Adding notes or reminders via Smart Add?

Does anyone know how to add notes or reminders via Smart Add? It doesn't seem to be on the Smart Add page and I didn't get any results when I searched Help and the forums for "Smart Add" and "Reminders" or "Notes", respectively. Just to clarify: I know that I can set priority by preceding the desired priority level by "!" on the Add Task line in the RTM for Gmail app. Is there an equivalent for reminders and notes? TIA.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
It's not possible to add notes via Smart Add; sorry for the inconvenience.
It's also not possible to set reminders per task (thus not possible via Smart Add); tasks are configured in your Reminders Settings. The closest thing would be to set the due date via Smart Add and have reminders based on the due date.
Hope this helps!
It's not possible to add notes via Smart Add; sorry for the inconvenience.
It's also not possible to set reminders per task (thus not possible via Smart Add); tasks are configured in your Reminders Settings. The closest thing would be to set the due date via Smart Add and have reminders based on the due date.
Hope this helps!

aloshka says:
Another thing, when I'm at a client site, I generally add tasks to an email (a lot easier than doing them manually). Wish there was an easy way to enter notes into the email as well (I want the import, not one task per email).

luke.mccarthy says:
Will Smart Add support adding notes in the future? I would find this feature really useful. I almost always add notes and clicking around on the screen slows me down a bit.

@aloshka - you can add notes in email, provided you format them correctly. See below:
Subject: Weekly work meeting
To: [Your Remember The Milk email address]
Priority: 1
Due: Monday at 9am
Repeat: Every Week
Estimate: 2 hours
Tags: report coffee
This is a heading for the first note.
This is the first note's content.
This is a heading for the second note.
This is the second note's content.
Subject: Weekly work meeting
To: [Your Remember The Milk email address]
Priority: 1
Due: Monday at 9am
Repeat: Every Week
Estimate: 2 hours
Tags: report coffee
This is a heading for the first note.
This is the first note's content.
This is a heading for the second note.
This is the second note's content.