, I wish there had been more demand. I am currently syncing (two way) with Google Calendar and Outlook 2007, so the final piece I'm waiting for is a task manager and I'll be happy.

Thanks for your prompt responses, you guys really seem to be doing a great job!
Posted 18 years ago
christoffa says:
Guys, take a look at
It's a SyncML sync server for Google Calendar, we are also looking at RTM integration

Posted 18 years ago
alvin says:
Hi everyone,

Can I just say... I would REALLY love to see Outlook sync on RTM!!

Both me and my girlfriend use Outlook for work and inevitably our handhelds have to sync with work's data. We want to share our Todo lists and RTM would be perfect if it wasn't missing this tiny little bit of functionality...

Posted 18 years ago
chriswhite says:
Just tried out GooSync and it's amazing, if you could work out the same kind of deal with RTM I'd be floored!
Posted 18 years ago
oggsync says:
Also be sure to try if you are using Windows Mobile 5 phone. It's free.
Posted 18 years ago
josh.kaner says:
Consider me as one of those people who would use and vehemently reco RTM to friends/family/coworkers were there Outlook syncing (2-way??)

Anyway, if it was there I think this would be a perfect product!
Posted 18 years ago
neha says:
I'd just like to add a +1 for sync with outlook. That would be *fantastic*.
Posted 18 years ago
(closed account) says:
Put my name in there too. A feature to round everything off nicely.
Posted 18 years ago
(closed account) says:
Another vote for Outlook synch support!

Cant wait.
Posted 18 years ago
gleitold says:
one more
Posted 18 years ago
(closed account) says:
and another (particularly for Outlook 2007)
Posted 18 years ago
deanhouseholder says:
Me too!
Posted 18 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes. I've been scouring the internet for a solution to sync RTM with pocket outlook on my Blackjack.
Posted 18 years ago
gms8994 says:
Fear not, mere mortals! I'm currently working on an application to do just this. I should be ready for alpha testing in the next week or so, so if you want to be on the alpha test list, please email me at with the subject line of "RTM Outlook Sync Beta".

Please, no HTML messages if possible ;)
Posted 18 years ago
chiquitar says:
I would love to be able to sync my task list with my outlook-syncable pocket PC too.
Posted 18 years ago
kentv999 says:
Sign me up. And about a zillion others... there are many of us who work for folks who mandate Outlook. It's enterprise wide and to move to web based tools without sync is an issue.
Posted 18 years ago
sean.herschmiller says:
I have been wasting sooo much time lately trying to find an online task solution that syncs with Outlook and/or PDAs (Palm and PPC). Integration with Google Calendar is a plus as would a google widget to display RTM on my desktop. RTM really seems like the best solution out there, so I am hoping that it gets some or all of this treatment.
Posted 18 years ago
rourkem says:
I'm not currently using RTM for a big chunk of my tasks because I need Outlook sync. Outlook syn would give me offline capability (I fly a lot) as well as sync with my blackberry.
Posted 17 years ago
rourkem says:
Outlook sync also gets you a free Vista and windows live widget.
Posted 17 years ago
arachne says:
Me me me! I have used RTM for ages, and I'm stuck with Outlook at work, AND I'm starting to let GTD into my life - so I'd really like a web-based task management system to go along with all of that. I would use RTM much much more if it could sync (two-way, please) with Outlook. Thanks for all of your excellent work so far.
Posted 17 years ago
aijoovai says:
RTM has some nice ideas but I'm just so over with not having the ability to sync my offline PIM to the online services I use. That is, I won't use services that can't sync except for some special purposes. Sometimes.

There's really very few .. like zero .. good online PIM services of any kind that would handle sync properly in general. I've been especially surprised that Yahoo hasn't been able to pull it out (which is good in a way because I don't like them in many other ways - would been a difficult choice if they had a good service and were the only one). From others i've tried Plaxo is the least worst I've found but their attitude has never been very good and has seemed to have gone down the drain after they were aquired by AOL.

I also think that SyncML is pretty much the only proper way to go: people have different devices and to handle this only an open standard can cater to all.

To put it short: If RTM would have a good (SyncML) Outlook sync I'd use it immediately for all my lists, todos, etc.
Posted 17 years ago
abbey.hesser says:
I love RTM and want it to be sync-able to me Treo via Outlook ASAP!! I like using this, but I have already had problems keeping up with things because it's not mobile... I can see myself stopping use if there is not a sync feature soon. Thank you!! Good luck!!
Posted 17 years ago
rhaggin says:
One vote for Outlook sync
Posted 17 years ago
roxi80 says:
I would love it if I could sync it to my Tungsten PDA!!!

life would be grand! (j/k)
Posted 17 years ago
jeffvand says:
You know when you said there wasn't a need that would just open the floodgates! Sign me up too! I need to sync with Outlook so I can sync with my blackberry! I would use RTM so much more if I had a way to put it on my mobile device!! Hook us up! Don't leave us in the dark!!
Posted 17 years ago
chriswhite says:
What do you think Emily, any chance we've raised a loud enough noise to reconsider it for the feature list? I hope we don't sound demanding, but we all love RTM enough that we're excited to have the ability to use it more.
Posted 17 years ago
poorhouse says:
Add me to the list of very interested people!
Posted 17 years ago
janospataki says:
Yep - would love to see Outlook synch! I have to use it at work, so might as well make it better.
Posted 17 years ago
dnunson says:
Vote for a Sync ML\exchange tool for RTM
Posted 17 years ago
funkin says:
..and another vote.
Posted 17 years ago
dice1976 says:
one more here for outlook sync!
Posted 17 years ago
jjwiiwi says:
Yes, i want Outlook sync. or at least import into Outlook
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
Me to please!
Posted 17 years ago
jmc says:
+1 for me
Posted 17 years ago
buckbrody says:
as a conduit to get my tasks onto my bb, outlook sync would be great
Posted 17 years ago
manoj.chugh says:
Posted 17 years ago
blocker says:
Another vote for Outlook sync
Posted 17 years ago
cbg3 says:
Yet another vote for Outlook sync. Emily, does this now count as "a highly requested feature for RTM"?
Posted 17 years ago
m4tthall says:
Yes, me too please.
Posted 17 years ago
will.s.brown says:
m etoo
Posted 17 years ago
chadalanjackson says:
Sign me up on as another who would LOVE Outlook sync
Posted 17 years ago
glenn.gano says:
I'm new to RTM, but being able to sync with Outlook at work would greatly increase its' functionality with me.
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
add me to the list!
Posted 17 years ago
patl says:
Well, I'm another voice. Outlook /PDA sync is a must have. I like the look of RTM after having a quick play, but I'm not about to keep tasks up to date in both RTM and outlook, so outlook has to win every time sadly
Posted 17 years ago
jimbo.jones says:
Why can't someone (google perhaps) come up with a complete substitution for outlook. I used a blackberry which I sync to outlook. I find the outlook calendar/blackberry/google cal sync is too buggy. So I have to use RTM on its own, blackberry and outlook.

Google has most of it with gmail and google calendar. Setting up a 'notes' function and then hooking up with RTM should be a no brainer.

Any solutions out there?
Posted 17 years ago
davidbessler says:
At least find a way to email tasks from outlook. Outlook attaches tasks to emails instead of putting them in the body of the message.
Posted 17 years ago
jolagues says:
another vote for outlook sync
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'd like to see Outlook sync. :)

Loving RTM so far. Really getting into it now and its been a great help.
Posted 17 years ago
mtoledo says:
+2! (me and my girlfriend!)
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yeah. would be a great way to sync with the mobile phone too.
Posted 17 years ago
kuboon says:
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 17 years ago
maxence.delaune says:
Posted 17 years ago
jason.caputo says:
Outlook sync for me too please! 2007 preferable.
Posted 17 years ago
rabizanda says:
Posted 17 years ago
arkein says:
Add my vote too!

I know poopoo-ing outlook is what the in-crowd does nowadays (and for many good reasons) but outlook does have a few nifty features which none of the alternatives provide yet. Hence my still using it (because it provides an offline calendar + schedulable tasks + straightforward PDA & mobilephone syncing + integration with the rather versatile Onenote, all in one package). I'm afraid I just won't be using RTM all that much until it becomes easy to sync it with outlook (and also with other online apps like stikkit). I put too much time into outlook to start entirely from scratch on RTM.

The whole point of the new Web 2.0 culture is supposed to be freedom, simplicity, mobility, openness, adaptability, choice, and collaboration. There are a lot of really excellent apps out there, each with their own special features that I find particularly adapted for use in different situations. I want to be free to use outlook-Onenote when I'm offline, my PDA and mobile phone when I'm on the move, and the combination of Google-Calender, RTM, and Stikkit when I'm online and away from my desktop. + I want all of this to be easily inter-operable -- change a task/event in one and all the others sync automatically.

I want to have the freedom to use outlook and Googlecal/RTM/stikkit together. I don't want to be forced to choose either one or the other.

And for those who are out to kill outlook (which is fine with me as long as something better replaces it), isn't providing bridges between outlook and other solutions the way to go? openness is definintely the key to converting the masses.

Emily, I think that you guys at the RTM team are underestimating the demand for easy RTM-outlook synching. Once you open that floodgate, I'm pretty certain you'll get a deluge of users coming to RTM.

Posted 17 years ago
jonesy says:
I'd love blackberry sync. I don't care about outlook.
Posted 17 years ago
warren.chu says:
I'd like to see Outlook sync for RTM as well, but for Outlook 2003 if possible.
Posted 17 years ago
alvin says:
Hey Emily, looks like there's been quite a few votes for Outlook sync added over the last months!

So then... what's cooking at RTM HQ? :)
Posted 17 years ago
cantello says:
One more vote for a more universal SyncML solution, this would also cater to all non-Outlook users...
Posted 17 years ago
justin.baeder says:
Me too - Outlook synch would be awesome for offline PDA use.
Posted 17 years ago
kjl says:
+1 for 2-way sync with outlook (which by proxy would allow me 2-way sync with the blackberry). Thanks!
Posted 17 years ago
micahlink says:
I'd love to have this feature.
Posted 17 years ago
pbeens says:
Please add me to the list of those interested in sync'ing RTM with Outlook. I'm quite surprised this feature hasn't been added yet.
Posted 17 years ago
dmabury says:
Posted 17 years ago
bucks14 says:
I would like this feature as well.
Posted 17 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks for the interest that everyone has shown here. We'll continue to look at the possibility of developing an Outlook sync product in the future, but I just wanted to mention that we're a very small team here (with only one software engineer). We already have our hands pretty full with RTM, and creating a solid sync product is a huge endeavour -- our engineer would likely need to spend much of the next year on development (keep in mind that Google Calendar doesn't have an official sync product either, and they have a few more resources than us... :)

We don't think that it would be fair to our users to stop developing RTM so that we could work on a sync product instead. I hate to disappoint everyone here, but with one engineer, unfortunately we're just not able to spend a significant amount of time on one request (at the expense of being able to improve RTM and add new features for the majority of users who don't want us to stop development).

Having said that, our API allows anyone to write applications that interact with RTM -- including Outlook sync (and I know there's at least one person already working on Outlook sync for RTM). If you're a developer, you're more than welcome to check out our API and look at developing your own sync tool. It would be wonderful to see sync come from the RTM community :)
Posted 17 years ago
chriswhite says:
Emily, thanks for responding, I'm surprised you're such a small team as you do an exceptional job with this site. I understand the challenge of setting up some type of Outlook sync. I excited to hear that there may be some community solutions to do this!
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
How about you get a more serious forum application, like SMF

Something that allows email notification of new forum posts. This way you can build up your community and get more volunteer developers involved.

Is RTM Open Source?
If so what about Google's Summer of Code sponsorship.
Posted 17 years ago
alvin says:
Emily, thanks very much for your response!

I had a little idea (work around) which I posted in a separate forum topic. This could be considered core functionality, i.e. not sync w/ external product, and perhaps could be in scope for Bob's work?

What I said was:

"Continuing from my Outlook sync rant earlier... one option I've been wanting is a simple 1-click option to send the entire list out to an (my) email address. This would be a simple workaround just to get the data into Outlook. I would hit this button just as I'm heading out of the office.

*dreaming slightly* now if that email was nicely formatted showing task priority, due date and other details, I would be in Milk heaven... "

ranbarton liked the idea - what do you guys think about it?
Posted 17 years ago
cdoolittle says:
I'm a new user to RTM, but I would definately use an Outlook sync. Please think about adding. Thanks.
Posted 17 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
alvin, if you're using Outlook 2003, some users have had success with a third-party plugin, Remote Calendars, which allows you to subscribe to our iCalendar service -- this might be a good way to get your tasks in Outlook. We'll look at the possibility of email export too (I'm sure Bob could handle that one :) but I just thought I'd mention this as it might be a neat option.
Posted 17 years ago
mastermaq says:
Another vote for Outlook sync!
Posted 17 years ago
thirdjohn84 says:
Posted 17 years ago
jf317820 says:
Posted 17 years ago
safoian says:
Yup, Outlook sync is a must! You would see adoption rates go up significantly if you did this.
Posted 17 years ago
bobocopy says:

I'm a programmer. What can I do to make this happen?
Posted 17 years ago
rjsummers says:
I am at RTM because I cannot use my outlook tasklist at two places. Make it happen and RTM will be my lifelong friend
Posted 17 years ago
krypton23 says:

Even if it has to be outsourced via Elance or Rentacoder, I think you guys should find a way to do this.
Posted 17 years ago
bonnke says:
Posted 17 years ago
wojo says:
Posted 17 years ago
harmonsj says:
OMG - Outlook sync not commonly requested? Boy were you off on that. Its my #1 criteria and only reason that RTM is just a passing interest to me. My life revolves around my GTD Outlook tasks - with categories and NOTES support too!

If you are looking for an example of one company that does this right - see PLAXO - it syncs my outlook with everything, but I like RTM's ability to do locations and SMS reminders better.

Bottom line - get on it - the demand is there. See for a good example of how to do 2 way sync to outlook contacts, tasks and calendar. - with both categories and notes.
Posted 17 years ago
bonkers says:
and another one who would appreciate an putlook sync A LOT. :-)
Posted 17 years ago
john.norman says:
And another for outlook sync to tasks. Just found RTM and I'm very impressed. Looking forward to using it more!
Posted 17 years ago
ejchis says:
Outlook sync is a must for me to use this software. It looks good, but, if I can't get it to my Blackberry, it does me no good.
Posted 17 years ago
jemerick says:

I am working on a standalone BlackBerry application that syncs with RTM.

