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Searching for duration-specific tasks to make use of free time during the day

hwebbjr says:
As the day progresses, meetings get cancelled, phone calls take more or less time than projected, people are late to meetings, etc., resulting in unforeseen discretionary time of various durations.

Since I enter a time estimate for each and every task that I enter into RTM, I use this quick search to generate a list of tasks that will fit into the newly discovered available time:

location:work AND timeEstimate:"15 min"
This gives me all work-related tasks that will fit exactly into 15 minutes. Change the available time in the search string to generate tasks of different durations.

location:work AND timeEstimate:"<31 min"
This results in all work-related tasks of durations between 1 minute to 30 min. This gives me more options: 1 task of 30 minutes, two 15-minute tasks, three 10-minute tasks, etc.

The major benefit is that I don't lose time THINKING about the tasks because RTM does that for me, leaving me with more time to DO the tasks.
Posted at 5:57pm on August 7, 2013
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi hwebbjr,

Great tip! You're this week's Tips & Tricks Tuesday winner, and we've added a free year of Pro to your account. :)
Posted 9 years ago
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