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Custom task fields

tcng says:

Every now and then, people would request additional fields that is not available yet in RTM (e.g. task start date, task creation date). I suggest adding several custom/hook fields to solve this kind of requests in a generic way. As long as the custom/hook fields can be used in smart list search criteria, people can decide how they want to use and apply them.

Posted at 9:30pm on November 14, 2006
clifford.morehead says:
I also think this would be a good idea (even cooler if these fields were accessible via the api)
Posted 17 years ago
ascaaear says:
I agree about this. Customized fields would be nice...

Maybe a option to define what the field is... float, integer, text, date etc
Posted 16 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
This would have the dual benefit of helping many people and also eliminating several recurring threads from these discussions.
Posted 16 years ago
hardeepnagi says:
Posted 12 years ago
erny1803 says:
Posted 11 years ago
jensvdf says:
Is this request still alive? +1! Yes please :-)
Posted 8 years ago
angies91 says:
Posted 8 years ago
jensvdf says:

can we have an estimation from the team, if this request ever made it into the development backlog or if it is never going to be implemented?

Thank you :-)
Posted 7 years ago
ohamideh says:
Adding Custom fields will make the awesome RTM awesomer :)

and this is will open huge flexibility to users for more cases and more new customers :)

Here is the suggested approach to implement it

1- Add a new Group for custom fields in the main menu similar to (Contacts, Tags, Locations)

2- Users can create new custom fields (Field types can be TextField and later other types can be added like Date, dropdown, multiselect)

3- After this, on the task creation/edit screen users can add customer fields from the add field from the existing drop down "Add Field", where the list will contain also the custom fields besides the built in fields

Hopefully, this will make it clear on how to implement it.
Posted 7 years ago
shekala says:
Custom fields would be wonderful!!! Please add them.
Posted 7 years ago
ohamideh says:
Do you have any update regarding this feature?
This feature is a big thing for RTM

It will open huge flexibility to users for more cases and more new customers :)

The approach I have suggested for implementation is simple though the outcome and benefits are huge
Posted 7 years ago
dirknl says:
This is the one missing feature. Add this and you have a complete suite. Look at Asana to see how you need to implement this feature, they did it well.
Posted 6 years ago
ohamideh says:
any update on this guys
Posted 6 years ago
remgmilk says:
surprisingly - there is no this feature!
without his it useless for me, unfortunately.
Posted 4 years ago
(closed account) says:
Argl. Almost gone pro till I found out, that there is no way to add at least the list name of a task to a smart list. So sticking to Todoist is the way until this is done.
Posted 2 years ago
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