You can check it out here:

and join the Google group here:
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
I want to add my vote for a sync to Outlook.
Posted 16 years ago
acarvallo says:
I'm adding my vote for Outlook 2003/2007 sync as well!!
Posted 16 years ago
voldefeu says:
another vote!
Posted 16 years ago
chrismcmahon says:
I'd love to see a sync with outlook as well
Posted 16 years ago
sdemler says:
I'll vote fo this as well
Posted 16 years ago
trin.yuthasastrakosol says:

Just another sheep in the herd: I'd love to see Outlook sync for RTM. It would (arguably) certainly go a long way to getting corporate america on board with the RTM Way.
Posted 16 years ago
great7 says:
Posted 16 years ago
carsten.meyer says:
Posted 16 years ago
xxdesmus says:
I'd love to have RTM sync with Outlook (2007) as well.

Posted 16 years ago
ams24 says:
One more vote!
Posted 16 years ago
eyals says:
Posted 16 years ago
azurhorst says:
Another vote for Outlook synch support ;-)
Posted 16 years ago
mike.payne says:
Yet another vote - Outlook 2003, if possible without any client installation (corporate firewall and security policies get in the way)
Posted 16 years ago
david.geldbart says:
Another vote for Outlook synch : )
Posted 16 years ago
eibrahim says:
I am working on an outlook-rtm sync. If you are interested in being a beta tester, please send me an email at eibrahim at gmail dot com

Include the version of your OS and outlook in your email and your technical level of expertise

And if you know, what version of the .net framework you have that will also be helpful.

Posted 16 years ago
jbrake says:
I would love to be able to sync rtm and outlook -- rock on everyone!
Posted 16 years ago
farhang says:
Posted 16 years ago
niedakh says:
hey, just make it, come on - it's just a couple of hours work!
Posted 16 years ago
rpjansen says:
Posted 16 years ago
alfaro says:
Posted 16 years ago
puddnhead7 says:
I'm a little surprised that there's more demand for phone task syncing than Outlook task syncing. Really? I'd definitely like to see this.
Posted 16 years ago
steinmarder says:
+1 would love to sync my rtm tasks with outlook tasks and also with my phone tasks. please make it happen.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Being able to sync tasks from RTM to my mobile would be awesome, and doing it via Outlook wouldn't be terrible either!
Posted 16 years ago
machete says:
so, any outlook sync for RTM yet????????????
Posted 16 years ago
neodisco says:
Posted 16 years ago
sek says:
Posted 16 years ago
treilly says:
Posted 16 years ago
jfriend says:
Posted 16 years ago
jgabor says:
I'm currently using RTM as my main task manager at work and at home, and at work we're totally based on Outlook/Exchange, while at home I use Gmail... So Outlook sync at work, and Gmail-extension at home sounds like the perfect solution for me...
Posted 16 years ago
decipher says:
Outlook sync would be a huge deal as it would allow S60 users to sync via outlook.
Posted 16 years ago
erifneerg says:
seriously... i could just get myself an old palm running the new os for like $80 and i'd be happy.
Posted 16 years ago
gasf says:
Outlook sync would be very helpful but probably better would be to port Google Gears to Palm OS and the Nokia OS 2008 for internet tablet. In these cases, you have offline RTM even when yo do not have a cellular or wireless connection.
Posted 16 years ago
erifneerg says:
gasf, i'd think that would then limit which units could sync. outlook would be open to /alot/ more devices.
Posted 16 years ago
oneross says:
The only reason I would want Outlook sync is to print the single day agenda with task sidebar that was a cornerstone of my personal productivity when I was in the corporate world. With Google Calendar's new Outlook Sync capability, it would be an easy solution.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Allow me to toss my vote in.

I like RTM quite a bit and while it's nice that it integrates with Google Calendar, It'd be even better if I could integrate it with Outlook 2003.

My employer (AT&T) lives by meetings and the AT&T meeting requests are frequent. Syncing to RTM would allow me to see my meeting requests at home. AT&T for some reason hates anything you can download from Google, so I can't even sync outlook with GCal.
Posted 16 years ago
arky says:

vote for Outlook Sync!
Posted 16 years ago
erifneerg says:
with such a demand... im surpise there isn't a 3rd party solution to this.
Posted 16 years ago
nathan.menge says:
I'd also like outlook sync.
Posted 16 years ago
rod.conway says:
+ 1
Posted 16 years ago
mkny13 says:
Posted 16 years ago
ksearles says:
Posted 16 years ago
papagraf says:
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
One more vote for Outlook sync please...
I've ditched every other Microsoft app, but still live in Outlook. My pda syncs to Outlook so if RTM did too I'd be able to manage tasks on my pda.
Posted 16 years ago
alex.aldaco says:
Posted 16 years ago
formes says:
Ummm... Just another vote for Outlook Sync... Loves RTM and I use Outllok at work (company policy) so it would be very useful to get both products integrated.
Posted 16 years ago
w.jachowski says:
Posted 16 years ago
karindalziel says:

Just another vote. I don't have a PDA phone, just a PDA, and I'm offline a lot (*gasp*)
Posted 16 years ago
aarontn says:
I would love to be able to sync with outlook.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I don't use remember the milk becouse I don't want to have my task list repeated everywere without sync.
Make This, and I will be so!!!! happy.
Even make a xml exporter/importer. maybe with that could be simpler to do a sync with other apps I use.
Posted 16 years ago
adria.richards says:
If you guys won't be developing RTM for Windows Mobile 2003 in the next year, please create a sync to Outlook.
Posted 16 years ago
mieber says:
Posted 16 years ago
crouse says:
Would love a Outlook Sync as well
Posted 16 years ago
jvislisel says:
I started using RTM about a year ago and have been waiting for a way to sync it to my Pocket PC ever since. +1 for an outlook sync!
Posted 16 years ago
bucks14 says:
Posted 16 years ago
jondis says:
Sign me up for Outlook-RTM sync!

I tried RTM last year, but found it couldn't replace Outlook for me. If, however, I could work on Outlook in the office and RTM when I'm mobile (from my iPhone)... i'd be VERY HAPPY.
Posted 16 years ago
edelwater says:
Sign me up for the Outlook sync too. I also need to sync to my Nokia (nokia software only supports Outlook sync) and my PocketPc (via activesync). I want to keep tasks via milk via gmail and manage my adresses in Outlook.
Posted 16 years ago
curtisc7 says:
And another. Everything that I have to say has been said on this tread before (several times over).

I tried using milksync on my mobile and then syncing my smartphone to outlook via usb, but it's just too cumbersome. I need a solution that all draws the same data from the net to keep everything in one place.

I applaud the team for everything you guys have done, this is magnificent software here, and I really wish that it was right for me, but it won't be until I can sync with my desktop.
Posted 16 years ago
khasidyd says:
one more vote from here
Posted 16 years ago
amrosm says:
i just spent 5 hours trying to figure a way to sync my
outlook to RTM, so yeah... i Demand it :)
Posted 16 years ago
antermoia says:
A Google search for "remember the milk outlook sync" brought me here. So here's my vote. The Google Calendar/Outlook sync is so nice. We need the same for tasks! :-)
Posted 16 years ago
sdvick says:
I concur with everyone else on this thread. Having to manually put in my tasks twice (Once in RTM, once in Outlook) is a pain. If a sync application (or at least the promise of one) would be enough to make me pony up the money for the pro membership.
Posted 16 years ago
priamus says:
One more vote from here, too. Please work on it as soon as possible
Posted 16 years ago
fraserd says:
I vote for outlook sync as well.

I have a painful workaround.. I bought pro so I could sync to windows mobile then manually sync to outlook.

Terribly painful.. I don;t mind buying the PRO.. but PLEASE PLEASE get outlook sync done soon.


By the looks of the list, I would say that demand is high! :S
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Another vote for outlook sync!

RTM is awesome, but by adding sync, it would become bulletproof.
Posted 16 years ago
pastorjcox says:

Add another vote to the request for RTM to Outlook support !!!
Posted 16 years ago
sean.harvell says:
+1 please... Heck offer it as a pro feature if you like...
Posted 16 years ago
jbeck says:
Please provide Outlook sync.
Posted 16 years ago
ruckuz27 says:
Posted 16 years ago
nooch14 says:
+1 more man that would be great
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 more!!!! PLEASE.
Posted 16 years ago
colinmbuckley says:
absolutely +1
Posted 16 years ago
jdebona says:
Posted 16 years ago
beanj007 says:
Outlook sync for RTM would rock. Yes plz.
Posted 16 years ago
adam.howie says:
outlook sync +1 more
Posted 16 years ago
nsalazar says:
I would love to be able to sync RTM with my Outlook 2007!
Posted 16 years ago
dustymil10 says:
me too!!!!
Posted 16 years ago
janastasios says:
Posted 16 years ago
duskdrums says:
Posted 16 years ago
papamix says:
Posted 16 years ago
claho says:
Outlook sync support would be essential to me too!
Posted 16 years ago
julia.ogris says:
Posted 16 years ago
rtasker says:
Posted 16 years ago
tammygrrrl says:
Me too.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 16 years ago
oomska says:
Posted 16 years ago
roger.cowan says:
Posted 16 years ago
alessandro.martins says:
I'm adding my vote for Outlook 2003/2007 sync as well!!
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
No comments from the RTM people? You don't call this "demand"? I'd be glad to switch to the pro version if this were offered.
Posted 16 years ago
inbetweener says:
+1 again - I really do want this.

I'm not a big fan of outlook per se, but it is a sort of translator application for syncing multiple items with my cellphone (e.g. google calendar sync has been a godsend for me.).

To have my todos on RTM sync with Outlook would mean I could sync them with my cellphone's todo app, meaning I would have easy access to my todos anywhere...

Posted 16 years ago
rubikskube says:
and another vote!
Posted 16 years ago
dwbrown77 says:
I too would love sync for Outlook
Posted 16 years ago
trin.yuthasastrakosol says:
yes, if pro offered this I would sign up!
Posted 16 years ago
trin.yuthasastrakosol says:
I just tried syncthemilk, and it works fine for my purposes, which is to sync the outlook thick client to RTM and vice versa. I don't need anything really fancy in that regard. Many thanks to Glen Smith's efforts.

I am looking forward to the day when MilkSync is able to support the Outlook thick client, not that SyncTheMilk is bad, just something "official" :-).
Posted 16 years ago
erik.wolf says:
If you have a BlackBerry you can use MilkSync to Sync your tasks to the tasks window in Outlook. Works seamlessly (be sure you're using version 1.05 or higher). Just have to keep an eye on the categories, and use filter to sort categories back on your BlackBerry but this works really well.
Posted 16 years ago
leitourgia says:
I'm a new user (just started testing RTM and Pro yesterday) For those looking for an Outlook workaround, here's what I have come up with.

It requires a Windows Mobile device but I would guess it would work with other devices that sync with both RTM and Outlook. All one has to do is connect that device to its sync cradle and set up the sync between it and both Outlook and RTM. Then, when a task is added or modified in RTM or Outlook (or the device for that matter), the Windows Mobile device will serve as a conduit - it will sync with one of the two (RTM or Outlook) and then sync to the other (Outlook or RTM).

The only problem I have found with this is that RTM, unlike Outlook, has no start date (I see that this is a perennial feature request). Consequently, when a new task is added in RTM, it shows up in Outlook at a task with no start. As this is a problem with the way a task appears in the Taskpad of Outlook, I would hope that if RTM ever gets around to adding direct synchronization with Outlook they would also take care of adding the Start Date feature so that it would be more functional.

Since I have only just tested this work around this morning, I would suggest that anyone else who tries it back up their tasks in Outlook before trying it (I did). That way, if there's a problem in the system somewhere, you won't have lost all your Outlook data. But so far, I have had no problems with it.

Posted 16 years ago
muzychuk says:
I need this feature desperately!

I think this has more to do with RTM losing website visitors than it does with low demand for a sync feature (made obvious by this thread) and by this "1 engineer".

I don't need any more functions from RTM, just Outlook integration!

Posted 16 years ago
duncanhope says:
+1 for outlook sync
Posted 16 years ago
carsten.meyer says:
+1 for outlook sync
Posted 16 years ago
ninesided says:
+7 for outlook sync! everyone in my office would love you!
Posted 16 years ago
hernando.bloise says:
+1 for outlook sync. I use Outlook at work, Gmail when I travel and Thunderbird at home...
It would be a great feature if you can sync RTM with Outlook, the same way Gmail Calendar syncs with Outlook (with Google Calendar Sync app).
Posted 16 years ago
jimmy.guterman says:
When I read posts in these forums asking for RTM synch with tasks in Outlook, the response from RTM is that there haven't been a lot of requests. However, it 's possible that there are a large number of potential customers who RTM is missing out on because there's no Outlook synch -- and the people who won't consider RTM without Outlook synch would rarely, if ever, get as far as this forum to express their opinion. Outlook task synch would help many current RTM users -- including this paying one -- and it might give RTM a much larger possible audience.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 16 years ago
chiahua says:
I'd love to have RTM sync with Outlook (2007) as well.
It is very important.
Posted 16 years ago
jester02k says:
this is the only thing holding me back from using it full time.
I need outlook sync
Posted 16 years ago
sean2078 says:
(to those who don't - your opinion is the minority)

I think it's hilarious that RTM isn't doing anything about it. I asked RTM privately if I could develop the Outlook sync myself and ask for money to support it and they told me that I couldn't.

Pretty darn sad if you ask me.

Put me down for +1
Posted 16 years ago
chette says:
I need Outlook sync.

I know I need to shift to a web-based task management system soon, and lose my dependence on Outlook forever. But it seems like sites (like RTM) want me to quit cold turkey.

I need the sync feature which encourages me to take the plunge, giving me the assurance that I don't need to totally quit Outlook yet, but I could do so when I am ready.

I do understand, however, that in the end, it is the voice of the developers that count. It has been this way in various open source and freebie systems (Joomla, Pidgin, etc.), and I am not raising my hopes up that RTM would be any different. I just wanted to state my case if there is still a glimmer of hope.
Posted 16 years ago
phillip.moxley says:
This is BS, RTM is useless unless I can sync. I have an acct but not going to use it unless I can get this. There's demand for something like this on every sync - type site but none that function properly. You'd think that the developers are idiots based on the demand for the service. I've searched high and low for a way to sync and RTM has a good thing going for it, but it's not gonna go far without some risk/effort.

And yes I am speaking in a condescending tone with "and" at the beginning of it.
Posted 16 years ago
big.bob says:
I would certainly go PRO for Outlook sync

Posted 16 years ago
junger says:
I need synchronization with Outlook.
Posted 16 years ago
tom.martens says:
Posted 16 years ago
dyma says:
Posted 16 years ago
kvdcmu says:
+1, desperately - all of my workflow is tied up in Outlook and I need a portable version. iPhone + RTM would be da bomb
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Please, outlook support!!!!


