Display the lists vertically on the left (instead of in tabs)

nick.hoffman says:
I would LOVE to have the option in the web interface of my lists to be alphabetically sorted vertically on the left side of the screen vs. tabbed in the header. This suggestion was also brought up a year ago (www.rememberthemilk.com/forums/ideas/7989/).
I have many lists, that are often changing and group sections alphabetically. It is time consuming for your eyes to scroll left / right and up / down to find the right list in alphabetical order. As soon as I am familiar with its location, a list is removed or renamed and I can't quickly find the lists that I want to access.
I know a vertical list would / could involve scrolling - hence why an option to have both / either setup would be ideal depending on the person. It would make my experience so much better and deepen my already intense love for RTM.
Anyone else think the same or have other ideas on organizing their list view?
I have many lists, that are often changing and group sections alphabetically. It is time consuming for your eyes to scroll left / right and up / down to find the right list in alphabetical order. As soon as I am familiar with its location, a list is removed or renamed and I can't quickly find the lists that I want to access.
I know a vertical list would / could involve scrolling - hence why an option to have both / either setup would be ideal depending on the person. It would make my experience so much better and deepen my already intense love for RTM.
Anyone else think the same or have other ideas on organizing their list view?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
The navigation for lists, Smart Lists, etc is now vertical on the left with the new Remember The Milk. :)
Thanks for everyone's feedback on this!
Thanks for everyone's feedback on this!

pakosj says:
I concur! I have come from Nozbe and the Tabbed look is not easy on the eyes. I also want collapsable lists, so I can have a couple areas of focus(Personal/Work) and simplify the interface.
The greasemonkey userscript is fine when I am using Firefox at home, but at work I use IE 8(ugh), and obviously it is not useful there...
I recommend the developers look to the new Nirvanahq GTD app for some interface ideas...
The greasemonkey userscript is fine when I am using Firefox at home, but at work I use IE 8(ugh), and obviously it is not useful there...
I recommend the developers look to the new Nirvanahq GTD app for some interface ideas...

jsejcksn says:
I agree!

sako73 says:
I also vote that the development team devote time to reworking the Tabs interface. An option to list vertically would be one nice feature. Another idea I would like would be to have some way of grouping tabs so I could collapse the group.

the.jalal says:
And... it would be nice to select a color for the tab (I'm thinking here of saved searches, which I use a lot).

malisabright says:

(closed account) says:
There's a userscript (and chrome extension) called "A Bit Better RTM" that does this, though I'd love to see them officially adopt that interface...

kmninbox says:
please yes
i also would like to have the lists listed on the side
custom color tabs would be great
perhaps default lists, then nonsmart lists, then smart lists
also NEED to have option or ability to quickly add/edit/delete any list smartlists included, directly from the task page...to go back and forth to the settings page is horribly inconvenient!
i am soo wanting rtm to be the last thing, the one and only task manager i'll ever have to use again but imo rtm is really almost the best but needs some interface changes quick
please yes
i also would like to have the lists listed on the side
custom color tabs would be great
perhaps default lists, then nonsmart lists, then smart lists
also NEED to have option or ability to quickly add/edit/delete any list smartlists included, directly from the task page...to go back and forth to the settings page is horribly inconvenient!
i am soo wanting rtm to be the last thing, the one and only task manager i'll ever have to use again but imo rtm is really almost the best but needs some interface changes quick

(closed account) says:

tomrenfrodbg says:
I'm voting in support of this, although listing the tabs on the left can be very problematic in terms of page layout, especially if you like long list names (I do). An alternative which would work just as well for me is a list chooser (drop down box) in place of the tab block since only one list can be shown at a time, and I don't need to see all of the lists at once all the time. Combining this with the list ordering request, it could also be the top 3 or 4 tabs by user-determined sort order, then a chooser for the rest of the lists.

Moving the list of lists to the left edge of the display page would make RTM look rather like one of those tabbed notebooks (physical) that can be purchased from any stationery store. Apart from having to remember to make each list have a unique set of the first 5 or 6 characters or so (which should not be too difficult), I think this is a good idea (and could be made to look rather cute - especially with coloured tabs for each different list).

(closed account) says:
All lists to the left, hide empty lists.
Once you start really using RTM, you will get a few lists to stay on top and ahead. The tabs on top are not a very user friendly solution (unless you have a mere 2-3 lists).
Once you start really using RTM, you will get a few lists to stay on top and ahead. The tabs on top are not a very user friendly solution (unless you have a mere 2-3 lists).

(closed account) says:
As thomas.serio said, don't forget to use "A Bit Better RTM" extension (for Chrome and Firefox). It modifies RTM website in a very friendly manner, with lists on the left instead of above.

andcam says:
Another user of "A Bit Better RTM". The list layout is much neater than the tabbed interface when you have a fairly large number of lists. As soon as you have more than 1 row of tabs in the native RTM interface it becomes ugly and unintuitive to me.

