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Lists hierarchy

atreesun says:
Hi everybody,

I have been using RTM for a quite long time, and the only thing I wanted to add were hierarchy of lists. Some similar things now can be done using subtasks in new app, but it's not what I wanted, I wanted some king of projects stucture. One project = one list, some projects make a group, etc.

As I'm a web developer, I add a task for myself - to add my own js-code performing this functionality over native RTM app directly in a browser. But suddenly I realized that all I want is just indents of some lists.

Googling gave me an extension named "Stylish" for my favourite Firefox. There you can attach any additional css-file to any website.

I made the following agreement with myself about the lists naming, just to be able to use CSS selectors with any list level (1,2,3):
1. First-level list must start with a "@";
2. Second-level list must contain "-" ;
3. Third-level list must end with "+".

And according with this agreement I wrote following css:
@-moz-document domain("") {
text-overflow:inherit; /* just to prevent "..." at the end of long lists, I don't like it */
div.zl-Uk-Tl[title*="-"][title^="@"]:before {
float: left;
width: 16px;
white-space: nowrap;
content: ". . ";
div.zl-Uk-Tl[title$="+"][title^="@"]:before {
float: left;
width: 32px;
white-space: nowrap;
content: ". . . . ";
div.zl-Lj-rl[aria-label="Lists"] div.zl-Uk-Co{
display:none; /* just to hide the number of tasks in each list, also don't like it */

Here is how my "Lists" block look like now:

Hope this hack will be useful for others also.

Best wishes,

Posted at 10:13pm on April 19, 2016
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
Clever method, making a hierachy without adding subtasks!
Can you get this to work on smart lists or tags too?
Posted 8 years ago
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
I could have answered this myself, it works for smart lists and tags too!
I also googled and found Stylish for Chrome, installed and copied your script.
After deleting the first and last row it works great!

Now I have to think of how my smart lists and tags could be renamed to use this really great system. Thanks for posting!
Posted 8 years ago
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
A question: Can you hide a list/tag using this method?
If so, could you please show what code is needed.
Posted 8 years ago
rdurdyyew says:
i mostly abbreviate things and use addressing system like in:
Posted 8 years ago
atreesun says:
Raymond, unfortunately, it's impossible to hide a list block throught CSS (with a Stylish), because there are no "parent" CSS-selectors nowadays. You can just hide a list name, but empty space still remains (see
div.zl-Uk-Tl[title="LISTNAME"] {

There is a way to hide a list (list block) through JavaScript. There are extensions for browsers, e.g. Greasemonkey (for Firefox) and Tampermonkey (for Chrome) which allow to attach local js-code for any website.

If you really need this, I can check which js-code should be written for hiding a list in RTM.
Posted 8 years ago
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
Atreesun, thanks for the explanation, I sort of suspected that it was possible to modify but harder to hide text.

No need to solve this for me. I might look into it but have done without it for years so it's not a big thing.
Posted 8 years ago
rthomas6 says:
I use spaces. Not ideal but it works ok.
Posted 6 years ago
robfreundlich says:
I tried using Stylish to change the colors used to show priorities, but I found that the class names change whenever RTM releases an update, breaking my hack. Are you not running into the same problem with your use of classes such as .zl-Uk-Tl ?
Posted 6 years ago
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