Posted 16 years ago
gratrix says:
i also would love if their was a RTM sync with Outlook. Please?!
Posted 16 years ago
kelvinc says:
me too.
Posted 16 years ago
skyruner2 says:
+1 for outlook sync!
Posted 16 years ago
garymcm says:
and me
Posted 16 years ago
jimmy.guterman says:
If any of the developers follow this thread, please let us know. No one from RTM has commented here since, I believe, March 2007. If you're out there, please weigh in and let us know what's going on. If you're not, I think that answers the question for those of us looking for -- and willing to pay for -- Outlook synchronization.
Posted 16 years ago
tutunkommon says:

I am also using this, and it works somewhat. My complaint is that I want to sync a smartlist to my phone, rather than any of the static lists. The sync feature is my primary reason for purchasing the pro account. I am sad that it won't do what I wanted. Worse, I sent an email asking about it, since I get "Priority Support" with the pro account.

No reply yet.

Hopefully they can fix both my question, and the larger issue of sync'ing with Outlook. I am nearly weaned from outlook myself, but would still like the task list on my phone to be smarter.
Posted 16 years ago
nicholsonsean says:
would love to see a syncing option for Outlook
Posted 16 years ago
ritaly says:
Posted 16 years ago
abobani says:
I would love to see that...
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:

and for everyone's info...
Posted 16 years ago
blackbelt says:
Outlook sync please!!

I use Outlook as my main manager for GTD as it is pretty much the only fully integrated contact manager/calendar/tasks solution out there for consumers and it is pervasive in business.

The web is still a mish mash. Only partial solutions. For example - Google only does calendar, RTM only does tasks. Google now syncs the calendar to Outlook which is VERY NICE. How about RTM syncing to Outlook? That would solve 95% of my "cloud sync" problems. Please don't make me get a MS Exchange Service. I like the sync to Windows Mobile. But I still need it into my Outlook, that is my command center.
Posted 16 years ago
quiksilva says:
Hear hear!

Blackbelt sums it up very nicely (along with many others)

I have visions of something akin to the Google calendar sync sat in my system tray syncing my Outlook tasks.

I've gotta say how great using RTM has been, particularly with the iGoogle widget... just need that killer desktop solution nailing now!
Posted 16 years ago
nycterent says:
i would love to use outlook sync.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Outlook sync pllllllllllease. The kludging necessary to get things to appear in outlook is doing my head!!
Posted 16 years ago
mixolydian says:
I would love a outlook sync! I've just started to work with RTM (literally a few minutes ago) and the first thing that popped into my head was 'hmmm I wonder if they have an oultook sync'...
Posted 16 years ago
bduncanj says:
Another vote for Outlook sync - found this thread searching for just that (RTM + Outlook).
Posted 16 years ago
casperone says:
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 for Outlook sync. That's where my tasks are currently...
Posted 16 years ago
seveng says:
I'd happily pay for Pro to get WindowsMobile sync or outlook sync as long as all three interfaces were kept up to date (I sync through Exchange ActiveSync).... Newsgator already does all this for newsfeeds across all my devices and OSes, having the same for tasks would change my life.
Posted 16 years ago
karensfam says:
I agree that this is a much needed feature. Keep in mind many times, people look at or demo a web app and if they don't find that it will not sync up with what they already use - they move on and don't become users who then ask for updates and new features. I know I have done this many many times.
Posted 16 years ago
blackbelt says:
The Outlook Sync is one thing that would propel RTM to the forefront of task management on the Web. No one else does it. The iPhone thing was nice, but the number of Outlook users makes the iPhone pale in comparison. Keep the requests coming and keep the thread alive. We'll keep poking the RTM Cow until it gives us milk :-)
Posted 16 years ago
stevhill says:
+1 here too please.

I am soon to register as a Pro user to get MilkSync for my Windows Mobile device, but would love to be able to sync Outlook with RtM without having to sync either with the phone as an intermediary.

Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 here too; would happily go Pro for it.
Posted 16 years ago
matteo.cantamesse says:
+ 1 here, also for pro
Posted 16 years ago
simonedwardsnz says:
+1 please.

I use Outlook at work and it is actually very useful to be able to right click emails and flag them for follow up, which then turns them into an Outlook task.

Having the task list in Outlook synchronised with RTM so I can operate from a single list of tasks would be so, so useful...
Posted 16 years ago
ubs says:
Yeah, Outlook sync would be a killer feature. Missing it very much so if I have to say something to make the feature appera — here I am.


Thanks. :)
Posted 16 years ago
dgknox says:
+1 please
Posted 16 years ago
karimmarucchi says:
You want more of us to convert to a pro account? Then PLEASE tell me that you are working on a true sync for Outlook? I have seen open source starters like:
but it is not compiled. Please tell me that you have a way to do this, and I am in for life. If some one started this as open source, then why cant RTM do it, the not much demand line just dose not hold water if you Google this...
Posted 16 years ago
qureshi.nabil says:
i would need it as well.... come on... by public demand
Posted 16 years ago
lol_oconnor says:
I will subscribe to pro the moment that outlook sync functionality is added.
Posted 16 years ago
blackbelt says:
The Outlook sync is the one thing that keeps this from being my task manager of choice. I would go pro for that absolutely. Come on, the dark side beckons you...together we could rule the galaxy!
Posted 16 years ago
blackbelt says:
From my count, this request has nearly double the posts of the next closest request - for dependent tasks (which is also VERY important...drool, drool). Emily, the monkey needs bananas and the villagers need Outlook sync, code like the wind!
Posted 16 years ago
patrick.duncan says:
Please? Outlook sync would make RTM the task app for my iPhone.
Posted 16 years ago
pat.toner says:
+1 Outlook sync would be great. Make it pro...I'll upgrade if I have to.
Posted 16 years ago
jelgie says:
I tried to work around the Outlook sync need by using the MilkSync with my BlackBerry. No dice.. It screws up an absolute ton of things. We need Outlook Sync.

Add 1 vote to the list.
Posted 16 years ago
xigxag says:

I just created an account to add my name to this request. I will gladly pay for a PRO account as well.

Thanks RTM!
Posted 16 years ago
renee.stephen says:
I upgraded to Pro to get MilkSync, but I have always wanted Outlook Sync. I'll upgrade twice! to get it. Honestly. It would make RTM the killer task management system - please please please please please. (PS: is no good if you don't own Visual Studio to compile it yourself....!!)
Posted 16 years ago
yaoyuef says:
+1 for outlook sync
Posted 16 years ago
nixterrimus says:
I would love Outlook support. It would make remember the milk a "killer" application for me.
Posted 16 years ago
johnvalines says:
Outlook support is a must for me to really be able to rely on RTM as my task manager. Please count my vote!
Posted 16 years ago
mmcguire says:
+1 for outlook sync
Posted 16 years ago
dwoodwoo says:
ditto on the outlook sync
Posted 16 years ago
kenlefeb says:
I want Outlook sync, too...

Many of us are required to use Outlook at work. In fact, RememberTheMilk is blocked at my company, so I have no access to my RTM tasks during the work day, whatsoever.

I would love to be able to sync up, and merge my work tasks with my personal tasks.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I would love Outlook sync - if you were able to develop one, I'd definitely use RTM more often and recommend it to everyone in my (outlook using) office.
Posted 16 years ago
pycke says:
I consider switching to RTM but need Outlook sync. Are you working on this feature ?
Posted 16 years ago
sboerup says:
I upgraded to Pro to use MilkSync when I had WM phone. It worked, but it went from RTM to Phone, and then Phone to Outlook.

I love the Gmail plugin, and that's how I use my tasks because I always have my Gmail open. I also use Outlook with BCM, but don't create tasks (even though I would like to) inside outlook because it wont get done unless it's in my Gmail (hint hint, via a RTM sync)!

I would gladly pay AGAIN for a pro-update if we could get a RTM sync to Outlook. I'm just as appalled that this is not a feature with RTM, as to why the iPhone has no task management. It simply just doesn't make any sense.
Posted 16 years ago
jason3fc says:
I also agree with this I AM a pro user and was happily using milksync to accomplish this. Now I am considering using an iphone, and due to the fact it does not sync tasks this is a MAJOR issue for me. guys could corner the market on Enterprise Exchange Iphone users if you made an outlook sync program. This would me all of these enterprise iphone people would have their tasks from outlook on their iphones just like winmo devices.

Why apple did not build a stupid simple tasks app into iphone that can sync with exchange I do not know.

Please..Please, Please give us an outlook sync app!!!
Posted 16 years ago
aagin says:
I want to reiterate what everyone here is saying. RTM NEEDS SYNC WITH OUTLOOK!

As for the iPhone it is not an issue for Pro users. I quickly found the Todo app (not the free ToDo app, not the capitalization) in the App Store that includes a sync with RTM. It does a great job but there's still no way to get the tasks into Outlook.

Posted 16 years ago
phineas0724 says:
Count me here. I DO want RTM to sync with outlook, and I would like to pay for that.
Posted 16 years ago
kersti says:
I'm currently searching for:

- a way to sync google calendar with ical calendar on the mac
- a way to sync outlook calendar with google calendar on the firewall crippled pc at work
- a way to sync outlook tasks with RTM
- a way to convert google calendar entries into RTM tasks (probably under their own list)

I'd happily purchase a pro account if it could sort these issues for me

Posted 16 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
Re #1 above, to sync iCal and Gcal, may I suggest BusySync? I've been using it since March, and it’s been great so far. Simply bulletproof.

I'm not affiliated - just a customer.
Posted 16 years ago
cristoslc says:
bump sync with outlook
Posted 16 years ago
lalarrea says:
Please!!! I will not move to a Pro account unless there is a tool to sync my tasks with Outlook
Posted 16 years ago
kwanghee.choi says:
I really want outlook sync !!
Posted 16 years ago says:
+1 for outlook sync.

And expect this entire list to walk to the first product that does it well.
Posted 16 years ago
blackbelt says:
RTM is the best bet at this point, if we can just convince them. Google has got the calendar down but has down zippo on tasks. Ideally the best solution would be a fully integrated Online PIM (calendar, tasks, contacts, notes) that would fully sync to all fields in Outlook. MS Live is still not there yet either. I am wondering if I have to go pay for an MS Exchange Service to get what I want.
Posted 16 years ago
jdcoffman says:
+1 for Outlook sync. I'm waiting for either Outlook syncing or a native iPhone app to upgrade. I'd upgrade now if I knew either or both were coming soon.

Just need a sign! Any sign!
Posted 16 years ago
daveelly says:
I would def go pro or even pay for a single "RTM-Outlook Sync Program" solution.
Posted 16 years ago
mikedep333 says:
Posted 16 years ago
mamorim says:
Please count me in, I would be using RTM far more frequently if this feature ever gets to be implemented.
Posted 16 years ago
m6azeez says:
yes please outlook support I am looking for it and excited to get this amazing feature,

thanks in advance :)

Posted 16 years ago
julie.bai says:
I can't believe there hasn't been any update on this after a year! Please let us have our sync :/
Posted 16 years ago
yota.crouch says:
sync for outlook for me pretty please
Posted 16 years ago
mtwhittington says:
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 16 years ago
chiahua says:
RTM still can't sync with Outlook now.
I am RTM-pro User ,and I am like to use RTM.But if RTM have not a good solution about Outlook,I will out ot RTM.
Because now have many software sync with Outlook,IF RTM not,that will be a problem.
Posted 16 years ago
alex.nunez says:
Posted 16 years ago
hogfish says:

I can't believe there isn't much demand for this! It was the first thing I looked for after I signed up!
Posted 16 years ago
mikieto says:

I'd like this feature too!
Posted 16 years ago
soulhuntre says:
Sadly not only does it look like this issue will never be addressed it looks like the RTM management won't even communicate with us about it.

Posted 16 years ago
cmp06003 says:
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 16 years ago
thunderror says:
Posted 16 years ago
rollingsr says:
Considering how many hits a search on Google turns up for this feature, it's hard to understand why RTM is ignoring its customer base. I would gladly switch to Pro in order to gain this ability. I am brand new to RTM and love it but I need Outlook integration
Posted 16 years ago
ian.hovander says:
Posted 16 years ago
rwetsel says:
Posted 16 years ago says:
i'd like to have an outlook/rtm sync too...
i'm kind of married with outlook due to my windows mobile equipped pda :|
Posted 16 years ago
jsvh says:
Posted 16 years ago
jfelton says:
count me!!!!
Posted 16 years ago
janimyriam says:
Posted 16 years ago
adakin says:
I would love it.
Posted 16 years ago
stephen.minton says:
Some of you people need to chill out. Perhaps it occurs to you that building a stable, successful sync with Outlook isn't something which can be done in a few hours of coding? Have any of you noticed the almost complete lack of services which have the ability to sync tasks with Outlook? Does that tell you something about how difficult it is to build the sync, and have it work reliably and effectively? RTM is not a major corporation with hundreds of developers (they're like 3 people, right?), and yet even the big corporations have failed to build this kind of sync tool. I agree that whoever builds a reliable sync for Outlook tasks will win lots of customers (there's clearly some pent up demand here), but it's clearly not as simple as we'd like to believe.
Posted 16 years ago
rossjamesparker says:
Posted 16 years ago
blackbelt says:

Well Google syncs with Outlook Calendar just fine. There are several packages that synced Palm with Outlook just fine, actually Dataviz synced EVERYTHING in Outlook to the Palm, they had that YEARS AGO. So your assertion that nothing it doesn't exist is specious.

I will fault big corporations like Apple for failing to properly integrate tasks into their offerings. The iCal standard is much to blame for the utter lack of integration of tasks and contacts properly in the products relying on it. And Google has still failed to produce Google Tasks. How hard can that be when a 3 person operation can do it?

No one said it was simple, but I think it takes a higher precedence over other requests. I am a little disappointed that the only post from RTM in this large thread is a quick dismissal of the idea and nothing since, despite the overwhelming demand for it. I hope that, despite their leanings towards Apple products, they Remember where the Milk of the users come from - they are mostly Windows Users, using Outlook.