The "A Bit Better RTM" script is perfect where it works, but the person maintaing it does not have the hardware (i.e., a Mac) to write a version that works with webkit-based browsers. (The Chrome version works because Chrome implemented Greasemonkey compatibility.)
It would be nice to see lists move to the left as on option, if not the new default.
It would be nice to see lists move to the left as on option, if not the new default.

jeremy.richardson says:
Showing tabs/folders on the left would take more advantage of modern wide-screen monitors.
The iPad app is a wonderful example of using the horizontal real-estate on the screen to present dense, but visually navigable information. On a 1920x1200 Monitor, the RTM web app is much more difficult to navigate than my iPad. I think the iPad shows more information and is quicker to navigate.
I'd like to see more information on the right of the task list as well.
The iPad app is a wonderful example of using the horizontal real-estate on the screen to present dense, but visually navigable information. On a 1920x1200 Monitor, the RTM web app is much more difficult to navigate than my iPad. I think the iPad shows more information and is quicker to navigate.
I'd like to see more information on the right of the task list as well.

jstrauss says:
List on the left would be great!
Auto-hide empty lists is a great idea too.
Drag and drop reordering, nesting and hiding would be a nice touch and eliminate the need to do everything on the settings page.
All of these things would make me use MORE smart-lists (the tabs are too hard to use with 10+ lists) and if I used more smart-lists (projects for example) it would help ease the pain of RTM's lack of subtasks... a little.
Auto-hide empty lists is a great idea too.
Drag and drop reordering, nesting and hiding would be a nice touch and eliminate the need to do everything on the settings page.
All of these things would make me use MORE smart-lists (the tabs are too hard to use with 10+ lists) and if I used more smart-lists (projects for example) it would help ease the pain of RTM's lack of subtasks... a little.

klagreca says:
column list, plus color coding, would be helpful in organization.

lukas.plewniak says:
I am with you all on this. Most web apps I found on the internet have organiced the lists vertically either on the left or on the right. I have currently over 20 lists (GTD: one list for everything that takes more than 2 steps) and its very difficult to oversee them all as tabs.

jdtax says:

akochnev says:
I always have to use the "A bit better RTM" extension on Firefox and Chrome to make this happen. The basic "tabs at the top" approach breaks down very quickly after I have more than a dozen lists.

ornthalas says:
Displaying the list on the left would be good.
Displaying it as a tree would be better!
Take the firefos plugin "Tree Style Tabs" as an example.
I would use for example 4 lists:
- Todo (with everything inside)
-Todo today
-Todo tomorrow
-Todo this week
The tree styling makes it more readable.
Displaying it as a tree would be better!
Take the firefos plugin "Tree Style Tabs" as an example.
I would use for example 4 lists:
- Todo (with everything inside)
-Todo today
-Todo tomorrow
-Todo this week
The tree styling makes it more readable.

ornthalas says:
(well, the website removes the blanks on the beginning of lines, the 3 last items were meant to be tabbed ;) )

stefanocayre says:
+1 on this!

(closed account) says:
New to RTM, but already love the functionality. The UI needs some serious work though, +1 for this. Vertical nav bars just "make sense".

curtlytle says:
Also, customize the colors of the tabs would be nice!

harussell says:
+1 !

hansekaiser says:
This would be greate! It works on the iPad and should work on the web as well.

(closed account) says:
I also vote for left hand organization AND / OR customized colors!

ronal.guerrero says:

slagod says:
Web app is so outdated comparing to iPad/iPhone.
Web app is so outdated comparing to iPad/iPhone.

mgercke says:
I'm using "A Bit Better RTM", but of course it would be great if it was integrated.

pquadrat says:
@mgercke: Thank you for the hint. Solves it!

apalomar says:
also making list a simpler tasks is needed. Sucks to go to settings to make a list

sion.lanini says:
left hand lists please - put it into a separate frame to avoid lots of scrolling if you have lots of lists

(closed account) says:
I'm using A bit better RTM extension in Chrome browser. It will move the tabs to a separate box and turn them into a neat list. Well worth checking it out.

seanutria says:
I would like to have a consistent appearance across both FireFox and IE. The single most frustrating inconsistency is the cluttered list tabs across the top. Why can't this be the standard UI, or at least an option? It seems like a lot of people use extensions to create this view. Does anyone prefer the tabs across the top?

relevart says:
Maybe something like the Android Tablet app would be nice on the web too. Just optimized for mouse and keyboard and not touch :)

vladikin.m says:

(closed account) says:
+2. Definitely. I have about 30 projects each with their own list. Having them on the left would 'open up the screen' to the actual tasks underlying the list.

jon.r.rose says:

(closed account) says:

aster69 says:
I totally agree!

derin.korman says:
You can use a bit better RTM extension to move the tabs to the side, I also made a userstyle to revamp the whole thing here:

admirau says:
+1 Another user of "A Bit Better RTM".

john.farrell says:
I would love a native option for this, because I've been getting script timeouts with the A Bit Better RTM userscript for several months on Firefox for Mac. I now keep a Chrome window open to view my lists in the left-side layout.

vamshikk says:
'a bit better rtm' plugin for Chrome and Firefox adds this functionality and much more.
I would still like this to be part of the standard interface though.
I would still like this to be part of the standard interface though.