Difference in Web and iOS app?

swa says:
My inbox on the iPad shows 18 open tasks, the web shows +3000 open tasks (some of them are yeeaaaars old). And yes, I've synced multipe times, reloaded browser to no avail. Any idea?

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi swa,
It sounds like the iPad app may not be fully syncing and/or something may be stuck in the web app to not show the current tasks.
Either way, can you contact us so we can get some more specifics and help you find a specific solution? Thanks!
It sounds like the iPad app may not be fully syncing and/or something may be stuck in the web app to not show the current tasks.
Either way, can you contact us so we can get some more specifics and help you find a specific solution? Thanks!

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
In this case, removing the iPad app could remove all the tasks/changes that swa wants to keep, if the web app is out of date.
So the solution can vary but it may not be as straightforward as reinstalling the app, depending on where each app stands. Keep me posted on what you find, swa!
So the solution can vary but it may not be as straightforward as reinstalling the app, depending on where each app stands. Keep me posted on what you find, swa!