Posted 16 years ago
pekkanen says:
Outlook sync made me choose Toodledo over RTM. I'm still hanging with RTM in case they ever get outlook sync--and would certainly go Pro for it. Given all the demand (and taking at face value the claims to be willing to go Pro if RTM snynced with Outlook), perhaps a 4th employee's wages could be paid by new revenue generated by the Outlook sync feature? That's a thought that I'm sure has crossed RTM minds a few thousand times. Here's hoping that the lines will finally intersect and it becomes a winning economic proposition for RTM to develop a sync feature with Outlook!
Posted 16 years ago
gschlegel says:
RTM, better do a better job with your market research... Outlook is the most used PIM on the market today. Just because you do not hear from people requesting this integration does not mean there is no demand. The 1st one to create an e2e solution wins this game and big $$. Thanks..another vote for capabilities to sync RTM with Outlook!!!
Posted 16 years ago
stephen.minton says:
you're right that it was done for the Palm (and BlackBerry), and even some other more basic mobile devices (I had a limited task sync with Outlook on an old Samsung cellphone, although it was horrible), but I was talking about syncing to online tasks managment systems. I said "almost complete lack..." too, because there is one app I know of, which syncs Outlook tasks with Toodledo. It has some limitations, though, such as it can't sync recurring tasks etc. (which underlines the complexity of getting it right). Maybe there are others I don't know about, but it strikes me that there are a lot of online task management systems at the moment, and none of them are officially supporting Outlook sync as far as I can tell, despite the apparent demand (the Toodledo sync app was developed independently by someone else, and apparently has put some strains on their servers - another good indication of how much demand there is, I guess).
I'd also like to see RTM sync with Outlook, and it's clear that a lot of people would too, but my point was that it's a little harsh to demand this so insistently from a small organization like RTM when firms like Apple and Google etc. have also (for reasons which baffle me, too) failed to make any progress down this road at all. I can't imagine that RTM would just choose not to do this if they could (why would they?). I suspect they are trying to develop something, but it's wise of them not to talk about it if they just don't know how long it will take to get it working right. The last thing a start-up like RTM can withstand is a disastrous product launch or new feature which causes problems rather than solving them, or to promise something if they don't know for sure when they'll be able to deliver it. Imagine how angry everyone would be then....
Posted 16 years ago
omairsarwar says:
+1 for Outlook Sync. Don't think I will be paying for a Pro account until this key feature is in place.

I like the RTM service but I think the sync feature puts ToodleDo above RTM for any work Windows/Outlook user.

Not saying that this is a simple task but as someone who invests in businesses would hypothesize that this would have a huge payoff for RTM.

Rem that majority of the ppl who might be interested in a task management tool are in the workforce, majority of the ppl that are in the workforce use Outlook and that same majority probably own a smartphone.

Offering them the ability to integrate their handheld, web & work comp would be a great way to attract what I believe should be RTMs focus market.

Thoughts & comments welcome.
Posted 16 years ago
jimmy.guterman says:
I write a blog post on this matter. If you're interested, it's at
Posted 16 years ago
harry.percival says:
outlook plugin v important to me. outlook 2007 is pretty neat for organising tasks, i like the way it combines flagged emails and tasks into one to-do list, and can categorise by coulours/tags. i cant live without it at the moment.... but i am interested in exploring new options (cant keep paying MS for ever!)... i'd like to use RTM as a cross-platform way of keeping a master copy of all my tasks... however at the moment i'm stuck cos there's no way i'm manually copying across over 100 tasks!
Posted 16 years ago
thinkingserious says:
+1 for syncing with Outlook 2007
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 16 years ago
carcre says:
+1 ... I simply cannot use RTM if it's not "syncronizble" with outlook ...
Posted 16 years ago
donal_f says:
Adding my voice to the list of people desperate for Outlook sync! please, please?
Posted 16 years ago
wsimpkin says:
Add me to the Outlook Sync list...I can't use RTM without it!!
Posted 16 years ago
noumenontruth says:
I like RTM a lot, and hope you guys have serious plans for the outlook sync. If it doesn't show up soon, I might take all my tasks and retype them into this ToodleDo webapp that I've been suggested by others, which does sync with outlook.

Thank you for all the work on creating a great webapp so far, and I don't want to sound ungrateful for the great free service but, I have to admit I'm surprised you have not developed this outlook sync yet as I guess maybe you are loosing potential customers because of it.
Posted 16 years ago
matteo.rossini says:

Since now, I turned around the problem upgrading to a Pro account (the only reason I upgraded was this).

Using the PocketPc app I synch RTM on PocketPc with the one on the web, and than with MS Outlook.

It's quite easy but it would be really grate to have the opportunity to direct synch Outlook and RTM on the web, expecially because I already use "Google Calendar Outlook Synch" tool.

I really hope RTM will develope along this MS Outlook integration way.
Posted 16 years ago
rob6010 says:
+1 ...I can't use RTM without it!!
Posted 16 years ago
talmor82 says:
Put Me in too
Posted 16 years ago
karim.ahmed says:
Please provide an outlook sync
Posted 16 years ago
mrnv says:
For what it's worth, here's my +1 as well.
Posted 16 years ago
dave.p.matthews says:
currently testing RTM and iphone for the trial period. Don't believe I would go for a Pro account based on the number of Pro users above who have asked for this feature and haven't even had a reply in 18 months or so.

Keeping your customers in the dark doesn't seem very professional to me. I see Stephens points above, but even a quick update along the lines of 'We aren't doing this' would be better than nothing.

The last update was clearly wrong saying there is no demand. Why not at least acknowledge that there is a demand? RTM could be THE solution in this space with this feature. Without it, it's just another of the many not quite right ones, if one of the better ones.

Cmon guys at least give the update.
Posted 16 years ago
blackbelt says:
Someone mentioned the T word (toodledo) had Outlook Sync so I took a look and I'll be damned if they don't have it. I tried it and it works flawlessly as far as I can tell. So much for the argument about no one else doing it. While I love RTM, I am going to have to use T because it does what I need done, and that is the whole game with Task Management.
Posted 16 years ago
jkeres says:
#1 for me as well. I have too many places to track tasks as it sits now., outlook, rtm, internal wikis, etc.
Posted 16 years ago
jzubeldia says:
RTM is useless without an Outlook sync tool
Posted 16 years ago
slavi says:
hey any updated to this? i love to use RTM and will eventually fork over the money for the Pro account and sync to my blackberry, but would love to have a way to have the following wirelessly:

bb ---> RTm ---> outlook
Posted 16 years ago
otronix says:
+ a big fat 1

(im fat)
Posted 16 years ago
anubhav77 says:
+1 from me , looks surpising request is around from nearly 2 yrs and RTM doesn't care .....
Posted 16 years ago
joel.fuchs says:
I love RTM, and am currently using it with Appigo's ToDo on the iPhone (the best mobile task manager I have used on any platform). Working for a large company, Outlook is central to my daily workflow, and is tied into other critical apps (Salesforce, OneNote, Project, etc.). While I have been using RTM for my personal life (for example, sharing task lists with my wife), I have been forced to live a "dual-life" with two sets of task data and applications. While I have introduced many at my work to RTM, no one has adopted it because of the lack of Outlook synchronization. If this situation continues, I will not renew my Pro subscription, and will seek alternatives.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 16 years ago
temjeito says:
+1. I can't believe this is not an available feature.
Posted 16 years ago
nihir says:
after being with rtm for years, it's time to switch..toodledoo has become my go to app because of the lack of sync options.
Posted 16 years ago
hcasaol says:
I need Outlook sync capabilities!!!!!!!

Posted 16 years ago
kito99 says:

i'm in the process of ditching outlook for Google Apps (i.e. GMail), but i need some way to import my tasks that isn't extremely time consuming..
Posted 16 years ago
otronix says:
Hay guys.

I wrote a blog post about this forum thread - I'm wondering why so many of us keep sticking with RTM when we need Outlook sync?
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:

Great Bob T. Monkey of RTM, please tell your human associates how much it appears a great many of the masses, washed and otherwise, really crave this mysterious Outlook sync. Some of us are forced into the realm of Outlook due to work and some kind of update from RTM speaking to what`s up w/ sync, even just a token bit w/ promise of development coming somewhen, would be cool. Stephen.minton, props for discussion of the realities of a start-up and the ongoing strangeness others in digital land seem to have w/ Outlook sync.

Is there some eerie mystical force holding back easy Outlook sync? Could this strange field possibly end up being something the Large Hadron Collider will discover is the glue holding together the universe, and that by enabling easy sync across our globe, us monkeys will collapse the universe in on itself? With so much potential for our growth as a species and things to taste and discover and ponder over, do we really want to risk the destruction of all that is, just to sync the stuff we gotta do on our devices? Pencil and paper might be so much safer.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 16 years ago
traycerb says:
Well, I'm not sure what difference it makes, but I'll throw my hat in the ring in support of Outlook sync.

I too would buy a PRO acct to get this feature, which would also facilitate syncing my too-old Windows Mobile 2003 PDA (which I was also willing to pay for).

Otronix's post that people stick to RTM (instead of migrating to Toodledo) primarily because of the strong branding is interesting.

They may have great branding, but I not sure that's primarily the reason. Instead I think it's because RTM has a clean, comfortable interface that people are invested in, tight integation with Gmail (was blown away by how smooth it was; not sure if toodledoo has this), and a good community with responsive staff.

All to their credit, of course. we love ya, but throw us a fricking bone yo!
Posted 16 years ago
cisana says:
Posted 16 years ago
sboerup says:
I believe if RTM could make their sync with Outlook, there would be a big whopping fat check from Google to buy RTM. I'm not sure if that's what they want, but it's clear there is a LARGE demand for this sync app.

Atleast give us an update, anything here . . .
Posted 16 years ago
melvynadam says:
I've spent some time this morning trying to work out how to sync or display my tasks in Outlook. The iCal calendar didn't work for me and so I turned to the forums. Now I'm off to try Toodledo....
Posted 16 years ago
linickx says:
Posted 16 years ago
boris.thomas says:
Hi from Germany,

RTM is great - the best Online-To-Do-Tool in the web.
But.... please.... give me the outllok-sync!!!!!!! I wait for it so long. What is the problem? Any progress on this?
I'm willing to pay for it.

So - please - make the sync possible!
Posted 16 years ago
jnievele says:
Direct Outlook sync would be great - I'm currently using a PDA with Milksync to get tasks into the PDA, and ActiveSync to get them to Outlook...
Posted 16 years ago
bertrand.ennouchy says:
RTM is a great To-Do Tool.
But it really lacks an Outlook Sync for using it professionnally.
I also would eventually be willing to pay for this feature.
Hope you will consider adding the sync.
Posted 16 years ago
frombrosis says:
Just adding my thoughts... I really think Outlook RTM behind the curve on this one. RTM really needs Outlook sync, otherwise its functionality in a business environment is completely hamstrung!!

Summary: Look at full 2-way Outlook RTM sync please!
Posted 16 years ago
zwaps says:
I am already pro for the Milksync with my winmobile phone. Syncing with Outlook would be perfect.

so yeah
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Good bye RTM. I used you for 2 years now but I'm leaving to ToodleDo, they have Outlook sync working (
Posted 16 years ago
humanaut says:
Just signed up with RTM.. looked pretty impressive, don`t like that I can`t sync with outlook tasks though.. this is a requirement until android phones are more available and google does some sort of tasks system.. might try that toodldo
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
It's a catch 22.
Toodledo have the outlook sync thing happening, but you guys at RTM definitely win on the interface and ease of use cards.
Adding Outlook Sync would definitely make you the leader of the online task management pack - I can already imagine the massive celebrations such an undertaking would cause with the guys over at !

A +1 for Outlook integration from me.

(PS: Along with many others, I'd go Pro for Outlook sync)
Thanks Guys.
Posted 16 years ago
simollie says:
RTM's been one of the best tools in my life. Thanks a lot for it!

Outlook sync would be a huge plus. Please at least let us know there's light at the end of the tunnel. I really want to stay with RTM.

Posted 16 years ago
chiieddy says:
The one thing this is lacking for me is a way to sync with my Outlook tasks at work and the lack of Google Tasks other than this platform means when I get my G1, I won't have a way to keep my work tasks in sync with rtm, one of my major hurdles for adopting RTM at all! This is so important I can't stress it enough!

So +1 please.
Posted 16 years ago
chiieddy says:
I should add, I'd PAY for this service (go Pro) if I could sync it with my work calendar.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:


In JANUARY OF 2007 you said not enough people want rtm-outlook sync. Since then HUNDREDS of people have asked for the same thing.


Posted 16 years ago
yumin.guo says:
Please add this feature. It's critical to me and all guys working for companies using outlook/exchange server.
Posted 16 years ago
oaltairao says:
i'd also like this, thanks!
Posted 16 years ago
rdz says:
uhhh...please... Outlook is the last program I have to use from MicroShaft

Posted 16 years ago
lclaycomb says:

Posted 16 years ago
ans7i says:
+1 for outlook sync
Posted 16 years ago
kristopher.nelson says:
Yep, outlook sync would force me to buy this product!
Posted 16 years ago
terrortext says:
Definitly: +1 for outlook sync
Posted 16 years ago
margit.beutler says:
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'm forced to use Outlook/Exchange at work but would prefer to manage my tasks using RTM...please develop an Outlook/RTM Sync tool.
Posted 16 years ago
apgordon says:
+1 - we're switching to outlook here at work, too.
Posted 16 years ago
cknights says:
Posted 16 years ago
rafaelserrano says:
Please, our organization a non profit foundation will use yor pro version if ther is outlook tasks conection. We are 10 personas. +10!!!Please!
Posted 16 years ago
humbertofarias says:
+10 for Outlook integration!@
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 - I would definitely pay for pro if there was Outlook support - it's what we use in the workplace, so I need interoperability!
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:

I stopped using RTM after a few days because this feature was missing. I would also be willing to go pro for this.
Posted 16 years ago
bashobuddha says:
Posted 16 years ago
aryeha says:
Posted 16 years ago
coasterguy53433 says:
Posted 16 years ago
coasterguy53433 says:
(I would totally pay $25 a year if you had Outlook sync)
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I love the web site, and the new iPhone app but sadly without the Outlook Sync, I'm afraid it's toodledoo all the way.

For this to be successful to me this would need to be a two way sync.
I.e. my boss sends me an email, I click in Outlook to convert it to a task and it uploads to RTM. I can worry about tagging, locations after.

Similarly at home I log onto RTM, add a task and it pops up in Outlook tommorow.

That would be manna from heaven.
Posted 16 years ago
g.evgrafov says:
I've started to develop a Windows application to synchronize Remember the Milk with Outlook. I've just started, so it's not really good working, but it's better then nothing. You can take a look here:

Please, leave your comments
Posted 16 years ago
dlinsalata says:
Another one hoping for Outlook sync. I've read tons about RTM, and I'm willing to go pro right away since I also have an iPhone...but without Outlook sync, I'm going to be holding off...
Posted 16 years ago
just_kelly says:
I would buy Pro the day you added Outlook. Not enough demand? Seriously? I'm not buying it! I WOULD buy RTM Pro if it had Outlook Sync though! Just saying... :-)
Posted 16 years ago
spl1974 says:
+1 outlook 2007
Posted 16 years ago
justinwyne says:
+1 for wanting an outlook 2007 RTM plugin
Posted 16 years ago
igori says:
+1 for Outlook Synch
Posted 16 years ago
wakatashi says:
Yup - sounds like you're missing a trick. You've got a golden opportunity to get your user base increased while the iPhone is not able to sync tasks with Outlook (even though it can do mail, contacts, and calendar). I use Outlook tasks heavily and would like to buy an iPhone. I thought RTM was what I needed, but no Outlook support. Hey ho. REAL SHAME, because your app looks really good in other respects.
Posted 16 years ago
lila.balla says:
pleassse pleaase listen to the voice of the people...

