Statistics on completed tasks
ernfors says:
A page to view completed tasks graphically, very similar to the existing tag cloud.
Would enable the user to see where he or she puts in most of the effort. It should be possible to define how far back the statistics should report and possible which tags to include. Default should be all tags and all completed tasks.
Result could be reported in circle diagrams, tables etc.
Would enable the user to see where he or she puts in most of the effort. It should be possible to define how far back the statistics should report and possible which tags to include. Default should be all tags and all completed tasks.
Result could be reported in circle diagrams, tables etc.
loogaroo says:
akkistar says:
spectraz says:
This possible feature would definitely enhance the RTM experience as it would give one immediate data feedback of one's actual progress for a defined period of time as well as category in the cloud.
Moreover, the feature would probably give one greater productivity awareness and strengthen one's conscious decision making.
Moreover, the feature would probably give one greater productivity awareness and strengthen one's conscious decision making.
iabenedito says:
arielle.bailey says:
I like it=)
juliaflint says:
edude says:
philarn says:
+1 great idea definitely
scottmail says:
wiehrdt says:
dbrown says:
Just being able to sort them would be a step forward.
matteocassese says:
Nice stats would drive usage, be a nice feature to show off and an infographics generator could be bonus for pro members. ++++1
matteocassese says:
Nice stats would drive usage, be a nice feature to show off and an infographics generator could be bonus for pro members. ++++1
mfandrade says:
ernfors, this is an excellent idea! I was thinking exactly about it few days ago.
Seeing the amount of tasks completed, added and remaining in a (kind a burn-down) chart.
This example is close to what I'm trying to say.
I hope this suggestion could be approved!
ernfors, this is an excellent idea! I was thinking exactly about it few days ago.
Seeing the amount of tasks completed, added and remaining in a (kind a burn-down) chart.
This example is close to what I'm trying to say.
I hope this suggestion could be approved!
pegibson says:
I've been using a motivational site "Joes Goals" for tracking some recurring personal goals. It's extremely simple, but I think it would be great if I could just create those tasks in RTM. But the killer component of JG is that it tracks your current string of consecutive days that you have completed a given task (workout, yoga, whatever) and your overall longest such string. It also tracks negative "achievements" like "bought lunch" rather than brought lunch, etc.
For RTM to be able to do this, it would need to have a customizeable stats screen and you could assign values (+/-) for recurring tasks. RTM would seem to be a great tool for this sort of thing.
For RTM to be able to do this, it would need to have a customizeable stats screen and you could assign values (+/-) for recurring tasks. RTM would seem to be a great tool for this sort of thing.
(closed account) says:
+1 Love stats / meta-data.
Check out Google reader's statistics feature. It would be neat to see what days of the week tasks are being completed. Or what time of the day.
My time of day results would be skewed to the end of the day - when I am going over my tasks and outlining the next days work, but I wouldn't discount the usefulness of time of day statistics.
And while youre in there, don't forget about postponements. :-)
My time of day results would be skewed to the end of the day - when I am going over my tasks and outlining the next days work, but I wouldn't discount the usefulness of time of day statistics.
And while youre in there, don't forget about postponements. :-)
tony.grout says:
Would be great to have the ability to have some statistical analysis - tables and graphs please.
(closed account) says:
justice.pilgrim says:
Tracking goals is important. I try to use RTM to do this but don't get any real feed back as to how I'm doing. I have a "goals" list that I have divided via tags into "daily" and "weekly" and have them on a repeating schedule. One problem I run into is that if I didn't achieve a goal on a given day, there is no way to get rid of it except to delete it or to "complete" the task which I feel is a false reward almost. It would be nice if repeating tasks could disappear after their due date and then some kind of statistic to tell me how many tasks I completed before the due date and how many I missed. Also a stat telling me how many consecutive tasks I have accomplished in a role would be nice.
chante77 says:
Yes!! I'd love to see a graph of number of tasks completed per month, with options to compare tasks from different lists/tags!
pukao says:
harshgupta says:
shrikrish says:
+1 million!
shrikrish says:
Any comments from the dev's about this?
spudnik8 says:
+1 million too!
amirmasoudabdol says:
Check this out:
acaffey says:
acaffey says:
dan.collins says:
Would really love some stats rtm folks.
Would really love some stats rtm folks.
amirmasoudabdol says:
Check this out guys:
It provide some great statistics from your RememberTheMilk tasks :)
It provide some great statistics from your RememberTheMilk tasks :)
afmaury says:
@amirmasoudabdol - I just tried, but got an internal service error when i tried to authorize API access. Is it working for you?
amirmasoudabdol says:
@afmaury Yeah, I checked it again, there is not problem. You have to just wait for a sec to generate your reports. Good luck.
adam.wilkinson says:
I would definitely like to be able to see completed task stats. Even if it's as simple as this week's completed tasks in a list.
jdhigh says:
Great idea!
(closed account) says:
+1 !
dan.collins says:
I keep going back to task stats and getting the internal server error...its never worked for me.
So I definitely +1 any plan to provide reporting of this kind.
Actually, I think this is well overdue and RTM needs to innovate a bit more.
So I definitely +1 any plan to provide reporting of this kind.