Yes We Can.....sync outlook to RTM
Posted 16 years ago
joel.fuchs says:
Several others at my work use RTM. None are paying customers. Why? Lack of Outlook support. Right now, I have set aside RTM and purchased Chapura KeyTasks so I can sync with Outlook. KeyTasks is hideous compared to the RTM iPhone app, but it gets the job done. RTM+ Outlook Sync + RTM iPhone would be far more elegant and quickly become the solution of choice for business iPhone users.
Posted 16 years ago
smulligan says:
Outlook sync is needed.
Posted 16 years ago
mkailley says:
we need outlook sync.... i would pay extra for it... alot more
Posted 16 years ago
jgirard says:
Agreed -- I would pay more for outlook sync
Posted 16 years ago
assafparag says:
+1 Outlook 2007
Posted 16 years ago
webdawg says:
i wouldnt pay more for it. you expect people to use the service. get the plugin. i hope my google search turns up something or i no longer use this service.
Posted 16 years ago
quiksilv7 says:
+1 Outlook 2007
Posted 16 years ago
richard.lawler says:
Outlook task sync. Pullleeez!!!
Posted 16 years ago
tomahawktim says:
I vote for Outlook sync!
Posted 16 years ago
mukau says:
Yes! I would definitely to sync this program with my Outlook. I use both programs at work and if they were combined, it would be amazing. So yeah, Outlook sync!!! :)
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Why this plug-in has not been released long time ago? Is there any technical problem with it? Everybody is waiting for it for more than a year and nothing has been done. Strange
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
One for vote - Outlook sync please!! Then I'll start using RTM. Thanks!
Posted 16 years ago
jaxelrod says:
Posted 16 years ago
mawi says:
This deserves a first.


We all hate the POS outlook. But there is no F***ING ALTERNATIVE on windoze. Why? Dunno. There is no task manager alternative. I would love to see tudumo but that project seems stalled too.

Reason for outlook? Everyone else syncs with outlook.

Maybe that is why you apparently choose not to do it? Seems like a plausible explanation. Sync with outlook and no more sync products. No, doesn't make sense.

I got nothing... Anyone else on WHY?
Posted 16 years ago
tomevans says:
I've been researching this problem myself - I can sync from my RTM to blackberry (with milksync availble with RTM pro) and visversa; but I would really like to sync my outlook tasks as well. I think I've a solution, but this relies on you syncing RTM with a smartphone first then you sync back to outlook.

The solution is to use funambol:
Details on setting up for a blackberry are at:
Looks pretty cool, but haven't tried it yet, as it looks complicated - I would only use it to sync tasks (already sync calender with the google tools, and don't want to sync contacts), but it has many other capabilities, including it would appear a virtual 'push-email' function which would be good for people without an enterprise account (like me!)

Cheers, Tom

PS let me know if you manage to do this.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 here - I've had to abandon RTM for the otherwise inferior Toodledo, because I wanted Outlook sync.

The suggestion that this feature is not much wanted is ridiculous; your 'research' might show there are few RTM users who want Outlook syncing, but that's probably because they've all abandoned RTM to find alternatives.
Posted 16 years ago
bdjohns1 says:
I was about to drop $25 on a Pro account when I came across this thread. RTM folks, congrats - your disregard for what is obviously an untapped market just cost you another customer. I just gave Toodledo some money instead. And, as I review their feature set, they don't really look all that inferior to me. RTM's got the "cool kids" halo since the Lifehacker staff love you, but Toodledo's actually set up for GTD.

The reality is that there are lots and lots and lots of folks who live in Outlook when they're on the job. I'm +1 to everyone else who's chimed in on this thread. Not being able to link into Outlook is a dealbreaker for me. Period. Full Stop. I want a single home for all of my to-do items (in and out of the office), and you can't get the "in the office" segment without Outlook.
Posted 16 years ago
pctuk says:
I'd love Outlook support too! You guys rock.
Posted 16 years ago
svengerritsen says:
IMPORTANT: Outlook sync needs to sync with the personal Exchange task list and not just connect to an additional list. This would be worthless.
Posted 16 years ago
adnan.behmen says:
Why don't you guys do small survey on need to Outlook? It would be good that you're more in-touch with your customers (I love your product BTW)......
Posted 16 years ago
caspy7 says:

Agreed about the survey.
Put it on the front page.
Posted 16 years ago
kent.moffat says:
I have to agree with bdjohns1. Toodledo's Outlook sync has me on the brink of leaving the RTM camp. Please reconsider the priority of this critical capability. T

he integration between Outlook tasks - Calendar - Email is too critical to my work life and I need to consolidate my personal & work task tracking for maximum efficiency.
Posted 16 years ago
jitubatra says:
I will have no option but to drop RTM even though I love it if there is no outlook sync by end of this year , i do not mind paying for outlook sync
Posted 16 years ago
lfusco says:
I have dropped RTM and gone over to Toodledo.

Toodledo may not look as clean as RTM but it has better features and syncs with Outlook. Sorry RTM but you have dropped the ball and seeing your non-response to the user request right here only hastened my decision to jump ship.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
all RTM need is sync tasks with outlook 2007 and it will be a hit. If possible RTM can spot some kind of reply or plans on it or dead line, if not Toodledo would be my choice to.
Posted 16 years ago
bdlyon says:
Gaaaaah! Add another one who would use RTM if it synced with Outlook. I saw a news release today that Google finally threw a beta Task List app into Gmail and i rushed to get it via gmail Lab settings. What a disappointment. No sync with calendar with Outlook and no reminders. What a letdown.
Why is getting a task list that syncs with Google and or Outlook being so overwhelmingly ignored?
I actually looked at the PRO section of RTM hoping that maybe Google or Outlook sync was part of the deal. I would gladly fork over the $25 a year if it synced with the google sync tool with Outlook. Sigh.........
Posted 16 years ago
gregoe says:
Pleasepleaseplease add me to the list of Outlook sync wanters! It's very much pushing me away from really getting into RTM!
Posted 16 years ago
raghuveer.v says:

YES ... RTM-Outlook sync will be a great addition.

Hats off to the RTM to what they have achieved already!
Posted 16 years ago
daraghfi says:
Posted 16 years ago
daraghfi says:
I like RTM, but Outlook sync is manditory in my book. Sorry, but I'm leaving for Toodledo
Posted 16 years ago
humbertofarias says:
Add me! +100!!
Posted 16 years ago
veljko says:
I did not need RTMOutlook until week ago when I started to use Outlook at my new job. And boy, I do miss sync...
Even looked at Toodledo, but it just miss few things I like with RTM and Google gadget is soooo ugly.
Please push priority for RTM-Outlook sync!
Posted 16 years ago
keis.nishi says:

I always use smartphone to manage my schedule, so I take pro account.
Firstly, I felt sync with pc to mobile is useful, but soon I noticed that this doesn't sync with outlook!

if I know it previously I didnt take the pro account.
But I really love RTM.

Hope RTM teams make a better considering about this issue.

Posted 16 years ago
ralphs says:
I'd really love some Outlook Sync. Not really because I love Outlook personally, but it's what's at the office :(
Posted 16 years ago
mrjohns2 says:
I also would love an outlook sync. It is the biggest thing missing.
Posted 16 years ago
jturow says:
Love RTM, love the iphone app, gmail and gears integration.

I think you've got to consider whether it makes sense your target audience is *really* unhooked from Outlook, or whether the low priority you've been getting is a function of who is most vocal.

Outlook/exchange remains overwhelmingly the PIM platform of choice for business users, and the client has all kinds of APIs that should make integration straightforward. Consider the penetration Xobni has seen from hooking into Outlook only.

Jon | jturow at [google mail] dot com
Posted 16 years ago
markstahler says:
I will not pay for this service ever unless there is an Outlook option. You ask $25 USD to sync with my BlackBerry without Outlook? Are you crazy?
Posted 16 years ago
froody8 says:
I find it amazing that no one has done Outlook task syncing in a graceful 1 step process.
Posted 16 years ago
mborsetti says:
Thanks all for the pointer to Toodledo (I got to this forum through a Google search)--without Outlook sync, this is a non-starter!
Posted 16 years ago
jnelsonw says:
Posted 16 years ago
ischilling says:
Well another year - and I don't think you can go on in saying: No big demand in Outlook sync.

The only reason I am not considering having our company using RTM is the missing Outlook sync.. Even though you have a small development team - a one person show - I do wonder why you resist earning money even from professionals who would consider to have their company with several douzend people using RTM ;o)
Posted 16 years ago
alex.apffel says:
I would really like to use RTM. A bunch of my coworkers have been debating between RTM and Toodledoo with iPhone compatibility. I really like the look and feel of RTM, but Toodledo may be the winner simply on the basis of Outlook integration (or lack thereof). Realistically, for the business user, Outlook integration is a must have feature. Please fix this.
Posted 16 years ago
bdlyon says:
Not much demand?!? I primarily use Outlook Tasks because task entry is so easy. It's downfall is that it is locked into one place, my PC. I would gladly pay the $25 price of admission to the RTM Pro version of there was a sync tool so that I could enter tasks either in Outlook or RTM and they would show up in both. If you are not convinced of the new business you would get with this feature, why not send an email to your entire registered user list asking who would be interested in Outlook sync if it was offered in the Pro version? See how many positive responses you get back and I'll bet it is a heavy percentage of all your registered users and it would cost you nothing other than the time it took to compose an email and send it out. Give me Outlook sync and I'll give you $25 for adding it!
Posted 16 years ago
renee.stephen says:
Thanks for the Toodledo pointer, I used to be a paying RTM customer but now that my subscription is up I'm going to move to Toodledo until RTM gets Outlook integration. Sorry, RTM!
Posted 16 years ago
laura.skosnik says:
I would be willing to pay a fee for Outlook integration and RTM. Instead, I am moving to Toodledo. Sad to leave RTM.
Posted 16 years ago
alicea says:
Add me and my $ for an Outlook integration with RTM,
Posted 16 years ago
keekstudio says:
Outlook syn is a must! J.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Outlook sync +1 even willing to pay for it
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Outlook sync is a must for me as well.... If RTM wants to keep me as a customer beyond my first paid year, this feature has to be a priority.... NOTE: I would like to see RTM work directly with GOOGLE to see if they can "partner"... I would like to see one robust to-do feature that will allow me to use outlook tasks as primary and sync with google (the same way I link my contacts and calendar)
Posted 16 years ago
jnievele says:
Posted 16 years ago
tinycube says:
I'd love to see Outlook integration as well. Really like RTM but may be forced to use another service that has this ability. We are moving to use CRM solutions within our company that makes heavy use of task assignments...Outlook integration is not a option for me any longer.

Please integrate!
Posted 16 years ago
alanwages says:
I've been long hoping for Outlook integration. I pretty much gave up RTM for Outlook (going to a website for tasks was an extra step), but I recently gave it another try for the iphone app. At the end of the trial I decided not to upgrade. I've never been that fond of the RTM web interface (small font, multiple clicks to select/edit tasks, no calendar dropdown on date field, etc.) - it just feels very cluttered and difficult to use - I've never gotten used to it.

So yesterday I spent about 15 minutes and $4 setting up a Toodledo account, installing it for iPhone, and installing the Outlook sync plugin. Fantastic, I encourage all to give it a try. It has google calendar integration, and the tasks interface on the toodledo website is much more intuitive.
Posted 16 years ago
jason.crews says:
I would probably upgrade for the integration too
Posted 16 years ago
wheresitworking says:
I have to think you guys have something against MS, or there is some business concern with adding an Outlook sync. There is obviously a demand for it, and you've built several other tools over the last couple years since this thread started.

Do you track how many visitors end their visits on this page?
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 on this.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I would pay double the pro price for Outlook Sync. This is the one remaining broken link for me.
Posted 16 years ago
tjgillies says:
Posted 16 years ago
david.ries says:
+5. my coworkers would all use RTM + iPhone if it synced with exchange/outlook tasks. I'm on the fence whether to upgrade to pro b/c of the lack of support for outlook/exchange sync.
Posted 16 years ago
andresmartin001 says:
please do it
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'll put in another vote for Outlook Sync. I don't like managing tasks on Outlook (the interface is horrible) but Outlook has become the de facto sync platform even for tasks. Palm and Blackberry sync to Outlook and the real pain for me right now is I would love to integrate Mindmanager tasks with RTM and the only sync they have is with Outlook. Plus I want to get a Palm Pre at some point!
Posted 16 years ago
panibundy says:
Another here
Posted 16 years ago
benster says:
I think Outlook sync should happen. One thing to point out is that some people are referencing Toodledo and their Outlook sync as if it's a feature of Toodledo. I have played with Toodledo a little and didn't like the interface as much as RTM. I just looked and it looks like their Outlook sync is something that someone else developed with their API. RTM has an API that could be used for this purpose, too. I'm not saying that it shouldn't happen but I don't think people can say that Toodledo created an Outlook synching app because, at least on the surface, it looks like they weren't the ones that did that. I've written a Windows app that lets me add tasks easily to RTM via the API but don't have time to work on something bigger like Outlook Synch.
Posted 16 years ago
peterozumurray says:
Dave Levinson at gSyncit has applied for an API key to do Outlook-RTM sync. See my post on this:
Posted 16 years ago
chefkoch667 says:
Posted 16 years ago
robert.guice says:
I just wanted to pop in to say that I'm an outlook user as well and wouldn't even consider using, much less paying for this service unless it had outlook support. Earlier you said there wasn't much demand for it, and most likely because its people like me who just leave as soon as they see it won't work with outlook tasks.

A little check box on google that you have to click on just to see your task isn't helpful at all to me as I would rather just add my tasks to my calendar for free which syncs to my outlook calendar.. But yea, if this thing could sync to my outlook task list like goosync does for calendar, that would be ideal and of value.
Posted 16 years ago
ericrg says:
Posted 15 years ago
dennisrice says:
I just jumped into RTM, feet first, yesterday. Synced it with GMail, GCal, and iGoogle. It is absolutely terrific, but I'm realizing that I can't get away from Outlook as much as I'd like, because of its use in my office (I already have that synced with GCal).

I'd pay for an RTM Outlook tool that could fill in the blank here.
Posted 15 years ago
tmchow says:
I already pay for RTM, but the thing that is preventing me from using it full scale is that it lacks Outlook integration.

I use Gmail for my personal mail and have an iPhone, so love the iPhone app. However, for my work email and all calendaring I use Outlook like countless numbers of other people out there.

When it a 2 way sync'ing of Outlook and RTM going to be in the works? I'd be completely happy with a desktop application that runs on my work PC to do the sync'ing. Just give me some sync'ing!
Posted 15 years ago
mcnape says:
It is really important to me for RTM to sync with my Outlook at work. This is the last puzzle peice in my personal productivity suite. With it, RTM would be even more invaluable.
Posted 15 years ago
xxdesmus says:
Gee, do you think you might have enough demand for Outlook syncing by now? You have this gigantic page of users (and many of them pro users) who are begging for this functionality.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
im a pro subscriber to RTM but use outlook religiously also, sync would be a god send. Hopefully sync comes before pro renewal otherwise i may not bother to renew because sync would be so crucial
Posted 15 years ago
websurfinmurf says:
DITTO! I need Outlook plugin. Just paid for Pro to sync with google calendar and iPhone application. Outlook last piece of puzzle to integrate my work.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Throw my name in the hat too. I use outlook at work and would find this very useful to sync my tasks.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I need it too!
Posted 15 years ago
graham.tapscott says:
I'd think it'd be pretty easy to build a webservice to catch output from an outlook plugin, it's almost an ideal scenario for a webservice.
Posted 15 years ago
chenyk says:
This main reason I have not go for 'pro' otherwise I won't hesitate. I have been looking for solution to get Outlook todo/tasks (sure calendar but a lot of solution out there now) for sometime now.. no luck :(

Posted 15 years ago
krissy says:
Hi all,

Outlook sync is definitely on the list for the developers. Sorry I can't give you any specifics as to possible implementation.
Posted 15 years ago
profboland says:
I need it too!
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Another longtime Outlook user here too, because of work. Once I got an iPhone I started to look outside Outlook and for my tasks I tried out RTM with the iPhone app. Gotta say, I loved it! Switched all of my tasks to RTM and enjoyed the free trial period.

As luck would have it, near the end of the trial period my GF's PDA broke. I've been trying to convince her to get an iPhone (or at least a Touch) but she's a bit of a technophobe. And one of her comments was that she needed to sync to Outlook - and she's not someone who will just move everything to RTM and be on her way like I did. So I started doing some research and found Toodledo. Tried it out today, and while I liked RTM more in a couple of small ways, being able to sync to Outlook just makes it so much nicer for me, being able to see my tasks easily (and create new ones) while I'm on work email. So add +2 to the people who will be using Toodledo (and the paid iPhone app) instead of RTM because of Outlook sync. Would have happily paid for the pro account if it could sync.
Posted 15 years ago
diego.katzman says:
Hi Krissy,
Please make this a high priority issue. As you can see this feat would make RTM much more appealing to a huge mass of users.
Thxs. Keep up the good work!
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
when will an outlook sync available ?
or shut i switch to tooledo ? there is an outlook sync
best regards
Posted 15 years ago
ckortenhorst says:
I want outlook sync please thank you.
Posted 15 years ago
navinomad says:
Yes please, I do need to sync with Outlook
Posted 15 years ago
nicola.ascari says:
another one adding to the list of outlook-rtm sync wishing

Posted 15 years ago
rchafei says:
Yes please, I need to sync with Outlook ... Add me to the list
Posted 15 years ago
jasonweaver says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
arosa says:
i've never posted on the forums, somewhat new to rtm, but just want to say a sync with outlook would be fantastic, even if it was just a way for my rtm Work list to sync over to Outlook tasks so my boss can easily keep up-to-date with my projects/tasks. i wouldn't even care if i couldn't update rtm tasks in outlook since i keep rtm open pretty much all day at work anyway. love rtm though, keep up the good work.
Posted 15 years ago
nickwild1 says:
please please please... pretty please
Posted 15 years ago
kevinwcheng says:
Posted 15 years ago
w.jachowski says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 and some :O)
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
gael.lepetit says:
It's THE missing feature for nearly all GTD online task manager.
Posted 15 years ago
phants says:
+1!!! This really is the only thing I can fault with the service. Unfortunately, for my workflow, it's a pretty big fault! :( (otherwise, the service is awesome)
Posted 15 years ago
bfauvel says:
Posted 15 years ago
bonkers says:
Okay, Ih think it would be okay to close this Thread now. There are plenty of people who really would enjoy syncing RTM with putlook. Yet there ist a major Problem, which has not yet been articulated, which makes it impossible for RTM to provide such a tool... at least for the regular user:

IF you can Sync RTM and Outlook, MilkSync would be rather useless. As MilkSync is a major part of the "Pro" - account, I do not expect there to be a solution for regular users.

Yet I guess the number of Pro would rise if such a tool was provided.
Posted 15 years ago
wesley.moore says:
Hi, I'm just starting to use RTM and really like the product. Like many other posters I' love to be able to sync with outlook 2007. I'd be happy to pay a premium this.
Posted 15 years ago
michael.anastasi says:
Posted 15 years ago
dgalushka says:
Posted 15 years ago
bartlett says:
i can't believe the 'lack' of demand for this sync, this isn't the responsive rtm we know and love.
Posted 15 years ago
akshay.muralidhar says:
Posted 15 years ago
christiancramer says:
I need this feature also. please keep on working on it.
Posted 15 years ago
rich.jackman says:
RTM to outlook at least one way would help. Lists mapped to categories.

For the full 2way sync - $40 -I'm saying I'd pay $40 for that integration.

Posted 15 years ago
moutahir says:
Please develop an Outlook RTM 2way Sync ... there is a demand
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
The new version of reQall has had a "big" makeover, and has some features I wish we saw with RTM. The obvious one we all want to see is:

Outlook sync - reQall have produced a fantastic little plugin for outlook that seamlessly syncs my reQall tasks to/from Outlook every 10 mins. And it works. Perfectly. They've made it look so easy, I just wish wish wish RTM could produce something similar.

I've got a 45-day free trial of reQall pro account which includes this outlook syncronisation. I just hope within that timeframe I see some evidence that I can expect something similar from RTM soon, or I may just have to consider reQall as an alternative. I hope it doesn't come to this, as I love the simplicity of RTM, both the webapp and the iPhone app.

Please guys, show us some evidence that you're not dying on us here.
Posted 15 years ago
lyashok says:
Posted 15 years ago
jedison says:
Posted 15 years ago
ralphs says:
Hoping again for Outlook sync.
Posted 15 years ago
guillaume.goret says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
gvpadilha says:
I would love to be able to sync the tasks to/from Outlook at office... And wouldnt mind upgrade to Pro.
Posted 15 years ago
david.cornish says:
I'll probably make no difference, as it's now 2 years worth of requests and no RTM response, but here's my +1

I'd happily pay the $25, but meanwhile, I'll check out Toodledo as suggested by others...
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
unbelievable. 2 years and not a single response? I was logging in literally to buy the pro version for the windows mobile support, and now I find there is no outlook sync?

I am amazed at how many potential customers just like me have said screw it. thanks for pointing me to toodledo and reqall! i guess they'll be getting my money instead!
Posted 15 years ago
e.olson says:
I'm a Pro user.

I love the iPhone app, but my problem is that I spend 50% of my time remote on my iPhone and 50% working with outlook. Integration with Outlook tasks would make me more interested in renewing. I'll be looking for other solutions until this is implemented. Outlook is not going away, but if I find something that has similar functionality to RTM, an iPhone App and Outlook integration, I'll move to it.

Again, I love RTM, but Outlook is the tool many business users are REQUIRED to use -- not RTM. Please acknowledge this and augment this great product.

Posted 15 years ago
brianwilson71 says:
Posted 15 years ago
zheng.oliver says:
i have to use outlook in my company, rememberthemilk is good but i have to choose one as my primary gtd tools
soo many methods to remind me is the best of rememberthemilk but without sync to outlook, i feel the most important things in the office is out of your service. it's most advantange for you to get that point.
Posted 15 years ago
peterozumurray says:
What is most puzzling about RTM's foot-dragging on Outlook sync is that they have at least one outstanding application from a solid developer to develop Outlook task sync for them: Dave Levinson at gSyncit (you can search the forums for related posts).

gSyncit syncs everything else on Outlook with Google, and given RTM's deep integration with Gcal and Gmail, this would amount to one syncer to sync them all.

Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 -- I upped to Pro last August to support RTM and try BlackBerry sync. However, I won't renew as I can't use any service that doesn't augment my productivity at work. For me that means Outlook synchronization. The features and BB sync are good, but I just can't use them at work, and that's a deal breaker.
Posted 15 years ago
andy.sanders says:
+1 for outlook integration.

Posted 15 years ago
jnievele says:
Just a quick pointer - there WERE/ARE people working on 3rd party solutions - pity they don't get support from RTM:
Posted 15 years ago
letto says:
+1 To outlook sync. We really need it :(
Posted 15 years ago
ianwild says:
Yes, having just been forced off Gmail in my new job, I really NEED Outlook Sync to be able to continue to use RTM as my primary task management tool.

Please please please guys, make it so.

Posted 15 years ago
martin.jamieson says:
I haven't read the whole thread obviously, but just in case there is still any doubt as to whether this is a highly requested mod, I'll add my +1 to it too... the corporate world uses outlook, it's either sync to it or combine things manually... as soon as there is a good solution that does it all, I know plenty of people who will jump to it.
Posted 15 years ago
pinandstutter says:
+1 looking to go pro if Outlook syncing is added. Here's hoping!
Posted 15 years ago
jesse.adkins says:
+1 to buying a pro account if outlook sync was included

Posted 15 years ago
auds3568 says:
would LOVE LOVE outlook sync!
Posted 15 years ago
treehead says:
Yet another endorsement for sync between RTM and Outlook --preferably Outlook 2007 since 2003 is going the way of the dinosaur soon.

Unfortunately, many of us work jobs wherein we are forced to use this crappy software (MS Outlook) and it would immensely beneficial to be able to keep tasks synchronized.

In the way of features, perhaps only tasks tagged "Outlook" would be sync-ed.

+1 to buying a Pro account if Outlook Sync was included.
Posted 15 years ago
stornes says:
+1 ;)
Posted 15 years ago
bryantms says:
I'd like some Outlook sync for sure!
Posted 15 years ago
sbrookswest says:
I'm no longer going to use RTM anymore because of the inability to sync with Outlook, and of course I won't be renewing my pro account next year unless a change is made. As others have said, many of us use Outlook because we're required to at work, I'd say most people are. RTM's statement that there's not much demand is not credible; there must be some other reason for not syncing with Outlook. Best of luck to everybody.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'd like some Outlook sync for sure, too!
Posted 15 years ago
sandervd says:
Posted 15 years ago
janet76g says:
Posted 15 years ago
anthony.coletti says:
I'm using the Windows Mobile syc tool, but there are some issues. While it does help sync between Outlook and RTM, it does not sync my Outlook tags. Tags are critical! I would rather have tags synced rather than Lists. RTM Mobile Sync treats Lists as an Outlook tag. I can uses tags to make smart lists, and then I can make projects list using tags and smart lists. But none of the many tags I use in Outlook/Windows Mobile are being used by RTM Mobile Sync. Sync adds new tags to my Outlook tasks for each list, but ignores my existing tags that are critical for my task management using Outlook and Windows Mobile. So I'm not using RTM as much as I'd really like to.
Posted 15 years ago
carsten.meyer says:
Posted 15 years ago
jkarun says:
Posted 15 years ago
martin.frank says:
Posted 15 years ago
arielm says:
i need to use outlook at work and would love a sync with rtm now that I am learning GTD.

Posted 15 years ago
pauldz says:
I too am obligated to use Outlook and would love a way to sync it with RTM...great stuff. I can do that a little trhough blackberry sync andthen syncing my BB with outlook. It works but it is a bit more work than I want. Love to have a sync program that would do all of that without stress. You folks at RTM are amazing...Much breighter than I am on programing.

Thanks for your hard work.
Posted 15 years ago
randomilk says:
Posted 15 years ago
jmlebeau says:
Wow, I was looking at the first post (Jan 2007) and I thought that, 2 years+ later, this should be fixed as well. However, I see myself pretty surprised to see that the function hasn't been implemented yet! This function seems mandatory to me for such system, this function has to be implemented asap. I thought on moving all my business to RTM but I'm sad to see that I'll have to find another solution.
Posted 15 years ago
bay879 says:
+1 for Outlook Sync
Posted 15 years ago
pauljhodgson says:
+1 for Outlook sync
Posted 15 years ago
jaypinara says:
+1 for Outlook sync
Posted 15 years ago
andsko says:
Pls let there me be able to sync outlook and RTM 2 ways!!!!!!!
Posted 15 years ago
cichy says:
+ 1 for Outlook sync
Posted 15 years ago
bates.jack says:
so...this looks like a long list of requests for this feature
Posted 15 years ago
lclaycomb says:
I used to be a PRO member, but not until I get Outlook to work with RTM. HURRY
Posted 15 years ago
astute.learning says:
Please +1
Posted 15 years ago
yoav.dror says:
+1 vote!

Posted 15 years ago
gael.lepetit says:
Posted 15 years ago
christoph.enderli says:
+ 1 for Outlook sync
Posted 15 years ago
wistex says:
Maybe you don't get a ton of requests because most Outlook users look at the features list, see that it does not support Outlook, and move on and never look at your service again. People using your service don't demand Outlook because they didn't need it. If they needed it, they would not have signed up with your service. In other words, you are asking the wrong people. Non-Outlook people would not demand Outlook support, while Outlook people simply would not subscribe to your service, making it harder to ask them if they want it.

Remember the Milk looks great, but it is pretty much useless to me unless it syncs with one of the following:

Outlook 2007
Achieve Planner
Windows Mobile*
Pocket Informant

All of which sync together:

Tasks: Achieve Planner + Outlook 2007 + Windows Mobile + Pocket Informant

Calendar: G1 + Google Calendar + Outlook 2007 + Windows Mobile + Pocket Informant

(*Syncing RTM with Windows Mobile must not interfere with Windows Mobile syncing with Outlook 2007. Not sure if your MilkSync can do this, because it is not mentioned anywhere on your site that I can find.)

Fitting in Remember the Milk so that I can see my tasks on my G1 phone and in Gmail would be nice.
Posted 15 years ago
holograffiti says:
+1 for Outlook Sync

Considering switching to another app, because I need to see the clear time-line for my projects and can't do this with RTM. Syncing with outlook would solve this problem for me.
Posted 15 years ago
thierry.stelmaszyk says:
+1 for Outlook Sync
Posted 15 years ago
codyg1985 says:
Posted 15 years ago
christopher.sawyer says:
I've coded Outlook plugins before and there's two C# wrappers for RTM... it might not be so difficult for me to do this on my own. Does RTM assign unique ID's to tasks?

Outlook's internal object store has metadata fields on its own data objects where you can stuff character data in there. That's about all that's required to do a 2-way sync between Outlook and RTM
Posted 15 years ago
bbailey51 says:
Agreed. I love RTM, but I just can't seem to use it for more that an online AP. Occasionally I can use Dial2Do or event the Google calendar ad-on But since everyone else in my office is on Outlook and thus blackberry....I have to use outlook so they can interact with my calendar better.