Actually, I think this is well overdue and RTM needs to innovate a bit more.
rubyji says:
I would rather just see this implemented as an exportable data file, then you can import it to ManyEyes or something like that. It's too far afield from what RTM does best, and I would rather see them keep it simple.
german.acosta says:
eriec.42 says:
+1 It's a great idea.
(closed account) says:
Check out Google analytics use/partner with Google Chart Tools to provide easy but powerful charts.
Useful statistics:
- avg. day open
- avg. time spend
- #completed
- #postponed
Filter and group by month/list/location/period (year/month/week)
Export/download with selectable timeframe
Useful statistics:
- avg. day open
- avg. time spend
- #completed
- #postponed
Filter and group by month/list/location/period (year/month/week)
Export/download with selectable timeframe
georgedolbier says:
This would be a great Pro Feature...
luc0zade says:
shanigentry says:
gingrasnic says:
I would definitely like to have some stats, in the form of a yearly or monthly calendar maybe, specialy for the daily tasks or daily habits I want to develop. Maybe some export of all the dates I did something. Idealy with a way to target specifics tasks.
Thank you for your great work.
Thank you for your great work.
robert.rosolek says:
robert.rosolek says:
robert.rosolek says:
oh, I forgot I already gave +1 to this, sorry
florian.gaier says:
belcanto1 says:
I call my completed tasks list : my succes list. This list is motivate me more than a list of thing to do. Because I'm focus to what I'd doing, Often I think I didn't do enough, but with my succes list, I see how much I've doing on all my projects, So it's very motivate for me.
I explain this because I want a list of completed task with statstics if possible.
Thank you. I love this app. !!
Belcanto Montréal
+1 ;-))
I explain this because I want a list of completed task with statstics if possible.
Thank you. I love this app. !!
Belcanto Montréal
+1 ;-))
We very much want to view completed events which for us are appointments. Viewing an calendar showing completed appointments is very important to us in planning for next year, helping to assess financial performance.
I'd like to see this in Thunderbird/Lighting/StormCows. RTM seems to allow view a list of completed tasks but doesn't permit sending them into even 30boxes.
A deficiency.
I'd like to see this in Thunderbird/Lighting/StormCows. RTM seems to allow view a list of completed tasks but doesn't permit sending them into even 30boxes.
A deficiency.
jlodahl says:
Keep it simple though.
I would like to
- get a count of number of tasks completed last 7 days
- get number of tasks planned for coming 7 days
I used this for my weekly review to consider replanning.
Keep it simple though.
I would like to
- get a count of number of tasks completed last 7 days
- get number of tasks planned for coming 7 days
I used this for my weekly review to consider replanning.
cfklein says:
This may be sacrilege, but I have been toying with using ToDoist because of some recent reviews (PCMag). For the most part, the latest version of RTM has caught up with TD and other functions remain more powerful. l think the reviewer missed the upgrade. But the one area that RTM really lags is in Status reporting and graphic results. This is the only thing that makes TD even attempting (the Karma section). This is over a week of side by side working comparison. This item has been on this list for a long time and it would help me to know what are the Cow's thoughts and plans on this. Even if you could point us to a third party app, it would help.
erin_milk says:
+1when will this features come ?
danceban says:
Really waiting for a diagram like review of the completion in progress tasks! Please make it happen, it would greatly improve the overall functionality of the RTM!
volkergrimm says:
+1, still not available. Once my pro subscription will run out (soon), this will be the one reason for me to move to Todoist. Pity, really like RtM.
odhinn0 says:
Stats and a histogram of tasks would be cool
ddonetskov says:
If you please add the feature to the product to put it back on par with Todoist.
pfaco says:
tomavatars says:
+1 Coming from Todoist, I definitely need this. Goals, Stats on my days and weeks and daily completed reports.
ruudke52 says:
This might be the only drawback to Remember the Milk for me, and it keeps me splitting my regular tasks and "goal" tasks between 2 different productivity apps which is an annoyance. This feature is present in so many other productivity apps I can't believe RtM hasn't added it yet.
onlinemailnet13 says:
+1 +1 +1 +1
martini1988 says:
crystallyn14 says:
This is one of the big downfalls of RTM for me...not being able to report on tasks. I want to use RTM to track habits and being able to see streaks would be super motivational and helpful.
anne.dougherty says:
Being able to see stats such as streaks, percentage by week, month, and quarter, on completed, recurring tasks is the thing that would get me to go pro on RTM
floweringtree says:
Oh goodness, I so wish they would do this: it is so frustrating not being able to see how much I have got done or of what type, from the crossed out list of completed tasks. The lack of evaluation functionality on RTM is one of its worst faults as a time management tool.
I use RTM to manage a schedule which consists mostly of to-dos with quite a few interuptions and a small number of appointments, and not being able to look at how much of my "to-do" work I have actually got done makes it very difficult to estimate how much I should plan to do.
I use RTM to manage a schedule which consists mostly of to-dos with quite a few interuptions and a small number of appointments, and not being able to look at how much of my "to-do" work I have actually got done makes it very difficult to estimate how much I should plan to do.
wozmage says:
+1, please do this!
floweringtree says:
Definitely agree with agnescb regarding seeing the estimate aggregate time on the completed list: the computer machinery must already be there to do it.
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