+1 for Outlook sync
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
gcaley says:
+1 here as well. Am using the trial version at the moment, but would get pro if Outlook support added.
Posted 15 years ago
suzuki.yuto says:
+1 I should use another Online service. but as you know, I love to use RTM.
Posted 15 years ago
deelenn says:
+1 for outlook sync
Posted 15 years ago
ethicalsean says:

I'd go Pro for it.
Posted 15 years ago
fallon225 says:
I would really like to see a sync with Outlook also. My husband and I both use Outlook, and it'd be really nice to sync with each other using RTM.
Posted 15 years ago
terbeest says:
I just switched to iPhone from Windows Mobile and now I'm screwed cause there's no direct sync from Outlook... had to rely on WM to RTM to do the syncing... .damn.
Posted 15 years ago says:
Another +1 from an otherwise happy rtm user
Posted 15 years ago
laohu says:
For those of you having a blackberry: you can sync yout tasks with outlook by installing the blackberry sync app. Task on RTM > Sync to BB > BB syncs with outlook (and vice versa)
Posted 15 years ago says:
Posted 15 years ago
greg.lamb says:
Posted 15 years ago
ton.bil says:
Posted 15 years ago
tkspann says:
+1 I am a pro user, but will let my account expire in a couple of weeks because I cannot sync tasks with Outlook 2007.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I've just been playing with Active Words which has awesome integration with Outlook tasks that can just bring up tasks in a specific category just like that. It's so cool. Once again especially since google gears keeps breaking RTM, it would be great to having sync with outlook tasks so that we could have desktop (non-web access) to RTM.
Posted 15 years ago
boris.thomas says:
+1 waiting for it soooooooooooooooooooo long - is there any chance to get an outlook sync? Couldn't be so complicate!??

P.S. Or is it a duke nukem forever project :))
Posted 15 years ago
kempec says:
+1 We are six more here... so it's +7
Posted 15 years ago
timothyadam says:
Posted 15 years ago
smulligan says:
Outlook Separation Anxiety Holds Back Google Apps

This article, more than anything, shows the force that Microsoft Outlook is. Even Google is bending to satisfy Outlook users.
Posted 15 years ago
shane.conway says:
Posted 15 years ago
jon.mulligan says:
Me 2
Posted 15 years ago
matt.mcelroy says:
I want a sync...!
Posted 15 years ago
mloranger says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1, I'd go pro for it def

I can't sync hardly anything with RTM and Outlook 07. It won't pickup tasks at all and completed events don't even show up.
Posted 15 years ago
stopbox says:
Posted 15 years ago
nicolas.noblet says:
Posted 15 years ago
semantik0 says:
+1 for outlook sync... I've wanted to start using RTM, especially now that's it's on the iPhone, but it's to difficult to keep track of tasks both on my phone and Outlook... for now, I'm sticking only with outlook.
Posted 15 years ago
jay.perry says:
Posted 15 years ago
vanlindholm says:
Posted 15 years ago
robzyc says:
Just to get my 10 bits in..

I came here after publishing this: - I came across Google Sync and it has made my life SO MUCH EASIER!

+10 from me for this feature. Why have something out of band when you can get it right in the box?

Also, most other business-based smartphones have native Exchange support anyway, so it's not like you are only going to be helping out the WinMo community?
Posted 15 years ago
keith.schmader says:
+1 please this would be so helpful... especially if the task lists in RTM could be synced to different task lists in outlook, I'd pay for the app.
Posted 15 years ago
kabir.seth says:
Posted 15 years ago
tarpy says:
I definitely would like to see an outlook sync

Posted 15 years ago
claudmar says:
+1 for Outlook sync
Posted 15 years ago
savione says:
Posted 15 years ago
jknoxiii says:
I would also appreciate a feature like this. I tried syncing RTM to my google calendar (which is synced to Outlook 2007), but unfortunately the syncs aren't transitive. Syncing to iCalender works somewhat, but it doesn't sync the task list which is what i would find most useful.

It would be very nice to be able to have access to my tasks in each of the applications I use without redundant duplication (i.e. manually entering and clearing tasks in each)
Posted 15 years ago
snom says:

I use Microsoft OneNote a lot, it can sync with Outlook for Task, so if I can sync Outlook with RTM, then it will be a total solution for task management.
Posted 15 years ago
cdoman says:
+1 outlook sync.
Posted 15 years ago
bill.kunkel says:
+1 Outlook 2007 Sync! that would be the bomb!

Posted 15 years ago
blakshmikanth says:
+1 for Outlook 2007 Sync
Posted 15 years ago
razorz says:
Posted 15 years ago
jenniferrtm says:
maybe you just arent getting the people signing up to RTM who need Outlook Sync. I signed up to RTM a year ago and never used it. I'm very reliant on outlook. I just came back to see if you'd moved it forward because I so want better task management than outlook has. but I can't ditch outlook and I can't work in 2 environments.

Perhaps investigate how much you could grow your user base with OL sync, rather than only looking at current users.
Posted 15 years ago
arno.nel says:
not sure how many more people need to post +1 on here before RTM takes notice.

cmon now!
Posted 15 years ago
amahr says:
Posted 15 years ago
gbeaudry says:
Posted 15 years ago
cubana2004 says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
medschoolbuddy says:
Posted 15 years ago
mzehrer says:
Posted 15 years ago
gaela.bru says:
+1, because of onenote, too
Posted 15 years ago
poldaker says:
You have an opportunity with EverMilk which will sync Outlook and RTM.

But if you don't want to take advantage of it then continue with your plus 1's.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
qtchic86 says:
Looks like raimersoft is some sort of paid music app, so have no idea what that guy's talking about....

BUT here's a good solution:
Thunderbird is a very viable replacement for Outlook, so if you're willing to give it a shot download it here:

and there's a rememberthemilk add-on for thunderbird here:

and +1 for the outlook sync! but hopefully this post helps others in the meantime :)
Posted 15 years ago
poldaker says:
I have no idea what you (qthic86) are talking about.

The raimersoft site is used to to host the download as I happen to own it but the application is totally free.
If it gets past the beta stage then I'm sure it will have it's own website
or at least a page:).

The application was developed in my spare time to try and solve some of the problems that I was having and as nothing has happened after 2 years I thought I would do something.

If you don't want to test it then no problem but I just thought I would put it out there in case anyone finds it useful.

Also I think you are missing the point - it's not about changing to a different email client (though I'm sure some people would like to) it's about trying to find something that syncs with Outlook and is easy to use.

Evermilk just needs some testing and it could be a viable solution
at least until RTM create their own but who knows when that will be...
Posted 15 years ago
oknow says:
Posted 15 years ago
ray.gauthier says:
kudos to poldaker for trying.

The Help instructions for getting started probably need some work - I tried a couple of times and finally "got" it.

I bombed at the Evernote Login with an "Exception of the type 'Evernote.EDAM.Error.EDAMUserException' was thrown"

So still doesn't look like it's quite ready for beta. but you deserve accolades for trying.

PS: to RTM (+1)

Posted 15 years ago
ray.gauthier says:
I may have been a bit harsh on poldaker. The Outlook Sync functionality is pretty slick. Worth trying.
Posted 15 years ago
mgfreshour says:
+1 , I actually prefer google apps, but my workplace _forces_ outlook.. :(
Posted 15 years ago
qtchic86 says:
@ poldaker... sorry if i jumped to conclusions there. i am just very wary of downloading and installing any .exe file if I'm unfamiliar with the website or company providing it... so before going straight to your link i thought i'd check out the main site and see what it's about. appeared to be a music app demo, so i assumed it was some sort of ad scheme linked into the software; if i'm wrong about that im sorry.

you might consider uploading the file to cnet or something similar so as not to confuse the raimsersoft with your app. cnet's also scanned for viruses so people should feel more secure downloading from there.

Good luck with the app!
Posted 15 years ago
poldaker says:
It was a beta that needed testing and as I said if it had been released
I would have created a website for it.

And really the outlook sync was the only thing causing problems.

Anyway it doesn't really matter now as it's no longer available.

Without people willing to test it or give feedback it's impossible to continue development.

So back to RTM and let's see what they come up with.
Posted 15 years ago
karl.jensen says:
Posted 15 years ago
funkyidol says:
another vote for outlook sync
Posted 15 years ago
transys says:
Posted 15 years ago
blochhead says:
Posted 15 years ago
samlodise says:
+1 Outlook sync is the missing link for me to start moving over to web apps only. Its nice to be elitist and demand that your users have the same very specific passion for webapps as you do. But the reality is you have to unplug us from the Man, or in this case Microsoft. Your going to do that by slowly weening us off of outlook.

Truth is that I know tons of users that would love RTM, if it integrated with the software that they are forced to use at work.
Posted 15 years ago
ricky.gallagher says:
Posted 15 years ago
brunomonix says:
I don't understand how there isn't a outlook sync tool.

I don't use RTM only because it misses this feature!

This is mandatory, you need to have this sync!
Posted 15 years ago
daniel.selnick says:
+1 here also!

I've realized lately that desktop software will be and always shall be > web app software.
Posted 15 years ago
economonster says:
+1 too :P
Posted 15 years ago
alessandro.martins says:
Hey RTM, my second vote! :-)
Posted 15 years ago
mattrix007 says:
I want some kind of Outlook sync, too. I use an ipod touch with the pro app and am mostly happy with it (wish I could change the font size, though) ... but have no way to sync it while at work. (No Wifi).

Posted 15 years ago
codyg1985 says:
+1 for Outlook sync
Posted 15 years ago
mjboese says:
*sigh* My PhD program has us using TWO outlook accounts--one Outlook Live (w/ large storage) and one on a local exchange server (small storage but contacts include faculty and distribution lists). So I am trying to get as much of my stuff to interoperate with Evolution (home, Ubuntu) and Outlook 2007 (campus, XP) as possible. I end up w/ too many browser tabs and they all look alike! Having RTM sync w/ Outlook/Evolution would help a lot.
Posted 15 years ago
edwagner says:
Wow, threads been open since 1/9/07. Any updates on syncing with Outlook????
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Come on, it's almost October...
Posted 15 years ago
paulrs says:
It´s serious people... With this option (outlook sync), you certanly would gather a huge number of users. Without it, you´re loosing audience. And the RTM is the best online GTD ever developed.
Posted 15 years ago
nkirsch says:
+3 Outlook sync. That's the only feature that's preventing me from getting two of my co-workers to move to RTM.
Posted 15 years ago
saido7 says:
we're waiting :) ......
Posted 15 years ago
shurafa says:
Outlook Sync is the "Killer App" for RTM. I cant even consider the app without it. +1000000
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Why, why.... Please... Outlook !!!!!
Posted 15 years ago
amirmasoudabdol says:
Posted 15 years ago
amirmasoudabdol says:
I found 241, "+1" in this topic, Come On RTM!
Posted 15 years ago
phearinc says:
+1! I'd love to have RTM integrate better with my task list on my WinMo phone
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 I can't believe RTM is not on board with Outlook. PLEASE!!!?!?!?!
Posted 15 years ago
davidjduran says:
Posted 15 years ago
jperdue says:
Posted 15 years ago
dakaiman says:
Posted 15 years ago
rilee says:
Posted 15 years ago
adriantate says:
i think i'm just add to the obvious here, but outlook sync has got to happen to make this really work.
Posted 15 years ago
wedwards55 says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
jawsthemeswimming428 says:
Posted 15 years ago
levine770 says:
i'm in favor of an Outlook sync.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
trees says:
Much needed.
Posted 15 years ago
carsten.meyer says:
Posted 15 years ago
lapistolera says:
Posted 15 years ago
outka5t says:
+1 for sure. Tried so many products to sync up my iphone, mac and outlook. None of them work properly.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
mantl says:
Me too. I'm going crazy looking for a solution
Posted 15 years ago
rykmann says:
Posted 15 years ago
spirituallyinsane says:
Outlook synchronization would be fantastic. I have a work task list that I'd love to be able to manage from RTM when I'm not in the office. It would completely integrate my task lists.
Posted 15 years ago
rbjones says:
Posted 15 years ago
michoelchaim says:
Posted 15 years ago
bradley.jvr says:
Posted 15 years ago
mfritzin says:
Posted 15 years ago
derekaldridge says:
Posted 15 years ago
sven.luyten says:
+1 definately!!
Posted 15 years ago
schwabse says:
+1 the biggest disadvantage of rtm... no outlook integration....
Posted 15 years ago
pedrodude says:
Posted 15 years ago
grasgaute says:
Posted 15 years ago
coryenielsen says:
me too
Posted 15 years ago
trebacz says:
Posted 15 years ago
taknight4 says:
Posted 15 years ago
fabien.801 says:
Posted 15 years ago
mcardletl says:

Outlook or Exchange server integration would be welcome, especially as Chapura is discontinuing their service. They always had good Palm products, but alas - the Palm is going the way of the Dodo and the Newton. I still have a couple of Palm OS Sony Clies...
Posted 15 years ago
leah.shalom Power Poster says:
See the Tip and Trick with a macro to send an outlook item to RTM -
Posted 15 years ago
dftranslink says:
Posted 15 years ago
bradsparkes says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 :-)
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 pls i need an outlook sync with RTM,,,,
Posted 15 years ago
friedov says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I will have an alpha version of an outlook sync available later this week. If you have an interest in BETA TESTING this application, please let me know at the following email address: veronica dot vandyke at gmail dot com.

It is an Outlook Add In that has only been tested in Outlook 2007 (although it may work in 2003.)

Please note: I am only interested in REAL beta testers. I need people to log bugs, what they were doing, etc. I will NOT be sending source code, only the finished app and will be posting updates and bug fixes as often as possible. (I work a real full-time job, too.) You will be expected to use an online bug tracking software to log any issues that you may have.

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility (since this is an Alpha release) for any screwups to either your RTM tasks or your Outlook tasks. Also, since I am using a non-commercial API, I am going to limit the # of beta testers. THIS WILL BE BUGGY. IF YOU AREN'T INTERESTED IN HELPING TO DEBUG THE APPLICATION, PLEASE DON'T CONTACT ME.
Posted 15 years ago
jdshkolnik says:
Outlook is the center of my organized life. Anything unable to integrate with Outlook/Exchange is useless to me which is a real shame because I need something better for task management.
Posted 15 years ago
wheretheskygrows says:
What I'm trying to do is get my RTM stuff on my iPod (not an itouch). In order to do this, I need the Outlook sync. I use the Google Calendar sync to pull into Outlook then onto the iPod, but it only transfers my main Google calendar - not the tasks that come from my RTM calendar.

So that's why I need the Outlook Sync -- unless someone else had an idea for how I can get my RTM stuff on my Ipod.
Posted 15 years ago
peppn says:
Another vote for Outlook synch support!

Cant wait.
kind regards Michael
Posted 15 years ago
wistex says:
I soooooo desperately want to use Remember the Milk but alas it cannot sync with my Outlook and Achieve Planner, and therefore I am lost.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Definitely would go Pro for my Droid, this is the missing piece!!
Some sort of reply to all the hordes asking for this would be nice. :-)
Posted 15 years ago
deelenn says:

I would be happy to beta test your software.

Posted 15 years ago
splendidus says:
Outlook integration is a must I think. Not having it is like saying: "We don't care about the corporate clients". And trust me there is A LOT of them around. Web 2.0 and all the hype is great, but the real money still IS in the corp sector ;)
Posted 15 years ago
gerfo says:
Another vote for Outlook synch support!
I just took a pro account on RTM, now i desperatly need something to sync my task from outlook....
Posted 15 years ago
bdcook says:
Another vote for sync. I was looking at pro/iphone RTM app but I work in an enterprise environment. Without the ability to sync tasks I would be relegated to a lot of double entries (if I wanted RTM to be complete).

Given the pure volume of tasks, that is not practical for me.

If there were an outlook sync option (outlook 2003), I'd be sold in a second.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
at the end of the year going thru my ToDo Lists in Outlook I find a note to check if sync with RTM was available. Seems the demand is there. Book me in for beta testing :-)
Posted 15 years ago
njsmyth says:
One of the reasons RTM is not seeing the demand for Outlook sync is because people who are using Outlook don't adopt RTM because there is no Outlook Sync option available. So you're getting a distorted sampling of opinion. I've repeatedly considered using RTM (and I would upgrade to pro), but the lack of an option to sync with Outlook is what has stopped me. I finally found a solution to sync my Ipod Touch with Outlook (using KeyTasks), and using Jott as my online "to do" (Jott syncs with Outlook and has an interface with RTM).

Like Chris, I'm no fan of Outlook or Microsoft, but it's the app standard at my job. I don't like using separate apps for work/home lists--I want my organization system to be integrated.

Now I have a Droid and I'm back to the same dilemma--finding an app that works on my Droid and syncs online and with Outlook. I've found myself considering RTM yet again. If RTM had an Outlook Sync option I'd sign up to be a RTM pro customer in a heart beat, AND I would be spreading the word. That would me a new, expanded user base for RTM.
Posted 15 years ago
david.monroe says:
I don't know if you guy have heard of this idea, but I think syncing with Outlook might have a market that pays. ;-)
Posted 15 years ago
rdhanson says:
What? No Outlook sync? Gotta have, if you are going to sell to many of us.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 for outlook
Posted 15 years ago
jgreyling says:
I second that
Posted 15 years ago
leah.shalom Power Poster says:
I create RTM tasks from outlook using a script created by jaap.kramer - see the discussion at
Posted 15 years ago
idean says:

RTM w/Outlook Sync == Pro Membership
RTM w/o Outllok Sync == Wish I were there, but I just can't use it.
Posted 15 years ago
lamontprice says:
It's a simple problem. Most techies no longer use Microsoft products but most jobs still use it. So what we need is to have RTM sync with our phone, gmail, and Outlook (2003 or 2007) easily.

That Remote Calendar plugin is a bear and after two days of struggling to get it to work, I gave up.
Posted 15 years ago
pjvandesande says:
Posted 15 years ago
wessel.mutsaerts says:
Posted 15 years ago
aviscich says:
+1 for Outlook.

I really do not understand why RTM does not have an Outlook sync. Especially now with all of these Android phones hitting the market...

I promise you, me and my friends would all sign up for a Pro membership if you adopted this feature.
Posted 15 years ago
blackdots says:
+1 for Outlook Sync
Posted 15 years ago
davidhaysom says:
+1 for outlook.

Come on guys. This is possible. Why are you really not implementing this.
Posted 15 years ago
fx4 says:
Absolutely want to sync with outlook.
Posted 15 years ago
helleson says:
+1 for Outlook Sync

You sync outlook with gmail and I will become a pro member. Let me give you my money!!!! SYNC OUTLOOK AND GMAIL
Posted 15 years ago
yaraman says:
+1 for Outlook Sync. Essential requirement.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
RTM has to implement Outlook sync!
Posted 15 years ago
thomastr says:
+1 for Outlook Sync
Posted 15 years ago
dkutz says:

RTM team - the noise on this topic is deafening, any response?
Posted 15 years ago
stefan.sack says:
RTM, I just installed iphone and it will (most likely) bring me and my spouse to pro...
However: if I need to fiddle around with two todo lists (Outlook - work and RTM - private), well....

So, pls pls pls.

I know, syncing Outlook tasks is a bit cumbersome, but I would be happy (as a first try) with a WiFi-solution like from Appigo Sync/Todo. You can see: OTHERS have started. Pls keep staying at the edge of the programs!
Posted 15 years ago
sszretter says:
+1 for outlook tasks
this is really key, I am using mindjet outlook google calendar
and outlook RTM would be perfect!
Posted 14 years ago
kuedekafi says:
+1 for Outlook Sync
Posted 14 years ago
lesage says:
I need outlook sync. is there a workaround?
Posted 14 years ago
denis.lafont says:
Posted 14 years ago
douglasghavlik says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
davidpodhola says:

it seems that there is still the requirement for Remember The Milk Outlook Synchronization. I have just started to develop Outlook Synchronization with other software, but might use that to create the synchronization with Remember The Milk.

To understand better if I should do that, I have created a form at

If you think it is worth that, please let me know by filling the form


Posted 14 years ago
andrewlwood says:
Posted 14 years ago
piotr.zielniok says:
Posted 14 years ago
doncoryon says:
Posted 14 years ago
gramki says:
Posted 14 years ago
chrisweis says:
Posted 14 years ago
dorian.iten says:
Posted 14 years ago
ectony says:
Posted 14 years ago
mwheat says:
I dont really know how much I need synchronization, but I would love to create RTM tasks from the inbox. Most of the work things that I get come from email request. This would be incredible for me.
Posted 14 years ago
m.a.harradine says:
Posted 14 years ago
runner42km says:
Add my vote. Remember the milk is part of my life but Outlook too. I love them both, please marry each other and synch :)
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
wittwerch says:
Posted 14 years ago
jaimythornton says:
Posted 14 years ago
rohema says:
+1 for outlook
Posted 14 years ago
chrismcmahon says:
+1 for outlook
Posted 14 years ago
tgandur says:
+ for outlook
Posted 14 years ago
deverette says:
+1 for Outlook, please!
Posted 14 years ago
thorneal says:
Defiantly need a sync to outlook solution
Posted 14 years ago
richard.edgington says:
+1 for outlook integration. I'm probably going to get the pro version anyway, but outlook integration would make it a no brainer.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 and I have pro (but what's the diff if it doesn't help me sync to corporate outlook)
Posted 14 years ago
supahrob says:
+1 for me. I am looking for a way to sync tasks between my Outlook and my Droid.... this would be a nice solution.
Posted 14 years ago
apgordon says:
+1 -- I bit the bullet recently and just started using Outlook's Tasks feature. It's search capabilities and custom lists pale in comparison to RTM, but I love being able to just drag my emails in and add them to the calendar.

If there were a plugin or whatever to use RTM in Outlook, I'd be all over that.
Posted 14 years ago
jamesc says:
+1 to this!!
Posted 14 years ago
davidpodhola says:
Just to update you - during past about 6 weeks I have been able to get to working beta of Outlook synchronization. If you do not mind beta software and have Outlook 2007, you may download it from . I use it every day as well as the other beta users.

I expect to have the full version in few weeks.
Posted 14 years ago
andrew.gross says:
+1 for outlook.
Posted 14 years ago
fredrik.wiberg says:
+1 for me!
Posted 14 years ago
xplod says:
+1 for me.

I use astrid with my android mobile phone, and I would like to get all my tasks to my windows pc (outlook 2007)

With outlook support, I would gladly tell my friends about RTM...

Best regards,
Posted 14 years ago
hlaubscher says:
+1 Would be my Utopia!

Gmail, Outlook, Mobile
Offline or online!
Awesome awesome awesome!
Posted 14 years ago
hidori says:
+1 for me.
Posted 14 years ago
percino says:
+1 for Outlook sync, that´s essential!
Posted 14 years ago says:
Posted 14 years ago
ekhong says:
+ 1 looking forward to seeing outlook sync being made available
Posted 14 years ago
tobba says:
+1. I really need this!

We have Outlook over Exchange at work (or whatever the techies call it) so I get mail and contacts and stuff to my Android at once I create them on my computer. But not tasks. Android does not support that.

As I dont get task, I have been looking for another task thing. Now it is RTM for me. I will continue using RTM, but please PLEASE create this outlook task sync thing. I will go pro if you make it!

Cheers :-)

Posted 14 years ago
barbudo says:
+1. Please, we reaaly need this! I went Pro just to ask for outlook sync ;-)
Posted 14 years ago
draguzet says:
Posted 14 years ago
shutez says:

anyone using david podhola's sync software? thoughts?
Posted 14 years ago
naygoo says:
I wanted to try SprinxCRM Outlook Sync but haven't been able to get it to install properly. I am desperate for a way to sync these since I currently use both Outlook (forced to because of work) and RTM (personal lists). Having 2 places for my "stuff" is driving me crazy and I need to combine them. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to do it all in Outlook but I will be sad to lose the functionality of RTM for Android.
Posted 14 years ago
markus.brack says:
SprinxCRM is not yet perfect.
I'm also using RTM, Googlemail, Outlook, Android and desperate waiting for OutlookSync.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
waiting for outlook sync too!
Posted 14 years ago
spiff1281 says:
here is my vote. RTM + Outlook would be a killer application.
Posted 14 years ago
riley.johnson says:
Another voice for RTM+Outlook. Work makes me use Outlook. RTM is how I choose to personally organize my life. Please help see this into a reality ASAP.
Posted 14 years ago
cacack says:

I'm also an Android/Astrid user and would love to have my work tasks (kept in Exchange/Outlook) on my mobile.
Posted 14 years ago
timgaunt says:
I'll add my vote for RTM + Outlook, has there been any update to this over the past 3 years?
Posted 14 years ago
dronarg says:
Posted 14 years ago
zadax says:

RTM+Outlook+Astrid would be GOLD.
Posted 14 years ago
david.hama says:
Posted 14 years ago
bering says:
Posted 14 years ago
revkev55 says:
Posted 14 years ago
cnespor says:
+1 please support Outlook sync
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
what about a hot mail account?
Posted 14 years ago
glennbba says:
+4 (Myself, my boss, my boss's boss, and our admin assistant)
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
greg.hodgkinson says:
Me too
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
bking39116 says:
+1 for Outlook sync. I receive issues in Outlook and need an easy way to migrate them to RTM
Posted 14 years ago
larsholmberg says:
Some are working on this. Check out:

Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 :-D
Posted 14 years ago
mljacobs says:
SprinxCRM Outlook Sync for Remember the Milk works BUT will slow outlook down to a crawl during sync. Only think I have found that will get the job done!!!
Posted 14 years ago
thernes says:
+1. This is a must have!
Posted 14 years ago
thernes says:
Just tried SprinxCRM Outlook Sync. Installed on Office2010 Business and it works like a charm. No slowdowns for me :)
Posted 14 years ago
raymondhuang says:
+1 for outlook!
Posted 14 years ago
yychm says:
+1 for outlook!

Posted 14 years ago
drewa says:
I'd be a pro member in an instant if there was Outlook support. As it is, I'm just holding on to my RTM account waiting for this to happen. For better or worse, Outlook is what I have to use for work, and so it has become my default task manager. RTM is more or lsee useless to me until this gets fixed.
Posted 14 years ago
simeons says:
Posted 14 years ago
siuheihk says:
+1 vote
Posted 14 years ago
andrewace says:
+1 Outlook Sync please!!!!!!!
Posted 14 years ago
nbrooks says:
Posted 14 years ago
fireman says:
+Russia for Outlook!
Posted 14 years ago
marksavage says:
+1.. Would upgrade to PRO for this. Although I personally am not a fan of MS products, I have to use it at work.
Posted 14 years ago
anthony.heath says:
This seems to work ok:
Posted 14 years ago
davidpodhola says:
Thanks all for trying my Outlook synchronization add-in. Please note that it is becoming a part of larger solution:
SprinxCRM UniversalSync .

And yes, it is still free :-)
Posted 14 years ago
joelburns34 says:
+1 the only reason I'd pay the $25 a year is if i could sync with outlook 2007
Posted 14 years ago
dancamp says:
+1 for Outlook sync.
Posted 14 years ago
m.saviotti says:
Outlook sync, please!!!
Posted 14 years ago
mark.hendy says:
I hate Outlook, but need to use it in my office environment at times so I too need and add my voice to the call for seamless sync between RTM and outluck (sic)
Posted 14 years ago
guillemrossello says:
It's really necessary. Please, start to work in it!!!
Posted 14 years ago
johnredman3 says:
Outlook sync.....PLEASE!!!!
Posted 14 years ago
mjbrockwell says:
+1 vote for outlook sync. thanks!!!
Posted 14 years ago
copperschnack says:
Second/third/fourth/... that: Outlook sync required
Posted 14 years ago
johan.seland says:
Posted 14 years ago
edeadwyler says:
+1 please please please
Posted 14 years ago
amweiss32 says:
Posted 14 years ago
bonikowsky says:
+1 please
Posted 14 years ago
slakhavani says:
+1 please too
Posted 14 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi everyone,

If you:

a) Have a Pro account.
b) Like the words "Outlook" and "sync".
c) Enjoy testing stuff.

Please make sure you're a member of our Pro Tester Program.

Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
thank you thank you thank you :D
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Seriously? Thanks! So excited. Just signed up to be a tester.
Posted 14 years ago
slycooper says:
Add my vote too!
Posted 14 years ago
civilpepls says:
I signed up as a tester for this process. It is critical to be able to sync with Outlook.
Posted 14 years ago
chobbes007 says:
Outlook Sync!
Posted 14 years ago
nicole says:
outlook sync here as well. did apply in the tester programm. ;))

Posted 14 years ago
india.rakesh says:
Posted 14 years ago
tailarson says:
+1... I would pay for Pro if this feature was available.
Posted 14 years ago
waldeis says:
How do i get the test version? I've got a Pro account therefore.
Posted 14 years ago
davidpodhola says:
Another update - SprinxCRM UniversalSync with Remember The Milk Connector was released, please have a look and download at
Posted 14 years ago
alejandro84 says:
+1 for outlook sync!!!
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Outlook + RTM + iPhone = a very happy task mananger. Thanks!
Posted 14 years ago
taseve says:
My pro account is up for renewal in Dec. and I am on the fence...LOVE RTM but not being able to sync my Outlook 07 tasks is becoming a HUGE issue...add me to the list.
PLEASE RTM, 2-way outlook task sync with category support. Thanks!
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Is there a outlook 2007 plugin? HOw to synch? Brgds
Posted 14 years ago
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